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    Mike, have you not heard the sayings: 'Pull yourself together'and 'Gather your thoughts'What do you think they pertain to: Body or Spirit?Also, Why would there be a SPIRIT if a Body is a Body WITH a Spirit in it?And why would there be a SPIRIT with a Body if there is already a thing called a Body that can be WITHOUT A SPIRIT?In other words:You…[Read more]

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    When asked how could Jesus (as God) die – he was at a complete loss for an answer because it is clear that JESUS DIED… Now, after many twists and turns, he has learned to say that JESUS DID NOT DIE…Oooh, that is SO BAD… bad boy, WJ (and KJ , also)Yet, here they are saying, even quoting Scriptures that say 'Jesus DIED'.Remember: He who does…[Read more]

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    KJ,You have just returned having learnt nothing…You speak what you do not understand.Jesus is never called 'the one true God'.If Jesus is called the one true god then who is YHVH?Moreover, you clearly did not read what I wrote… Or rather you did but could not overcome it so you ignored it.It appears that TRINITARIANS need to have huge…[Read more]

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    T8,Yes you are right.What was it that Jesus SAVED MANKIND FROM: Was it not ORIGINAL SIN.Was it not the Sin of Adam from which there was no redemption…Jesus' Sacrifice was to clear all that away – to PAY FOR THAT.Now, all Sin is down to the INDIVIDUAL.The Apostles are saying that they await the SAVIOUR because they Know that they are part of the…[Read more]

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    The poor chap is so confused he doesn't know what he is saying: his arguments are bodiless – like the Wind: He blows everywhere. No one knows from where he is coming – nor to where he is going!

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    Further,Mikeboll argues against GENE saying that Gene is wrong that 'Spirit is what is IN A BODY'Yet, Mike says, 'Spirit is IN A BODY. It must have some kind of membrane (Body) separating it one from another…'Um.. Mike, I don't get it?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    BD,Perhaps participating in the actual thread might be better.Mike is seeking support because he is losing BADLY in that thread.But just to cover a few points here:1) What does the word 'Spirit' mean…2) What is the definition of a 'body'3) You right say 'Spirit is in a body' (Meaning Flesh and Blood bodies) – if Spirit is IN a Body, why would…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Ha ha – Mikeboll is trying to find support for his corrupt idea that 'Spirits have bodies'.He has run away from that thread to try to ignite it here?! Why?If BD had wanted to comment on 'S-w-B' then he would have posted there…

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    There is only ONE SAVIOUR – YHVH GOD.There is only One who gives Life – God Almighty – YHVH.There is Only One God who is above all Gods – the One True God – YHVH.There is only One True God – God Most High – YHVH.All LIFE COMES FROM GOD.When man dies, at the resurrection, Jesus will JUDGE whom will RETAIN their LIFE in the new world.Jesus does not…[Read more]

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    Small point of order:It iscertainly true that 'God' is a title.And ALL references to 'God' MUST take account of this else there is danger ofrunning into the problem created as shown in the debates between WJ and Mikeboll.If the discussion/debate touches on the capacity of one entity to be SUPREME OVER ANOTHER or OTHERS then that Supreme one IS…[Read more]

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    Rena,Thank you for that heartfelt and godly loving remark – but perhaps a little too direct for the forum.Is there. Private Room somewhere in this forum?

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    Has anyone done any searches on the Internet and found any others of discordant minds like Mikeboll, Terraricca and Irene concerning 'Spirits with Bodies'.I did a search and found not one single person saying 'yes' apart from those who don't really mind HOW they talk…I think Mike has researched the Internet and has found NO SUPPORT so he is…[Read more]

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    Gene says that 'Spirits are what are IN BODIES'Mike says, 'Rubbish, Spirits are IN BODIES'

  • Profile picture of Istari

    See also that Mike only picked a SPECIFIC point to post back as a kick back…It seems he cannot refute the rest else he EXPOSES HIMSELF MORE so he slithers away further down his dank hole (Oh, did he call me a fool – surely I got a tile for that? T8…)Mike has a habit of avoiding ANYTHING THAT is TRUTH AGAINST HIM – yet another here says MIKE IS…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Everyone see that Mike is losing his footing on what he is floundering over.He has nothing of cohesiveness to say.He asks SEPARATE questions to SEPARATE parts of his belief so that he does not have to Join them up.He can't JOIN them up because they don't fit – so he uses the old brazier trick: Lift and Separate!He lifts up Kerwin and Terraricca -…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 22 2011,13:07)Quote (Istari @ June 21 2011,02:28)And who will vilify me?Have I not said, 'Mikeboll, come into the penfold of truth and we will welcome you with open arms and much joy'You haven't said anything “welcoming” to me in over a year, viper.But your own words “vilify” you every time you post your nonsense. It seems…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 22 2011,13:00)Quote (Istari @ June 21 2011,01:48)yet SCRIPTURES tells us absolutely that the body is TRANSFORMED upon being RAISED FROM THE DEAD – not 40 days later…Mike, this is reporter Istari for HN-News Live: what do you say about that?I say show me that scripture.  And explain that in light of the fact that not all…[Read more]

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    “Is Jesus a MAN in Heaven”?This is amazing… Jesus, the DIRECT CREATION OF GOD, the EXACT REPRESENTATION OF GOD, the GOD FROM GOD…Turns into a MAN IN HEAVEN for ALL his PAIN and SACRIFICE.What a REWARD – (not!)Man, this thread gets more SERPENTINE by EACH post – led by …Mikeboll64…!Hisss… thrashing posts are slithering all over the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 22 2011,13:02)Quote (Istari @ June 21 2011,02:28)Why would there be a need for a BODY in heaven when the a body is restricting…And again, we see clearly Istari's WHOLE reason for believing how he does – despite what the scriptures say.  He cannot imagine IN HIS OWN MIND why there is a need for bodies in heaven, and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Do Spirits have bodies?How about God?Does the Holy Spirit have a body?Mike tried to use the Holy Spirit alighting on Jesus in Bodily Form as a Proof until it was pointed out that 'In Bodily Form' meant that it was NOT NORMALLY SO… it was normally in NONE BODY FORM until it came into the PHYSICAL WORLD.Also, if the Holy Spirit is in a Body – what…[Read more]

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