The Ordinary Jesus Brigade

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  • #843880
    Ed J

    Hi Jodi, Are you saying
    Jesus was not (according to Jodi) the Son of God before baptism at Jordan?

    “Yes” or “No” ?

    In Matthew, Jesus is not called the Son of God until he is tempted in the wilderness, which was just after the Spirit descended upon him and God said “This is my beloved Son”.

    Hi Jodi,

    Please be more clear and less evasive;
    is this suppose to be an answer of “No”?

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    I ask T8…. several times for a yes, no, answer to,
    “was Jesus anointed “twice”?

    Hi Gene,

    Can I answer your question, “Yes” or “No” ?

    Edj……go ahead, looks like T8 isn’t.
    Peace and love to you and yours . ………gene

    Hi Gene, ok…


    Edj…..So you answer to my question of Jesus was anointed twice, was “yes”. OK , now explain your answer please’ especially about him “needing” to be anointed at berth, and “again” when he was an adult.

    Hi Gene,

    It is now my turn to ask a y/n question,
    then you can ask your next y/n question.

    Is “God” The Father of Christ? “Yes” or “No”

    God bless
    Ed J


    I ask T8…. several times for a yes, no, answer to,
    “was Jesus anointed “twice”?

    Okay good, I just noticed this so I will respond. And I fully expect you to do the same Gene and in the same manner. Yes / No / I don’t know.

    My answer is I don’t know, but there are verses that show us the possibilities.

    It is possible that having God as his literal father, that he already had the Spirit because God is Spirit himself and he fathered Jesus. We certainly know that John  had the Spirit from within the womb and yet scripture doesn’t say that John was not fathered in the same way by God and Jesus was. We also know that before Jesus baptism, that John considered Jesus to not only be greater than him, but that John himself was not even worthy to tie Jesus shoe laces and further said that it was Jesus that who should baptize him. So what exactly was Jesus going to baptize John with if John seriously thought that he was the one who should be baptized? Obviously Jesus was even greater than the so-called ‘greatest man born of a woman’ who even had the Spirit before he was born. Do not close you mind to this. There is more going on here than what you seem to teach.

    Yes, when Jesus was baptized we see clearly that the Spirit came down on him but as far as I know, it doesn’t say ‘in him’. This could be because the Spirit was already in him and he received a special anointing of power from above and the Spirit descended upon him to demonstrate that indeed Jesus is the Christ to John and possibly others who saw this event. In fact, John initially tried to stop Jesus from being baptized, which would be a weird thing to do if Jesus was without the Spirit because he would have been denying him the Holy Spirit. Also, it doesn’t actually say that the baptism was to make Jesus the Christ but we read all the way back in his time in the City of David, that he was already declared as the messiah and lord. This is why I challenge your teaching as well as Jodi and Nick. A heavenly messenger declared that Jesus was the Messiah in the City of David and you guys try to refute that in order to keep holding onto certain views you have that do not add up when comparing to scripture.

    When we look at the evidence that is spread throughout the New Testament, we clearly cannot see a passage of scripture that addresses exactly what the baptism entailed and what he already had at birth. So we have to go with what is there in a number of biblical books or letters and see the picture it creates and explore all the possible events so as to not write off the truth.

    My question to you Gene will follow. I expect full honesty, transparency, and truth. Nothing less than that.


    Hi Gene 👋

    You said: Anthony. ….So in your mind Jesus never “truly” died?  But remember, according to Jesus , he said he was dead right?

    Me I don’t know how got that, I believe when Jesus died He was dead in the grave for three days. The dead no nothing. He didn’t go anywhere, till His resurrection.

    God bless Gene 🙏


    Hi t8,

    There are not verses that show us the “possibilities” as you are trying to allude to.

    We are DIRECTLY told and given the account of an anointing. 

    Jesus directly says, quoting from Isaiah, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord”.

    Then we also have, “37 That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judaea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached; 38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. 39 And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree:

    This much is true, after the baptism John preached, God ANOINTED Jesus of Nazareth and by such he could be called THE ANOINTED (the Christos) Christ. 



    Anthony, sorry I thought said Jesus went in spirit when he was dead and preached to those who were all ready dead, maybe  that was somebody else.

    Anothny no scripture shows a double anointing of God’s Spirit.  Remember JESUS said God the Father is a Spirit,  he also said that the Father was “in” HIM.  JODI completely explainded to you all, that the ANGEL was only telling those people that the one who is to be the Messiah and savior,  was born, he simply was relating to the fullfilment of the “prophesied” messiah that was to come and save his people, that was the message to those people, and Jesus during his life fulfilled all of that, but none of that happened at his berth, as you people try to make us believe.  If you believe Jesus was a savior at berth then tell us one person he saved at his berth, even a simpleton should be able to understand that right?

    we have “never” said that was not his “destiny” at berth, even before his berth,  As prophesy clearly shows. 

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene


    T8 ….. you added another feature to your “yes no” demands , and then went into a large paragraph explaining it,  while also completely ignored  all the prophecies written about Jesus , like he was not even a prophesied person the was to come.  But JESUS explainded himself to his deciples by opening up prophetic words written about him.

