The Holy Spirit, a separate person, essence of God, or force?

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  • #173487

    Thanks for your reply Kerwin,

    It would be most interesting for us to know why the other Hebrew word (single unique one) was not used as that would have made the statement under discussion unmistakably clear.

    I guess we will not know God's reason for that, this side of heaven.


    Quote (selah @ Jan. 26 2010,07:37)
    Thanks for your reply Kerwin,

    It would be most interesting for us to know why the other Hebrew word (single unique one) was not used as that would have made the statement under discussion unmistakably clear.

    I guess we will not know God's reason for that, this side of heaven.

    I agree!


    selah…………I know i was not ask this queston, but i would like to suggest something here, Notice it says “THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD”.  To me this like applying what GOD is to the LORD. For instance the WORD GOD or ELOHIM, is in Hebrew POWERS a uni-Plural word , There are seven Spirits of (ONE GOD).These Seven SPirits are all controlled by (ONE) LORD (YAWH).  this is the way i understand it.

    Here is something interesting as pertaining to the word GOD, in the original (Pictorial language) of the ancient Hebrews , the symbol of GOD was the head of an OX and beside it was a STAFF. This meant to relay to the People that GOD was POWERFUL like an OX and the Staff relayed to them, they could lean and trust on this POWER like a Staff.  If you would like more on this go to Jeff Benner's wed site, you may find it quite interesting.

    Peace and love to you and your…………….gene



    it seems some person declared them self believers and yet do not know in or who they believe to,
    I would hardly recommend that they read more the bible 66 books to elevate there knowledge in the one God and Christ his son.


    Hello Gene … thanks for your input.

    I have two Hebrew/English Bibles.
    The one translates as you say … The Lord Our God Is One Lord.

    The other one is the Hebrew Pentateuch, and in Deut 6:4 it states:

    Here O Israel The Lord Our God Is The One Eternal Being

    However, it both cases the Hebrew “one” of unity is used … echad.


    Quote (selah @ Jan. 25 2010,20:37)
    Thanks for your reply Kerwin,

    It would be most interesting for us to know why the other Hebrew word (single unique one) was not used as that would have made the statement under discussion unmistakably clear.

    I guess we will not know God's reason for that, this side of heaven.

    Hi Selah

    Yachid vs. Echad The most important verse Jews memorized in the Bible was Deut 6:4: “Hear, O Israel! Yahweh is our God, Yahweh is one [Echad]!” There are a few words in Hebrew that the Holy Spirit could have used a word the has one exclusive meaning: the numeric, solitary oneness of God (“yachid” or “bad”).

    Instead the Holy Spirit chose to use the Hebrew word, “echad” which is used most often as a unified one, and sometimes as numeric oneness. For example, when God said in Genesis 2:24 “the two shall become one [echad] flesh” it is the same word for “one” that was used in Deut 6:4.

    This is most troubling for Anti-Trinitarians since the word yachid, the main Hebrew word for solitary oneness, is never used in reference to God.  Click here  for a detailed look at this fascinating word study.  

    Blessings WJ


    Hi WJ,
    You think you know about God and that is doubtful.
    But you certainly do not seem to KNOW HIM.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 26 2010,20:33)
    Hi WJ,
    You think you know about God and that is doubtful.
    But you certainly do not seem to KNOW HIM.


    On with your insults. How sad.

    Jesus did say that they would persecute us as they persecuted him.

    He told us to be of good cheer for great is our reward in heaven!

    Blessings to you Nick! :)


    Hi WJ,
    You cannot know HIM if you think god is a them can you?

    How is telling you your god is not of the bible an insult?
    We are to try to rescue folk from the fire


    Hi WJ,
    What rewards are there for those who preach strange gods??


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 26 2010,20:47)
    Hi WJ,
    You cannot know HIM if you think god is a them can you?

    How is telling you your god is not of the bible an insult?
    We are to try to rescue folk from the fire


    Think about your own logic!

    How can you have One Lord and Master and yet claim that you have Lords and Masters?

    How can you claim to have only One Saviour and yet have 2?

    Blessings WJ


    Hi WJ,
    So human logic is your true master??
    The word is truth

    Ed J

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 27 2010,12:29)
    Hi Selah

    the Holy Spirit chose to use the Hebrew word, “echad” which is used most often as a unified one, and sometimes as numeric oneness.

    Blessings WJ

    Hi WJ,

    Why do you flip-flop?

    HolySpirit is “The Word”!

    Jn:14:24: He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and
    the word(HolySpirit) which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of…
    117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD)YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm! (Psalm 45:17)
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34)


    Hi WJ,
    We were told some would reject their appointed Lord and Master.


    Quote (selah @ Jan. 27 2010,12:10)
    Hello Gene … thanks for your input.

    I have two Hebrew/English Bibles.
    The one translates as you say … The Lord Our God Is One Lord.

    The other one is the Hebrew Pentateuch, and in Deut 6:4 it states:

    Here O Israel The Lord Our God Is The One Eternal Being

    However, it both cases the Hebrew “one” of unity is used … echad.

