Worship God the Father only?

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  • #226613

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 27 2010,05:08)
    Now back to other questions you have not answered…

    No Keith, how about “back to MY question” first.  For it will clear up everything.

    Keith, would you EVER worship someone who is NOT God Almighty?  YES or NO.

    peace and love,


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 27 2010,12:08)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 26 2010,12:53)
    I worship God ALONE be praying to God ALONE.  I worship God by just driving in my car and mentally thanking Him for all things.  I worship God by BELIEVING the words of scripture that He has left for us.  I worship God by having faith in Him that He will accomplish every thing He sets out to.

    I do not consider worship to be only “bowing” and “singing songs of praise”.

    It is the way one lives their life.  It is the act of giving back the incorrect change the cashier gave you instead of keeping it.  It is the act of showing love and helping the needy.  It is not cheating on my taxes.  



    So in other words “Worship” is more than Just bowing down but in fact includes “Total Devotion” to someone, Right?

    Now what is it in your description of worshipping the Father that you do not do to Jesus?

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 26 2010,12:53)
    I worship God by living my life according to His commands.  And His commands include NOT worshipping anyone else.  In fact, it is strictly forbidden.

    Yes Mike it is against Gods commandments to give absolute devotion to any other being but God for that would be Idolatry right?

    Now back to other questions you have not answered…

  • Would you follow Jesus commands even if it meant you would have to die for his names sake?
  • Are you a prisoner of Jesus Christ?
  • Are you his Bondslave?
  • Can you serve and bow down to anyone with that kind of devotion except God without violating the Mosaic law?


  • WJ

    were in scriptures are those request written??




    You said in the 'was Jesus superior' thread to JA:

    Arche does not have anything to do with “wicked” or “righteous” JA. It simply means “ruler”. So here's the question:


    And then you cannot seem to accept Rev 3:14 when the same word that you claim to mean 'ruler' is used, 'arche' you insist on it meaning beginning and not ruler. Why are you not understanding that it is entirely possible that the word in Rev 3:14 is ruler and not beginning?

    Rev 3:14
    “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation.NIV

    In Col 1:15 with the term 'firstborn,' you want it to mean first created. Why must the Son be a result of creation and not the result of being begotten by God as in an offspring with the eternal essence of His Father?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 26 2010,12:10)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 26 2010,13:51)
    When Jesus mentioned that about men being called gods He was making a comparison between men being called gods and Himself, the Only begotten god being called god.  His point was…how much more would the only begotten god, i.e. the Son of God, be called god if mere men are called that.  That is the way I read it.

    Hi Kathi,

    Jesus was saying, “If it was alright for God to call mere men “gods”, then what's the big crime in me not saying I'm a “god”, but just saying that I'm God's Son?”



    There obviously was something very significant and threatening to the Pharisees about Jesus claim to be the 'Son of God.'  

    The words “son of” in the OT and NT occurs 1603 times and 272 of them were in the NT.  This was how people identified themselves and whom they identified themselves which meant something to others.  In our culture, we also at times introduce ourselves to someone and add that we are the son or daughter of so and so.  

    If you said, “Hi I'm Mike, Bob's son” to someone that knew who Bob was then they would know something about you beyond how you look and shake hands.  If you said, “Hi I'm Mike, God's literal Son,” then you would be considered a lunatic because you would be saying that what God is, you are too as His own literal Son.

    That is why they attempted to stone Him because they thought He was lying to them and speaking blasphemy.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 26 2010,13:30)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 27 2010,05:08)
    Now back to other questions you have not answered…

    No Keith, how about “back to MY question” first.  For it will clear up everything.

    Keith, would you EVER worship someone who is NOT God Almighty?  YES or NO.

    peace and love,


    The answer is NO, NO, NO. Now how do you answer my questions? Tell me how you can solve this conundrum that you have?

