The Ordinary Jesus Brigade

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  • #864928

    Proclaimer…….if you hear his voice then why not believe what he says?  You and others deny his words over and over here, by what you say.  You people work tirelessly to try to seperate Jesus from his brothers and sisters, you preach a false “Doctrine of Seperation” , Making out that Jesus “really” is not a “true”  human being,   like the rest of us, you work “tirelessely”  moving the “image” of him from identifying with the sheep of his pasture.  Making him  different then us is,  Exactly what Satan wants you to do. 

    That’s the Jesus you preach, but that is not the Jesus of the Bible.  To say Jesus was from above simply means that he was the “prophesied” “human”  being that was to come from the roots and offspring of King David.  Just as MOSES AND OTHER PROPHETS SAID,  You or no one else has ever shown any activity of Jesus before his birth on this earth, not so much as one time.

    All true prophesy is from above, and comes from God , using the statement “from above” to mean a prexistent being “morphed into a human body ”  is a streach  at best.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …………gene


    Proclaimer…..I am glad you reconize Jesus is not our God, that’s good, so do I and Jodi,  but you still move him away from his human roots and origins.  Now you say you do worship Jesus,  but not as a God, good,  then what do you worship him as? , would be the question right?

    Why not make a list and tell us?  I bow my knee to Jesus “to the “Glory of”,  God the Father” , I see him as our, elder human  Brother who redeemed us from our sins,  in the human house hold of God the Father.  I see him as our soon comming human  King  who came through the human DNA, of King David, who was the  King of Isreal, I see him as our comming  king of all the earth VERY HIGHLY EXHULTED, under the authority of his God and our God, his Father and our Father,  I “HONOR” HIM BECAUSE,  HE UPHOLDS THE WAY OF OUR “ONLY” TRUE GOD. 

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………..gene



    Proclaimer…..I am glad you reconize Jesus is not our God, that’s good, so do I and Jodi,  but you still move him away from his human roots and origins.

    What an absolute load of ruibbish.

    I teach that he emptied himself and came in the flesh. So he came as a man and died as a man. Now he is in the glory he had with the Father before the cosmos and the body that he has now, we can have too. This is what I teach and it is written and attacking that is attacking God who inspired scripture. When you say I move him away from his human roots you are always wrong.

    So again. Of course he has human roots because he came in the flesh and so he began to be human and was born and was a baby and a boy, then a man. What I am saying is not that he wasn’t a man, but that he had glory with the Father before the cosmos.

    If that is the legacy you want to leave  when you depart this world, then you are free to do so. You freely choose to be irrelevant or not. Can’t blame anyone for that. It will be your doing. And arguing against God saying you had no choice will not wash. Read scripture if you don’t believe me. He holds us accountable for our words and teaching. He even judges teachers more severely.

    If you aim arrows at me and keep missing, then that just shows what a lousy shot you are. I don’t ever remember you teaching something that I found agreed with scripture. You seem to have this opposing spirit to what is written. I don’t take you seriously and your teaching I rarely look at.

    Ed J

    Edj……(1)we believe what Jesus himself said, it was him who said he was the root and “offspring ” of King David. Many others in scriptures called him the “son” of David,
    (2)me or Jodi are not saying he was not also son of God, all those given the Spirit of God as an anointing Spirit from God as Jesus was are also Sons of God, exactly as he is.

    Hi Gene,

    1) Jesus was the son of David through Mary: everyone knows that, but maybe not you.
    (maybe that is because you don’t have a “FreeWill”?)

    2) That’s the part you clearly get WRONG: because you believe Joseph was Jesus’ father.
    (when the bible clearly says God was Jesus’ Father)

    3) Jesus was the only-begotten son of God, meaning God was his father, not Joseph.
    (Jesus was a natural born Son of God, we are adopted sons)

    Ed J

    There are other Jesus’s. They are of this world, but only one is from Heaven.

