The Holy Spirit, a separate person, essence of God, or force?

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    are you a pharesees,or a dr of the law??
    or equivalent to that ??
    and show others to believe what is yours ????????


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2010,16:56)

    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 21 2010,15:15)
    The Word of the Oath was God's Word spoken to Jesus saying to him that he was to be a priest after the order of Melchizadek forever.

    Hbr 7:20 And inasmuch as [He was] not [made priest] without an oath
    Hbr 7:21 (for they have become priests without an oath, but He with an oath by Him who said to Him: “The LORD has sworn And will not relent, 'You [are] a priest forever [fn] According to the order of Melchizedek' [fn] “

    Love in Christ,

    Hi Marty,

    HolySpirit is “GOD: The Father” of Jesus Christ!

    How can you know what I speak of when you change the FOCUS?
    The Focus is: The Word(Farter:The Word) made the GodSon=74(Jesus=74)    
    I “only” use numbers(and colors) to “ADD things up” for others to truly begin to understand!
    “HolySpirit”=151 is “The Father” of “Jesus Christ”=151; HolySpirit is GOD!

                      “Father:The Word”=151

    Hebrews 7:28 For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but
    the word(HolySpirit) of the oath(Isaiah 7:14), which was since the law,
    maketh the Son(Jesus Christ), who is consecrated for evermore.
    Luke 5:11 Now the parable is this: The seedisthe word of God.
    Jesus was born EXACTLY 1/2 HolySpirit(GOD)! Forth Post(Page 340)!….st=3390

    Matt.1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise:
    When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph,
    before they came together, she was found with child of the HolySpirit.

    Matt.1:2020 But while he thought on these things, behold,
    the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying,
    Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife:
    for that which is conceived in her is of the HolySpirit.

    Eph.4:6 ONE God and Father OF ALL, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
    John 10:35-36 If he(HolySpirit) called them gods, unto whom the word of God(HolySpirit) came,
    and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest

    God bless
    Ed J

    Hi Ed:

    The scriptures stated that the Holy Spirit is God's Spirit. Why not just leave it at that. God is a living soul with a mind and a will and emotions. His throne is in heaven, but He can be every where by His Spirit.

    It is by His Spirit that He is the Father of our Lord Jesus, and He dwells within all born again believers by His Spirit.

    The scripture states:

    1Cr 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
    1Cr 2:10 But God hath revealed [them] unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God 1Cr 2:11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

    God has spoken to humanity through Jesus by His Spirit, and what he has spoken of course is His Word, but you say by your parenthesis that the Word is the Father, and the Word is the Holy Spirit if I am understanding you correctly.

    No, I don't see it that way.

    I have given my understanding of this in my previous post pertaining to this topic.

    Love in Christ,


    Hello Kerwin,

    You have suggested that Isaiah 41:4 is the best scripture to display your point of the oneness of God, where you have said that God calls himself the first Lord and the last Lord.

    If God had described himself in this passage as the only Lord, that would have merit, but by His implication that there is a first and a last, indicates to me more than one.

    Is it possible that your translation differs from the KJV which states:

    Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning?  I the Lord, the first, and with the last; I am he.

    If Isaiah is a strong point for you regarding the oneness of God, your translation must be missing the word … “with”.


    Quote (selah @ Jan. 22 2010,13:38)
    Hello Kerwin,

    You have suggested that Isaiah 41:4 is the best scripture to display your point of the oneness of God, where you have said that God calls himself the first Lord and the last Lord.

    If God had described himself in this passage as the only Lord, that would have merit, but by His implication that there is a first and a last, indicates to me more than one.

    Is it possible that your translation differs from the KJV which states:

    Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning?  I the Lord, the first, and with the last; I am he.

    If Isaiah is a strong point for you regarding the oneness of God, your translation must be missing the word … “with”.

    I was careless as I think I meant to quote Isaiah 48:12 which does not have the “with” in either the New International Version or the King James Version.  

    Isaiah 48:12(KJV) reads:


    Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last.

    I don't believe Isaiah 41:4 Contradicts it.  As you got me looking I also see Isaiah 44:6 is a better scripture as it is even more explicit.

