Worship God the Father only?

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  • #230933

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 01 2011,23:37)

    Quote (Song @ Jan. 01 2011,18:51)

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 01 2011,14:05)

    Quote (Astaria @ Dec. 31 2010,17:59)

    for one who acts so calm and pious, you sure don't have anything worthwhile to say that helps a brother out.

    Just posting cryptic single liners doesn't help, my friend.

    In fact, from everything you've aid so far I would summize that you don't know a lot.

    Please, HOW DO I WORSHIP?   What do I do….you and Laurel seem to say that you know but you won't say. Why? is it a secret…do i have to PAY for the information?

    What??? help….!!!!!

    AS  Why are you being so mean spirited?  You don't know either Simple forgiven or Pierre, and you are here two days and made negative comments to them.  Why?  If you don't like what they say, then don't post to them.  Are you perfect?  You come across like you know it all.  Yet you ask how to worship, and then don';t like their answer.  
    God does not want long outdrawn prayers that do not come from the heart!!!  We all fall short of the glory of God.  Please be little kinder, that is Christian like…,..
    Pray in secret and God will confess you openly.  
    Also Pierre has a problem with English and I understand that, since I am from Germany and had problems too. I use the Psalms at times for prayers, and Songs…..I also talk to Him like I would talk to a friend, and let Jesus clean it up if there is somethings not good enough.  
    Peace to you Irene

    When I was a stranger you welcomed me,   Astaria, prayer can be silent or it can be words, but it is time away from eveything else, turning off the tv, turning off the computer, being still, waiting on the Lord,   if your thoughts are consumed by other things then allow God to help you, be still, and know.



    you know it does not matter what the noise around you is ,the spirit can always connect with God,even if someone is in prison steel bars will not stop Gods love to communicate.

    it as more to do with your personnel state of mind.

    because pray means talking to you God in your mind or with your lips but all ways from the hearth.


    Hello Pierre, if you are with God then that is completly true, if one is lost or has been consumed with other things, then it is not always that easy, ths is when you must fast away from whatevr it is that is taking your mind and heart from true comunication and union with God, especially in this generation,


    Quote (Song @ Jan. 02 2011,04:33)

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 01 2011,23:37)

    Quote (Song @ Jan. 01 2011,18:51)

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 01 2011,14:05)

    Quote (Astaria @ Dec. 31 2010,17:59)

    for one who acts so calm and pious, you sure don't have anything worthwhile to say that helps a brother out.

    Just posting cryptic single liners doesn't help, my friend.

    In fact, from everything you've aid so far I would summize that you don't know a lot.

    Please, HOW DO I WORSHIP?   What do I do….you and Laurel seem to say that you know but you won't say. Why? is it a secret…do i have to PAY for the information?

    What??? help….!!!!!

    AS  Why are you being so mean spirited?  You don't know either Simple forgiven or Pierre, and you are here two days and made negative comments to them.  Why?  If you don't like what they say, then don't post to them.  Are you perfect?  You come across like you know it all.  Yet you ask how to worship, and then don';t like their answer.  
    God does not want long outdrawn prayers that do not come from the heart!!!  We all fall short of the glory of God.  Please be little kinder, that is Christian like…,..
    Pray in secret and God will confess you openly.  
    Also Pierre has a problem with English and I understand that, since I am from Germany and had problems too. I use the Psalms at times for prayers, and Songs…..I also talk to Him like I would talk to a friend, and let Jesus clean it up if there is somethings not good enough.  
    Peace to you Irene

    When I was a stranger you welcomed me,   Astaria, prayer can be silent or it can be words, but it is time away from eveything else, turning off the tv, turning off the computer, being still, waiting on the Lord,   if your thoughts are consumed by other things then allow God to help you, be still, and know.



    you know it does not matter what the noise around you is ,the spirit can always connect with God,even if someone is in prison steel bars will not stop Gods love to communicate.

    it as more to do with your personnel state of mind.

    because pray means talking to you God in your mind or with your lips but all ways from the hearth.


    Hello Pierre, if you are with God then that is completly true, if one is lost or has been consumed with other things, then it is not always that easy, ths is when you must fast away from whatevr it is that is taking your mind and heart from true comunication and union with God, especially in this generation,


    you are ,as you say going and back .right ?

    what is good to do is ,sit down and think of all the things you believe in and write them down ,

    then open the scriptures and see how you can pull up the scriptures that support your believes ,
    this would bring you in line with scriptures and know for sure that what you believe is true ,
    then you can built on it and always paid attention that what you learn is the truth of God.



