The Holy Spirit, a separate person, essence of God, or force?

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    Quote (david @ June 24 2010,18:08)
    God is holy
    God is a spirit.
    Therefore, God is the holy spirit

    Angels are holy (Deuteronomy 33:2; Jude 14)
    Angels are spirits
    Therefore, angels are holy spirits

    If the same logic leads to a false conclusion, is the logic sound?

    David……..The difference here is Angles are (NOT) Spirits, they have Spirit in them, God on the other hand (IS) Spirit. As Jesus plainly said He was . A Word is Spirit as Jesus said it was, “FOR THE WORDS I AM SPEAKING TO YOU (ARE) SPIRIT AND LIFE. Now think about that and consider that God and His word are one and the same , and what is a word is it not the expression of ones intellect, and is not our life composed of our intellects, a word simply is the intelligent utterance we produce from our spirits in us they are a true representation of who we are , they proceed from our hearts and minds, God and His Words are one and the same even as your words and you are on and the same. Remember it says so a man thinks so he is, that is also true with God the way he thinks is the way He is. Words are simply (expressions) of the mind and the mind (IS) who the Person is , rather GOD or Man.

    Spirit (IS) (INTELLECT) and can be transfered from one person to another, can be exchanged, add to, or extracted, it is the very mind of a being, God live in us vicariously, by his spirits or intellects as He did Jesus. Let this mind be in you as was (IN) Christ Jesus our lord. and again, “If the Spirit that was in Jesus dwell in you it will (ALSO) quicken our mortal (BODIES)”. GOD Himself is Life and GOD himself Is SPIRIT. He is what Thought IS, intellect, and Thought is what composes all Beings. So a man thinks so He (IS). and a spoken Word (intelligent utterance) is simply that which puts Spirits into a transferable state, therefore word (ARE) spirit. It can be written or spoken, it still does the same thing, it transfers (INTELLECTS) and Intellects (ARE) Spirits

    David, an angle is a (being) and has a Body that has spirit (IN) Him. God Makes His Angle's Spirits. That is not say Angles are Spirits but that GOD makes there Spirits (IN) Them and send them forth to minister to us. The (ONLY) one existing that is PURE SPIRIT is GOD the FATHER. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 25 2010,01:31)

    Quote (david @ June 24 2010,18:08)
    God is holy
    God is a spirit.
    Therefore, God is the holy spirit

    Angels are holy (Deuteronomy 33:2; Jude 14)
    Angels are spirits
    Therefore, angels are holy spirits

    If the same logic leads to a false conclusion, is the logic sound?

    David……..The difference here is Angles are (NOT) Spirits, they have Spirit in them, God on the other hand (IS) Spirit. As Jesus plainly said He was . A Word is Spirit as Jesus said it was, “FOR THE WORDS I AM SPEAKING TO YOU (ARE) SPIRIT AND LIFE. Now think about that and consider that God and His word are one and the same , and what is a word is it not the expression of ones intellect, and is not our life composed of our intellects, a word simply is the intelligent utterance we produce from our spirits in us they are a true representation of who we are , they proceed from our hearts and minds, God and His Words are one and the same even as your words and you are on and the same. Remember it says so a man thinks so he is, that is also true with God the way he thinks is the way He is. Words are simply (expressions) of the mind and the mind (IS) who the Person is , rather GOD or Man.

    Spirit (IS) (INTELLECT) and can be transfered from one person to another, can be exchanged, add to, or extracted, it is the very mind of a being, God live in us vicariously, by his spirits or intellects as He did Jesus. Let this mind be in you as was (IN) Christ Jesus our lord. and again, “If the Spirit that was in Jesus dwell in you it will (ALSO) quicken our mortal (BODIES)”. GOD Himself is Life and GOD himself Is SPIRIT. He is what Thought IS, intellect, and Thought is what composes all Beings.  So a man thinks so He (IS). and a spoken Word (intelligent utterance) is simply that which puts Spirits into a transferable state, therefore word (ARE) spirit. It can be written or spoken, it still does the same thing, it transfers (INTELLECTS) and Intellects (ARE) Spirits

    David, an angle is a (being) and has a Body that has spirit (IN) Him. God Makes His Angle's Spirits. That is not say Angles are Spirits but that GOD makes there Spirits (IN) Them and send them forth to minister to us. The (ONLY) one existing that is PURE SPIRIT is GOD the FATHER. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………….gene


    no the spirit is not INTELECT, this is your personal conclusion not scriptural if so it would fit in scriptures,but it does not fit the puzzle.