    Isaiah 44:6(KJV) reads:


    Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

    I believe it is the Hebrew way of that era to look at things.  If there is only one of an item then that item is both the first item and the last item of its kind.  I do not believe we are taught by our culture to look at the situation the same way.

    Ed J

    Quote (JustAskin @ Jan. 22 2010,10:40)
    Influenced Will is not a point of debate here.

    As for the theory that you have it can be counted amongst those of the foolish and the ignorant!

    You have 'invented' a whole new Cult and written your own Bible to read what you believe.

    I asked, who else believes your halfman-god, holy spirit is the Word becomes flesh in Jesus and is his father?

    EDJ, get some help – quick! You almost make want to believe in the Trinity because even as sad and warped as that is, it is far more paletable (as if!) than this twaddle that you are spouting.

    Hi JustAskin,

    I gave you the facts in the Bible concerning Jesus and your response is…
             'get some help – quick'

    Who do you suggest I turn to for this recommended help?

    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 22 2010,10:47)
    i did not mention “Justaskin” it was only addressed to you ,for the things you posted ,

    How was I to know who you were addressing, here is what you said…

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 22 2010,10:07)
    this is unbelievable that some people can see this in those scriptures,unless of cause they are helped to see it that way,
    this is absolutely influenced directional will.

    Hi Terraricca,

    'some people' can mean either me or JustAskin or both?

    This is why people don't understand what you are talking about many times.
    Irene mentioned for you to use spell check, which would help a lot.
    Is you click on a word and check the synonyms of the word,
    that will help you to hoose the correct word you want as well.
    Do you know what that word is? CHOOSE.

    Ed J



    Help from the True God.

    Petition Christ in earnest and he give you the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will guide you under Christ's direction.

    Ed J

    Quote (JustAskin @ Jan. 22 2010,23:22)

    Help from the True God.

    Petition Christ in earnest and he give you the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will guide you under Christ's direction.

    Hi JustAskin,

    Matt.7:1-5 Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge,
    ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
    And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
    Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
    Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

    Ed J


    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 20 2010,10:28)
    You are correct that Deuteronomy 6:4 proves there is only one God.   We all know that if you have one of an item you do not have 3 of that same item.  For example you cannot have 1 apple at the same time you have 3 apples.  You either have 1 apple or 3 apples.  The Trinitarians attempt to prove that you can have 1 apple at the same time you have 3 apples and when you point out that is illogical they attribute the illogic as a mystery of God.

    Kerwin….. You can have ONE apple and it can have a stem, a core containing many seeds and a skin, and still be ONE APPLE. There are SEVEN SPIRITS OF THE (ONE GOD). Just as the are many members that make up ONE man. The concept of GOD being ONE being is right if you understand that the One GOD consists of Seven distinct aspects , which are spirit (intellects) that compose the one GOD or Elohim or POWER. To try to say different is to contradict scripture, that show it to be true. The seven Spirits are the we mentioned in Geneses IMO> These Seven Spirits of one GOD are the POWERS of ONE LORD . That is why scripture says THE LORD YAWH OUR GOD. OR HE EXISTS WITH POWERS same thing . “HEAR O ISREAL THE LORD (YAWH) OUR GOD (POWER) IS ONE (LORD)”. Why does it not say the GOD our GOD is one GOD. GOD is the uni- plural POWERS used by ONE LORD or YAWH, to effect his will on all creations through the Seven Spirits He uses Which composes ONE GOD These are SEVEN distinct INTELLECTS with POWER and they go forth into the whole world from one LORD. Jesus now has the seven Spirits in him connected with POWERS as scripture shows. It is these Seven Spirits that compose ONE GOD, that is why the LORD says “thy Kingdom O GOD is an everlasting Kingdom”, Because it is GOD the FATHERS SPIRITS in Christ that will establish the Kingdom of GOD on the Earth at Jesus' return for ever. IMO


    responding to your comment to kerwin;
    you don't understand the scriptures,you do not know the will of God and you have no idea who is Jesus,

    this is why you go in revelation what most of us do not understand , so it is more of a negotiated understanding that you have.



    Thank you for your reminder. All the same, advice is not judgement.

