JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #329245
    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2013,13:25)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 21 2013,13:08)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2013,02:57)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 20 2013,21:29)
    Christ is the SON!
    how many times do i need to tell you this mike?

    Hi Jammin,

    GOD is his Christ's father.
    Christ is the Son OF GOD!

    God bless
    Ed J

    yes but that is not the whole truth

    the son is also God just like his father.

    Hi Jammin,

    Since God is Jesus' father, and Mary
    is Jesus' mother, that would make
    Jesus 50% God and 50% Human.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    “For there is one God (YHVH), and one mediator between
    God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” (1Tm.2:5)

    Ed J

    “And having an high priest over the house of God;” (Heb 10:21)

    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2013,13:29)
    “And having an high priest over the house of God;” (Heb 10:21)

    “God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified,
    both Lord and Christ.” (Acts 2:36)


    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 21 2013,08:14)

    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 21 2013,07:00)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 20 2013,16:27)

    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 20 2013,05:08)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 19 2013,19:18)

    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 19 2013,03:51)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 18 2013,14:51)
    you are confused bec you dont know the real God,.

    of course the father is not the son. did i say that the father is also the son?
    of course not LOL

    the father is not the son
    the son is not the father



    you and your father. you are not your father. but you have the same nature, MAN.

    one nature< MAN.
    you are not alien and man. you are a MAN. you only have one nature and that is your human nature.

    Christ and his father are two in numbers. two persons but one in essence or nature, God.
    that is the true teachings of the bible.

    you can read john 1.1-14 phil 2.6
    read it ask knowledge from God. may God open your eyes


    Let us use you example of myself and my father being of the same nature.
    Let us also use your definition of nature being equal to kind.

    I am the same kind as my father; but then there is more than one of our kind.

    There is only one of Yahweh's kind and Yawheh is that one.  There is simply no place for Jesus to be a second one of Yahweh's kind.  You are claiming 2=2 in a place that only has room for 1. That is confusion.

    what is the confusion?

    you believe that you and your father have the same nature.

    accept also that christ and his father have the same nature, they are both God.


    There is only one God and that God is Yahweh.
    There are not two Gods as you seem to be claiming.

    i did not say two Gods.
    they only have ONE nature and that is their nature God.
    Philippians 2:6

    New International Version (NIV)

    6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,
       did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;

    do you have two natures \kerwin??


    Your example of what you mean by “nature” is of two humans.  

    You are now back up and state “nature” does not mean kind.

    Anyone that has received the Spirit has the nature of flesh and the nature of the Spirit.

    But you still seem to be attempting to use “nature” to mean kind by declaring that Jesus is both of the kind God and the kind human.  A mixture of two kinds is a hybrid.

    I do not believe are claiming Jesus is a hybrid. Instead I believe you are claiming he is completely human in kind and therefore not Yawheh in kind while at the same time being completely Yawheh in kind and therefore not human in kind.

    That doctrine contradicts itself.

    that is what the bible says/
    the nature of the son is God.
    Philippians 2:6

    New International Version (NIV)

    6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,

    he came to earth. God (not the father but the son) manifested in the flesh

    let me post the NKJV (the favorite version of ed and kerwin)
    1 Timothy 3:16

    New King James Version (NKJV)

    16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:

    God was manifested in the flesh,
    Justified in the Spirit,
    Seen by angels,
    Preached among the Gentiles,
    Believed on in the world,
    Received up in glory.

    who is that God? as i have said, that God is Christ (son)

    do we have proof to that?
    let me post again 1 tim 3.16 using other version
    1 Timothy 3:16

    New Life Version (NLV)

    16 It is important to know the secret of God-like living, which is: Christ came to earth as a Man.

    that is very clear kerwin. the SON is also God just like his father. they have the same essence/nature.

    2 persons (christ and his father) but ONE nature or essence (God).


    You are repeating yourself by claiming there are two of the kind Yawheh.

