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  • #115514

    Hi Jodi,
    Do you believe in scripture?
    Discussing them with you is only relevant if you do.


    Nick you are being rude and disrespectful. The answer to your question would be obvious to you if you actually read my last post and my previous ones for that matter. Maybe this is your problem and why you don't understand what the bible teaches, you are incapable of understanding written words.

    Please forgive me if this post was meant as a joke, however I didn't find it funny :p


    Hi Jodi,
    If you not not believe in scripture then why should we try to find truth there?
    You have posted before your reservations but are they trivial ?


    Quote (Jodi @ Dec. 24 2008,15:31)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 23 2008,09:59)
    Hi Jodi,
    Do you believe scripture?
    Then where is scripture is intellect mentioned?
    Let's start from what is written in scripture if you do believe it.

    Good Evening Nick,

    I would really appreciate it if you would address the scriptures I give, as well as, give your own that show to you that the spirit is not of this World, but is a creature coming from someplace else.

    Yes I believe scripture, like when it says that to be a satan is to have in mind the things of men,  and not as you believe, to be influence by a non earthly creature.

    Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,  30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful;

    Nick it says that God gave them over to a debased mind, this is the same thing as giving them over to have an evil intellect! Men then use this mind to invent evil, but you want to deny this simple concept and say that a non earthly creature invents the evil and puts it into our minds, THAT CONCEPT BROTHER, IS CLEARLY NOT WHAT THE SCRIPTURES SAY!

    The scriptures say by our Nature we are children of wrath, but YOU say, according to your personal authority and not God's inspired word, that we become children of wrath when we follow non earthly creatures.

    Please address this Nick.

    Nick…..why don't you answer Jodi's request for scriptural proof . Is it because you have none, and you don't really care for the truth of what scripture really says and means , or you simply lack the understanding which is what i would be inclined to believe about you. Because you don't understand what someone posts doesn't mean it's not true Nick. Think about what posted and you might grow a little more in understanding of the word of GOD>

    love and peace……………..gene


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 23 2008,20:54)
    Hi Jodi,
    If you not not believe in scripture then why should we try to find truth there?
    You have posted before your reservations but are they trivial ?

    So you would rather push peoples buttons then defend your understanding… that is VERY revealing and most certainly sad and pathetic.


    Hi Jodi,

    Mutual belief in scripture seems vital to true dialogue.


    Nick…… are you saying we need to believe like you do, or else we can't have true dialog? What if your wrong in what you are saying then, are we to just MUTUALLY all agree with your interpretations, then ? I thought this was a (OPEN FORM) it's beginning to sound like it a closed form. Jodi politely ask you for your response and instead of giving her one you change Subject matter. To something of a mutual belief system.of scripture as you understand them. Nick come on be a little more respectful .

    peace and love to you……………….gene


    Hi Jodi,
    The scriptures are the basis of what we believe.
    Unless we share that foundation conversation can only be frustration for all.

    Satan has disappeared off your radar and we do not know who else is next in line to vanish.


    Nick……..where has Satan disappeared off her Radar, Jodi has acknowledge Satan as in all mankind. May He is out of site on your radar because you can't see that, you going around looking for a single person, and can't even tell Satan's (are every where) Seem you radar is turned off if you ask me , not hers. O by the way if you or any one else here has ever personally meat Him, I would like to Know what he looks like , How tall is He and does he really have horns and ware a red cape and carry a pitchfork.

    Purely stupid, Satan is an (advertorial spirit) (INTELLECT,) the word is an adjective describing (Evils adversarial or opposite effect on GOOD). You need to come out of vodo religion all the way NICK. Satan, the devil, demons are Simply powers of EVIL that control much of the world and are everywhere you look, This Evil is what men struggle with it is in the high places of control in this world. It (NOT) a SINGLE PERSON Controlling it all, It is Simple EVIL in everyone a state of Being, as Jesus said “YOU BEING EVIL” Jesus knew exactly what our state of being is. IT is in (ALL) Humans and it was also in Jesus and He had to overcome it within Himself, and He did by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    love and peace………………gene


    Satan is not a man.
    Man is not intrisically evil.

    2 Timothy 2:21
    If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.


    Nick…..wrong Man is Intrisically evil , or why would he have to be purged of anything. I believe man is not born evil but He becomes evil that obvious, Jesus said if you (BEING EVIL) the word (being) here means (in a state of existing). So Jesus knew that man was in a state of evil, He knew what us in man, it also was in Him but he overcame it as we all can with God Help.