    Even Michael, contending with the devil over the body of Moses did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”


    yes it is choose,i will try to be more attentive to it ,thank you .


    Quote (Gene @ Jan. 22 2010,22:31)

    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 20 2010,10:28)
    You are correct that Deuteronomy 6:4 proves there is only one God.   We all know that if you have one of an item you do not have 3 of that same item.  For example you cannot have 1 apple at the same time you have 3 apples.  You either have 1 apple or 3 apples.  The Trinitarians attempt to prove that you can have 1 apple at the same time you have 3 apples and when you point out that is illogical they attribute the illogic as a mystery of God.

    Kerwin….. You can have ONE apple and it can have a stem, a core containing many seeds and a skin, and still be ONE APPLE. There are SEVEN SPIRITS OF THE (ONE GOD). Just as the are many members that make up ONE man. The concept of GOD being ONE being is right if you understand that the One GOD consists of Seven distinct aspects , which are spirit (intellects) that compose the one GOD or Elohim or POWER. To try to say different is to contradict scripture, that show it to be true.  The seven Spirits are the we mentioned in Geneses IMO> These Seven Spirits of one GOD are the POWERS of ONE LORD . That is why scripture says THE LORD YAWH OUR GOD. OR HE EXISTS WITH POWERS same thing . “HEAR O ISREAL THE LORD (YAWH) OUR GOD (POWER) IS ONE (LORD)”.  Why does it not say the GOD our GOD is one GOD. GOD is the uni- plural POWERS used by ONE LORD or YAWH, to effect his will on all creations through the Seven Spirits He uses Which composes ONE GOD These are SEVEN distinct INTELLECTS with POWER and they go forth into the whole world from one LORD. Jesus now has the seven Spirits in him connected with POWERS as scripture shows. It is these Seven Spirits that compose ONE GOD, that is why the LORD says “thy Kingdom O GOD is an everlasting Kingdom”, Because it is GOD the FATHERS SPIRITS in Christ that will establish the Kingdom of GOD on the Earth at Jesus' return for ever. IMO

    What you seem to neglect is that the word “Elohim” is used for angels, some humans, and even possessions of God. Not all of these fit your definition. On the other hand God is also referred to as Divine as can some angels, some humans, or possessions of God.


    Hello Kerwin,

    Regarding the oneness or unity of God, let us each admit that depending on which passage in Isaiah we examine, the one “with” and the one without, each causes a problem for us to prove the point we wish to make.

    Let us return to the proof text we started with … Deut 6:4, as it is quite clear in its wording:

    Hear O Israel The Lord Our God Is One

    Kerwin … if evidence could be provided that Deut 6:4 was not stating the oneness of God, but rather the unity of God, would you accept that scriptural evidence, or would you remain wedded to what you have been taught, and not reexamine your previous thinking?

    I offer the following for your consideration.

    3500 years ago, Moses was inspired by God to write this passage.  Since that time, the Masoretes have faithfully transcribed this exactly as written … word for word … letter for letter.  The Jews refer to this passage as the “Shema”.

    In Deut 6:8 God told them to place this specific passage before their eyes and in “literal” obedience, the orthodox Jew places that passage in his phylactery (pill box) and places it upon his forehead “between his eyes”.

    In Matt 5:18 Jesus calls the Jew (and our) attention to seemingly insignificant details found in the writing of Moses. Not wishing to stray from our subject of the oneness or unity of God, but this particular passage contains two of those “insignificant” signs or details.  To this day, they remain a mystery to the Jew.  I will not go into it now, but there is a clear and logical explanation for these two signs, and they point directly to Jesus as their Messiah.

    Jesus declares Deut 6:4 to be first of all commandments to Jew and Gentile.  Mark 12:29.

    Hear O Israel The Lord Our God Is One

    Shema  Israel  Jehovah  Elohenu  Jehovah  Echad

    If there are any biblical Hebrew scholars here, I am sure they will confirm that there is another Hebrew word that specifically signifies one.

    However, Moses was not inspired to use that word in this most important passage.  Instead, he was inspired to use the word … echad.

    You will note in Strong's concordance #259 that echad signifies … a united one.