    That is polytheism and Jesus is not a polytheist.


    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 21 2013,17:51)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 21 2013,08:14)

    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 21 2013,07:00)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 20 2013,16:27)

    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 20 2013,05:08)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 19 2013,19:18)

    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 19 2013,03:51)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 18 2013,14:51)
    you are confused bec you dont know the real God,.

    of course the father is not the son. did i say that the father is also the son?
    of course not LOL

    the father is not the son
    the son is not the father



    you and your father. you are not your father. but you have the same nature, MAN.

    one nature< MAN.
    you are not alien and man. you are a MAN. you only have one nature and that is your human nature.

    Christ and his father are two in numbers. two persons but one in essence or nature, God.
    that is the true teachings of the bible.

    you can read john 1.1-14 phil 2.6
    read it ask knowledge from God. may God open your eyes


    Let us use you example of myself and my father being of the same nature.
    Let us also use your definition of nature being equal to kind.

    I am the same kind as my father; but then there is more than one of our kind.

    There is only one of Yahweh's kind and Yawheh is that one.  There is simply no place for Jesus to be a second one of Yahweh's kind.  You are claiming 2=2 in a place that only has room for 1. That is confusion.

    what is the confusion?

    you believe that you and your father have the same nature.

    accept also that christ and his father have the same nature, they are both God.


    There is only one God and that God is Yahweh.
    There are not two Gods as you seem to be claiming.

    i did not say two Gods.
    they only have ONE nature and that is their nature God.
    Philippians 2:6

    New International Version (NIV)

    6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,
       did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;

    do you have two natures \kerwin??


    Your example of what you mean by “nature” is of two humans.  

    You are now back up and state “nature” does not mean kind.

    Anyone that has received the Spirit has the nature of flesh and the nature of the Spirit.

    But you still seem to be attempting to use “nature” to mean kind by declaring that Jesus is both of the kind God and the kind human.  A mixture of two kinds is a hybrid.

    I do not believe are claiming Jesus is a hybrid. Instead I believe you are claiming he is completely human in kind and therefore not Yawheh in kind while at the same time being completely Yawheh in kind and therefore not human in kind.

    That doctrine contradicts itself.

    that is what the bible says/
    the nature of the son is God.
    Philippians 2:6

    New International Version (NIV)

    6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,

    he came to earth. God (not the father but the son) manifested in the flesh

    let me post the NKJV (the favorite version of ed and kerwin)
    1 Timothy 3:16

    New King James Version (NKJV)

    16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:

    God was manifested in the flesh,
    Justified in the Spirit,
    Seen by angels,
    Preached among the Gentiles,
    Believed on in the world,
    Received up in glory.

    who is that God? as i have said, that God is Christ (son)

    do we have proof to that?
    let me post again 1 tim 3.16 using other version
    1 Timothy 3:16

    New Life Version (NLV)

    16 It is important to know the secret of God-like living, which is: Christ came to earth as a Man.

    that is very clear kerwin. the SON is also God just like his father. they have the same essence/nature.

    2 persons (christ and his father) but ONE nature or essence (God).


    You are repeating yourself by claiming there are two of the kind Yawheh.

    That is polytheism and Jesus is not a polytheist.

    are you and your father not the same nature HUMAN? yes or no?


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2013,13:25)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 21 2013,13:08)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2013,02:57)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 20 2013,21:29)
    Christ is the SON!
    how many times do i need to tell you this mike?

    Hi Jammin,

    GOD is his Christ's father.
    Christ is the Son OF GOD!

    God bless
    Ed J

    yes but that is not the whole truth

    the son is also God just like his father.

    Hi Jammin,

    Since God is Jesus' father, and Mary
    is Jesus' mother, that would make
    Jesus 50% God and 50% Human.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    there is no 50 50 here boy LOL

    that is just your imagination.

