The Holy Spirit, a separate person, essence of God, or force?

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    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 20 2010,09:07)

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 20 2010,05:04)
    do you believe in the trinity?????

    Hi Terraricca,

    I'm glad you asked: Yes and No. I understand God as: “The Sevenfold GOD”.
    Which I can explain in great detail. Gene is truly on to something, but has much
    difficulty explaining God to people in ways they can extract “Bible Truth” from his words.

    Zech.3:9 For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold,
    I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.

    You probablly need to ask another question, before you get confused by too much information all at once.
    The only rule I want everybody to follow is: “only” one question Per Post;
    that way their question should be addressed by any responder.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed! You are saying that the Holy Spirit of the Father is separate from Him? Is that what you are saying? That to me is not so. It is the essence of Him like Love, Patience, Wisdom etc. We too have a Spirit and it is not separate either. At Baptism we have received God's Holy Spirit and now we can understand the things of God. If we did not have a Spirit in us, we could never be united with the Father and Jesus. It is that what makes us united with them.
    Peace and Love Irene


    hi 94

    God is spirit and he is Holy because there is no one purer than God,he is alone in is class,it is through Christ the middle man if you say that we have access to become holy,so let see it right,
    we are sinners ,so we do not have God spirit ,Christ calls out and say come on all of you who fear God ,i am the door to God any one believe in me will have everlasting live ,true,but believing in Jesus mean obey to his commandments and practice them,after all that, he says i will be with you to the end of time.
    so if you say that you have received the holy spirit this means you received powers from God through Jesus,and would means that you have fulfil all other requirement right?
    because the apostles received only the holy spirit after 3.5 years of teaching ,the powers they receive while doing the preaching while with Christ, was given by Christ.
    so if someone claims to have the Holy spirit and does not do what Christ as said and does not teach what Christ and his disciples teached are liars.
    there another problem with having the Holy spirit ,Joel 2 prophecy was accomplished in the apostles times,we are living in the time of the message ;Jn 17:20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,
    this to me shows that all who preach that you will receive the Holy spirit are lying,because there is nothing more attached than what it says,
    but how then can someone approach God through Christ ,it is to follow Christ direction obey is commandments practice them and absorb the knowledge of his word so to be one in spirit with Christ
    because the WORD his the spirit of Christ ;
    HEB 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
    HEB 11:2 For by it the men of old gained approval
    1JN 4:9 By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him

    John says God was manifested in us by obeying and applying the teachings of Christ and his disciples and so receive the grace of God .

    this is what i believe to be true.


    To All………God is composed of SEVEN Spirit (INTELLECTS) these are described as the eyes of GOD, they are connected with power and produced the whole creation. Jesus has all seven of these Spirit (IN) him, that is why He said the FATHER WAS IN HIM, GOD the FATHER was truly in Him, it was the Father in him that Said, “destory this temple and in thee days I shall raise it up. GOD considers us temples He can cohabit. Through His Spirit. “GOD in ALL and THROUGH ALL”. “GOD was (IN) Christ reconciling the World unto (HIMSELF)”> GOD is omnipresent  in all his creation. IMO


    hi gene
    your interpretation says that you believe that God the father is composed of 7 spirits and that Christ as also have those 7 spirit.and that is why he said the Father was in him,……..temple and 3 days i raise it up. i disagree with your interpretation,

    To All………God is composed of SEVEN Spirit (INTELLECTS) these are described as the eyes of GOD, they are connected with power and produced the whole creation. Jesus has all seven of these Spirit (IN) him, that is why He said the FATHER WAS IN HIM, GOD the FATHER was truly in Him, it was the Father in him that Said, “destory this temple and in thee days I shall raise it up. GOD considers us temples He can cohabit. Through His Spirit. “GOD in ALL and THROUGH ALL”. “GOD was (IN) Christ reconciling the World unto (HIMSELF)”> GOD is omnipresent in all his creation. IMO
    gene .this is your quote above.


    Ed J.,

    I am not sure what Luke 8:5 has to do with your point that the Holy Spirit is God. The seed is the word of God, or more specifically all of Jesus’ teachings. That is not literally the same as the Holy Spirit. I suppose you can make the point that figuratively the Holy Spirit is the Word of God.

    I am going to disagree with you on Hebrews 7:28 which is not speaking about the Holy Spirit but is speaking about the word of God, or more specifically about a particular oath God made.

    A lot of your other scriptures you use as premises fail to actually support your conclusion. Instead it looks like you assumed your conclusion when quoting those scriptures.


    how come wen you quote verse they never mach my bible ,do have your personal one ???
    Heb 7:28 For the law appoints as high priests men who are weak; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever

    Dt 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.

    those verse i quote are the ones you quote to Kerwin but your explanation does not fit the scriptures quoted.


