Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #938706

    To all

    Mike will not be able to continue his interventions on the thread because he has been banned from the site.
    May God keep you true to the Word of God.



    I can’t vouch for Bruce Lee being the author of this quote.


    Proclaimer……….AMEN TO THAT.

    Peace and love to you and yours…………gene


    I have moved replies about the Word of God to this thread.

    We can carry on and discuss that there.


    JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?


    Hi t8

    There is already a thread on: who is the One called “The Word” or something like that.


    I edited my post to the above.

    I am in the process of moving it to that topic now.


    Admin……..Good call , no sense mixing up good and honest bibical dialog with Mikeboll’s “flat earth” garabage.

    Peace and love to you and yours………..gene

    Danny Dabbs


    In solidarity with Mike, I ask you to ban me too from this forum, coward.


    What’s the charge?

    Danny Dabbs


    You have banned Mike unfairly.
    He did talk about Biblical cosmology.
    Again, in solidarity with Mike, I ask you to ban me from this forum too, coward.


    He did talk about Biblical cosmology.

    Actually, he talked about a 6000 or so year old flat disc. Further, he provided no biblical proof whatsoever, but continued to claim the bible is a flat earth book.

    I ask you to ban me

    You could stop posting instead like you said you would. You don’t need my help.




    Danny Dabbs

    @berean @carmel @Jodi @keras @Lightenup @gadam123

    Hi folks,

    Mike was banned unfairly.
    I ask you all to show solidarity with Mike
    by no longer posting on this forum.
    But of course you are free to decide.

    God bless you all,




    I ask you all to show solidarity with Mike
    by no longer posting on this forum.

    Does that include me?

    God bless.


    Hi Danny.

    I know it is irresistible sometimes to post here as you seem to find it difficult to post for the last time.

    I guess I could be persuaded to get Admin to ban you perhaps if you make a donation through Patreon.

    Up to you.


    Danny,  Mike was banned completely Fairly ,  HE COULDN’T STOP PREACHING LIES.  After two years of that,  it was time to bury those false teachings of his,  it was bring this whole sit down,  and you seem to also be trying to do that.  Don’t let him use you to do his dirty work.

    Danny anyone who believes that this “EARTH IS FLAT”,  in todays world , greatly lacks mental capacity to understand the TRUTH. OR IS DOING IT DELIBERATLY,  TO TRY TO BRING DOWN THIS SITE.

    The administration here has been far more paitent with him,  then i would have been, why not ask MIKE ,  which other sites have accepted his “flat earth” BS,  as long as this site has.  The Man has proven himself to be an idiot over and over again. IMO.  Don’t let him use you Danny to further his evil efforts.

    Peace and love to you and your Danny………gene



    Gene, You can talk about lies, that’s what you’ve been doing on this forum for years, and we support you….


    Hi All,

    I am with Danny on this as well, Mike was unfairly banned. The weight of hypocrisy on this is so heavy I find it disgusting and I have been considering if I want to even continue posting on here, which to some I know you could care less.

    Whether you think flat earthers are idiots or not, you didn’t have to post on that thread where you knew Mike would reply and it would just keep the thread ACTIVE, now did you?

    In your replies did you take time to search for opposing evidence? Did you yourself learn anything new about the earth and our Heavenly Father’s intelligent design of it, either in your own research or from other people’s posts?

    One of the last things that Mike mentioned to me in our private debate was how when you are debating with someone it causes you to dig deeper into the scriptures and you discover new things. I can most certainly attest to that as well and it is one of the reasons why I enjoy debating so much. Even when I know in debating someone and trying to persuade them with scripture it’s likely pointless, I do it because it propels me to dig deeper, especially when I am being given new concepts/beliefs from others that never crossed my mind and I learn so much from it. With that being said, I am even more curious about my last question, did anyone learn anything new about our Father’s intelligent design of the earth and our universe in this thread? I would be very surprised if that answer was no and our God given interest in learning how things are is not unfruitful, we get to discover more and more His amazing intelligence, power and creativity, which just further builds our utmost reverence to our Almighty God.

    Where would we even be if people didn’t study these things with the brain God gave us that makes us curious to find things out? We would all still believe the earth is flat, as originally thought, amongst other things! What if the debate was shut down then?

    I have posted on here and have been accused of doing the DEVILS WORK, not blindly mind you, but accused as if it were coming from my own malice intent, that wasn’t from Nick as I recall but was from you Proclaimer/t8.  Even with that accusation I was not banned. I am creating topics doing the devils work, but Mike on the other hand is banned because he wants to debate on a topic he created that folks think is idiotic? REALLY?

    Why wasn’t the thread just closed, if anything, why ban Mike completely from the forum?

    Nonsensical. Hypocrites.  Unban Mike.


    Sorry Jodi, but flooding the forums has always been against the rules here. When Mike was a moderator here, some people were banned for this practice. Flooding is when you dominate the forum with an agenda or topic, especially one that is not really related to the forum subject which is about the scriptures and doctrines derived from that.

    Mike couldn’t produce any proof that the bible is a flat earth book, but continued anyway and provided bogus scientific evidence instead. He even deceived at least one other member here. In short his behaviour was wasting the time of other members and he was bringing the site down as all the recent topic posts were Flat Earth. In case you do not know, Google penalized the site as a result and the site may never fully recover.

    Low quality content is fine, so long as you do not flood the forums with it. Check the rules for yourself. It has been there since the beginning and even when Mike was a moderator it was there and some people were banned for the same practice. Mike should have known better. Crapping all over other people’s hard work is not fair. People should know better and show respect. Especially if the service they are using is free.

    That said, if you want to leave the forum in solidarity with Mike, then that is fine with me. I believe in free will and freedom. That goes for any other member here too. I personally do not think the discussions have been very good the last couple of years. So I do not mind if everyone leaves. The site might attract some higher quality posters which would be awesome. Currently, such may be put off. A purge would actually be good IMO.


    Jodi……Preclaimer is right, stop and think when has Mike ever proved you wrong in your resent discussions,  while he made you dig dipper into subject matter,  he never admitted you were right, did he? Not matter how many scriptures you produced to prove him wrong.

    He simply deverted to another issue,   you yourself said , you have answered him several times on points, but you see it went no where, he didn’t descuss your answer, but just deverted to something else, why?,  because he was not “truly” intrested in truth, but just in proving himself right to everyone, or he would have gladly accepted all the many scriptures you were giving him over and over and over.

    WHEN it comes to this FLAT EARTH thread , there were proberly over a thousand proof given him, that proved him dead wrong, over and over and over,  but he never admitted to anyone that disagreed with him,  but just kept trying to keep it going by deverting to somethng else, never accepting the truth, from anyone because  he just could not bring himself to admitt he was actually wrong, or know all along he was wrong,  and had another notive in mind.

    He used the devices tatic of dvide and concour by using4 “personel  private threads” ,  between him and one person,  to try to drowned out what others thought about the garbage he was preaching.  While it did cause people to dig deeper in their belief, he never “proved” anything he was saying was right. I used to think like you are doing now about him,  but over time i came to see through his devious tatics here.

    I agree with Proclaimer and the Admisstration,  “you either make the tree good and it’s fruit good , or bad and it’s fruit bad”,  is that not what we are told.? 

    Peace and love to you and yours……….gene



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