    Quote (Ed J @ June 23 2010,22:52)
    If you believe the “HolySpirit”(John 4:24) merely to be an 'it' rather than a “HIM”
    perhaps you should petition your origination to alter John 16:7 in the N.W.T.?

    N.W.T. John 16:7 …but if I do go my way, I will send [ [ [ him ] ] ] unto YOU.
    Perhaps this will have to wait for the 'next' revision; huh?



    Terraricca…………What is a WORD, is it also not an (EXPRESSION OF INTELLECT) in your belief system. Now if you say a word is an expression of ones intellects, then you must also conclude it is Spirit also. Jesus the (WORDS) i am telling you (ARE) (SPIRIT) and LIFE>
    So a Man thinks so He is. Now is thinking, INTELLIGENCE or NOT? And so word (express that intelligence in you) right?

    peace and love…………………..gene


    The WORD is Christ


    Hi All,

    I dont think that David was using the “Angel” example as literal,
    i believe he was using it as an example or exageration to make a point.

    only David can clearly clarify that,

    but thats what i think,


    Hi SF,
    And Christos is to do with anointing.
    Jesus was anointed at the Jordan.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 25 2010,01:00)
    Hi SF,
    And Christos is to do with anointing.
    Jesus was anointed at the Jordan.

    The word existed before flesh and created.


    Hi SF,
    Indeed the Spirit is eternal and by the Spirit God creates[Ps104.30, Jb33.4]


    Hi KW,
    When we are reborn from above we receive a new Spirit, the Holy Spirit.
    But our own spirit does not leave us till we die[Ecc12, Mt27.50, Rom8.16]


    Hi SF,
    The creating Spirit of God continues His work in those who are one with His Son.
    We are His new creation being made in His likeness.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 25 2010,02:27)
    Terraricca…………What is a WORD, is it also not an (EXPRESSION OF INTELLECT) in your belief system. Now if you say a word is an expression of ones intellects, then you must also conclude it is Spirit also. Jesus the (WORDS) i am telling you (ARE) (SPIRIT) and LIFE>
    So a Man thinks so He is. Now is thinking, INTELLIGENCE  or NOT? And so word (express that intelligence in you) right?

    peace and love…………………..gene


    THE WORD as per Jhn 1;1 that is Christ so he is the spoke person of God if you want.

    the word this would be the scriptures.
    now this word can be seen as the law the letter and the written will of God,within the word, God as hidden some of is will that should come to past later in time,and this is called in the case of Jesus the Christ the spirit of Christ,and the understanding of those words are given by the true spirit of Gods word to an individual who as inbed him selves with the true will of God and apply it to the most inside of is nature.(heart)God word is a living written word.


    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 25 2010,07:05)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 25 2010,01:00)
    Hi SF,
    And Christos is to do with anointing.
    Jesus was anointed at the Jordan.

    The word existed before flesh and created.

    Hi SF,

    Please answer ONLY the last question here.

    Then how can “The Word” (as you say) Be Jesus?
    The world was in existence before Jesus was born 2,000 years ago?
    Please explain how you can make the assumption that God's word is someone other than himself?

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (kerwin @ June 24 2010,22:04)

    Though I am convinced your conclusion is correct the logic behind is flawed.   Language can be applied in ways that are seemingly not sensible and showing ownership is such I case.  The word combo “myself” shows the flaw in your logic since it is a case where I posses me.  

    Ed though obviously does not know what a spirit is or he would see the flaw in his own argument.   A spirit is not the individual or an individual would litterally perish when immersed in water and be reborn as a new individual inhabbiting the same body.  As it is we figuratively perish in that we gain a new guiding principle but neverless we are still ourselves.