    Ed J

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 20 2010,13:21)
    Hi Ed,
    If you hit my finger with a hammer then you would have hit me.
    But I am not my finger.

    God is in heaven and has never left it as far as we know and that is why we are told to pray to Him there.
    Meanwhile His Spirit has been doing His work in His visible creation directly and using many vessels.

    We do not pray TO and worship His Spirit do we?

    Hi Nick,

    John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

    Lev.11:44 For I the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and
    ye shall be holy; for I holy: neither shall ye defile yourselves
    with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    Eph.4:6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

    What Spirit is in all us believers?

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene @ Jan. 20 2010,12:22)
    ED J………Sounds good to me , i will try harder to do that. I am Glad you see GOD consists of SEVEN SPIRITS These are the eyes (intellects) these Each are aspects of (ONE) GOD. I tried to explain it before like One GUN having seven Bullets, each with Power of It's Own. but it all is only (ONE GUN) and GOD is ONE GOD composing of all Seven Spirits. And you are right sometimes i do have trouble putting into clear word what i am trying to say. You seem to have a far better ability to do that then i do.

    I do have a question though, it's about the Holy Spirit, as representing Gods complete Spirits, or the fullness of GOD, To me the HOLY SPIRIT or set-aside SPIRIT is (ONE) of GOD'S Seven Spirits (the Spirit or INTELLECT of (TRUTH) giving us the ability to recognize truth when we hear it, and judges our thoughts ( “for the spirit both accuses us and defends us') Which is the (EARNEST) given to us from GOD the FATHER.  What is you understanding on this?

    peace and ;ove to you and yours………………gene

    Hi Gene,

    First we start with: Divided(Two) into undivided(Five).
    I realize these Patterns are going to need a lot more explaining,
    but here is a complete “Overview”, to aid in your understanding.
    At first this may seem a little “hokey”, especially with many satan's resistances factors.
    This “Superstructure” is a complete “Overview” representation of “The SevenFold GOD”.
    But it can only be looked at in pieces, and only as a mere representation.

    At first: There is division (dichotomy) among believers…
    This everybody already knows! But it can be explained and abandoned.

    God’s Name יהוה is written exactly 6823 times in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts. See how the
    Gematria value of Ιησους Χριστоς=2368 Ē-Ā-Soos Chrĭstŏs (Jesus Christ in Greek)
    bears a striking resemblance to the number of times God’s Name is used in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts.

    The wall Jesus died to abolish (Eph.2:14), is illustrate as this dichotomy: [6823] and [2368].

               “Trinitarian”?            and          “non-Trinitarian”!
                6823             and            2368

                “Trinitarian”                           “non-Trinitarian”      
     New god=68 'i am'=23?            'i am'=23 NOT JAH=68!
             (AKJV Gal.2:20)                      (AKJV Psalm 68:4-5)

    Once set free from this dichotomy(John 8:32), you then move into and become part of the “HolyCity” of Rev.21:2-3.
    Which then can be illustrated as “A Pattern Five” in many ways; here are building blocks of it's design.

    Now this number 6823 might not seem significant at first:
    But 6823 is the 877th prime number in a long list of prime
    numbers starting with two (2). This number 877 is the 151st
    prime number. But 151 shows the “Unity” in Spirit we are looking for.

                             YHVH GOD is ONE=151.

    This “pattern of five”, can be illustrated as a superstructure using…
    the Greek “title” for God, the AKJV Bible, Geometry, and Gematria.

    There are five words for “God” the Greek (all are pronounced Thēôs); they are…
    Four (4) of these are “plural” forms of the word; only one (1) is used in “singular” form.

    1) θεος
    2) θεου
    3) θεω
    4) θεον

    5) θεε

    The AKJV Bible has uses the name JEHOVAH four (4) times and JAH (1) once!
    JEHOVAH is also used in three (3) phrases (illustrating a trinity)

    1) JEHOVAH (Exodus 6:3)………..(Exodus 17:15)
    2) JEHOVAH (Isaiah 12:2)………..(Gen.22:14)
    3) JEHOVAH (Psalm 83:18)………(Judges 6:24)
    4) JEHOVAH (Isaiah 26:4)………….LORD of Hosts

    5) JAH (Psalm 68:4)…………………..used EXACTLY “ONCE”!

