The Holy Spirit, a separate person, essence of God, or force?

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  • #388445

    Hi T,
    Read your words in front of a mirror.
    You might see something


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 12 2014,04:21)
    Hi T,
    Read your words in front of a mirror.
    You might see something


    useless answer


    Hi T,
    Still in your high place above mankind?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 12 2014,04:37)
    Hi T,
    Still in your high place above mankind?


    if I was so high as you say ;I would not being talking to you at all ,


    Hi T,


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 12 2014,04:45)
    Hi T,





    the holy spirit or the spirit of truth are one and the same , were their is truth the spirit of truth is there ,or was behind that truth , he gives as required to those that love God and his son ,the power of God is with them ,


    God is holy and God is spirit

    It is no surprise therefore, that God would call himself “the Holy Spirit”

    God has given to himself many, many differing names/attributes in scripture to teach those who want to know more about him.

    God is holy and God is spirit

    God is the Holy Spirit

    God gives to believers of Himself.

    God has given to us of His spirit,

    I John 4:13

    Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

    Acts 2:38

    Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    This would refer to either the gift from the Holy Spirit or the gift which is holy spirit

    It is this gift of holy spirit that enables us to do the works of Christ.

    It is this gift that enables us to imitate God (in those attributes that a spirit filled believer can do)

    Ephesians 5:1

    Be ye therefore followers [imitators] of God, as dear children;

    as in I Peter 1:14-16

    As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:
    15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;
    16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.


    sonof god

    <God is holy and God is spirit

    It is no surprise therefore, that God would call himself “the Holy Spirit”>

    how could something that is “OF GOD ” be the God of which he is of ?

    can now God almighty be shared ?

    on what bases do you prove your claim?



    Hi Terricca,
    You asked:

    how could something that is “OF GOD ” be the God of which he is of ?

    can now God almighty be shared ?

    Maybe this illustration can help:
    Isn’t the spirit of the person actually the person? Think about it…when a person dies, his spirit leaves his body. People say at the side of the open casket that that person is no longer there but is with the Lord. That person is with the Lord. The spirit of the person is considered the person in that context. Get it?

    In a way, the Spirit of God is considered God…as I understand it, although God doesn’t die but as His absolute presence is in one place (in heaven), His omnipresence can be in many places at the same time. It seems to me that God’s spirit is how God is omnipresent. The absolute presence is God and the omnipresence is also God.

    I hope that helps.

    Take care!



    I agree with you.




    A person’s spirit is the spirit of the flesh.
    That spirit is the person’s desires in his life.
    When he dies;that spirit ceased to exist.
    The flesh goes in the grave.
    His essence of life: his works during his lifetime,is the soul.
    It is his works that will be judged.
    All will be judged by their deeds.
    Christians will be judged by mercy.




    Hi Wakeup,
    I appreciate your response. I do not agree that a man’s spirit=his desires. I would say that a man’s spirit has desires. I also disagree that man’s soul=his works.



    That’s fine
    Thank you.





    Have you never given of yourself to anyone?

    You haven’t share your time or knowledge or talents with anyone at all ever?

    Do you have children?

    If you do, did you give of yourself to cause the conception in the womb of the mother of your children?

    Have you ever been employed? Assuming that you have, do you give of your time and talents at work or do you just sit there ?



    Please consider.
    1.The Word was made flesh.(John 1.)
    2.God spoke to the apostles through His Word.(What I hear my Father say;that I speak).(what I see my Father do, that I do).
    3.In the Word is life.(The words that I speak to you; they are spirit, and they are life).
    4.The Word was crucified; and redeemed from the grave, by the Lord of Host,His redeemer.(isaiah 44:6).
    5.No one can come to the Father but by Me;(by the Word).
    6.No one can come to God, but by the Word of God. (by seeking the scriptures,the Word of God).
    7. The Word is that bread that came down from heaven.(spiritual bread).
    8.The Word said; eat my flesh.(john 6:48–58).Meaning indulge in the SPIRIT of those Words,and be filled with the spirit of the Word.
    9. The Word is the slain Lamb of God;sitting in His throne WITH God.(rev.22).(The Lamb and God)(The Word and God).
    10.The same Word will come again with God’s vengeance/wrath.(rev.19).
    11.And when all things shall be subdued unto the Word; then shall the Word also be in subjection to God.(cor.15:28.).

    The Word=the Son=Jesus.(AFTER creation started).
    The Word was WITH God ; AT,or BEFORE creation DAY; BEFORE made flesh.
    The Word WAS God : BEFORE creation started.(NOT A WORD WAS SPOKEN).(THERE WAS JUST GOD).

    Please make any corrections if needed.


    Ed J

    God is holy and God is spirit

    It is no surprise therefore, that God would call himself “the Holy Spirit”

    God has given to himself many, many differing names/attributes in scripture to teach those who want to know more about him.

    God is holy and God is spirit

    God is the Holy Spirit

    God gives to believers of Himself.

    God has given to us of His spirit,

    I John 4:13

    Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

    Acts 2:38

    Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    This would refer to either the gift from the Holy Spirit or the gift which is holy spirit

    It is this gift of holy spirit that enables us to do the works of Christ.

    It is this gift that enables us to imitate God (in those attributes that a spirit filled believer can do)

    Ephesians 5:1

    Be ye therefore followers [imitators] of God, as dear children;

    as in I Peter 1:14-16

    As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:
    15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;
    16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

    Hi son of God,

    Excellent Post!

    Your Brother
    in Christ
    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    sonof god

    <God is holy and God is spirit

    It is no surprise therefore, that God would call himself “the Holy Spirit”>

    how could something that is “OF GOD ” be the God of which he is of ?

    Hi Pierre,

    Do you mean: “How can God’s spirit be “GOD”?

    It’s the story of “THE BOOK” – that’s how.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    I tend to think of God as a mind or personality and his spirit is his essence.
    So while the Father may be in Heaven, by his Spirit, he can dwell in all creation including us.

    So yes God is the Spirit as you say.

    2 Corinthians 3:17
    Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.


    Hi Digger.

    1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

    Where does it say Micha’el is the Lord?


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