    The children of God listen to the one from Heaven.

    If you do not believe Jesus is of Heaven, then obviously you are listening to one of the worldly ones.

    “My sheep hear my voice”.


    Hi T8, you are right! We will not hear the voice of strangers.

    “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold,
    but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
    2 But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
    3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice:
    and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
    4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
    5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.” (John 10:1-5)

    God bless
    Ed J


    Proclaimer……So why not answer my question as how do you worship Jesus?,  is he a deity to you, or a human being? Who God sent out into the world to preach the kingdom of God. Is he as he said the “root and offspring of King  David”  or was your Jesus lying to us about his origins. Why do you deny his own words, not to mention the word of the Apostle Paul who said this, speaking of King David.

    Acts 2:30…..“therefore being a Prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath  to him,   (king David) , that of (from) the fruit of his (king David) loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne.” 

    John even said Jesus  came “IN THE FLESH”.   But you say he was “morphed” from another existence into a flesh man,  where does king David fit into that rendition of yours?  You may act like you don’t preach a “doctrine of Seperation” ,  Making Jesus “different then we are, but that is not true,  the Jesus you preach is “completely” different, then the rest of his human brothers and sisters, by the very fact you preach him as a “preexisting being”  of Somekind,  never heard you ever explain what kind of being he was though.  But none the less your Jesus is indeed different then the Jesus we preach, which is the Jesus of the bible.  The Jesus that came into his “only” existence “ever” was a human being and still is a human being, and will soon return and rule this earth as a human being along  with the  “true” Saint’s of God . 

    Proclaimer, no the Jesus,  that Jesus and scripture teach is not the Jesus you and others here are preaching.  You try to play both sides , neither hot nor cold, Jesus can not be a man, and A God, or a man and  any other preexisting being of anykind and still be the Jesus of scriptures.

    All who do not see Jesus as a 100% true human being “exactly as we are”  without any preexisting knowledge of any kind, a real born human being  and begotten human being of God, simply do not see the real Jesus.  

    When you preach Jesus as different then the rest of humanity , by saying he preexisted as a centinel being of somekind, you are preaching a “doctrine of Seperation”  rather you understand it or not.  It is exactly what Satan want people to do. He wants us all to believe Jesus was and is different then we are, so people will lose hope and think they cannot come to this. 

    Eph 4:13…. “Till we “all” come in the unity of the faith,  and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a “perfect” man, unto the measure of the stature of the “fullness” of Christ or (the anointed) .

    Jesus was certainly a second “Adam” or man, created by God through the loins of King David, but not from a “preexisting” past of somekind, as a God “morphed” deity into a human flesh being.  

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………..gene


    Edj……Got news for you , what makes you think you are even hearing the voice of the true Sheppard,  when you don’t agree with his words, nor the words of the prophets, nor the apostles?  But you do agree with what Satan wants you to believe , that Jesus is a God human being, and therefore is not “truly” a rwal human “exactly” as we are.  You preach a “doctrine od Seperation” as all false christanity does also.

    The thing about a decieved person is they truly do not believe they are decieved, but it becomes obvious when they say thing but not scriptures to support it is posted. Then it’s all speculation and that is what the blind leading the blind do over and over again, think they have the truth but never actually comming to it.  SAD.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene

    Ed J

    The thing about a decieved person is they truly do not believe they are decieved,
    but it becomes obvious when they say thing but not scriptures to support it is posted.

    Hi Gene,

    You mean like you saying there is no “FreeWill” –
    when the word freewill is used 17 times in the bible?


    Edj…..please produce one post where I ever said I believe Joseph was  the one who “fathered” Jesus, would like to see that.