    I wonder what Ed believes the soul is since that is what I believe is our essential self.

    Hi Kerwin,

    Rom.8:16: The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit,
                      that we are the children of God:

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (Ed J @ June 25 2010,10:34)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 24 2010,22:04)

    Though I am convinced your conclusion is correct the logic behind is flawed.   Language can be applied in ways that are seemingly not sensible and showing ownership is such I case.  The word combo “myself” shows the flaw in your logic since it is a case where I posses me.  

    Ed though obviously does not know what a spirit is or he would see the flaw in his own argument.   A spirit is not the individual or an individual would litterally perish when immersed in water and be reborn as a new individual inhabbiting the same body.  As it is we figuratively perish in that we gain a new guiding principle but neverless we are still ourselves.

    I wonder what Ed believes the soul is since that is what I believe is our essential self.

    Hi Kerwin,

    Rom.8:16: The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit,
                      that we are the children of God:

    God bless
    Ed J


    you say;Rom.8:16: The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit,
    that we are the children of God

    could elaborate more on this so we may understand what it means



    Ed J.

    Being born again does not mean you lose all sense of reason as God after all is rational and what he states does not conflict with anything else he states. In fact God challenges those who seek him to reason with him in Isaiah 1:18 and that is a challenge I am overjoyed to take. I freely admit in order for that reason to both sound and valid it must be guided by the Spirit of Righteousness.

    Your fellow student,



    Quote (Ed J @ June 25 2010,04:31)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 25 2010,07:05)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 25 2010,01:00)
    Hi SF,
    And Christos is to do with anointing.
    Jesus was anointed at the Jordan.

    The word existed before flesh and created.

    Hi SF,

    Please answer ONLY the last question here.

    Then how can “The Word” (as you say) Be Jesus?
    The world was in existence before Jesus was born 2,000 years ago?
    Please explain how you can make the assumption that God's word is someone other than himself?

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J,

    Congradulations you just went out of context and speculated of what i said.

    John 1:1
    Is it not by the word that everything was created?

    Did i type Jesus?

    Ed J

    Quote (kerwin @ June 25 2010,16:01)
    Ed J.

    Being born again does not mean you lose all sense of reason as God after all is rational and what he states does not conflict with anything else he states.  In fact God challenges those who seek him to reason with him in Isaiah 1:18 and that is a challenge I am overjoyed to take.   I freely admit in order for that reason to both sound and valid it must be guided by the Spirit of Righteousness.

    Your fellow student,


    Hi Kerwin,

    Let us reason together than! (Isaiah 1:18)

    Isn't your “Spirit” that is within you, you;
    rather than the husk housing your Spirit? (Rom.8:16)
    In much the same way God's Spirit is God rather that you,
    once God's Spirit is resident within you; correct? (Mark 13:11)

    John 1:1 In the beginning was…
    The Word, and The Word ([ο λογος] Hō Lōgôs) was with [YHVH], and The Word (HolySpirit) was [YHVH].
    2Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that [YHVH] (HolySpirit) was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their
    trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us The Word of reconciliation ([ο λογος] Hō Lōgôs). (John 1:1)

    Your brother in Christ, Jesus!
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34 / Eccl.9:14-16)
    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH
    יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm! (John 14:12 / Isaiah 60:13-15)


    Ed J.,

    I enjoy reasoning with you.   It is my concern that you confusing God's soul with his spirit.  From what I understand the soul is the person themselve while the spirit is the guiding principles that person lives by.  God's spirit therefore is the love he fells for each and everyone of us as well as himself.   When we live by God's spirit we love others as well as ourselves as God intends us to and in this way we obey the righteous requirements of his laws.   Even though we obey God's commandments we do not become God but merely become the adobe of his loving spirit and effect of written or oral words pale beside the experience.

    Your fellow student,



    Hi KW,
    The spirit is the guiding principles??
    Moral idealism saves nobody.

    You must be reborn of God's Spirit.

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