  • Now what is it in your description of worshipping the Father that you do not do to Jesus?
  • Would you follow Jesus commands even if it meant you would have to die for his names sake?
  • Are you a prisoner of Jesus Christ?
  • Are you his Bondslave?
  • Can you serve and bow down to anyone with that kind of devotion except God without violating the Mosaic law?



Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 27 2010,13:04)

Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 26 2010,13:30)

Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 27 2010,05:08)
Now back to other questions you have not answered…

No Keith, how about “back to MY question” first.  For it will clear up everything.

Keith, would you EVER worship someone who is NOT God Almighty?  YES or NO.

peace and love,


The answer is NO, NO, NO. Now how do you answer my questions? Tell me how you can solve this conundrum that you have?

  • Now what is it in your description of worshipping the Father that you do not do to Jesus?
  • Would you follow Jesus commands even if it meant you would have to die for his names sake?
  • Are you a prisoner of Jesus Christ?
  • Are you his Bondslave?
  • Can you serve and bow down to anyone with that kind of devotion except God without violating the Mosaic law?


  • WJ

    were are those scriptures that requesting what you ask????



    Hi Mark, in reply to your post a few pages back….Fair enough Mark. (Sorry I was distrated on other topics),


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 27 2010,04:53)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 27 2010,04:03)
    Does it sound like this…

    “Father I bow down before you and praise you and glorify your name for you are worthy of all honour, Glory and praise.”

    Hi Mark and WJ,

    Keith is right.  He has asked me, and I gave him one of his famous “non-answers”.  I said “worship has nothing at all to do with the bodily postition one is in – if that's what you're thinking”.  (Hey Keith, how's it feel to be on the RECEIVING end of one of those “non-answers” for once? :)  )

    I worship God ALONE be praying to God ALONE.  I worship God by just driving in my car and mentally thanking Him for all things.  I worship God by BELIEVING the words of scripture that He has left for us.  I worship God by having faith in Him that He will accomplish every thing He sets out to.

    I do not consider worship to be only “bowing” and “singing songs of praise”.

    It is the way one lives their life.  It is the act of giving back the incorrect change the cashier gave you instead of keeping it.  It is the act of showing love and helping the needy.  It is not cheating on my taxes.  I worship God by living my life according to His commands.  And His commands include NOT worshipping anyone else.  In fact, it is strictly forbidden.

    Now Keith, let's get to the heart of the matter.  You consider Jesus to be God Almighty Himself, and so in your mind you rightly worship him as God Almighty.

    Keith, would you EVER worship someone who is NOT God Almighty?  YES or NO.

    Mark, would you worship any one of the prophets God sent as God Almighty?  YES or NO.

    peace and love,


    Thank you for the courtesy of answerring my question, sort of. But before I discuss that I will in return answer yours to be fair. You asked

    Mark, would you worship any one of the prophets God sent as God Almighty? YES or NO.

    In answering it I have to first understand it, it first seems like a loaded question, in that God never sent a prophet as God Almighty. He sent prophets to warn Isreal of the sins they were committing, which were abused and killed. And they were prophets. But like the owner of the Vinyard he said lastly”I'll send my son, they will listen to him”. He was the son of god concieved by the holy spirit. How can you call him a prophet? You are asking a redundant question. My answer to worshiping a prophet would be NO. My answer to worshiping his son sent, as prophesied in Isaiah as having the name MIGHTY GOD,FATHER FOREVER,PRINCE OF PEACE, my answer would be YES.

    Now that I have answered your question, I have some questions to your answer to mine.

    I worship God ALONE be praying to God ALONE. I worship God by just driving in my car and mentally thanking Him for all things. I worship God by BELIEVING the words of scripture that He has left for us. I worship God by having faith in Him that He will accomplish every thing He sets out to.

    I do not consider worship to be only “bowing” and “singing songs of praise”.

    “It is the way one lives their life. It is the act of giving back the incorrect change the cashier gave you instead of keeping it. It is the act of showing love and helping the needy. It is not cheating on my taxes. I worship God by living my life according to His commands. And His commands include NOT worshipping anyone else. In fact, it is strictly forbidden.”