    Other meanings for this word are … alike, alone, some, together.

    Echad is derived from Strongs #258 meaning … to unify.

    If this does not convince you of the unity of God, I am afraid that nothing would, short of the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

    This is my final post as to the unity of God.
    It is my hope that you and others will think about this unusual word/sign from God to Moses, and now to present day Jew and Gentile.



    If this does not convince you of the unity of God, I am afraid that nothing would, short of the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

    i accept the concept of unity but not in one person ,God is not a demon or a can of worms,
    he is the only true God and Christ is his son and they are NOT siamoise twines.OR TRIPLETS


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2010,19:58)

    Quote (Gene @ Jan. 20 2010,18:19)
    ED  J………To tell you the truth i don't really follow your numbering system, I try to just go by what is written in the scriptures, and it says there (ARE) SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD,  I believe SPIRITS are (INTELLECTS) and they are expressed by WORDS, and we can recieve them into our minds , but the SPIRIT (intellect) to recognize Truth is Just (ONE) aspect of His Seven Spirits . WE are capable of trying the words or Spirits (expressed intellects)we hear and know if what we hear is true or not by that Spirit of TRUTH in US, it is a given power to us.  This Spirit of truth is also called the Comforter, because thats what truth does it comforts us and gives us a soundness, stabilizing us, it is the (earnest) of GOD'S Spirits.  

    The Seven Spirits of GOD are compared to eyes of GOD, and the four Creatures Surrounding the throne of GOD have three sets of wings full of Eyes (SPIRITS) of GOD in them. These four creatures heads are the OX , Man, Eagle, Lion . In the wilderness the standard for Ephraim was the OX, the standard for Judah was the Lion, the standard for Ruben was a Man, the standard for Dan was the Eagle  And each of these Four had another two tribes with them, That is why in the throne you see them with three sets of wings in each of the four quadrants around the throne  , but the point is here that the eyes are the Spirits or intellects of GOD in there wings and this is what lifts them up. I believe they represent the 144, 000 of the twelve tribes of Israel called out from the earth and go with Jesus everywhere he goes, They are Spirit lead servants of GOD and the Lamb. IMO  Once we start to understand what SPIRIT really is, many things start making sense and many scriptures fall into place . Spirits are (INTELLECTS) and all creation exists by them They are powerful and animate our bodies. without them we would be dead and could do nothing. IMO

    Hi Gene,

    You probably are not aware of one of satan's most successful tricks; I have learned over time how to avoid this trap!
    I will explain it, for you to finally understand this is 'the problem' you have in communicating “Truth” to others.

    First: you determine you want to help others understand “Bible Truth”, this Part is from God.
    Next: satan comes into your mind telling you “The Easiest” way to tell this “truth”; except it is really a trick.
    When you choose to go with it(FREE WILL), this is what continues to happen to you time and time again…
    A. People don't understand the “Bible Truth” you wish them to. And…
    B. People then wish to correct you, because they see what you have just told them as 'false truth'!
    (Because satan is working both ends!) Does this NOT seem to be the reoccurring pattern; Gene?
    This is “ALL” due to “The Easiest” wording that was delivered to you by satan.

    The way this 'problem' can be avoided is to use a technique I have learned, which you say does a better Job.
    This is “only” because I have fell into this trap MANY MANY times myself!
    But I have illustrated time and time again that I'm a pattern guy.
    This is why I have discovered this pattern. And this is how to avoid 'the Problem'…

    Instead of focusing in on how to best understand the information you wish to deliver.
    Don't worry if people will understand, it takes time for them to understand even simple concepts.
    My focus is “ONLY” that they DON”T misunderstand! Using this technique may take some practice.
    But I guarantee it WILL help you to communicate better! With a lot less 'your wrong' STUFF!
    I believe it will ALSO be helpful(to everyone here) for you to ask more about God, “The SevenFold GOD!

