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  • #115121

    meekat………All these forces come from one source (EVIL SPIRIT) spirit is thought or intellect, When God removes that from the earth then whats left, only Good Spirit or intellect or thought is. even the wild animals natures will be changed when that happening. For the lion will lye down with the lamb, Even Snakes wont bit. Spirit is the Force that controls every thing in creation. It is expressed through words and deeds, so a man thinketh so he is. in fact thats all he is. The words Satan and Devil and Demons, frogs, locust, are adjectives that describe Evil intellect or Spirit..

    The Spirits (Thoughts or intellects) of EVIL, abound everywhere in all people and nature. There is no MYSTERY HERE, we have nothing to fear from some unseen (BEINGS) going around jumping in and out of people. We do need to be cautious of what we are hearing and are looking at. Because that how we allow these Spirits (intellects) into us. WE are receptors and recieve into us Spirit (thought and intellect), so Sow to the Spirit of GOD and we will recieve life into us, Sow to the flesh and we will reap death of that evil in us.

    Because all Evil Will be put to death in all of Gods creation, Evil Spirit is our enemy and GOD will put it to death. It was need to teach us and gives us (WISDOM) by God the FATHER So we could become more like HIM by learning to HATE the EVIL and LOVE the GOOD> IMO

    God bless and Keep you meekat in all that you do………………….gene


    That is a cute myth.
    We are not meant to make it up as we go along.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 21 2008,15:58)
    meekat………All these forces come from one source (EVIL SPIRIT) spirit is thought or intellect, When God removes that from the earth then whats left, only Good Spirit or intellect or thought is. even the wild animals natures will be changed when that happening. For the lion will lye down with the lamb, Even Snakes wont bit. Spirit is the Force that controls every thing in creation. It is expressed through words and deeds, so a man thinketh so he is. in fact thats all he is. The words Satan and Devil and Demons, frogs, locust, are adjectives that describe Evil intellect or Spirit..

    The Spirits (Thoughts or intellects) of EVIL, abound everywhere in all people and nature. There is no MYSTERY HERE, we have nothing to fear from some unseen (BEINGS) going around jumping in and out of people. We do need to be cautious of what we are hearing and are looking at. Because that how we allow these Spirits (intellects) into us. WE are receptors and recieve into us Spirit (thought and intellect), so Sow to the Spirit of GOD and we will recieve life into us, Sow to the flesh and we will reap death of that evil in us.

    Because all Evil Will be put to death in all of Gods creation, Evil Spirit is our enemy and GOD will put it to death. It was need to teach us and gives us (WISDOM) by God the FATHER So we could become more like HIM by learning to HATE the EVIL and LOVE the GOOD> IMO

    God bless and Keep you meekat in all that you do………………….gene

    Hi Gene,

    I am with you on this brother and would like to tie it in with my previous post and understanding of our brain.

    We are of the creation, and subjected to it. God brought the darkness, He brought deterioration and death to the creation and gave the creatures of the earth the mechanisms for survival, their natural instincts.

    From an infant as we age whatever information we bring into our neocortex helps us or hinders us from properly controlling our natural instincts. The evil or darkness of man is when the neocortex fixates on the flesh and acquires knowledge on how to serve it, making a person's thoughts and actions nothing short of self centered and sinful.

    Jesus was raised a new man, an immortal man, which destroyed the enmity that was in his flesh, he no longer contains those instincts that draw his flesh to serve his flesh because he is no longer subjected to survival. Jesus has been freed, only life lives in his body, thus his intellect dwells in that light.


    So these 'intellects' that jump in and out of people who do not read or listen carefully, are they the same as evil spirits?


    Nick….I Don't say they JUMP in and OUT, remember that what you think SATAN and His demons do, So lets drop that stupidly. As far as taking in the intellect Thoughts of EVIL they are every where and we recieve them from the world by what we experience from youth on. And we act out what in in our minds, these Evil or GOOD Thought drive what we do. Life itself is composed of the thoughts of the mind, If your to ignorant to know that then thats you problem not ours. Read what Jodi Posted and you Might learn something.



    But scripture is truth.


    Satan is happy when he sees writing what you just did. The biggest lie ever told is that he does not exist. But who tested Jesus then?

    Lets read: Rev. 12:7-12 And war broke out in heaven , Michael and his angels fought against the
                  dragon and the angels fought.

    verse 8 But they did not prevail, nor was there a place found in heaven any longer.

    verse 9  So the dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceived
               the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him.

    verse 10  Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,:” Now salvation , and strength, and the kingdom
                 of our God, and the power of His Christ have come for the accuser of the brethren, who
                 accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.”

    verse 11  And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by their word of their testimony and
                they did not love their lives to the death.

    verse 12  Therefore rejoice Oh heaven, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the
                 earth and the sea!  For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath because he
                 knows that he has a short time.”

    Gen and Jodi for that matter, IMO I would take this to heart.