    /This is almost third person. I know what worship is Mikeboll. I know you do not worship jesus, duhhh, I've read about it for the last week or so. Now let me be specific, like you need to be in your next question. We have long ago established what we believe is correct worship; shall we continue to beat that dead horse? In the last month Mikeboll, how have you worshipped God the Father. Specific acts that you have done,leave nothing out. For example-“It is the act of showing love and helping the needy”….I know that, but what have YOU DONE? Leave out all opinions and doctrines, strictly actions that Mikeboll has performed, as an honest child of God the Father.

    I love you- Mark


    Quote (942767 @ Nov. 24 2010,20:14)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 25 2010,07:09)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 24 2010,01:50)

    Quote (shimmer @ Nov. 24 2010,14:03)
    I used to.  Untill you went against me.

    Mike, all this does is confuse you and your thinking, taking you away from what you know and what works for you.

    I learnt that.

    Hi Shimmer,

    You mean she's went against you too?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi all,
    I need a little of advice.  What do you do when you believe someone wronged you and you confronted them and they kept it up even adding several abusive PM's to it and then think that you owe them an apology?  And post something like this quote?

    If I apologize, what am I apologizing for?  I would have no idea.

    Do I bring in a mediator to help and provide the evidence?


    Hi Kathi:

    According to Matthew 18, if you have gone to the person that has offended you, and they do not repent, then take two or three with you and confront the person so that there will be witnesses as to what has been said.  

    And so, I guess that you can do that by a PM addressed to the person that offended you with copies to two or three people on this forum.

    Love in Christ,

    Hi Edj,

    Your more recent remark against me:

    You mean she's went against you too?

    I reread your PM's to me from last spring and was reminded that you said that you will not open my PM's to you so do you want to work this obvious grievance that you have towards me out as the Lord would have us or not? If you do, then we can do it out in the open because I think you will be more honest and less likely to twist the story again. I suggest that we handle it in the 'debate' section with a mediator. If you do not want to work it out then that is up to you but if I see your innuendoes about me that are false, I will have to post your PM's and layout the whole situation for all to see which may still end up happening if you do not own up to your poor and very uncalled for remarks. I suppose, by how you respond, this will prove if you, as you claim, do not have an ego or that you do in fact have an ego.

    How about it Edj?


    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 28 2010,04:35)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 27 2010,04:53)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 27 2010,04:03)
    Does it sound like this…

    “Father I bow down before you and praise you and glorify your name for you are worthy of all honour, Glory and praise.”

    Hi Mark and WJ,

    Keith is right.  He has asked me, and I gave him one of his famous “non-answers”.  I said “worship has nothing at all to do with the bodily postition one is in – if that's what you're thinking”.  (Hey Keith, how's it feel to be on the RECEIVING end of one of those “non-answers” for once? :)  )

    I worship God ALONE be praying to God ALONE.  I worship God by just driving in my car and mentally thanking Him for all things.  I worship God by BELIEVING the words of scripture that He has left for us.  I worship God by having faith in Him that He will accomplish every thing He sets out to.

    I do not consider worship to be only “bowing” and “singing songs of praise”.

    It is the way one lives their life.  It is the act of giving back the incorrect change the cashier gave you instead of keeping it.  It is the act of showing love and helping the needy.  It is not cheating on my taxes.  I worship God by living my life according to His commands.  And His commands include NOT worshipping anyone else.  In fact, it is strictly forbidden.

    Now Keith, let's get to the heart of the matter.  You consider Jesus to be God Almighty Himself, and so in your mind you rightly worship him as God Almighty.

    Keith, would you EVER worship someone who is NOT God Almighty?  YES or NO.

    Mark, would you worship any one of the prophets God sent as God Almighty?  YES or NO.

    peace and love,


    Thank you for the courtesy of answerring my question, sort of. But before I discuss that I will in return answer yours to be fair. You asked

    Mark, would you worship any one of the prophets God sent as God Almighty?  YES or NO.