    God (son) came to earth. he became human. he became like us.
    that is what the bible says
    Philippians 2:6-7

    New Living Translation (NLT)

    6 Though he was God,[a]
    he did not think of equality with God
    as something to cling to.
    7 Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
    he took the humble position of a slave[c]
    and was born as a human being.
    When he appeared in human form,[d]

    that is a word for word in the bible


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2013,13:26)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2013,13:25)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 21 2013,13:08)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2013,02:57)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 20 2013,21:29)
    Christ is the SON!
    how many times do i need to tell you this mike?

    Hi Jammin,

    GOD is his Christ's father.
    Christ is the Son OF GOD!

    God bless
    Ed J

    yes but that is not the whole truth

    the son is also God just like his father.

    Hi Jammin,

    Since God is Jesus' father, and Mary
    is Jesus' mother, that would make
    Jesus 50% God and 50% Human.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    “For there is one God (YHVH), and one mediator between
     God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” (1Tm.2:5)

    yes/ he was called man bec he became HUMAN. he became like us.
    Philippians 2:6-7

    New Living Translation (NLT)

    6 Though he was God,[a]
    he did not think of equality with God
    as something to cling to.
    7 Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
    he took the humble position of a slave[c]
    and was born as a human being.
    When he appeared in human form,[d]


    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 20 2013,04:34)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 20 2013,14:19)
    Actually, the Bible says that Jesus is the…………..
    6)Holy One

    …….OF God, jammin.

    what a funny doctrine mike LOL


    Do you believe the scriptures that say Jesus is the SERVANT of God? YES or NO?



    are you and your father not the same nature HUMAN? yes or no?

    I am the same kind as my father but I am not the exact same nature as he was an drunkard and my sins lie in other direction.  Never the less we both do have the general nature of flesh.

    Jesus cannot be the same kind as God as Yawheh is the only one of his kind.  Both Jesus and God have the same Spirit nature.

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 22 2013,12:18)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 20 2013,04:34)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 20 2013,14:19)
    Actually, the Bible says that Jesus is the…………..
    6)Holy One

    …….OF God, jammin.

    what a funny doctrine mike LOL


    Do you believe the scriptures that say Jesus is the SERVANT of God?  YES or NO?

    Hi Mike,

    Yes, and the list goes on…

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 22 2013,12:38)

    are you and your father not the same nature HUMAN? yes or no?

    I am the same kind as my father but I am not the exact same nature as he was an drunkard and my sins lie in other direction.  Never the less we both do have the general nature of flesh.

    Jesus cannot be the same kind as God as Yawheh is the only one of his kind.  Both Jesus and God have the same Spirit nature.

    do not explain kerwin.
    im just asking you if you and your father have the same HUMAN nature>?

    yes or no?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 22 2013,12:18)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 20 2013,04:34)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 20 2013,14:19)
    Actually, the Bible says that Jesus is the…………..
    6)Holy One

    …….OF God, jammin.

    what a funny doctrine mike LOL


    Do you believe the scriptures that say Jesus is the SERVANT of God?  YES or NO?

    who is that God?
    is that the son or the father?
    he cant be a servant of his own boy.
    the son is also God by nature phil 2.6
    Philippians 2:6

    New Living Translation (NLT)

    6 Though he was God,[a]
       he did not think of equality with God
       as something to cling to.


    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 22 2013,14:27)

    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 22 2013,12:38)

    are you and your father not the same nature HUMAN? yes or no?

    I am the same kind as my father but I am not the exact same nature as he was an drunkard and my sins lie in other direction.  Never the less we both do have the general nature of flesh.

    Jesus cannot be the same kind as God as Yawheh is the only one of his kind.  Both Jesus and God have the same Spirit nature.

    do not explain kerwin.
    im just asking you if you and your father have the same HUMAN nature>?

    yes or no?


    I and my father are of the same multitude of a kind, human, that the one of a kind, God, created on the sixth Night and Day.


