Worship God the Father only?

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  • #225493

    Quote (OneDay @ Nov. 17 2010,15:48)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 18 2010,09:41)

    Quote (OneDay @ Nov. 17 2010,14:26)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 16 2010,19:46)
    Welcome Joanna.

    Jesus told us to worship the Father.  It is who we have religious faith in as our Lord that should get our worship.  The Father is Lord, Jesus is Lord, not two from different essences but the same essence.  Let your faith lead you in how you respond and understand the idea of worship.

    No one has to tell people to worship money…it is something within us that leads us towards who we are religiously devoted to, some are motivated by spiritual faith, some are motivated by flesh.

    There are vast examples of the Messiah receiving worship and commending those followers for their 'faith in the NT,' the emphasis is not on commending those for their obedience when they bowed down to Him, it was for their faith.

    There are also passages in the OT that illustrates worship or religious bowing down to the Messiah.  The Father and the Son are both of one and the same essence.  Jesus said that if you believe in the Father, believe also in Him.

    I hope you enjoy it here.  Tell us about how you found Heaven Net.
    Blessings to you,


    You said……………………………..The Father is Lord, Jesus is Lord………………………………..Are you a oneness believer ?

    Well Me –  I believe The Father is Almighty God (translated as LORD in the Holy Bible), while Jesus is the Son of Almighty God (translated as Lord in the Holy Bible)

    Jesus the only begotten Son of God conceived of teh Holy Spirit,
    Jesus who came from Heaven,
    Jesus who revealed the Father,
    Then returned to the Father. And is to return again…………………..

    Worship is for the Father Almighty God as Jesus said…..



    Hi Jo,
    I am not a oneness believer.  I believe in the Father as the one true God and in His Son who is the one true begotten God as His Son from the Father and that they are together with the Holy Spirit, the God of Israel and all believers.  You might call it a Godhead. From what I can tell, this seems to be an early trinity but not the trinity of today.  I believe in the Apostle's Creed and the Nicene Creed but I am wrestling with the Athanasian Creed.
    I worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and I believe that is the intent of the worship of the Father.  I believe it brings Him glory :)

    What about you?  What do you think about the word that was God in John 1:1?

    Look at the page before this and see the many verses that I posted to “Irene” about Jesus receiving 'worship.'


    Hi there!

    You say………………………I believe in the Father as the one true God and in His Son who is the one true begotten God as His Son from the Father and that they are together with the Holy Spirit, the God of Israel and all believers. You might call it a Godhead. From what I can tell, this seems to be an early trinity but not the trinity of today. …………………………..

    OK. Cool. What was different earlier in the Trinity ? I would like to now.

    I have read the page before here as you said……..thanks !

    I wonder when people say these things to me…….

    How come Jesus prayed to his Father in Heaven……………………How come Jesus also told people to pray “OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN”………………….How come Jesus said to Worship ONLY GOD……….I mean were they just words he said or did he mean them ?

    If He never meant it why say it ? Was there another meaning?………………..

    Bowing in fearfull respect and AWE at Gods greatness is what I prefer to do as Jesus said to do…………….I go to God in prayer…………I seek Gods answers. I love God…….. I cry to God. As Jesus did.

    Do you think theres anything wrong with this ? Just curious.

    Thanks !


    Hi Jo,

    You have a curious mind, that is probably what brought you here :) When I speak of an early trinity I am talking about what I perceive as to what the early church father's thought. They often included the names of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in their salutations of their writings. They recognized all three aspects of God. They recognized a Father, a Son and a Spirit but didn't go so far as saying they were all three persons, equally eternally existing under one Godhead, and all equally God. They called the Father the one true God and the unbegotten, and His Son was often referred to as the begotten God from eternal essence and the Spirit was called the Spirit of God. I was being led to this understanding before I started reading what the early church father's had to say and I was pleased to see agreement. I have put many of their quotes in the 'other writing's thread' you can read some of them here:


    You asked:

    I wonder when people say these things to me…….