    Your Brother in Christ!
    Ed J

    ED J………I do agree the clearer we can be in trying to explaining something that better for all, some time this takes a long Post to accomplish and i do believe we are all at different stages of growth in our journey to understand GOD'S words. Many times it is like water on a ducks back just shed right off. Most have their own convictions and are not willing to consider other thoughts when offered, Jesus also had the same problems even with his disciples at times he had to explain over and over to them things. We are very much like little childern in the market place, Jesus said those of his day were , they said we have piped unto you and you did not dance we have mourned unto you and your did not mourn, i think it is still that way.

    peace to you and yours……………….gene

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene @ Jan. 23 2010,23:48)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2010,19:58)

    Quote (Gene @ Jan. 20 2010,18:19)
    ED  J………To tell you the truth i don't really follow your numbering system, I try to just go by what is written in the scriptures, and it says there (ARE) SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD,  I believe SPIRITS are (INTELLECTS) and they are expressed by WORDS, and we can recieve them into our minds , but the SPIRIT (intellect) to recognize Truth is Just (ONE) aspect of His Seven Spirits . WE are capable of trying the words or Spirits (expressed intellects)we hear and know if what we hear is true or not by that Spirit of TRUTH in US, it is a given power to us.  This Spirit of truth is also called the Comforter, because thats what truth does it comforts us and gives us a soundness, stabilizing us, it is the (earnest) of GOD'S Spirits.  

    The Seven Spirits of GOD are compared to eyes of GOD, and the four Creatures Surrounding the throne of GOD have three sets of wings full of Eyes (SPIRITS) of GOD in them. These four creatures heads are the OX , Man, Eagle, Lion . In the wilderness the standard for Ephraim was the OX, the standard for Judah was the Lion, the standard for Ruben was a Man, the standard for Dan was the Eagle  And each of these Four had another two tribes with them, That is why in the throne you see them with three sets of wings in each of the four quadrants around the throne  , but the point is here that the eyes are the Spirits or intellects of GOD in there wings and this is what lifts them up. I believe they represent the 144, 000 of the twelve tribes of Israel called out from the earth and go with Jesus everywhere he goes, They are Spirit lead servants of GOD and the Lamb. IMO  Once we start to understand what SPIRIT really is, many things start making sense and many scriptures fall into place . Spirits are (INTELLECTS) and all creation exists by them They are powerful and animate our bodies. without them we would be dead and could do nothing. IMO

    Hi Gene,

    You probably are not aware of one of satan's most successful tricks; I have learned over time how to avoid this trap!
    I will explain it, for you to finally understand this is 'the problem' you have in communicating “Truth” to others.

    First: you determine you want to help others understand “Bible Truth”, this Part is from God.
    Next: satan comes into your mind telling you “The Easiest” way to tell this “truth”; except it is really a trick.
    When you choose to go with it(FREE WILL), this is what continues to happen to you time and time again…
    A. People don't understand the “Bible Truth” you wish them to. And…
    B. People then wish to correct you, because they see what you have just told them as 'false truth'!
    (Because satan is working both ends!) Does this NOT seem to be the reoccurring pattern; Gene?
    This is “ALL” due to “The Easiest” wording that was delivered to you by satan.

    The way this 'problem' can be avoided is to use a technique I have learned, which you say does a better Job.
    This is “only” because I have fell into this trap MANY MANY times myself!
    But I have illustrated time and time again that I'm a pattern guy.
    This is why I have discovered this pattern. And this is how to avoid 'the Problem'…

    Instead of focusing in on how to best understand the information you wish to deliver.
    Don't worry if people will understand, it takes time for them to understand even simple concepts
    My focus is “ONLY” that they DON”T misunderstand! Using this technique may take some practice.
    But I guarantee it WILL help you to communicate better! With a lot less 'your wrong' STUFF!

    I believe it will ALSO be helpful(to everyone here) for you to ask more about God, “The SevenFold GOD!

    Your Brother in Christ!
    Ed J

    ED J………I do agree the clearer we can be in trying to explaining something that better for all, some time this takes a long Post to accomplish and i do believe we are all at different stages of growth in our journey to understand GOD'S words. Many times it is like water on a ducks back just shed right off. Most have their own convictions and are not willing to consider other thoughts when offered, Jesus also had the same problems even with his disciples at times he had to explain over and over to them things. We are very much like little childern in the market place, Jesus said those of his day were , they said we have piped unto you and you did not dance we have mourned unto you and your did not mourn, i think it is still that way.

    peace to you and yours……………….gene

    Hi Gene,

    Time and time again when people try to explain their concepts of God to others based on their understanding of God,
    they get accused of having it all wrong because it doesn't match others own personal view of “Truth” as they see it.