    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 22 2013,02:28)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 22 2013,12:18)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 20 2013,04:34)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 20 2013,14:19)
    Actually, the Bible says that Jesus is the…………..
    6)Holy One

    …….OF God, jammin.

    what a funny doctrine mike LOL


    Do you believe the scriptures that say Jesus is the SERVANT of God?  YES or NO?

    who is that God?

    he cant be a servant of his own boy.

    Very good, jammin!  He surely CAN'T be a servant of himself.

    Now does scripture say Jesus is the servant of “God”?  Or does scripture say what you WANT it to say – that Jesus is the servant of “the Father PART of God”?

    Which one does scripture actually say, jammin?  (Acts 3:13, 3:26, 4:27, 4:30)


    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 22 2013,02:28)
    Philippians 2:6

    New Living Translation (NLT)

    6 Though he was God,
    he did not think of equality with God
    as something to cling to.


    One cannot possibly be equal wth HIMSELF. If Jesus actually WAS God, then his “equality WITH” God is something that could never be discussed.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 23 2013,14:08)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 22 2013,02:28)
    Philippians 2:6

    New Living Translation (NLT)

    6 Though he was God,
      he did not think of equality with God
      as something to cling to.


    One cannot possibly be equal wth HIMSELF.  If Jesus actually WAS God, then his “equality WITH” God is something that could never be discussed.

    it talks about the nature boy.

    you are equal with your father bec you are both HUMAN by nature. take your vitamins mike.
    i told you about this 100 times


    Christ is God just like his father
    phil 2.6 said that

    6 Though he was God,
     he did not think of equality with God
     as something to cling to.


    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 23 2013,04:04)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 22 2013,14:27)

    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 22 2013,12:38)

    are you and your father not the same nature HUMAN? yes or no?

    I am the same kind as my father but I am not the exact same nature as he was an drunkard and my sins lie in other direction.  Never the less we both do have the general nature of flesh.

    Jesus cannot be the same kind as God as Yawheh is the only one of his kind.  Both Jesus and God have the same Spirit nature.

    do not explain kerwin.
    im just asking you if you and your father have the same HUMAN nature>?

    yes or no?


    I and my father are of the same multitude of a kind, human, that the one of a kind, God, created on the sixth Night and Day.

    good. you are both HUMAN.

    now do you believe that the son is also God by nature just like his father?

    do you believe in phil 2.6?
    let me post it
    Christ is God just like his father
    phil 2.6 said that

    6 Though he was God,
    he did not think of equality with God
    as something to cling to.

    do you believe that he was God according to phil 2.6?yes or no?


    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 23 2013,12:16)

    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 23 2013,04:04)

    Quote (jammin @ Jan. 22 2013,14:27)

    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 22 2013,12:38)

    are you and your father not the same nature HUMAN? yes or no?

    I am the same kind as my father but I am not the exact same nature as he was an drunkard and my sins lie in other direction.  Never the less we both do have the general nature of flesh.

    Jesus cannot be the same kind as God as Yawheh is the only one of his kind.  Both Jesus and God have the same Spirit nature.

    do not explain kerwin.
    im just asking you if you and your father have the same HUMAN nature>?

    yes or no?


    I and my father are of the same multitude of a kind, human, that the one of a kind, God, created on the sixth Night and Day.

    good. you are both HUMAN.

    now do you believe that the son is also God by nature just like his father?

    do you believe in phil 2.6?
    let me post it
    Christ is God just like his father
    phil 2.6 said that

    6 Though he was God,
     he did not think of equality with God
     as something to cling to.

    do you believe that he was God according to phil 2.6?yes or no?


    You fail to see that there is but one of the kind, God and there are many of the kind, human.

    You can insist there are more than one of the kind, God, but those that are wise will not believe you because they know that Yawheh is that one of a kind, God.


    Jamming………. Hear O Isreal the Lord (Yahwah) our GOD is “ONE” Lord (Yahwah). does that sound fimilar boy. Not two or three anythings but Just One Boy.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………………………………….gene

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