    How come Jesus prayed to his Father in Heaven……………………How come Jesus also told people to pray “OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN”………………….How come Jesus said to Worship ONLY GOD……….I mean were they just words he said or did he mean them ?

    Remember that Jesus emptied Himself to become man and related to His Father as we do yet without ever being out of fellowship with His Father because He was sinless. I don't know if the Son handicapped Himself to become much less as to become a man but that is how I picture it. The Son took on the memory and ability of an infant, knowing nothing of His past and ability. But Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man and God identified Him as to who He really was as Jesus grew in wisdom.

    I do believe that Jesus prayed to His Father because He wasn't the Father as some believe, but was always the Son and when He prayed to the Father, He was limited and emptied of His divine glory that He had with the Father before the world began. He was really praying and recognizing His Father as His God.

    The 'begotten' is from the 'unbegotten' after all and the source would be greater than the one coming from the source but it is in that way only that I think the Son is less than the Father. I believe Perfect begat P
    erfect, not Perfect begat less than Perfect…and the Son is not less than perfect but is like His Father who is perfect.

    Why did Jesus say to worship only God? I believe that would include the Godhead in full. It is our worship of the Father that leads us towards worship of the Son, it is done to the glory of the Father also as we worship the Son.

    Bowing in fearfull respect and AWE at Gods greatness is what I prefer to do as Jesus said to do…………….I go to God in prayer…………I seek Gods answers. I love God…….. I cry to God. As Jesus did.

    Do you think theres anything wrong with this ? Just curious.

    No I don't think there is anything wrong with that Jo, it is very right if it is from the heart and not just duty. We can talk to Jesus too and we obey Jesus's commandments. There is more to God than the Father. There is more to Jesus than just getting us to the Father. These are Jesus's words:

    John 14:14-15
    14 “If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.
    15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.

    Most here are desiring to grow in our faith in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Jo, and we are all just clay men/women so, test all things. We can offer insight but our insight is also incomplete and often is in disagreement with each other. We will see clearly one day but now dimly.

    I hope this answers some of your questions.

    Tell me what your history is, I would love to know more about you :)



    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 18 2010,15:06)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 19 2010,13:59)
    Do you not serve Christ?


    what Christ says is to serve his father just like he did,that is why he gives his live ,so we would beable to serve God the father of Christ,this is what reconciliation means,

    but the reconciliation is with the Father,Christ being the means to access that reconciliation.

    and i will always honor Christ with my hearth ,and only worship his father as he as told me.


    You say that you obey what Jesus tells you.  Did you ever see Jesus tell anyone that was worshiping Him as the Son of God the things you tell me because I worship Him as the Son of God?

    For instance did Jesus ever tell anyone that was bowing down to Him this, your words to me:

    we know that your God is not Christ God;
    Thou shalt worship the Lord THY God, and HIM ONLY shalt thou serve,

    To me you sound like a Pharisee sometimes Pierre. It is like it is impossible for you to understand.

    Ed J

    Quote (OneDay @ Nov. 19 2010,07:20)

    We MUST obey God.

    If Jesus says you MUST, then you MUST………………………….

    1. Love God

    2. Love one another

    First is true repentance. When we repent of sin, we are deeply sorrowfull for having transgressed God’s law……………………. We no longer have a hostile attitude toward God and Have respect and obediance. We no longer have a carnal attitude that is enmity………………………….. After repentance, we are in harmony with God’s law of love………………………………… Repentance brings a deep change in our thinking, and a commitment to live by every word of God. As Jesus said: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word” (Luke 4:4).


    Hi Joanna,

    Yes; how true! Welcome to h-net; your presence is welcomed!
    Some people 'think' that they can bully others to submit
    to unreasonable demands. Carnal attitude is enmity!

    Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That
    man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
    Mathew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man
    shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that
    proceedeth out of “The Mouth of God” (YHVH).

