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    Why would there be a need for a BODY in heaven when the a body is restricting…Spirit is free – body is restricting.Seeing that every Soul has a Spirit – why not just set the Spirit of man, held by God, free!Oh, I know: The SPIRIT of Man has no BODY while it is with God.So God must raise up a body for it – the same body (Read: Shape, Style,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll says (Without qualifying his statement): “Jesus needed to be in a flesh and bone body. There was a purpose for this”He stops dead at this point – why? What was the purpose… Oh, is this one of the 'famous Mike-isms': 'I got something real good to post to ya but I won't until you answer my BOLDED POINT' – then seeing that no one ever does…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Ha ha ha … Mike swings again… There is no stopping this guy…So, after 300 pages Mikeboll finally makes a summary of his belief using the extracts from every posts made in this thread… Wonderful – the man is just wonderful… And sad!!He still cannot reconcile how Jesus entered heaven in a body of flesh and bone when Jesus himself said it…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Seeing that Mike only commented and quoted a specific part of my post – can we take it he AGREES with the rest.EDJ and even Stu, managed to comment on all parts… Is Mike trying to HIDE something? The Truth about him, perhaps!

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    Stu,Thank you for your input – it is as I might have expected from you – true to your nature.

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    If Mike had his way Jesus would still be dead as he doesn't really believe that Jesus Rose from the dead – what does Scriptures say about he who doesn't believe that Jesus rose from the dead?Mike would have us believe that Jesus was a SPIRIT – a SPIRIT BODY!!All that against the very EXPERTS WHO WROTE THE GOSPELS who wrote 'Spiritual body' (Pure…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kerwin,I cAre not what YOU think.When the man posts gobbledygook I have a right to say so.You will find put yourself soon – keep posting to him.I refused to answer his twaddle for many pages as they were empty and devoid of reason and purpose.He attacks ME not from any point of scripture error on my part but just to support Mikeboll – hence his…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike has nowhere to go – so, like a wild animal, he turns on his prey?Mike starts asking 'reverse' question to try and throw of his opponent (Something he learnt from WJ!)'Can YOU PROVE that Jesus 'Put off the Flesh' as he entered Heaven' says Mike to me.Now, how long have I been saying 'Dimensions' to Mike?How long have been saying that MATERIAL…[Read more]

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    Rena,Here is another thought for them:If things in the material world have bodies that are called such – and things in the Spirit world have bodies but are not called such – then there is a dilemma!Mike CANNOT DEFINE 'Body' for it will spoil his FUN.mike CANNOT DEFINE 'Spirit' for it will spoil his 'FUN'.What purpose is there for a BODY with a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    EDJ,You are correct in your summation.This is what I have been saying to them.Terraricca outlines examples of Worldly PHYSICAL MATERIAL MATTER and quite rightly claims they have bodies.He then makes a grave error by including 'Non-Worldly' entities in his list claiming that since EVERYTHING WAS CREATED then Spirits, which are also created, MUST…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Quote (Istari @ June 20 2011,09:18)Quote (terraricca @ June 20 2011,08:49)Quote (Istari @ June 20 2011,15:36)Kerwin,You are giving mike the benefit of the double doubt.Mike is not SEEKING TRUTH – he is seeking to say that i am wrong… But he keeps tripping himself up so keeps CHANGING what he thinks – and by the way I HAVE SAID THAT WE SHOULD…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ June 20 2011,08:49)Quote (Istari @ June 20 2011,15:36)Kerwin,You are giving mike the benefit of the double doubt.Mike is not SEEKING TRUTH – he is seeking to say that i am wrong… But he keeps tripping himself up so keeps CHANGING what he thinks – and by the way I HAVE SAID THAT WE SHOULD ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET for him when…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Carry on the jibes mike…You not making a good distraction from your fowl up about 'Jesus Transforming just before he entered heaven'What did you mean by 'Jesus' body was transformed just before he entered heaven'?

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    And as for Terraricca, he says nothing of any worth.Just post Scriptures with no meaning – I dont think heaven understand what he is posting – I think he just posts stuff to amuse himself…Terraricca has nothing of value to contribute to this thread – he says NOTHING but posts against what others say – not just here but I see he does the same in…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Ha ha Mike, if you didn't make me laugh so much I'd think you were seriously insane.But now I know you are just in desparate plights and this is how you try to fight your way out.Mike, don't worry about God 'tiling you' – I will pray for your forgiveness.Kerwin has shown me that your disreputable posts are your way (as you say) of learning truth :…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kerwin,You are giving mike the benefit of the double doubt.Mike is not SEEKING TRUTH – he is seeking to say that i am wrong… But he keeps tripping himself up so keeps CHANGING what he thinks – and by the way I HAVE SAID THAT WE SHOULD ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET for him when he FINALLY ARRIVES AT THE TRUTH that I have been saying from the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    And who will bet that desparate Mike will again refuse to respond to anything Istari asks him.Why? Because he CANNOT – mike just spews vomit over anything said to him to cover the fact that he has no response.This is what he learnt from his unsavoury acrid intercourses with WJ and KJ and others.Mike collects methodologies of postings and trades…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,You asked me for how Jesus 'put off the body' and yet for hundreds of posts I have expounded Dimensions to you and yet you cannot put a simple two and two together.Kerwin, maybe you have not been reading the posts but I posted definitions of 'Spirit' and 'Body' to Mike.Mike has ignored the posts to give his own interpretation because he feats…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,You seem to have grown strangely bold in you posts of late.You know, a dying man will try anything to cling to life – and this is how you are?You imagined that you had found another 'Clincher' in 'Spirits in arid places' only to realise that it meant nothing in regard to 'Spirits with bodies' so you run off pretending that you are keeping it…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Yes, Mikeboll, I do refuse to answer your questions for there is nothing to answer.Your questions are not questions at all but just twisted nonsense.I have told you before that it is a foolish man who attempts to answer a foolish question.And so what next? Where is your tile?

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