    In answering it I have to first understand it, it first seems like a loaded question, in that God never sent a prophet as God Almighty. He sent prophets to warn Isreal of the sins they were committing,  which were abused and killed. And they were prophets. But like the owner of the Vinyard he said lastly”I'll send my son, they will listen to him”. He was the son of god concieved by the holy spirit. How can you call him a prophet?  You are asking a redundant question. My answer to worshiping a prophet would be NO. My answer to worshiping his son sent, as prophesied in Isaiah as having the name MIGHTY GOD,FATHER FOREVER,PRINCE OF PEACE, my answer would be YES.

    Now that I have answered your question, I have some questions to your answer to mine.

    I worship God ALONE be praying to God ALONE.  I worship God by just driving in my car and mentally thanking Him for all things.  I worship God by BELIEVING the words of scripture that He has left for us.  I worship God by having faith in Him that He will accomplish every thing He sets out to.

    I do not consider worship to be only “bowing” and “singing songs of praise”.

    “It is the way one lives their life.  It is the act of giving back the incorrect change the cashier gave you instead of keeping it.  It is the act of showing love and helping the needy.  It is not cheating on my taxes.  I worship God by living my life according to His commands.  And His commands include NOT worshipping anyone else.  In fact, it is strictly forbidden.”

    /This is almost third person. I know what worship is Mikeboll. I know you do not worship jesus, duhhh, I've read about it for the last week or so. Now let me be specific, like you need to be in your next question. We have long ago established what we believe is correct worship; shall we continue to beat that dead horse? In the last month Mikeboll, how have you worshipped God the Father. Specific acts that you have done,leave nothing out. For example-“It is the act of showing love and helping the needy”….I know that, but what have YOU DONE? Leave out all opinions and doctrines, strictly actions that Mikeboll has performed, as an honest child of God the Father.

    I love you- Mark


    worship =is what you believe ,and render your devotion to,

    that becomes your worship.



    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 28 2010,05:17)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 28 2010,04:35)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 27 2010,04:53)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 27 2010,04:03)
    Does it sound like this…

    “Father I bow down before you and praise you and glorify your name for you are worthy of all honour, Glory and praise.”

    Hi Mark and WJ,

    Keith is right.  He has asked me, and I gave him one of his famous “non-answers”.  I said “worship has nothing at all to do with the bodily postition one is in – if that's what you're thinking”.  (Hey Keith, how's it feel to be on the RECEIVING end of one of those “non-answers” for once? :)  )

    I worship God ALONE be praying to God ALONE.  I worship God by just driving in my car and mentally thanking Him for all things.  I worship God by BELIEVING the words of scripture that He has left for us.  I worship God by having faith in Him that He will accomplish every thing He sets out to.

    I do not consider worship to be only “bowing” and “singing songs of praise”.

    It is the way one lives their life.  It is the act of giving back the incorrect change the cashier gave you instead of keeping it.  It is the act of showing love and helping the needy.  It is not cheating on my taxes.  I worship God by living my life according to His commands.  And His commands include NOT worshipping anyone else.  In fact, it is strictly forbidden.

    Now Keith, let's get to the heart of the matter.  You consider Jesus to be God Almighty Himself, and so in your mind you rightly worship him as God Almighty.

    Keith, would you EVER worship someone who is NOT God Almighty?  YES or NO.

    Mark, would you worship any one of the prophets God sent as God Almighty?  YES or NO.

    peace and love,


    Thank you for the courtesy of answerring my question, sort of. But before I discuss that I will in return answer yours to be fair. You asked

    Mark, would you worship any one of the prophets God sent as God Almighty?  YES or NO.

    In answering it I have to first understand it, it first seems like a loaded question, in that God never sent a prophet as God Almighty. He sent prophets to warn Isreal of the sins they were committing,  which were abused and killed. And they were prophets. But like the owner of the Vinyard he said lastly”I'll send my son, they will listen to him”. He was the son of god concieved by the holy spirit. How can you call him a prophet?  You are asking a redundant question. My answer to worshiping a prophet would be NO. My answer to worshiping his son sent, as prophesied in Isaiah as having the name MIGHTY GOD,FATHER FOREVER,PRINCE OF PEACE, my answer would be YES.

