The Holy Spirit, a separate person, essence of God, or force?

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  • #182611

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 09 2010,05:43)
    So you emphasise your interpretations to drive them home?
    You love you own words more than you love the words of sacred scripture?
    Does not seem that effective and most seem to see your self promotion for what it is.

    Nick……….Sorry if you see it that way , but i am not promoting myself for anything, I Bracket quoted text to drive the main POINTS HOME, That has nothing to do with me trying to promot my self at all, those are words are what Jesus and God , or the apostles say not me, I simply say what my understand of them is, Just like you yourself do, and because i disagree with your interpretations and understandings should not offend You so much, or is it because your the one who wants to promote yourself really.


    Terraricca…………Not one scripture you quoted say that the SEVEN (EYES) are the Angels of GOD. In fact not (ONE) scripture even mentions the SEVEN (EYES) of GOD.

    I will say your are good at twisting Scriptures though. Not (ONE) of the scripture even deals with the Scriptures i QUOTED> YOU neither Committed on any of them. Just ignored them as if they did not even exist. Which is you usual pattern Here. You need to take more seriously your posted Scriptures about lying. IMO

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 09 2010,15:12)
    Terraricca…………Not one scripture you quoted say that the SEVEN (EYES) are the Angels of GOD. In fact not (ONE) scripture even mentions the SEVEN (EYES) of GOD.

    I will say your are good at twisting Scriptures though.  Not (ONE) of the scripture even deals with the Scriptures i QUOTED> YOU neither Committed on any of them. Just ignored them as if they did not even exist. Which is you usual pattern Here. You need to take more seriously your posted Scriptures about lying.  IMO

    Hi Gene,

    Zech 3:9 For behold the stone (Rev.2:17) that I have laid before [Jesus]; upon one stone shall be “Seven Eyes”:
    behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the “LORD of Hosts”=151, and I will remove the iniquity of that land
    in one day. Psalm 118:24 This is “The day”=63 which the LORD(YHVH=63) hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of… (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)


    Hey Ed

    Like I said, you're good in butting in when not ask, butt when ask, you grow silent; good defence btw.



    ED……..Yes the stone mentioned there is Jesus Christ, He has the SEVEN EYES or SPIRITS of GOD (IN) HIM> With POWER to execute those Intellects when needed to. IMO

    Ed J

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Mar. 10 2010,17:08)
    Hey Ed

    Like I said, you're good in butting in when not ask, butt when ask, you grow silent; good defence btw.


    Hi Georg,

    What question have you asked me?

    Ed J


    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 14 2010,13:59)

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Mar. 10 2010,17:08)
    Hey Ed

    Like I said, you're good in butting in when not ask, butt when ask, you grow silent; good defence btw.


    Hi Georg,

    What question have you asked me?

    Ed J


    Which question have you answered?



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 11 2010,08:56)
    ED……..Yes the stone mentioned there is Jesus Christ, He has the SEVEN EYES or SPIRITS of GOD (IN) HIM> With POWER to execute those Intellects when needed to. IMO

    Amazing gnostic insights.
    But we are the people of the Word


    Nick…………O really, then why don't you believe what is written then? You are not of the word or you would believe what it says instead of giving a pretense of believing it. IMO as well as others


    So God pours of His Spirit.[Jl2]
    He sends His Spirit[ps104.30]

    So God is more than His Spirit.


    Nick………..GOD is not more then His Spirits GOD (IS) SPIRIT , your argument is with Jesus not me. Jesus said GOD was SPIRIT.


    God is Spirit, but God is not just His Spirit.


    God's Spirit was in Christ when he walked the earth
    but he told folk to pray to the Father in heaven.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 16 2010,15:11)
    God's Spirit was in Christ when he walked the earth
    but he told folk to pray to the Father in heaven.


    Christ new teaching is found right in the begining of is ministry;Jn 3:5 Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.

    Jn 4:23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
    Jn 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”

    this was new to the Jews ,and to the world as well.


    Hi t,
    And the Spirit of God within us helps us worship God in heaven.[Rom8]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 16 2010,17:12)
    Hi t,
    And the Spirit of God within us helps us worship God in heaven.[Rom8]


    if you are full of the knowledge of God what else can you do than walk with the spirit of God ,

    that is now part of you,


    Hi T,
    Knowledge is not what saves but faith.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2010,06:22)
    Hi T,
    Knowledge is not what saves but faith.


    if you have no knowledge how can you have faith??

    those are so related it can not be split apart.


    Hi T,
    Let the little children come to me because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
    You only need as much spiritual knowledge as a young child can understand.
    When you come to Jesus you can be taught more by the Spirit.[1Jn2.27]

    Knowledge can be a vanity and a major stumbling block


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2010,10:26)
    Hi T,
    Let the little children come to me because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
    You only need as much spiritual knowledge as a young child can understand.
    When you come to Jesus you can be taught more by the Spirit.[1Jn2.27]

    Knowledge can be a vanity and a major stumbling block


    you wrong there ,you have to become like a child to be able to start over to learn Christ way to life.

    children are easy and eager to learn,but knowledge of God the true God is required so that you may worship him.according to is will.

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