    1) The LORD JEHOVAH=151 (Exodus 6:3)

    2) Jesus Christ=151 …………(Isaiah 12:2)

    3) HolySpirit=151 …………….(Psalm 83:18)

    4) LORD of Hosts=151 ……..(Isaiah 26:4)

    5) YHVH GOD is ONE =151 (Psalm 68:4)

    Ezek.4:1 …take thee a tile, and lay it before thee, and portray upon it the [Holy City], even [New Jerusalem]:
    Ezek.43:16 And the altar shall be …square in the four squares thereof. God's “HolyCity” is “Spiritual”!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of…
    117=יהוה האלהים YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm (JEHOVAH GOD)! (Psalm 45:17)
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-14)


    Hello Kerwin,

    You state in part that Deuteronomy 6:4 proves that there is only one God.  I agree.

    I am sure you have heard the phrase “they were as one” or, “the whole platoon advanced as one”.

    Not sure, but I think that in the OT it states that David's 288 singers flanked each side of the congregation and sang as one.

    Do you agree that there can be a plural form of one?
    Is it possible that Dt 6:4 is using a plural form of one?


    Quote (selah @ Jan. 20 2010,12:45)
    Hello Kerwin,

    You state in part that Deuteronomy 6:4 proves that there is only one God.  I agree.

    I am sure you have heard the phrase “they were as one” or, “the whole platoon advanced as one”.

    Not sure, but I think that in the OT it states that David's 288 singers flanked each side of the congregation and sang as one.

    Do you agree that there can be a plural form of one?
    Is it possible that Dt 6:4 is using a plural form of one?

    The plural form of one is the unity.  The unity is composed of all that live according to the ways of the Spirit of Holiness.  It obviously includes the spirit of Holiness.  That is not what God is stating in Deuteronomy 6:4 as God is claiming he is the only God.   It is what Jesus means when he petitions God that the believers be one as he and the father are one.


    ED  J………To tell you the truth i don't really follow your numbering system, I try to just go by what is written in the scriptures, and it says there (ARE) SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD,  I believe SPIRITS are (INTELLECTS) and they are expressed by WORDS, and we can recieve them into our minds , but the SPIRIT (intellect) to recognize Truth is Just (ONE) aspect of His Seven Spirits . WE are capable of trying the words or Spirits (expressed intellects)we hear and know if what we hear is true or not by that Spirit of TRUTH in US, it is a given power to us.  This Spirit of truth is also called the Comforter, because thats what truth does it comforts us and gives us a soundness, stabilizing us, it is the (earnest) of GOD'S Spirits.  

    The Seven Spirits of GOD are compared to eyes of GOD, and the four Creatures Surrounding the throne of GOD have three sets of wings full of Eyes (SPIRITS) of GOD in them. These four creatures heads are the OX , Man, Eagle, Lion . In the wilderness the standard for Ephraim was the OX, the standard for Judah was the Lion, the standard for Ruben was a Man, the standard for Dan was the Eagle  And each of these Four had another two tribes with them, That is why in the throne you see them with three sets of wings in each of the four quadrants around the throne , but the point is here that the eyes are the Spirits or intellects of GOD in there wings and this is what lifts them up. I believe they represent the 144, 000 of the twelve tribes of Israel called out from the earth and go with Jesus everywhere he goes, They are Spirit lead servants of GOD and the Lamb. IMO  Once we start to understand what SPIRIT really is, many things start making sense and many scriptures fall into place . Spirits are (INTELLECTS) and all creation exists by them They are powerful and animate our bodies. without them we would be dead and could do nothing. IMO


    Kerwin……….Elohim (IS) a uni-plural word, It means (POWERS) There are Seven Spirits of GOD each is a distinct aspect of ONE GOD. Very much like a man is a uni-plural being , he has a body with a sense of touch, of smell, of site, of sound, of taste all these senses make (ONE) MAN. Even the Body of Christ is made up of many members but is still considered as ONE . When the LORD said let us make Man , he was talking to his seven Spirits that create everything in existence. IMO


    make up your mind of what they are;It means (POWERS) There are Seven Spirits of GOD each is a distinct aspect of ONE GOD

    Spirits are (INTELLECTS) and all creation exists by them They are powerful and animate our bodies. without them we would be dead and could do nothing. IMO

    what is ???????????????????????


    Hello Kerwin,

    You have said in part that “the plural form of one is the unity (and) that is not what God is stating in Deuteronomy 6:4 as God is claiming he is the only God ……..”

    I know you believe that God is not saying that here, but for this discussion, if this is your proof text as to the oneness (singular) of God, can you offer something else from Deuteronomy to substantiate your claim that God is not stating unity here?

    Thank you.