    Good advice thankyou Pierre, but i really do feel that for some, more is needed, before this


    “The people of Nineveh believed in God, and they declared a fast and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them.” Jonah 3:5:

    “David prayed to God for the child and fasted. He would even go and spend the night lying on the ground.” 2 Sam 12:16:

    “When Ahab heard these words, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth, and fasted. He slept in sackcloth and walked around dejected.” 1 Kgs 21:27:

     “When I heard these things I slumped down, crying and mourning for several days. I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven.” Neh 1:4:

    “So I turned my attention to the Lord God to implore him by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes.” Dan 9:3:


    Apologise on the three posts,
    with worship, this is from wikipedia, on how it was,  

    “The earliest development of Christian worship is documented in the New Testament. The Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles present the very early Christians, then still very much a part of the Jewish scene, as frequenting both the Temple and synagogues, as well as meeting in private homes, frequently to “break bread,” a term that connotes both the sharing of an agape meal, and celebrating the Eucharist.

    A number of these gatherings of the early Christians are seen to include such components as “the apostles' teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer” (Acts 2:42). Interestingly, however, the New Testament text never actually refers to such gatherings or activity as “worship”, but consistently rather applies worship vocabulary to how Christians may honour God with their whole lives (e.g. Romans 12:1).

    Subsequently the theme of worship is taken up by many of the Church Fathers including Justin Martyr, Irenaeus and Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170-c. 236), and seems to be liturgical. The Holy Eucharist was the central act of worship in early Christianity. Activities in the synagogues continued

    The early Christian use of incense in worship seemed first to originate in Christian funeral rites, and later used during regular worship services. Incense was also used in the Bible to worship God and symbolize prayer, in both the Old Testament and New Testament; one of the three Magi offered Christ frankincense, and in the Book of Revelation, angels and saints appear in Heaven offering incense to God.


    Hi all.

    Do you think of God and feel love for God so much that you are in tears ?

    Worship is something which happens within, you worship God when you walk among people and share out love, you worship God when you from your heart pray, you worship God when you love another as in marriage, you worship God when you trust him… and so on,

    But theres a key difference that one has to know.


    If you have ever loved someone with all of your heart, then you will know what it is to love God with all of your heart.

    Think of the greatest love, and think of God.
    Weep and mourn for him for He loves you.
    Love Him for He loved you first.
    Believe just as He believes in you.
    He is your real Father who loves you and who will protect you. And will save you. And will take you as his own.

    Tim Kraft

    To all: There are many rituals, acts of attrition, beggings, burnings, bowings, fastings, whippings, and cryings that have been used to entreat God, appease God or to satisfy God over thousands of years. God is not impressed! God has said,…is this the fast that I have desired…? The Bible says FAITH pleases God. Believing what God has said and holding it fast in the heart is the greatest honor or worship man can give to God. If God says through Jesus, I have cleansed you from all sin and you believe God and hold fast that truth, you are holding God in the highest esteem with great honor and you are at the same time cleansed from all sin. Faith in Gods words to us is the highest honor unto God and administering Gods love to all his children is the greatest work. IMO, TK


    Yes Tim, but it also is written that God wants you to do things, like love others as yourself, help the poor and needy, visit the sick and in prison etc. You are right if you mean that these things are more important than just “observance of doctrines” Peace


    Micah 6:8 NIV
    He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
      And what does the LORD require of you?
    To act justly and to love mercy
      and to walk humbly with your God.


    Perfect harmony:)

    Tim Kraft

    Perfect love of God is believing what God says we are through Jesus. When we accept and believe that Jesus has washed us clean, cleansed us from all sin, ordained us for the power works of God, made us perfect, made us undivided whole in Christ, and purified us spotless before God then the love of God is poured through us to the world. When we can see our perfection then we have perfection to give. Love is freedom and gives freedom. Love is kind and gives kindness. Love does not take into account a wrong done. Love is peacful and gives peace. Love condemns nobody. Love judges itself not others. In that you judge another you judge yourself. Love is the whole truth within the sons of God to heal the world. We are all one in love! IMO, TK


    The world's wound is incureable, and as it states in Isaiah, God has decreed complete destruction. Also Paul writes that the elements are going to be destroyed by fire, and everything is to be destroyed in this manner. Nothing but goodness and God and Love matters, because everything is passing away. John the Baptist also testifys to this, in saying that God is coming in Fire, and the sinners will be burnt like chaff. When Islam gets nukes, and it's coming, really soon from Iran, we will see Israel under seige, and it is also written that the war will be there, preceding God coming to defend it. I hope that brings it and it;s quick or he takes us home while he punishes and recreates the world.Peace


    When you go to the Lord in pain and in tears and cry to him he will save you. The whole world is in need of healing.