    As far as spirit given to him at berth goes, we are all born with spirit from God given us at berth, that changes nothing.  But when a person becomes anointed by GOD THE FATHER  Holy Spirit, as a messiah they take on great power and authority  to do the Work of GOD THE FATHER,  and the father did go into him, jus as Jesus said , “the father who is “in” me he does the work”.  T8 that is what happened when Jesus  was anointed at the Jordan,  the spirit was both in him and on him I believe on him shows it  was Spirit camming externally from GOD and went into him,  so it clearly shows that the Spirit of God came externally from heaven and went on him and into him.  I don’t  think the Holy Spirit remained external of him, because of what Jesus said latter, as I have quoted above. I could be wrong but I don’t think so.

    Sometimes  T8 it takes some explaining to help clearify thing, so “yes/no answers  can’t honestly answer questions. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene



    Hi All,

    Christ was God come in the flesh (John 1:14). That is why he did not sin. He had only one spirit, the holy spirit. He had that spirit from birth, not at Jordan. His flesh was of a higher order of man, not like the nephilim. He did not have death in it. Thus he was not weak in the flesh. He was not born under the law. He was anointed by God at Jordon to do his work with power, not to receive the holy spirit which he had at conception. To say that Christ was baptized into his own death before he died is total folly. His baptism saves us from sin, not himself.

    Ed J

    Hi Gene,

    Is “God” The Father of Christ? “Yes” or “No”

    God bless
    Ed J


    Ed J

    Gene, please don’t skip over my question again


    Edj……I believe he is, the father of CHRIST   just  as he is the father of us all and even the father of the first man ADAM. WHY?, Because many, many,  many, scriptures says this , even Jesus told us that we are  also,  remember when he said ” YOUR ‘FATHER’ in heaven knows you have need of these things, and “our Father in heaven is the way we should pray,  so what your point Edj. Do you truly believe what Jesus said?,  Are you trying to seperate Jesus  from his human brothers and sisters also? 

    Whats interesting is,  how many scriptures you people have to neglect or throw out OF THE SCRIPTURES ,  to try to make what you say fit.  IMO.

    Peaceand love to you and yours………..gene


    T8,…… PLEASE LET NICK POST AGAIN.  IT’S NOT RIGHT YOU KICKED HIM OFF FROM HERE ,  REACTIVATE HIM,  Look I don’t alway agree with him either, nor he with me.  But we are supose to be brothers and sisters here and Nick does come up with some good scriptures on things.  So let’s put away our personal differences and reactivate him again, ok. 

    He just text me about something I think needs to be better descussed here , about if Jesus when he was dead went and preached to others while he was physically dead.  I know Jodi offered some explanations on it in  one of her posts. I don’t agree with Nick about it at this time, but would like more insite on it both ways.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …….gene

    Ed J

    Jodi, Miia does not want us talking about this in “Her” thread


    Did Jesus know he was “the Son of God” before Jordan?

    There are 2 ways one could perceive this question

    1. Is the question asking if Jesus believed he was the Son of God before Jordan?


    2. Is the question asking if Jesus knew he would be the Son of God before Jordan?

    Hi Jodi,

    My question was obviously what you listed as #1 – which Gene most graciously answered.

    You however answered choice #2, a question I did not ASK.

    This was the question I asked Gene…

    Did Jesus know he was “the Son of God” before Jordan? “Yes” or “No”

    write a blog if you want to answer your own questions!

    My question to you is three posts down….

    Ed J

    Hi Gene,

    Is “God” The Father of Christ? “Yes” or “No”

    Edj……I believe he is, the father of CHRIST

    Hi Gene,

    Ok Gene, very good, that is a “Yes”, Very good!
    Now it is your turn to ask me a y/n question.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Hi Jodi,

    See Jodi, Gene is not scared of the truth
    I don’t have time to read all your opinions Jodi.
    That is why y/n questions fast track your opinions.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Gene wrote:

    I second the motion

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Hi Jodi,

    Here is the question I asked you…

    Hi Jodi, Are you saying
    Jesus was not (according to Jodi) the Son of God before baptism at Jordan?

    “Yes” or “No” ?

    Please answer the questions I ask you.
    You instead want to answer questions I ask others or answer your own questions…

    How odd ???

    Ed J

    Paraphrased for you…
    “The Spirit of Christ’s” goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting” (Micah 5:2)


    BECAUSE I don’t buy into what you think the passage SUGGESTS that makes me altering the passage?

    This is laughable.

    definition 3 of paraphrasing seems to fit nicely with your paraphrasing, and it exposes how you are a hypocrite. 3. The adaptation or alteration of a text or quotation to serve a different purpose from that of the original.

    You want to change, that one from the tribe of Judah specifically from Bethlehem will be a ruler of Israel, into the “Spirit of Christ” will be born in Bethlehem of the tribe of Judah and come to be a ruler of Israel.


    You suggesting that the tribe of Juda was from everlasting is laughable

    Ed J

    Edj…..So you answer to my question of Jesus was anointed twice, was “yes”. OK , now explain your answer please’ especially about him “needing” to be anointed at berth, and “again” when he was an adult.

    I moved it to this thread because Miia was right the other thread was not the proper place to descuss it.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …….gene

    Hi Gene,

    Do you have a y/n question for me? “Yes” or “No”

    Ed J

    When you are asking y/n questions explanations are optional

    Hot Seat Rules

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