    Now that I have answered your question, I have some questions to your answer to mine.

    I worship God ALONE be praying to God ALONE.  I worship God by just driving in my car and mentally thanking Him for all things.  I worship God by BELIEVING the words of scripture that He has left for us.  I worship God by having faith in Him that He will accomplish every thing He sets out to.

    I do not consider worship to be only “bowing” and “singing songs of praise”.

    “It is the way one lives their life.  It is the act of giving back the incorrect change the cashier gave you instead of keeping it.  It is the act of showing love and helping the needy.  It is not cheating on my taxes.  I worship God by living my life according to His commands.  And His commands include NOT worshipping anyone else.  In fact, it is strictly forbidden.”

    /This is almost third person. I know what worship is Mikeboll. I know you do not worship jesus, duhhh, I've read about it for the last week or so. Now let me be specific, like you need to be in your next question. We have long ago established what we believe is correct worship; shall we continue to beat that dead horse? In the last month Mikeboll, how have you worshipped God the Father. Specific acts that you have done,leave nothing out. For example-“It is the act of showing love and helping the needy”….I know that, but what have YOU DONE? Leave out all opinions and doctrines, strictly actions that Mikeboll has performed, as an honest child of God the Father.

    I love you- Mark


    worship =is what you believe ,and render your devotion to,

    that becomes your worship.


    If you love God, you will show it. “What man lights a lamp and puts it under a basket?” You justify yourself because you have nothing to report. You do nothing, Pierre, for God if you cannot state anything that you accomplish for your brothers and sisters and show your love for them.Jesus commanded you to. Talk is cheap to God. Thats where the “Lord, Lord” phrase comes in . If all you do is give God lip service you are fooling youself, but not God. Peace- Mark



    Why are you not understanding that it is entirely possible that the word in Rev 3:14 is ruler and not beginning?

    I do admit that it could mean either in Rev 3:14.  I understand John to be saying “beginning” in that verse though.  It is my personal preference in that verse, and lines up perfectly with Col 1:15 and Proverbs 8.


    Why must the Son be a result of creation and not the result of being begotten by God as in an offspring with the eternal essence of His Father?

    Jesus IS the begotten Son of God Kathi.  And like I've said many times, when I begot my son, with the help of God I CREATED a new life where there was none before.  Anyone who begets is at the same time CREATING a new life.

    Jesus, however, cannot have had the same ETERNAL essence of his Father from his beginning, for he died.  Paul says that since he died though, he cannot die again, for NOW his God has granted him immortality.

    It's all in the scriptures for the reading Kathi.

    peace and love,


    first you never answer my question ,to what love you talking about wen you involve God??

    you say;;If you love God, you will show it. “What man lights a lamp and puts it under a basket?” You justify yourself because you have nothing to report. You do nothing, Pierre, for God if you cannot state anything that you accomplish for your brothers and sisters and show your love for them.Jesus commanded you to. Talk is cheap to God. Thats where the “Lord, Lord” phrase comes in . If all you do is give God lip service you are fooling youself, but not God. Peace- Mark


    you say ;if you love God ,you will show it;you right but are you my judge?do you think that what i do on the internet ,that, that is all i do ???i have a wife,and tree children,

    you say;;that i justify my self ,because i do nothing,;;;first i thing you try to justify yourself not me,and yes i try to do nothing that would not be approved by God,this is true,
    you say;Pierre, for God if you cannot state anything that you accomplish for your brothers and sisters ,;;;Mark who are my brothers and sisters???

    Mark,do you know how someone becomes a liar?? it is by talking,would you not agree??so talk could become very expensive ,because it says;;Rev 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” ———–

    just for your info so you do not mistaken on me; I PRACTICE WHAT I PREACH,AND I ALSO BELIEVE WHAT I SAY;

    so i only worship God the father of Christ ,



    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 27 2010,06:00)
    There obviously was something very significant and threatening to the Pharisees about Jesus claim to be the 'Son of God.'