    You say Satan is NOT, a man, I agree in fact so does Jodi as well, then what sort of (BEING) is He then. Can you describe this (EVIL) being then, in fact GOD is GOOD, can you describe what Kind of Being He is, I will answer both questions for you (NO) you cant. As i told you before you don't know what a (SPIRIT) is. that your biggest problem Here in my opinion. Satan (adversary) is a descriptive word and adjective describing all EVIL (SPIRIT) that opposing GOD. It not a person or a individual head of evil or creator of any kind, It EVIL (intellect) thats in the heart of Man placed there by the WORLD itself. Not from some MYSTICAL CREATURE, as fallen Christianity defines it. IMO

    love to you and yours……………gene


    If man is a vessel that can be purged then what sullied him was not of him.
    It just influenced him.


    God describing Himself in the book of Isaiah:

    I am Ieue Alueim, and there is none else.
    Former of light and creator of darkness,
    Maker of good and Creator of evil.
    I, Ieue Alueim, made all these things.

    God, describing making the “Adversary” (satan).

    Behold! I, I created the artificer who blows into the fire of coal,
    And brings forth an implement for his occupation.
    And I, I created the ruiner (satan) to harm.



    Must we describe the murderer before he is to exist?
    Understanding of spiritual things does not lead to faith .

    We walk by faith and not sight.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 24 2008,09:54)
    Hi Jodi,
    The scriptures are the basis of what we believe.
    Unless we share that foundation conversation can only be frustration for all.

    Satan has disappeared off your radar and we do not know who else is next in line to vanish.

    So you ARE going to IGNORE scripture, and continue to change the subject. That's unfortunate.


    Hi Jodi.
    You must get used to this, one that preaches scriptural truth, but has no scripture when asked to prove what he says. Don't get frustrated, this happens repeatedly.


    Throughout the book of Job it is made clear that Job's infliction came from God.

    42:11 All his brothers and sisters and everyone who had known him before came and ate with him in his house. They comforted and consoled him over all the trouble the LORD had brought upon him, and each one gave him a piece of silver and a gold ring.

    The adversary in Job was in alliance with God, he was a messenger of God, a Son of God, who's job was to roam the earth and watch over men.

    The book of Job makes it clear that the messenger of God acting as an adversary to Job, was right, in that Job needed infliction to be refined.


    Quote (chosenone @ Dec. 24 2008,11:58)
    Hi Jodi.
      You must get used to this, one that preaches scriptural truth, but has no scripture when asked to prove what he says.  Don't get frustrated, this happens repeatedly.

    Thanks for the advice chosenone,

    It is hard not to get frustrated sometimes, I have to remind myself that the opposition drives me to search the scriptures all the more, which is a good thing.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 25 2008,05:23)

    Nick……..where has Satan disappeared off her Radar, Jodi has acknowledge Satan as in all mankind. May He is out of site on your radar because you can't see that, you going around looking for a single person, and can't even tell Satan's (are every where) Seem you radar is turned off if you ask me , not hers. O by the way if you or any one else here has ever personally meat Him, I would like to Know what he looks like , How tall is He and does he really have horns and ware a red cape and carry a pitchfork.

    Purely stupid, Satan is an (advertorial spirit) (INTELLECT,) the word is an adjective describing (Evils adversarial or opposite effect on GOOD). You need to come out of vodo religion all the way NICK. Satan, the devil, demons are Simply powers of EVIL that control much of the world and are everywhere you look, This Evil is what men struggle with it is in the high places of control in this world. It (NOT) a SINGLE PERSON Controlling it all, It is Simple EVIL in everyone a state of Being, as Jesus said “YOU BEING EVIL” Jesus knew exactly what our state of being is. IT is in (ALL) Humans and it was also in Jesus and He had to overcome it within Himself, and He did by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    love and peace………………gene

    Hi GB

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 25 2008,05:23)

    Nick……..where has Satan disappeared off her Radar, Jodi has acknowledge Satan as in all mankind. May He is out of site on your radar because you can't see that, you going around looking for a single person, and can't even tell Satan's (are every where)

    Hitler was an “Adversary”, but not everyone who was an  “Adversary” was Hitler.

    It is you and Jodi that ignores that “satan” is a sentient being as is proven in the book of Job.