    Your brother in
    Christ, Jesus!
    Ed J


    Hi Kathi:

    You say:

    So maybe that is all we are dealing with…God building our faith as we open up to more truths about His Son

    I have no problem with this because certainly I do not know every thing there is to know relative to the Word of God, but I do not believe that Jesus pre-existed his birth into this world. He was fore-ordained of that by the scriptures, I am positive.

    But Kathi, we know that Jesus is the “Only Begotten Son of God”, and so why do you keep changing this to “One unbegotten God” and “One Begotten God”? You acknowledge that there is but “One God” and then you go into this spill. Jesus is a man according to the scriptures. Not just any man, but nevertheless he is a man. Jesus is “the express image of God's person”. First of all, he is a living person or soul like the first Adam, and like God in this respect, and secondly, he was made like God in the spirit as he learned obedience to the Word of God. As he obeyed the Father even unto death on the cross. In John 14 he states that when we have him we have seen the Father and then explains that it is through the works that the Father is doing through him. God is a Spirit and God is love, and we have seen God's character manifest through our Lord. We also should be becoming like him as we are sactified through the Word of God.

    And no, the Father does not worship himself, but Jesus both does worship him and serve him and we serve God by obeying Jesus. It is the Word of God that we obey when we confess Jesus as Lord, and he made it plain that it was the Father speaking through him. They are Jesus commandments also because he is doing the will of the Father.

    Jesus is God's heir and God has given us to him as his disciples as we accomplish the will of God in the body of Christ, when this assignment is over, this is what the Word of God states:

    1 Co 15:24Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

    25For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.

    26The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

    27For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.

    28And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

    I for one will be forever greatful to Jesus for what he has done for me when we go to be with him for an eternity. The scripture also state that we will be like him when he comes for the church, and it says that we the church is his bride. Beyond that I do not know.

    I am not sure if I answered your every point. If not, let me know.

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 19 2010,11:42)

    Quote (OneDay @ Nov. 19 2010,07:20)

    We MUST obey God.

    If Jesus says you MUST, then you MUST………………………….

    1. Love God

    2. Love one another

    First is true repentance. When we repent of sin, we are deeply sorrowfull for having transgressed God’s law……………………. We no longer have a hostile attitude toward God and Have respect and obediance. We no longer have a carnal attitude that is enmity………………………….. After repentance, we are in harmony with God’s law of love………………………………… Repentance brings a deep change in our thinking, and a commitment to live by every word of God. As Jesus said: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word” (Luke 4:4).


    Hi Joanna,

    Yes; how true! Welcome to h-net; your presence is welcomed!
    Some people 'think' that they can bully others to submit
    to unreasonable demands. Carnal attitude is enmity!

    Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That
    man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
    Mathew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man
    shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that
    proceedeth out of “The Mouth of God” (YHVH).

    Your brother in
    Christ, Jesus!
    Ed J

    HI there……………….. Thanks !

    Yes………Bullying……………Does it happen here are you saying ????


    Ed J

    Quote (OneDay @ Nov. 19 2010,08:48)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 19 2010,11:42)

    Quote (OneDay @ Nov. 19 2010,07:20)

    We MUST obey God.

    If Jesus says you MUST, then you MUST………………………….

    1. Love God

    2. Love one another

    First is true repentance. When we repent of sin, we are deeply sorrowfull for having transgressed God’s law……………………. We no longer have a hostile attitude toward God and Have respect and obediance. We no longer have a carnal attitude that is enmity………………………….. After repentance, we are in harmony with God’s law of love………………………………… Repentance brings a deep change in our thinking, and a commitment to live by every word of God. As Jesus said: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word” (Luke 4:4).


    Hi Joanna,

    Yes; how true! Welcome to h-net; your presence is welcomed!
    Some people 'think' that they can bully others to submit
    to unreasonable demands. Carnal attitude is enmity!

    Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That
    man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
    Mathew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man
    shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that
    proceedeth out of “The Mouth of God” (YHVH).

    Your brother in
    Christ, Jesus!
    Ed J

    HI there……………….. Thanks !

    Yes………Bullying……………Does it happen here are you saying ????


    Hi OneDay,

    No; anyone who would let it happen to them is a 'fool'!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    HI……Ed J

    Cool. What is this you are saying here ? I'm not Quite understanding you !

    Thanks…….. ~Joanna~


    Hi there ! KATHI…………………….

    I enjoyed reading what you wrote above………………. thanks !……………….. I will take a look at what you have suggested there !

    From ~JO~


    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 18 2010,20:37)
    1)  They were worshiping the spirit of God, not Elisha. Also the spirit of God in David, who could do nothing in himself but only with Gods sprit.Moooooo

    2)  You can  second  guess the writers of the bible. I will accept it as Gods word to me. Mooooo

    Hi Mark,

    1)  So why wouldn't you think the same thing about Jesus?  You do understand he is the SON of God, not GOD, right?  ???
    You say that when they bowed before David, they were “worshipping the SPIRIT of God”, but when they did it before Jesus, for some reason now you have to change the meaning of the same exact word and action and say they were worshippping him AS God.  ???

    Paul said this,

    1 Corinthians 8:6 (New International Version)
    6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

    Paul knew who God was, and he knew that Jesus was someone other than and lessor to God.  And Paul also said this,

    Acts 24:14 (Contemporary English Version)
    14I admit that their leaders think that the Lord's Way which I follow is based on wrong beliefs. But I still worship the same God that my ancestors worshiped. And I believe everything written in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets.

    This is the same Paul that many times said “I thank the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for you….”  So if Paul knew that our God was also Jesus' God, and he believed and followed everything written in the Law and the Prophets, and “worship ONLY Jehovah” is written there many times, who do you think Paul worshipped?

    Listen Mark, you have to decide whether Jesus is God Himself or the Son of God.  If you think Jesus IS God, then that's another topic altogether.  But if you believe the scriptures that say our God is also Jesus' God, then you know Jesus is NOT God Himself.  And if that's the case, then like Kathi, you choose to make a second “God” and worship him also.

    2)  Would you like me to re-post the NWT's version of each of the scriptures Kathi posted?  I guarantee that not one of them say anything about anybody “worshipping” Jesus.  So exactly which of these flawed human men's words will you accept as “God's word”?  The ones who translated “proskuneo” as “worshipped”, or the ones who translated it as “did obeisance”?  And what reasons would you give for your choice?

    peace and love,




    You have a long way to go, but I'm glad you're taking the journey. :)

    “God” means “mighty one”.  So just because Jehovah is “God” doesn't mean that no one else can ever be called “a mighty one”.  Paul calls Satan a “god”, but that doesn't mean Satan is THE God Almighty, right?  God called human judges “gods”, but we know they are not God Almighty, right?

    By the same token, just because all knees will bow to God does not mean that all knees can't also bow to the Son He appointed as our Priest and King and Lord, right?

    We might also be commanded to bow before Jesus' 12 chief co-rulers – or even all 144,000 of them, but that wouldn't make them all “God Almighty”, would it?

    Here is another example of the same kind of flawed reasoning you just used above:  “Jesus is called 'good', and God is called 'good', so therefore Jesus IS God!”  It's silly and below most of us.


    Exodus 34:5 “Having come down in a cloud, the Lord stood with him there and Proclaimed HIS NAME,”LORD”.”

    The “Name” that Exodus 34:5 really mentions is “YHVH”.  Most think it was pronounced “Yahweh”.  And most English translations render “YHVH” as “LORD” in all capital letters.  So when you read “LORD” in all caps, just remember that in the Hebrew text, they actually wrote the personal Divine Name of God, but that actual Name was later replaced with the word “LORD”.