    It was God the Father who Fathered Jesus, by taking the DNA of who he wanted Jesus to be and implanting it in His mother Mary.  Jesus in this way was the “second” Adam,  the second “God formed” human man . But none of that meant he was a preexisting being of Some kind, “morphed” into a human body  nor even sujests it.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene


    Edj…..the word translated “freewill” there is only meaning the person “volintered” to do something,  it is not speaking of what drove him to do it, it is not speaking of what was driving the  Will  itself”  it dosen’t take a genius to understand that, why not go back and watch the video you posted again,  maybe that will help you out .  You remind me of what Jesus said, “if that light in you be darkness, how great is that darkness?  You seem to only perceive things on a carnel level , unable to see beyond.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene



    Ed J

    2) That’s the part you clearly get WRONG: because you believe Joseph was Jesus’ father.
    (when the bible clearly says God was Jesus’ Father)

    Edj…..please produce one post where I ever said I believe Joseph was the one who “fathered” Jesus, would like to see that.

    Hi Gene,

    That’s what Jodi says, and you always say Jodi is right.

    Are you now claiming Jodi is wrong?   “Yes” or “No”?    (<– please don’t dodge this question)


    Edj…..produce where I or Jodi ever said jophes Fathered Jesus,  again you show us how little attention span you have.

    No,  I am not claiming Jodi’s wrong,  I am claiming you are wrong, got it?  Trying to drive between her understanding and mine is futial at best ,we are guided by the Spirit of truth, and both reconize the truth when we hear it. You are not of the truth or you could easely understand exactly what we are quoting and saying , because the scriptures we have posted over and over prove it.

    Edj… finally came to understand that the word “itself” was not Jesus,  that was a step in the right direction, so why go sideways in the wrong direction  with Proclaimer NOW?

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene

    Ed J

    Hi Gene,

    That’s what Jodi says, and you always say Jodi is right.

    Are you now claiming Jodi is wrong? “Yes” or “No”? (<– please don’t dodge this question)

    Edj…..produce where I or Jodi ever said jophes Fathered Jesus

    Ed J, you continue still to disregard all together that Matthew is giving us the genetic lineage of Jesus to David and Abraham through Joseph.

    The text does not equate to an adoption.

    This is the lineage of Joseph, to which it is directly connecting Jesus to David and Abraham as a genetic descendant through him.

    Hi Gene,

    Are you now willing to admit that Jodi is wrong? “Yes” or “No”?


    Hi Gene and Ed J,

    We have the same discussion going on now on 2 threads, it’s getting confusing.

    I just posted the below on the other thread,

    Hi Ed J,

    Gene said: If God took the DNA from JOSEPH and enplanted it in Mary’s womb , or just made up the DNA from the linage of King DAVID, it makes no difference, “all thing”, are possible with God, but it still does not change what I quoted, from scriptures. Jesus still was from the Lion’s or lineage of King David even if God caused it to happen . THAT’S THE POINT here.

    Gene said: Edj… missed what Jodi said, she said “there was no God impregnation David’s vergin daughter Mary with an, “already existing” son of God, combining that son with Mary’s genes to make a son of David.”
    Her point was about a “preexisting” being being impregnated into the womb of Mary. She was not saying God did not “impregnate” Mary, her whole point was about a impregnation with a “preexisting” being.


    The discussion is about what did God impregnate Mary WITH?

    Gene and I both say Mary received human DNA/needed chromosomes of David, so that Mary would be found pregnant with a HUMAN child of the offspring of David.

    As to what you believe exactly Mary was impregnated with I have no idea Ed J. 

    According to Matthew 1 I believe that God’s Holy Spirit impregnated Mary with the DNA of Joseph, giving her his chromosomes that were needed to fertilize her egg. 


    Not ordinary

    Have this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness.…

    Game over Gene and Jodi.

    The Ordinary Jesus Brigade is sunk.


    As to what you believe exactly Mary was impregnated with I have no idea Ed J.

    You assume too much.

    Who did God impregnate to create Adam? Obviously God did something different. So why underestimate that God did something different with the second or final Adam?

