JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #803587

    Hi KW,

    Was the law not able to save the Jews?

    were they doomed to frustration by the choice of God?

    Was Jesus doomed to failure too?

    You are deceived if you think so


    Hi Ed,

    Yes by the death of Jesus Christ the Spirit of Christ is able to be given to all who obey and become joined to him.

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    Also the Spirit of his father.

    WE will come to you.

    1. The Spirit of the father – HolySpirit
    2. The spirit of the son – spirit of Christ


    Hi ED,

    The Word was with God and was God.

    The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.


    Hi Ed,

    The spiritual communion between the Father and the Son precedes earthly things.



    Ed J

    Hi Nick

    “The Word” grew and multiplied


    hi Ed ,

    When the Spirit of Christ is dispersed to those in his body they do not become separate spirits.

    Neither is the Spirit of Christ separate from the Spirit of the Father.

    instead all are one in that one Spirit

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Admin.
    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    “So mightily grew “The Word” of God and prevailed.” (Acts 19:20)

    “For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.” (Matt 10:20)


    Hi ED,

    Jesus  sends another comforter, the Spirit of truth from the Father.

    The Spirit of truth can speak in the brothers.


    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    The Spirit of truth from the father is “The Word”


    Hi Ed,

    The Spirit of the Father was not made flesh.

    The Spirit of Christ was .

    That Spirit spoke through Jesus of their relationship and prayed to the Father


    Hi Ed,

    The Spirit of the Son calls the Father ABBA .



    Hi Ed,

    If scripture is s careful to speak of a counsellor and ANOTHER counsellor

    we should not override scripture and make our own declarations


    Hi ED,

    Jesus Christ kindled a fire.

    He hoped that light would encompass the earth.

    But men quenched the Spirit and reverted to earthly ways, Wil there be faith on earth when he returns?



    When men decided that the logos was another being they went off the path of truth.

    By ADDING to scripture they destroyed the beauty of spiritual things.



    No one has ever been saved by the works of the Law.

    God did suffer both the Jews and Gentiles to frustrations until the time of Christ.

    Jesus was doomed to be the Author of the truth by being the first to receive and walk according to the ways of the Spirit.

    He walked by the Spirit from the day he gained the ability to choose between right and wrong and is still by it today.

    The righteous have always lived by faith in God.

    You know those who walk by the Spirit by the fruit they bear. Jesus has always born the fruit of the Spirit.


    Hi KW,

    So you think he walked by the Spirit before he was anointed with that Spirit?

    does your opinion alone suffice??

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    He walked by his own spirit, the spirit of Christ, that is why he lived sin-free.
    There is none righteous, no not one. Everyone has turned to his own way.
    Jesus is God’s son, so his own way is righteousness, like his Father, God.

    God bless
    Ed J



    Scripture declares Jesus did not sin even though he was tempted as is common with his brothers.

    Without the Spirit there is only the flesh.

    The only possible way for a person to not sin when they do not have the Spirit is for God to stop them from doing so.

    So let us speculate that God prevented Jesus from sinning for thirty odd years before he was immersed at the Jordon. Is that being tempted as common to humanity? Of course not.

    I believe that Scripture presents the choice that first Jesus was presented with and now through him and that is to choose either to walk by the Spirit or to walk according to the flesh and he chose to always walk according to the Spirit for his fruits have always been of the Spirit and not of the flesh.

    Scripture tells us we will know them by their fruits and so I know Jesus walked according to the way of the Spirit from the fruits he has born since he first was tempted even as we are.

    The Spirit performs more than one mission for God had has multiple instances just as love has many instances. With the prophets the mission of the Spirit was to impute the Word of God both to them and through them but they did not walk in the Spirit for Christ had not yet sacrificed himself, been resurrected and ascended to heaven to be mediator of the new covenant. It is only to Jesus and through Jesus Christ that God uses the Spirit to place is word within believers and write it on their hearts and minds. He literally foretold the coming of the New Covenant and how it differs from the Old in the 31st chapter of Jeremiah.

    My point is that Scripture only tells us God place one instance of the Spirit on Jesus at the Jordon for a sign. It does not say there was an additional reason though it records him performing no miracles nor preaching the gospel before hand. It may well be that the immersion and the sign of the Holy Spirit was necessary for his ministry to start.


    Hi Ed,

    He walked by his own spirit, the spirit of anointing??

    make your mind up.

    Was it his own spirit or the Spirit of anointing?

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