    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 19 2010,18:28)
    You are correct that Deuteronomy 6:4 proves there is only one God.   We all know that if you have one of an item you do not have 3 of that same item.  For example you cannot have 1 apple at the same time you have 3 apples.  You either have 1 apple or 3 apples.  The Trinitarians attempt to prove that you can have 1 apple at the same time you have 3 apples and when you point out that is illogical they attribute the illogic as a mystery of God.


    Your logic is very weak because you are comparing “Apples to Oranges”.  

    You are comparing that which is natural to that which is Spiritual!

    When you can explain how Jesus can dwell in the Father at the same time the Father dwells in him, and yet the scriptures tell us there is “One Spirit”, then you may be onto something!  


    ED, I have been real busy and had not been able to give the time I need to your post but will soon!   :)


    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 19 2010,18:28)
    You are correct that Deuteronomy 6:4 proves there is only one God.   We all know that if you have one of an item you do not have 3 of that same item.  For example you cannot have 1 apple at the same time you have 3 apples.  You either have 1 apple or 3 apples.  The Trinitarians attempt to prove that you can have 1 apple at the same time you have 3 apples and when you point out that is illogical they attribute the illogic as a mystery of God.


    Or maybe you can tell us how a man and a woman can be “One flesh”?  



    Quote (Gene @ Jan. 20 2010,13:43)
    Kerwin……….Elohim (IS) a uni-plural word,  It means (POWERS) There are Seven Spirits of GOD each is a distinct aspect of ONE GOD. Very much like a man is a uni-plural being , he has a body with a sense of touch, of smell, of site, of sound, of taste  all these senses make (ONE) MAN. Even the Body of Christ is made up of many members but is still considered as ONE . When the LORD said let us make Man , he was talking to his seven Spirits that create everything in existence. IMO

    I am going to disagree with your definition of Elohim. El is God's name. I believe El is translated God or maybe Lord. I do not know what “ohim” means but it seems to denote either a possession of family member. Son of Elohim is probably like stating a son of God's family. Of course you can state that God's family are powers and I can not argue. I am not sure you can call his possessions powers and Elohim is also used to refer to God's possessions.

    Divine might be a good though not perfect translation of it.


    Quote (selah @ Jan. 21 2010,05:47)
    Hello Kerwin,

    You have said in part that “the plural form of one is the unity (and) that is not what God is stating in Deuteronomy 6:4 as God is claiming he is the only God ……..”

    I know you believe that God is not saying that here, but for this discussion, if this is your proof text as to the oneness (singular) of God, can you offer something else from Deuteronomy to substantiate your claim that God is not stating unity here?

    Thank you.

    If you can understand the Hebrew way of phrasing the idea of the only one then I believe the best scripture to display my point is Isaiah 41:4 where God calls himself the first Lord and the last Lord.


    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 20 2010,00:42)
    Ed J.,

    I am not sure what Luke 8:5 has to do with your point that the Holy Spirit is God.  The seed is the word of God, or more specifically all of Jesus’ teachings.   That is not literally the same as the Holy Spirit.  I suppose you can make the point that figuratively the Holy Spirit is the Word of God.

    I am going to disagree with you on Hebrews 7:28 which is not speaking about the Holy Spirit but is speaking about the word of God, or more specifically about a particular oath God made.

    A lot of your other scriptures you use as premises fail to actually support your conclusion.   Instead it looks like you assumed your conclusion when quoting those scriptures.


    Amen to that!



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 21 2010,06:02)

    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 19 2010,18:28)
    You are correct that Deuteronomy 6:4 proves there is only one God.   We all know that if you have one of an item you do not have 3 of that same item.  For example you cannot have 1 apple at the same time you have 3 apples.  You either have 1 apple or 3 apples.  The Trinitarians attempt to prove that you can have 1 apple at the same time you have 3 apples and when you point out that is illogical they attribute the illogic as a mystery of God.


    Your logic is very weak because you are comparing “Apples to Oranges”.  

    You are comparing that which is natural to that which is Spiritual!

    When you can explain how Jesus can dwell in the Father at the same time the Father dwells in him, and yet the scriptures tell us there is “One Spirit”, then you may be onto something!  


    ED, I have been real busy and had not been able to give the time I need to your post but will soon!   :)

    You are asking a question that is perhaps beyond the limits of my understanding. I will say what I know and that is there is only one spirit of righteousness that is in all of the unity and which binds us together. I believe Jesus also phrased the same idea by stating that the believers would be one with him and the Father and he and the Father would be one with them.

    If this was a math problem then I would have the problem and the answer but not the work it took to get from one to the other. I regret that in this way I have limited knowledge to address your question.

    In time perhaps God will choose to teach me.

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