    We believe what is written regarding God, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. We are not asked to believe further than what is revealed. We don’t believe yours or another’s speculations because that would be putting our trust in man.

    Scripture is the authority and I’m not willing to deviate from it by trusting in a theory that came from the spirit of a human.


    Hi Proclaimer,

    I am not assuming anything. 

    We are given prophecy that first there would be a son of David and then God promised He would be a Father unto him, where God WOULD settle him into His house, never taking away His mercy from him and giving him an eternal throne.

    We are given prophecy that first we would have a son of Jesse and then God would anoint him with His Spirit and send him out into the world to do God’s work, which included preaching God’s word, having him die so to set us at liberty from the penalty of our sins, be the Son of Man to sit at God’s right hand, be an ordained man to return to judge the world, putting all enemies under his feet, as he rules upon his father David’s throne according to the flesh.

    We are given prophecy that God would raise up a prophet from among brethren like He did with Moses, who God would give His word to and those who would listen would see life.

    We are given prophecy God would make the son of David into His firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. 

    We are given prophecy that God would be mindful of a man, visit this man, make this man lower than the angels, crown this man with glory and honor and give him dominion over the works of God’s hands.

    We are given prophecy that God would give the house of David a sign as to identify their future king. 

    Proclaimer, yes God did most certain do something different, He brought forth the prophesied seed of David who would be a savior unto Israel and also a light unto the Gentiles by a sign of a virgin birth, and then later God gave His glory to him that He had promised to give no other, He called him to righteousness directing all his ways, giving only this mortal man His Spirit without measure. 

    There is NO speculation in Matthew’s words where he says that he is giving us the genetic lineage of Jesus.  God’s given word goes on to give us Jesus’s genetic lineage by going from Abraham to Joseph. 

    We read prophecy given to David confirmed again by Luke giving the prophecy concerning David’s son,

    Luke 1:31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: 33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. 34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

    When did the people behold the glory of Jesus and see that he had been filled with grace and truth observing him doing great deeds and speaking God’s word with great authority? 

    When he was begotten by the Spirit of God that is WHEN, the only mortal man receiving it without measure, the Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Council and Might, Fear and Knowledge of the LORD upon him where he is THEN SENT out into the world having God declare on that very day that this Jesus was His beloved Son. God’s WORD MADE TRUE IN THE FLESH according to His promises unto David and unto Isaiah. 

    Ed J

    Hi Proclaimer,

    I am not assuming anything.

    We are given prophecy that first there would be a son of David and then God promised He would be a Father unto him, where God WOULD settle him into His house, never taking away His mercy from him and giving him an eternal throne.

    Ji Jodi,

    Yes you are, the bible clearly states that Mary’s lineage comes directly from David’s loins. (Luke 3:23-31)

    You are making the assumption that Joseph played a roll also when that goes completely against Scripture.
    I can’t speak that any clearer for you. You will either stay in darkness or accept the light of truth.

    “men loved darkness rather than light” (John 3:19)

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Trying to drive between her understanding and mine is futial at best ,we are guided by the Spirit of truth

    ha ha ha

    Edj…..produce where I or Jodi ever said jophes Fathered Jesus

    Hi Gene,

    I showed you, are you going to deny it now?

    Ed J

    Edj… finally came to understand that the word “itself” was not Jesus, that was a step in the right direction,

    so why go sideways in the wrong direction with Proclaimer NOW?

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene

    Hi Gene,

    Once again you are wrong, and willfully not willing to admit you were wrong even when proven wrong.

    It really goes to show that never once took the time to understand what I believe.
    I never once on this site in over 11 years did I ever say that the word was Jesus.

    Now are you going to admit you were wrong saying this?
    I guess you REALLY can’t admit being wrong if you don’t have a “FreeWill”

    You just get a pass for all your behavior because you don’t have a “FreeWill”;
    keep believing that if you must… but you are believing a lie if that is what you believe.

    Ed J

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