    Hi Kathi,

    John 8:41
    You are doing the works of your own father.” “We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”

    Kathi, those bolded words above were said by Jews to Jesus.  Hmmmmmmm………they also considered themselves as “sons of God” right?

    But think it all out.  If the Jews were mad at Jesus for making it clear that he alone was “the Son of God” in some direct, special way that was different from the way that THEY were “sons of God”, then it is also clear that they knew he wasn't God Himself, right?  You can't be equal to someone else and BE that someone else at the same time, can you?

    People like Keith take this “equal to God” stuff to far. They say Jesus IS God because of what John said, but they forget to reason that if Jesus was “equal TO” God, then he cannot also BE the One he is equal to. Note, John doesn't say “equal to the FATHER”, but “equal to GOD”.

    peace and love,


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 27 2010,06:04)

    The answer is NO, NO, NO. Now how do you answer my questions? Tell me how you can solve this conundrum that you have?

    Hi Keith, and thank you for your DIRECT response.

    So, we both would not ever worship someone who is not God.  The difference is that you think Jesus IS God, and I believe scriptures. :)

    As far as your questions, insert “King David” in place of Jesus, and the answers would be the same.

    I can serve King David without worshipping him.  I would have followed him to the death, like many Judeans did, without worshipping him.  I would have followed his commands as if God Himself was the One telling them to me, for I would have known he faithfully served our God.  I would have eagerly bowed down before him to show both his honor and my subservience.  I would have been his “prisoner” and “bondservant” gladly because he was the King of God's chosen people and faithfully did what God told him to do.

    Do we have an understanding now Keith?  Mark?  None of us here besides Kathi would dare worship someone who wasn't God Almighty Himself, so the difference lies in whom we believe to be “God Almighty Himself”.

    I don't think Jesus is God Almighty, and English translators rendering “proskuneo” as “worship” in reference to Jesus is not enough for me to change my mind.

    Now, if you would like to discuss whether or not Jesus IS God, I'm up for it.  One scripture at a time.  Hit us with your best “Jesus is God Almighty” scripture – and let's delve into it.

    peace and love,



    My answer to worshiping a prophet would be NO. My answer to worshiping his son sent, as prophesied in Isaiah as having the name MIGHTY GOD,FATHER FOREVER,PRINCE OF PEACE, my answer would be YES.

    Thank you for your DIRECT answer, Mark.  Please see my last post to Keith for further instructions. :D  (Just kidding about the “instruction” part! )


    In the last month Mikeboll, how have you worshipped God the Father. Specific acts that you have done,leave nothing out. For example-“It is the act of showing love and helping the needy”….I know that, but what have YOU DONE? Leave out all opinions and doctrines, strictly actions that Mikeboll has performed, as an honest child of God the Father.

    For what purpose Mark?  ???  You don't seem to be getting it.  What could the results possibly be from me doing what you ask?  You would either become “swelled up” or “deflated” depending on what I posted.  And the bottom line is that we would be seeking some kind of “glory” or “approval” from men.  I will not glorify myself in an attempt to “one-up” you.  I'm sorry, but I choose to give in private and let it be between me and my God.  

    There is One who might someday glorify me, but like Jesus told the Jews, if I glorify myself, it means nothing.

    Are you ready to tackle the underlying issue of “Is Jesus God Almighty”?  I notice you know that Jesus is “mighty god”, but do you, like Keith, think he is THE ALMIGHTY GOD?