    It's like working on a jig-saw puzzle that you don't have the cover of the box with the complete picture.
    Someone may have many of the pieces lined up, but when someone else comes along with more pieces,
    they are immediately rejected because the newly presented pieces don't seem to fit the picture that they are intending to portray.

    Their rejecting of new pieces is satan's doing. We must accept ALL THE PIECES to the puzzle (A.K.A. all Scripture verses).
    If there are some additional pieces (presented by others) that don't seem to fit, they MUST find away to expand the picture.
    Or at least explain the presented bible verse instead of just shrugging it off as a distraction from their agenda.

    I present Bible Verses that don't fit into the picture they wish to portray, creating a quandary for them.
    Then I simply ask them to put the additional piece (or pieces) into their puzzle! This presents them with quite a dilemma >?

    1) They cannot reject these “True” Bible Verses. And…
    2) The pieces don't seem to fit their preconceived picture of “Truth”.

    This is the reason why 'TheThinker' won't respond to my posts any more. Rather than explaining his views on God,
    he would rather spend his time refuting others with dissimilar views of God than his own. WJ is at least willing to engage.

    Could you ask a question regarding the last line in my quote?
    That way I can elaborate more on my view of God.

    God bless
    Ed J


    ED J…….not sure what you are taking about but i will assume it is about the Seven Fold Nature of GOD. I believe GOD is a Uni-Plural word. God is represented by (SEVEN) DISTINCT SPIRITS as (ONE GOD).  These Spirits are before The LORD (YHWH)'s Throne they are distinct Intellects or Spirits, and these seven Spirits Intellects are coupled with Power. Remember when Jesus said to his deciles after you have recieved (POWER) from on high. The Spirit of Truth is the POWER to PERCEIVE the Truth it is the earnest of the SPIRITS of GOD.  It is also called the comforter because truth does comfort Us. This Spirit is (ONE) of the seven SPIRIT (INTELLECTS) of GOD, which is given us, it both accuse and defends us, it's like a ships rudder, it guides us through the sea of confusion besetting us.

    People think they understand what GOD is, But Jesus said in

    Joh 16:25…>These things I have spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time comes, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but i Shall show you plainly of the FATHER.

    Rev 10:7 …> But in the days of the voice of the seventh angle when he shall (Begin) to sound, the (MYSTERY)of GOD should be finished, as he has declared unto his servants the Prophets


    Hope i understood you right not sure though.

    peace and love to you and your……….gene

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene @ Jan. 24 2010,05:17)
    ED J…….not sure what you are taking about but i will assume it is about the Seven Fold Nature of GOD. I believe GOD is a Uni-Plural word. God is represented by (SEVEN) DISTINCT SPIRITS as (ONE GOD).  These Spirits are before The LORD (YHWH)'s Throne they are destinct Intellects or Spirits, and these seven go Spirit Intellect are coupled with Power. Remember when Jesus said to his deciles after you have recieved (POWER) for the GOD. The Spirit of Truth is the POWER to PERCEIVE the Truth it is the earnest of the SPIRITS of GOD.  It is also called the comforter because truth does comfort Us. This Spirit is (ONE) of the seven SPIRIT (INTELLECTS) of GOD, which is given us, it both accuse and defends us, it's like a ships rudder, it guides us through the sea of confusion besetting us.

    People think they understand what GOD is, But Jesus said in Joh 16:25…>These things I have spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time comes, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but i Shall show you plainly of the FATHER.

    Rev 10:7 …> But in the days of the voice of the seventh angle when he shall (Begin) to sound, the (MYSTERY)of GOD should be finished, as he has declared unto his servants the Prophets


    Hope i understood you right not sure though.

    peace and love to you and your……….gene

    Hi Gene,

    I don't see a question in there?

    Ed J


    ED J………..Sorry i did not realize it was a question you were after, So I will ask you one , what is you understanding of the SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD then?

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