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Jan. 11 2011,07:08)
    The world's wound is incureable, and as it states in Isaiah, God has decreed complete destruction. Also Paul writes that the elements are going to be destroyed by fire, and everything is to be destroyed in this manner. Nothing but goodness and God and Love matters, because everything is passing away. John the Baptist also testifys to this, in saying that God is coming in Fire, and the sinners will be burnt like chaff. When Islam gets nukes, and it's coming, really soon from Iran, we will see Israel under seige, and it is also written that the war will be there, preceding God coming to defend it. I hope that brings it and it;s quick or he takes us home while he punishes and recreates the world.Peace

    With that statement of an incureable wound and God has decreed complete destruction, those who believe that with you are all headed to the very hell they have believed for.

    How a God with love, peace and joy emitting from him, change is loving nature into a destroyer and killer I don't really know. If God is peace, love and joy then he is not, evil,destructive,hurtful and angry.

    Elements: Greek word: “stoicheion”–a certain order or arrangement, a laid out fundamental proposition, an order of principle ideas….(me)the religious world that was before Jesus!
    Believers receive the Holy Ghost, unbelievers recieve the fire which does not destroy life it destroys unbelief. The untruth is burned away leaving a pure son of God. Blessed are the pure in mind/heart for they shall see God.

    Nothing but evil, wrong thinking, sin, bad, condemnation will pass away or be burned up. Love does not destroy. Love does not take someones life away. Love gives life. You are absoultely right that God/Holy Spirit is manifesting in Fire and sin will be burned away from errant beliefs.

    The wars spoken by Jesus could not possibly be from God against flesh and blood. Our fight is against wrong thinking, errant beliefs, against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and wicked(evil believing) spirits(doctrines) in high places/positions. Religious preachers mostly.

    You can know them by their fruit. Good fruit, good doctrines of life, good new for all, love and kindness for “ALL”. Bad fruit is destrudtive beliefs, killing, separation of mankind, punishment, rules and laws of how to live etc.!

    The power you are emitting from your mind directs what comes back to you in life, like a rudder on a great ship(James). You either sow power of good or power of evil/destruction. Bless you, TK


    Greetings thru' our Almighty Father everyone!

    Although I'm a 'newbie' to this site (this is my first post   !),
    I'm fairly certain that – although there are many 'rituals' the world thinks will, in some way, make Yehweh think we worship Him – just apply the verse below:

    For this is what love for God is: to keep His commands.   1 John 5:3

    It is easily possible to keep His commandments and have no feelings for Him at all (be 'legalistic'), but if you do it because you love Him – NOT for what He's done but for who and what He is – He then becomes your Father…..    :D

    Ed J

    Quote (MoY @ Feb. 17 2011,01:21)
    Greetings thru' our Almighty Father everyone!

    Although I'm a 'newbie' to this site (this is my first post   !),
    I'm fairly certain that – although there are many 'rituals' the world thinks will, in some way, make Yehweh think we worship Him – just apply the verse below:

    For this is what love for God is: to keep His commands.   1 John 5:3

    It is easily possible to keep His commandments and have no feelings for Him at all (be 'legalistic'), but if you do it because you love Him – NOT for what He's done but for who and what He is – He then becomes your Father…..    :D

    Hi Peter,

    Welcome to h-net!

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus!
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Guest @ Feb. 17 2011,08:21)
    Greetings thru' our Almighty Father everyone!

    Although I'm a 'newbie' to this site (this is my first post   !),
    I'm fairly certain that – although there are many 'rituals' the world thinks will, in some way, make Yehweh think we worship Him – just apply the verse below:

    For this is what love for God is: to keep His commands.   1 John 5:3

    It is easily possible to keep His commandments and have no feelings for Him at all (be 'legalistic'), but if you do it because you love Him – NOT for what He's done but for who and what He is – He then becomes your Father…..    :D

    hi and welcome

    but you can not worship God and not obey the first commandment,Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” 37 He said to him, ” 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

    how can someone remain legalistic???and stay approuve in is actions before God.??


    Ed J

    Hi Everyone,

    I hope something can be done about our “New Members”
    being 'accidentally' deleted by the automatic anti-spam.
    I hope Peter reads this so he will sign up again here!

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus!
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 12 2011,23:12)
    Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

    Hi Wm,

    Jesus was NEVER “worshipped” by anyone. The Greek word “proskuneo”, which can either mean “worship” (as is due to God ALONE), or “bowing to show reverence to ANY man” is the word often MISTAKENLY rendered by Trinitarian translations as “worship” in reference to Jesus. The word in reference to God means “worship”; but in reference to Jesus, King David, Samuel, Abraham, or any of the other MANY people in the scriptures that were bowed down to, the word is correctly translated as “did obeisance to”.

    Jesus himself told Satan and us the ONLY One to worship – and that One sure wasn't himself. In fact, in John 4:22, Jesus included himself as a worshipper OF that One.


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