    Let's start there, okay?  Because so far I can find no fault in you worshipping Jesus if you think he is THE ALMIGHTY GOD.  So…………..do you?  Do you think he is the “God Most High” mentioned in the OT?

    peace and love,


    Mikeboll and Terricca,

    O.K. Now I have my answers. You cannot show it or state it. Even to God the Father which you two claim to worship correctly, you cannot demonstrate your devotion and love to him. You justify youselves by judging others for how they worship while doing nothing for God. You are like the pharasees. You are “Bible lawyers”. You tear down and don't build up. You preach but don't practice. After Iran figures out how to make nuclear bombs and attacks Isreal, which isn't too far away, JESUS, MIGHTYGOD, FATHER FOREVER,SON OF GOD, MY LORD AND MY GOD, may very well come, and you can give him all your hot air and empty talk and judgements, because thats all it is……………………………..Thank you for answering my questions, I can file you in the appropriate place. One more time like all the other times that you never responded to-I love you-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 29 2010,02:33)
    Mikeboll and Terricca,

    O.K.  Now I have my answers. You cannot show it or state it. Even to God the Father which you two claim to worship correctly, you cannot demonstrate your devotion and love to him. You justify youselves by judging others for how they worship while doing nothing for God. You are like the pharasees. You are “Bible lawyers”. You tear down and don't build up. You preach but don't practice.   After Iran figures out how to make nuclear bombs and attacks Isreal, which isn't too far away, JESUS, MIGHTYGOD, FATHER FOREVER,SON OF GOD, MY LORD AND MY GOD, may very well come, and you can give him all your hot air and empty talk and judgements, because thats all it is……………………………..Thank you for answering my questions, I can file you in the appropriate place. One more time like all the other times that you never responded to-I love you-Mark


    thank you for playing God ,



    Hi Pierre,

    Mark says, “You cannot show it or state it.”  He confuses “cannot” with “will not”.

    But we know it's just a diversion anyway.  He doesn't really want to delve into scriptures with us, does he?

    Come on Mark……….enough of the diversions.  Let's discuss WHO you worship, not HOW you do it.

    Mark, do you worship ONLY Jehovah God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth?

    Is Jesus “Jehovah God Almighty” Mark?

    Post a scripture that says he is, or else admit you worship two “Gods”.  I know Keith is not afraid to post scriptures – but he is afraid to post them one at a time, for he knows each and every one of his “trinity proof texts” can easily be dismantled using scripture.  For that reason, he will only post them in “bundles”.  He figures there is strength in numbers, so I doubt he'll take us up on this “scripture by scripture” challenge.

    How about you Mark?  Put your money where your mouth is.  Hit us with your best “Jesus is God” scripture.  We'll answer yours and hit you with our best “Jesus is NOT God” scripture.  Let's get down to it, brother.

    peace and love,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 29 2010,10:15)
    Hi Pierre,

    Mark says, “You cannot show it or state it.”  He confuses “cannot” with “will not”.

    But we know it's just a diversion anyway.  He doesn't really want to delve into scriptures with us, does he?

    Come on Mark……….enough of the diversions.  Let's discuss WHO you worship, not HOW you do it.

    Mark, do you worship ONLY Jehovah God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth?

    Is Jesus “Jehovah God Almighty” Mark?

    Post a scripture that says he is, or else admit you worship two “Gods”.  I know Keith is not afraid to post scriptures – but he is afraid to post them one at a time, for he knows each and every one of his “trinity proof texts” can easily be dismantled using scripture.  For that reason, he will only post them in “bundles”.  He figures there is strength in numbers, so I doubt he'll take us up on this “scripture by scripture” challenge.

    How about you Mark?  Put your money where your mouth is.  Hit us with your best “Jesus is God” scripture.  We'll answer yours and hit you with our best “Jesus is NOT God” scripture.  Let's get down to it, brother.

    peace and love,


    I am in the feeling that Mark is not a true believer and he would like to compere others here,to see if we would share his personal views,

    he does not answer question,he only ask them,and get frustrated wen he recieve no answer;

    he does not know;what whorship in spirit and truth means;
    and he does not comprehend what the love of God is;

    he also does not understand who are the brothers and sisters ;

    and all those answers are written in scriptures;

    but he cannot find them.

    he act like the old catholic priest never answers always ask question upon question,this is to free him to answer,that
    type are called no good.


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