    Peace and Love Irene


    Nick………i am sure it is amazing to you. But more amazing to us. And you are right Scripture is truth when understood, if not it means nothing to those who don't understand what it means. AS Jesus said seeing they see not and hearing they hear not.



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 22 2008,19:47)
    Nick………i am sure it is amazing to you. But more amazing to us. And you are right Scripture is truth when understood, if not it means nothing to those who don't understand what it means. AS Jesus said seeing they see not and hearing they hear not.


    I would take your own words to heart. Gen
    I was posting at the same time.


    Quote (Jodi @ Dec. 22 2008,12:30)
    Jesus was raised a new man, an immortal man, which destroyed the enmity that was in his flesh, he no longer contains those instincts that draw his flesh to serve his flesh because he is no longer subjected to survival. Jesus has been freed, only life lives in his body, thus his intellect dwells in that light.


    What does darkness have in common with the light? In other words, if Jesus is free and dwells only in the light now….how can he still help us sucker's?


    Irene………All good and evil come from (ONE TREE) not separate ones, They always existed sense GOD created them. They are opposite intellect or thoughts, and what ever is most prevalent in a persons mind is what the person produces in His or Her life and that holds true for Angles as well as Human beings. These Spirits were in Jesus also just as they are in all of Us. He mastered the Evil in him by the power of GOD, it required Him to put (HIS) WILL to death , just as we must do by the power of God and do the Will of GOD. There was no SATAN Being tempting Him, it was His own Human Nature He was born with that was tempting Him. And he mastered it by the word of GOD, as we to must Master our Sin nature by GOD's words (SPIRIT) .

    Evil has existed from the beginning of time and so has Good. All must Master it (EVIL) rather Human or Angles, if ONLY ONE WILL is GOING to BE DONE in the Heavens. Tell me Have you ever seen a real devil or SATAN (BEING) in you whole life or anyone else you know of ever seen a Demon or a real devil (BEING). I know I personally haven't and i don't know anyone else who has either. Look I am not saying EVIL doesn't exist because it does exist. it everywhere you look in the EVIL WORLD.

    Our war is against Evil in Men who are in High places of power and against people who are being lead by evil thinking in their lives. God holds people responsible for their actions not some other beings. Evil is Evil and its every where and there is Good also in the world to.

    Irene this is just the way i see it , i am not pushing this off on anyone. Not asking anyone to believe it. It just simply what i think about EVIL in People and the world. God can easily eradicate EVIL by simple removing the thought from you anytime He wants to and often does for people who seek HIM i believe.

    love and peace to you and yours……………gene


    Quote (Tiffany @ Dec. 22 2008,00:45)
    Satan is happy when he sees writing what you just did. The biggest lie ever told is that he does not exist. But who tested Jesus then?

    Lets read: Rev. 12:7-12 And war broke out in heaven , Michael and his angels fought against the
    dragon and the angels fought.

    verse 8 But they did not prevail, nor was there a place found in heaven any longer.

    verse 9 So the dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceived
    the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him.

    verse 10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,:” Now salvation , and strength, and the kingdom
    of our God, and the power of His Christ have come for the accuser of the brethren, who
    accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.”

    verse 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by their word of their testimony and
    they did not love their lives to the death.

    verse 12 Therefore rejoice Oh heaven, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the
    earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath because he
    knows that he has a short time.”

    Gen and Jodi for that matter, IMO I would take this to heart.

    Peace and Love Irene

    Irene, what 'heaven' do you believe this scripture is speaking of?

    The scripture could not be speaking of God's dwelling place, there is no war in God's dwelling place, otherwise we could not trust that he is going to make earth as it is in heaven, with peace and no war.

    Is the war outside the earth amongst the planets and stars, or is it amongst the birds and clouds?

    As well, was it a fire breathing dragon, or just some other sort of dragon. Could this dragon fly or just levitate?

    Irene, I believe taking parts of Revelation and making them literal IMO is under major error.

    The Revelation is a book of symbols, the dragon and it's messengers represent the enemy that is EARTHY, SENSUAL and thus Demonic (of evil intellect).

    Heaven represents a high position, the dragon represents kings/kingdoms (which is what the scriptures directly tell us), and the kings/kingdoms are going to FALL from their position and lose all their authority, with the help of God's messengers working on earth (as they have in battles in the OT). Just like in history, loosing forces often go down swinging (when they know they have little time), trying to cause as much destruction as they can before they reach their defeat.

    Your understanding Irene, no offense dear, is complete nonsense to me.

    I know you believe that me not believing in a celestial Satan could work against me, to give him a foothold on me, and that you are just trying to look after me, but I must insist you not worry.

    When people believe as you do, and most Christians do, (your understanding can EASILY be traced from myths established under the Roman Catholic church from following pagan beliefs), you then become blind to whom man is and the importance of his relationship with God.

