The Holy Spirit, a separate person, essence of God, or force?

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  • #775071

    Hi ED,
    What does it mean?
    How does it also apply to Isaac?

    Ed J

    Hi ED,

    MONOGENES does not specify that he was anointed at conception or birth.

    Mary is his true physical mother.

    Are you also a son of God?

    Is God your physical father?

    Hi Nick,

    We cry “Abba-Father” by the spirit of adoption that is in *us*.
    [size=15]Are you suggesting that Jesus was only made a son of God by the spirit of adoption? [/size]…..(<– please answer)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” – JEHOVAH GOD

    Ed J

    Hi ED,
    What does it mean?
    How does it also apply to Isaac?

    Hi Nick,

    Good question, and I believe I have the answer.
    Isaac was Abraham’s only-begotten son because the blessing
    was to go through Isaac rather than his half-brother – Abraham’s first-son.

    And in like manner the baptism of the HolySpirit is given by Jesus, rather than Adam – God’s first son.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” – JEHOVAH GOD


    Hi ED,
    Were there not others that received a blessing unexpectedly?
    Why would you says this relates to Jesus?


    Hi ED,
    Our adoption is into the Body of Christ.
    We partake in what was given fully to him.

    But there is no evidence the anointing by God preceded the Jordan-fruit followed that time.

    Ed J

    Hi ED,
    Were there not others that received a blessing unexpectedly?
    Why would you says this relates to Jesus?

    Hi Nick,

    Jesus, as God’s “only-begotten”(from birth), receives the promise
    of blessing as God’s appointed Leader, and baptizes his brethren with the Spirit of the Father.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” – JEHOVAH GOD


    Hi ED,
    So what fruit do you see before the Jordan apart from wisdom?
    What miracles?


    Edj …….some say the term the Only begotten son of God means, simply he is the only one the has been begotten in the kingdom of God  so far by the resurrection from the dead, , some other critical text scholars say the actual original text, says the only Uniquely begotten son of God,  I personally favor that description best.

    Edj……..I would advise you to get the book , When Jesus became God, and The orthodox corruption of scriptures , written by Bart  Ehrman, he is a critical scholar, who has access to the most recent textual discoveries in the last 50 years, you will be amazed at how much our present day scriptures have been corrupted.


    peace and love to you and yours…………………………gene

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Admin.


    Hi KW,
    From men then?
    Are they more trustworthy than what is written?

    You are trying to make an either or where there is no either or as these men are contradicting Scripture. Instead there testimony reveals that the Catholic Church’s teaching about the the lack of corruption of Jesus’ body being a miracle is flawed.

    Now you are taking the word of the Catholic Church or someone who thinks likewise about this issue even though it disagrees with what certain expert observers say about the lack of bodily decay during the first 36 hours under normal conditions. These experts could be lying pr presumptuous but either would damage their creditability in circles they find important.

    Ed J

    Hi Gene,

    You do not believe God was able to preserve his word?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” – JEHOVAH GOD


    Edj……….We were warned that certain men would creep in to the church  and bring in damnable heresies .  If that was allowed to happen what makes you think they did not also corrupt scriptures over time.  There are hundreds if not thousands of grammatical errors to our present texts. Why do  you think there are so many different denomination  today.

    Your question ion was could God have preserved his word, and of course he could have but the text we have is a translated one handed down by men who have in places forced the text they received to conform to there own ideas of what scriptures are saying based on there own christolgy .


    peace and love to you and yours………………..gene


    Ed J,

    You do not believe God was able to preserve his word?

    He could of as all things are possible for him but the question is did God preserve his word. Scripture does not answer that question. It does tell us that at the time of Jesus God’s word was not preserved in many places. Only the children of Israel were given the word of all the nations.

    We are told the woman would hide in her place for a while. She seems to still be hiding. As far as I can determine it has not been her time to emerge and until she does we have the flawed translations and the fact the God is living and active to depend on. That last fact has the power to overcome any flaws in a translation.



    Men without the Spirit fall back onto logic when confused.

    The Spirit deciphers the Word



    Men without the Spirit fall back onto logic when confused.

    That is not written in Scripture.
    Instead it is your hypothesis.
    Sounds like you are falling back on logic.


    Hi KW,

    The Spirit gives wisdom from above while reason is weak human wisdom.


    Hi GB,

    There is a rebuttal to the doubts of Ehrman written by Greg Kouki and called Solid Ground.

    Ehrman’s anxieties have led him into agnosticism despite the fact that over 90% of the variations are trivia such as misspelt words.

    I would not suggest following him into his difficulties


    Nick……So God spirit produces  unreasonable and up logical  thoughts cording to you right”

    “For you have not received the  spirit of fear, but of love and power, and of a SOUND mind. “.  God also plainly told Israel come let’s reason together,  Paul and all the deciles reasoned with people as well as did Jesus,  were the also  void of the spirit, speaking there own ideas, as you believe we are  “except you for you, of course” .

    Just a few slam  dunk words, which we all know anyway, does not make you right  and us wrong either.  You seem to portray a pattern of trying to prove to yourself and others you  are spiritually superior  to others here.  Why not try to explain what you want  to say, use your  GOD given  BRAIN  and reason with people for a Change, you never know how much more you can achieve.

    Where do you ever see Jesus condescending on people, he only rebuked those who were attacking what he was saying.  He went out  and even ate and drank with people who were  consider  publicans and sinners,. Do you actually believe he did not reason  and  address  their  question with love and  compassion.  Do you think he hated men, women, and children”  ” he plainly said he did not come to  judge, or condemn  the world but to save it.

    I have a hard time seeking  the love of God in your words sometimes. Remember what it says,  “woe unto him who  offends one  others little ones , it would be better if a mill stone was tied around his nick and he were cast into the sea.  The would  offend used there really means  PREVENT.  We need to watch what we are saying and how e are saying it,  IMO  brother.

    peace and love to you and yours………………….gene





    Hi GB,

    Your offering that spirit is intellect does not come from God’s word but from your own thoughts.

    How can we lovingly tell you that you are on the wrong path?



    You may not worry about this issue but perhaps you should.


    Hi KW,

    The Spirit gives wisdom from above while reason is weak human wisdom.

    That is what is taught by some human beings but Scripture does not say that. Scripture does teach us that there are two kinds of wisdom. One wisdom is the fruit of the Spirit and thee other wisdom is the fruit of the flesh. The first is the reason of the sons of God and the second is thee reason of men. Both the sons of God and men are human beings and so when a human speaks, thinks, or acts you have to test the spirit of their fruit.


    Hi KW,

    And do you rate the wisdom of men against the wisdom of God??

    vanity vanity all is vanity

    Flesh contributes nothing

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