    Only God's Name is YHVH. His Son's name is Jesus. Besides, the fact that Jehovah is our “Lord” AND Jesus is our “Lord” is no big deal.  Elijah and David were also called “Lord” – and they weren't God Almighty. It is a term of respect to show you recognize the higher postition of the one you are addressing. We might also call Jesus' co-rulers “Lord” in the future.

    So yes Mark, God is called “the King of kings”.  Jesus is called “the King of kings”.  Does that mean Jesus IS God?  Well, both Nebuchadnezzar and Senerachib were also called “the King of kings”.  Were those two men also God?

    Instead of spending so much time looking for comparisons between God and His Christ (for there are many), try looking at the scriptures that CLEARLY say Jesus is someone OTHER TO and LESSOR THAN his God.  Start with Micah 5:4. Or maybe the one where Jesus himself says his Father is the ONLY true God.

    peace and love,


    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 19 2010,07:31)
    true but He tells Peter to feed HIS sheep, He doesn't say to feed His Father's sheep but His sheep.

    Does Jesus refer to the ones that his God has given him out of the world?

    Scriptures say “Yes”. In fact, Jesus says, “they were yours, but you gave them to me.”



    Haha, Ed, who was ~JOANNA~ ? hmmmm i wonder ? still, got kathi talking didnt I ?


    This strange message board gets stranger and stranger, LOL.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 18 2010,17:39)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 19 2010,07:31)
    true but He tells Peter to feed HIS sheep, He doesn't say to feed His Father's sheep but His sheep.

    Does Jesus refer to the ones that his God has given him out of the world?

    Scriptures say “Yes”.  In fact, Jesus says, “they were yours, but you gave them to me.”


    I think that was talking about the disciples.


    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 19 2010,14:43)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 19 2010,14:31)
    But Pierre,
    Christ says to worship His Father, true and to serve His Father, true but He tells Peter to feed HIS sheep, He doesn't say to feed His Father's sheep but His sheep.  I think we should be just as motivated to serve the Son alone as we are to serve the Father alone.  Do you serve the Son because of the glory it gives to the Father or do you serve the Son because of the glory it gives the Son or both reasons?


    God is God,he has send his son to us so that we may be reconciled with him,so his son is the true shepherd,and anyone that comes to God comes trough Christ and so they are his sheep because the father has given those to him,

    look it this way;Christ is the manager working for God the owner of all things,the workers are the sheep's,they do work for the Boss don't they????but they also working for and with the manager don't they???
    do you have to give the same honor to the Boss than you give to the manager,????is the manager did not received his position from the Boss????

    now if the manager gives some of his duties to some of his subordinates by telling them to look after the workers, were is your problem with that?????



    yes we only have to worship Christ.



    You want to re-read what you just posted?


    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 19 2010,18:32)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 19 2010,14:43)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 19 2010,14:31)
    But Pierre,
    Christ says to worship His Father, true and to serve His Father, true but He tells Peter to feed HIS sheep, He doesn't say to feed His Father's sheep but His sheep.  I think we should be just as motivated to serve the Son alone as we are to serve the Father alone.  Do you serve the Son because of the glory it gives to the Father or do you serve the Son because of the glory it gives the Son or both reasons?


    God is God,he has send his son to us so that we may be reconciled with him,so his son is the true shepherd,and anyone that comes to God comes trough Christ and so they are his sheep because the father has given those to him,

    look it this way;Christ is the manager working for God the owner of all things,the workers are the sheep's,they do work for the Boss don't they????but they also working for and with the manager don't they???
    do you have to give the same honor to the Boss than you give to the manager,????is the manager did not received his position from the Boss????

    now if the manager gives some of his duties to some of his subordinates by telling them to look after the workers, were is your problem with that?????



    yes we only have to worship Christ.



    thank i got to be blind to write that,

    it is God the we have to worship,you at the least you know me enough to understand that this is a mistake,



    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 19 2010,18:54)
    You want to re-read what you just posted?