    I have asked several times before and have not once gotten an answer, just what sins does this Satan of yours draw people to commit? Every sin known unto man can be directly linked to him following his OWN flesh. Jesus destroyed the enmity that was IN his flesh, this is how he destroyed the work of the devil, because the slanderer comes from within us, it is earthly, of the senses and thus it works to create evil intellect.

    I know that we have gone over this before, and at this point we should probably just agree to disagree, because IMO you have taken many portions of the bible and have stretched scripture or have completely distorted scripture to follow man's traditions of fanciful stories.

    Peace and love to you, Jodi


    No Satan?
    Jesus disagrees with you.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Dec. 22 2008,01:03)

    Quote (Jodi @ Dec. 22 2008,12:30)
    Jesus was raised a new man, an immortal man, which destroyed the enmity that was in his flesh, he no longer contains those instincts that draw his flesh to serve his flesh because he is no longer subjected to survival. Jesus has been freed, only life lives in his body, thus his intellect dwells in that light.


    What does darkness have in common with the light? In other words, if Jesus is free and dwells only in the light now….how can he still help us sucker's?

    What do you mean Mandy? You know…he died for our sins, that ALL people would be resurrected from the dead. Let's not forget he is in heaven sitting at the right hand of God continuing to learn from the error of our ways, working with God to prepare a place for us, the Great Jerusalem that will 'come down from heaven'.

    Knowing that he was just like us we know that God can and will do the SAME for us, and it is in this that we have our confidence. As Jesus was a human being who put his trust in God, we must do the same and know that we too will be like him, a human being resurrected into eternal life.

    Our problem is that we serve our flesh instead of God, and death draws us to serve our flesh, knowing however that we have life in Jesus this should work to give us strength to deny our flesh, and live for God. We are to live as if we are dead to our bodies and alive to God in His Spirit, because we know that to live for the flesh profits nothing.

    Ro 8:13 For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live,

    We are not asked to put to death the influence of celestial beings, but our sinful nature that comes from being creatures on earth that must survive in order to live.


    Gen and Jodi! Sorry but I do not agree with you both. The heaven the Bible speaks of is where God's Throne is. Where exactly that is in the Universe I don't know. Has to be not to far of, since the earth is His footstool. Why do you think they were thrown down to earth? It is because of their sins. Satan was Jealous and wanted the Throne of God. He wanted to be God. Well he is God of this earth, right now. When Jesus comes at the end Jesus will destroy Satan along with the Demons and Antichrist in the Lake of Fire. No more tears no more sorrow only peace and happiness. Eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard the things for them that love Him. For that I will wait with open arms.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Tiffany @ Dec. 22 2008,09:17)
    Gen and Jodi! Sorry but I do not agree with you both. The heaven the Bible speaks of is where God's Throne is. Where exactly that is in the Universe I don't know. Has to be not to far of, since the earth is His footstool. Why do you think they were thrown down to earth? It is because of their sins. Satan was Jealous and wanted the Throne of God. He wanted to be God. Well he is God of this earth, right now. When Jesus comes at the end Jesus will destroy Satan along with the Demons and Antichrist in the Lake of Fire. No more tears no more sorrow only peace and happiness. Eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard the things for them that love Him. For that I will wait with open arms.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Irene, if Satan lived in heaven and it was not good enough for him, why should we believe that it will be good enough for us? If Satan was able to sin in heaven, then God is a pathetic liar, and we should have no confidence that earth will be full of sinlessness and peace.

    Irene do you realize that what your saying is that God cannot even keep an immortal creature living in His supposedly righteous abode from sinning and turning his back on Him? That does not make our righteous Father look very good.


    Who said Satan lived in heaven?
    He wandered the earth but met with God and His sons[Jb1-2]



    God is not a man with a physical body – to interact with us he does it by his Spirit which we can't see – Jesus said spirit is like the wind – it is not a physical thing in time and space – God is not like an alien that lives in outer space or on the moon.

    Spirit is an other dimension – all physical beings/material are bound to time/space and obey the physical laws e.g, gravity, our whole universe is part of that physical creation and there are many more universes beyond that which are still physical – God is a spirit, which is separate from the physical. He didn't create the universes in a separate place from him because he is outside of time/space, he created time/space. When Jesus said that the kingdom of God doesn't come from observation and it is inside of us that is what he meant – it is not something that we see with our physical eyes it is beyond anything physical and is seen with “spiritual” eyes that we have.


    Irene……..I do agree with Jodi, as you well know . But i know she truly loves you and Georg and so do I , we will all someday get this thing straightened out.

    Have a wonderful Holiday, love to you and Georg………………………….gene


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 22 2008,09:38)
    Who said Satan lived in heaven?
    He wandered the earth but met with God and His sons[Jb1-2]

    The Satan in Job was one of God's messengers.

    God's messenger in Job was seen as an adversary to MAN, and that is why the author of Job wrote him as such. The messenger in the book of Job WORKED with God on behalf of testing Job. God's messengers who do God's will on earth are often adversaries/satans
    to man because God is sending them to punish mankind.

    A sinful creature CANNOT be in the presence of God.

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