    Selah……….I have come to believe the the word LORD (yhwh)or (HE EXISTS because He Exists) is The one who Exercises the POWERS (GOD) or Elohim ' Hinze the wording “The LORD OUR GOD” another simple way of perceiving it is just, The LORD our POWERS Which i believe is the way the ancient Hebrews envisioned HIM.They believe that the LORD (YHWH) was the POWER (GOD)or (Elohim) of Israel . GOD is a uni-plural word meaning POWERS, more than ONE POWER but combined Powers making one unit called GOD. I believe that is why GOD is pictured in REVELATIONS as having SEVEN SPIRITS or INTELLECTS, These seven Spirits equal one GOD. IMO SO to me the Proper rending is a Jesus rendered it when he quoted Deu 6:4…> Hear O Israel the LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD. I also believe the LORD MY GOD is (ONE) LORD not two or three anythings. Even though He (the LORD) possesses Seven Distinct SPIRITS called GOD or POWERS. IMO

    peace and love to you and your……………gene


    Thanks WJ,

    That was a fantastic study your link provided on yachid vs echad.

    It should cause a problem for some, but apparently it does not.  For them it is just a mystery, not a problem.

    Ed J

    Quote (selah @ Jan. 21 2010,10:47)
    Hello Kerwin,

    You have said in part that “the plural form of one is the unity (and) that is not what God is stating in Deuteronomy 6:4 as God is claiming he is the only God ……..”

    I know you believe that God is not saying that here, but for this discussion, if this is your proof text as to the oneness (singular) of God, can you offer something else from Deuteronomy to substantiate your claim that God is not stating unity here?

    Thank you.

    Hi Selah,

    Check out my Post on the “Oneness” of GOD.
    In it I also illustrate the Dichotomy of…
    “Trinitarians” vs “non-Trinitarians” “A PURPOSELESS BATTLE”?
    It is the forth Post from the top…….4;st=20

    Tell me what you think of it?

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of…
    117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD)YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm! (Psalm 45:17)
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 27 2010,07:29)

    Quote (selah @ Jan. 25 2010,20:37)
    Thanks for your reply Kerwin,

    It would be most interesting for us to know why the other Hebrew word (single unique one) was not used as that would have made the statement under discussion unmistakably clear.

    I guess we will not know God's reason for that, this side of heaven.

    Hi Selah

    Yachid vs. Echad The most important verse Jews memorized in the Bible was Deut 6:4: “Hear, O Israel! Yahweh is our God, Yahweh is one [Echad]!” There are a few words in Hebrew that the Holy Spirit could have used a word the has one exclusive meaning: the numeric, solitary oneness of God (“yachid” or “bad”).

    Instead the Holy Spirit chose to use the Hebrew word, “echad” which is used most often as a unified one, and sometimes as numeric oneness. For example, when God said in Genesis 2:24 “the two shall become one [echad] flesh” it is the same word for “one” that was used in Deut 6:4.

    This is most troubling for Anti-Trinitarians since the word yachid, the main Hebrew word for solitary oneness, is never used in reference to God.  Click here  for a detailed look at this fascinating word study.  

    Blessings WJ

    You do realize that it sounds like you are arguing the Judo-Christian religion is polytheistic.   That is the situation with marriage since the two individuals remain two people in the union of marriage.  

    I suppose you can argue that Elohim is a union composed of all that live according to the way of the Holy Spirit whose head is the one true God.

    Is that what Mosses is speaking of in Deuteronomy 6:4.  From what I have read he is speaking of the God of Abraham and Isaac.

    Who then is the God of Abraham and Isaac?


    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 27 2010,00:39)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 27 2010,07:29)

    Quote (selah @ Jan. 25 2010,20:37)
    Thanks for your reply Kerwin,

    It would be most interesting for us to know why the other Hebrew word (single unique one) was not used as that would have made the statement under discussion unmistakably clear.

    I guess we will not know God's reason for that, this side of heaven.

    Hi Selah

    Yachid vs. Echad The most important verse Jews memorized in the Bible was Deut 6:4: “Hear, O Israel! Yahweh is our God, Yahweh is one [Echad]!” There are a few words in Hebrew that the Holy Spirit could have used a word the has one exclusive meaning: the numeric, solitary oneness of God (“yachid” or “bad”).

    Instead the Holy Spirit chose to use the Hebrew word, “echad” which is used most often as a unified one, and sometimes as numeric oneness. For example, when God said in Genesis 2:24 “the two shall become one [echad] flesh” it is the same word for “one” that was used in Deut 6:4.

    This is most troubling for Anti-Trinitarians since the word yachid, the main Hebrew word for solitary oneness, is never used in reference to God.  Click here  for a detailed look at this fascinating word study.  

    Blessings WJ

    You do realize that it sounds like you are arguing the Judo-Christian religion is polytheistic.   That is the situation with marriage since the two individuals remain two people in the union of marriage.  

    I suppose you can argue that Elohim is a union composed of all that live according to the way of the Holy Spirit whose head is the one true God.

    Is that what Mosses is speaking of in Deuteronomy 6:4.  From what I have read he is speaking of the God of Abraham and Isaac.

    Who then is the God of Abraham and Isaac?


    Not at all!

    God is a plural Unity.

    Moses must have understood this for he also penned…

    And God said, “Let us make man in our image“, after our likeness:… Gen 1:26

    What makes man unique above all other creatures is we are created in the image of God!

    So the “Our image” is speaking of Jesus and the Holy Spirit which is present at the creation of man!



    Worshipping Jesus wrote:


    God is a plural Unity.

    Are you stating God is more than one individual who are all in accord, harmony?


    Are you stating God is more than one groups each group that is in accord, harmony with itself?

    I assume the first as it seems to make more sense.

    You are correct that Genesis 1:26 can be interpreted as proving polytheism or you can conclude God is speaking for his host as well as himself.  “Us” is also used in Genesis 3:22.

    I see nothing though that supports the Trinity as the Trinity is not about three individuals bound in a unity equivalent to marriage.  I believe it is instead taught to be three persons that are still one individual.

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