    thank for notice it ,

    and thanks for your understanding,even do i do not share your view,for this you are blessed,



    You are welcome Pierre. I thought that was quite a leap for you to have made that comment. LOL


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 19 2010,09:10)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 18 2010,20:37)
    1)  They were worshiping the spirit of God, not Elisha. Also the spirit of God in David, who could do nothing in himself but only with Gods sprit.Moooooo

    2)  You can  second  guess the writers of the bible. I will accept it as Gods word to me. Mooooo

    Hi Mark,

    1)  So why wouldn't you think the same thing about Jesus?  You do understand he is the SON of God, not GOD, right?  ???
    You say that when they bowed before David, they were “worshipping the SPIRIT of God”, but when they did it before Jesus, for some reason now you have to change the meaning of the same exact word and action and say they were worshippping him AS God.  ???

    Paul said this,

    1 Corinthians 8:6 (New International Version)
    6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

    Paul knew who God was, and he knew that Jesus was someone other than and lessor to God.  And Paul also said this,

    Acts 24:14 (Contemporary English Version)
    14I admit that their leaders think that the Lord's Way which I follow is based on wrong beliefs. But I still worship the same God that my ancestors worshiped. And I believe everything written in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets.

    This is the same Paul that many times said “I thank the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for you….”  So if Paul knew that our God was also Jesus' God, and he believed and followed everything written in the Law and the Prophets, and “worship ONLY Jehovah” is written there many times, who do you think Paul worshipped?

    Listen Mark, you have to decide whether Jesus is God Himself or the Son of God.  If you think Jesus IS God, then that's another topic altogether.  But if you believe the scriptures that say our God is also Jesus' God, then you know Jesus is NOT God Himself.  And if that's the case, then like Kathi, you choose to make a second “God” and worship him also.

    2)  Would you like me to re-post the NWT's version of each of the scriptures Kathi posted?  I guarantee that not one of them say anything about anybody “worshipping” Jesus.  So exactly which of these flawed human men's words will you accept as “God's word”?  The ones who translated “proskuneo” as “worshipped”, or the ones who translated it as “did obeisance”?  And what reasons would you give for your choice?

    peace and love,

    2) Would you like me to re-post the NWT's version of each of the scriptures Kathi posted? I guarantee that not one of them say anything about anybody “worshipping” Jesus. So exactly which of these flawed human men's words will you accept as “God's word”? The ones who translated “proskuneo” as “worshipped”, or the ones who translated it as “did obeisance”? And what reasons would you give for your choice?

    You could post all you want. Thank you for presenting this. Like all the info I recieve on here, when I read something on here, I research it to find out for myself. Since I joined this I have done more bible study in my 47 years of life in the past several months. This is no differant.

    I posted before many, many different translations that quoted scriptures giving examples of Jesus being worshiped, yet you do not agree, and in the above quote you state that you would show me the “correct” meaning of scripture in the NWT. I never knew what this was, so I looked into it.

    The NWT is the translation done by the Jehova's witnesses. The history can be obtained by search, like I did. Due to this I will assume you are a JW. I am sorry if I am wrong, but since you base your understanding of the scriptures on this version, that is what I am assuming from my research, due to the fact that is was comissioned and published by them, and they have copyright.

    Knowing that, I searched the JWs,, and read about them. Everyone is entitled to there own beliefs, as am I , but I do not agree with it. I can not comprehend that all other beliefs are wrong, and they are exclusively right, and are the only ones who are not under the influance of satan, as they believe. They translate the bible, under thier own pre-concieved notions, and quote it to support thier own beliefs. That explains to me why I can quote you many multiple translations, and you think they are incorrect because they do not come from the NWT.

    I have come to the conclusion that this is a waste of time……….JWs have predicted and prophysied many dates that have come and gone with nothing happening, and like moses said, “If what they prophesy does not come to pass, have no fear of them”


    Peace and love-Mark

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