The Holy Spirit, a separate person, essence of God, or force?

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    Hi david,
    These are scriptural forums and it should be pointed out that only scriptural evidence is regarded here as useful. It is fine to express opinion and quote learned people so long as you acknowledge that their words are not the pure source of truth but at best dim reflections.

    It is best to stick with the language of the Word because otherwise we are like the tower of Babel dividing men by language.

    Jesus did not add big clever words. He preached a gospel for those children old enough to come to him.Neither should we as they often contain a trap inherent in men's wisdom.

    Anyone who posts here should not take things personally. It is truth we fight for and our enemies are deception and lies not people who have mistakenly held them dear.

    Is 1:18

    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 21 2005,00:52)
    Yes, Nick,

    Some people like to hide behind big words in the hope that they can baffle their hearers in order to give an impression that they are above them in knowledge. A sort of scare tactic or leveller, when they cannot backup their teaching using scripture alone.

    As Paul said, the Greeks love wisdom, but he gave them the simplicity of the gospel, an offence to their proud minds.

    Keeping it simple is good. Venturing off into Greek philosophy doesn't benefit anyone. We are hear to teach and learn the truth. It is not a competition to see who knows more.

    Well the truth is I do like words, big and small. But if I can use a big word that connotes and encapsulates the essence of several smaller ones strung together, then to me it makes sense to use it. It’s more a function of efficiency, than making myself out to be a intellectual (which I’m not).

    BTW, i'm not hiding from anyone t8.


    Is1;18 don`t bother with these wolves. I detect that your i.q. is a little higher than mine and your sentence structure is par excellence. so you know what these deceivers are all about! Clearly all they do is twist words accuse with questions , stupid and EVIL methods that are satanic in nature. Flee from such, they have no peace and no rest. Be at peace my friend, i hope i can call you friend. Shalom and be well.


    Hi soxan,
    Why are you so frightened?


    Wolves! That would be you and your lot!


    Hi soxan,
    But are you a sheep?


    You should know, wolves can detect sheep from miles away.


    Hi soxan,
    Sheep are meek and humble of heart. They do not hate and abuse and insult and aggravate.

    Is 1:18

    Quote (soxan @ Nov. 21 2005,04:20)
    Is1;18 don`t bother with these wolves. I detect that your i.q. is a little higher than mine and your sentence structure is par excellence. so you know what these deceivers are all about! Clearly all they do is twist words accuse with questions , stupid and EVIL methods that are satanic in nature. Flee from such, they have no peace and no rest. Be at peace my friend, i hope i can call you friend. Shalom and be well.

    Hi Soxan,
    Thanks for the encouraging words, my friend. Yes I do intend to have a long holiday from soon. I just have some posts for David and t8 to reply to first. I have a young family and they are my first “earthly” priority.

    Shalom aleichem


    Quote (soxan @ Nov. 21 2005,23:20)
    Is1;18 don`t bother with these wolves. I detect that your i.q. is a little higher than mine and your sentence structure is par excellence. so you know what these deceivers are all about! Clearly all they do is twist words accuse with questions , stupid and EVIL methods that are satanic in nature. Flee from such, they have no peace and no rest. Be at peace my friend, i hope i can call you friend. Shalom and be well.

    You should know, wolves can detect sheep from miles away.


    If you are telling people to leave and that we are evil, then why do you not heed your own words. You persecute us everyday and you cannot keep away from here, even though you tell everyone to keep away. What spirit compels you to come here and persecute us every day? Most people wouldn't bother with those who they do not agree with. E.g., I don't go to a Hells Angels, or Nazi forums and speak bad about them. I couldn't be bothered and I would be wasting my time by speaking bad about them. Yet you come here, say we are evil, and persecute us day and night. Something compels you to come here and do this.

    Same thing with the Pharisees. They use to hang around Jesus and John and speak bad about them. But as one wise pharisee said, “why not leave them alone, for if they are not of God they will not last, otherwise we could find ourselves fighting against God”. It is even written “that the day will come when men will try and kill you, thinking they are doing a service to God”.

    I think you have some serious questions to ask of yourself, such as why are you driven to persecute us. The gospels show us that the early Christians suffered persecution even from Saul. Seems to me that the god of this age is angry, yet I pray that God will touch you by his Spirit that you may know the truth in order that you may be free.

    Believe it or not, I wish the best for you and hope that you will live the potential that God has for you.



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 22 2005,00:49)
    Hi soxan,
    Sheep are meek and humble of heart. They do not hate and abuse and insult and aggravate.

    True Nick,

    with the exception of one type of sheep. A sheep with a wolves heart. They only have the appearance of sheep.

    Wolves persecute sheep, yet sheep shouldn't persecute wolves, they should only speak the truth of them. If Soxan were truly a sheep, then either way he shouldn't persecute us. Yet if we be of God, then he is speaking to God in this manner.

    The Holy Spirit never leads someone to say the words that Soxan has spoken. We should all take heed and see the example that Soxan has set and learn not to be like that. Let God be his judge, and yet pray that God will have mercy on him for speaking to him as he speaks to us. For whatever he does to us, he does to HIM.


    persecute? don`t flatter yourselves!


    Hi soxan,
    Gal 5.22
    ” But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control; Against such things there is no law”


    Quote (soxan @ Nov. 22 2005,03:06)
    persecute? don`t flatter yourselves!

    What else do you call it? Love, kindness, peace?



    Gal 5:20 …heresies.


    love? if you love your neighbor you will not lie to them! In order to produce the fruits you must be led by the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity!


    Hi soxan,
    We tell you what is written in scripture and you label these things lies. What gives?


    What gives? you give! not the scriptures!


    Ok I would like some insight on the tongues of manifestation. Oneness pentecostals believe that tongues is the intial evidence of the recieving of the Holy Spirit. It is hard to prove them wrong from scripture. But in every passage of Acts that indicated a person or persons spoke in a tongue after recieving the Holy Spirit there was always a few common factors. One, there was understanding of what the person or persons where saying. Two, there were witnesses. Oneness Pentecostals also say that the tongues of manifestation and the gifts of tongues are DIFFERENT. I have been in many church services where “tongues of manifestation” take place. Never heard of any one understanding jack. Just a bunch of garble. So this makes me question whether this is the real Holy Spirit. Is this a counterfeit. How is it that many of these HARLOT churches, Oneness Pentecostals, Assemblies of God, some Protestant and now even Catholic churches are all having this “EXPERIENCE”. Would God pour his Spirit out on people who are teaching downright Heresy. If so why do these Denominations still exist? The Holy Spirit is also known as the Spirit of truth. One of his roles is to guide us into all truth. I personally doubt what we're seeing is of God. I think we're seeing a counterfeit from satan. Look at our first century brothers and sisters, they were few but they were turning the world upside down. No of us is even close to doing this. Those in the first century clearly had something we don't have


    My wife and i both repented (repent meaning turning away from our wicked ways and realizing that there is nothing good in us) and have been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, both put our faith in him for the remission of sins, not the act of baptism, and neither one of us have recieved the Holy Spirit. but we both know people who are doing (unrepentant) everything under the sun, potty mouths, sexually immoral, you name it and yet they recieved this “Experience”. The wife gave up and considers it all a sham. Me i tried to give up but something in me won't let me. I'm interested in any feedback.

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