    Jesus spoke of him as well as the Apostles, and “NOWHERE” in scripture is “satan” referred to as a “thought” or “intellect”.

    This is simply your addition to the scriptures and is in fact a lie against scriptures which clearly teach that satan is the “god” of this world, the “prince of the power of the air” a spiritual being which is seperate from the carnal nature of man but is in fact dealing with spiritual wickedness in high places.

    There is no scripture that says “satanas” or “diabolos” is the flesh of man.

    The Greek word for “satan” is “Satanas” which means;

    1) adversary (one who opposes another in purpose or act), the name given to

    a) the prince of evil spirits, the inveterate adversary of God and Christ

    1) he incites apostasy from God and to sin

    2) circumventing men by his wiles

    3) the worshippers of idols are said to be under his control

    4) by his demons he is able to take possession of men and inflict them with diseases

    5) by God's assistance he is overcome

    6) on Christ's return from heaven he will be bound with chains for a thousand years, but when the thousand years are finished he will walk the earth in yet greater power, but shortly after will be given over to eternal punishment

    b) a Satan-like man

    It is a “proper masculine noun” and is found 36 times in the NT most with the definite article and in every case is a “sentient being.

    Found here..

    But you and Jodi ignore these facts and in fact give no reference as to where any of your doctrine is supported by any viable source.

    The great dragon was hurled down–”that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray“. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him Rev 12:9

    Notice he is hurled down and his “angels” or messengers hurled down with “HIM” not an intellect or intellects. or kingdoms of men.

    Does “intellect” have angels or messengers? ???

    And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. “And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit“, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. Rev 20:1-3

    Notice he is cast into the bottomless pit and a seal is set on “HIM”.

    Does mans “intellect” or “intellects” have a seal on them?

    Are Angels gonna cast kingdoms of men into a bottomless pit and put seals on them?


    Put these scriptures with Jobs account and Jesus speaking to satan in the wilderness and describing him as falling from heaven and having a “kingdom” that is not divided against itself and the Apostle Paul calling him the “god of this world”, and the “prince of the power of the air”, and Peter speaking of him as a “roaring lion” roaming about seeking whom he may devour, and John speaking of him as the “wicked one” and “the devil”,  and the writings of Jude speaking of Michael the Arch-Angel disputing with satan over the body of Moses and many other accounts, and a child can understand these biblical facts without any special pleading or inference read into these clear Biblical truths.



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 25 2008,06:16)

    Nick…..wrong Man is Intrisically evil , or why would he have to be purged of anything. I believe man is not born evil but He becomes evil that obvious, Jesus said if you (BEING EVIL) the word (being) here means (in a state of existing). So Jesus knew that man was in a state of evil, He knew what us in man, it also was in Him but he overcame it as we all can with God Help.

    You say Satan is NOT, a man, I agree in fact so does Jodi as well, then what sort of (BEING) is He then. Can you describe this (EVIL) being then, in fact GOD is GOOD, can you describe what Kind of Being He is, I will answer both questions for you (NO) you cant. As i told you before you don't know what a (SPIRIT) is. that your biggest problem Here in my opinion. Satan (adversary) is a descriptive word and adjective describing all EVIL (SPIRIT) that opposing GOD.  It not a person or a individual head of evil  or creator of any kind, It EVIL (intellect) thats in the heart of Man placed there by the WORLD itself. Not from some MYSTICAL CREATURE, as  fallen Christianity defines it. IMO

    love to you and yours……………gene

    Hi GB

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 25 2008,06:16)

    Here in my opinion. Satan (adversary) is a descriptive word and adjective describing all EVIL (SPIRIT) that opposing GOD

    This is an untrue statement!

    The Greek word for “satan” is “Satanas” which means;

    1) adversary (one who opposes another in purpose or act), the name given to

    a) the prince of evil spirits, the inveterate adversary of God and Christ

    1) he incites apostasy from God and to sin

    2) circumventing men by his wiles

    3) the worshippers of idols are said to be under his control

    4) by his demons he is able to take possession of men and inflict them with diseases

    5) by God's assistance he is overcome

    6) on Christ's return from heaven he will be bound with chains for a thousand years, but when the thousand years are finished he will walk the earth in yet greater power, but shortly after will be given over to eternal punishment

    b) a Satan-like man

    It is a “proper masculine noun” and is found 36 times in the NT most with the definite article and in every case is a “sentient being.

    No where is the word “satanas” refered to as an intellect or thought or word.

    Found here..


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