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  • #117537

    David ………You answered you own question , the god (power) of this word, is whats working in the hearts of men causing them to do wrong and they received it from the world as John plainly said. It all came from the world. Not some boogie man but the Evil that came from the tree of the knowledge of good and Evil that was in the garden of Eden. God the FATHER is the only one who controls the amount of evil active in the world. As well as the GOOD in it. In His Wisdom He uses it to bring about his purposes in all his creation. AS well as with Job. If you could understand how important the Knowledge and balance of good and evil is for gaining wisdom, you would understand why God even allowed it in the first place.

    Use some scriptures. And, you didn't actually respond to anything I wrote, I noticed. Can you?

    You answered you own question , the god (power) of this word, is whats working in the hearts of men

    Where did I, or any scripture I quoted say anything like this?

    “whose minds the god [power] of this age has blinded”

    Except, God does not mean “power,” it means powerful one. If you go through the thousands of scriptures that have the word god, this will become obvious to you. “power” does not fit in those thousands of scriptures, does it?
    And I didn't even say it meant “power.” I said “powerful/mighty/strong one. And that word (god) fits, given what it says he has done.

    I could go and show you the thousands of scriptures with the word “god” and insert the word “power” if you like and you'll see that it doesn't work, or fit, or make sense at all.

    We'll just take the first example:

    In [the] beginning power created the heavens and the earth.
    In [the] beginning the powerful one created the heavens and the earth.

    Which is correct, Gene?
    Did a personage create the universe? Or do you rob Jehovah of his peronality and attribute it to “power”?


    David………Elohim means POWERS , it is a uniplural word Check it out, Now when we add the LORD (He EXISTS) with it we get LORD GOD, WHICH MEANS , HE EXISTS WITH POWERS, it just that simple, So HE EXISTS WITH POWERS , created the universe.

    The lords powers include all seven Spirits (intellect) of His and are and were used in the creation, and these Seven Spirits go to and Fro through out the whole earth, just as it says. And all who have these powers in them can be called a God. Jesus didn't say Hear O Israel God our God is ONE , NO , He Said Hear O Israel THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD. Notice LORD is attached to the word GOD (powers)

    The god (power) of this age that works in the children of disobedience is not more the evil in the hearts and minds of men, not some boogie man going around jumping in and out of people. AS false teachers would like you to believe.

    peace to you and yours………………..gene


    Elohim means POWERS

    Obviously, you're just wrong.

    Insert the word “powers” wherever you have the word “elohim” in the Bible and see how that goes.

    So HE EXISTS WITH POWERS , created the universe.

    Ah, there we have it. Thanks for finally agreeing with me.

    “he exists with powers” is one good definition of “god.”
    Or, in other words “one who exists with powers or has power”
    Or, as I tried to tell you before, “powerful one.”

    Before, you were saying “power” was what Elohim means.
    Now, you have the word “he” in your meaning.

    Notice LORD is attached to the word GOD (powers)

    with it we get LORD GOD


    Of course, the phrase “lord God” doesn't really occur in the Bible.
    The phrase “Jehovah God” does some 78 times.
    (Your Bible I'm assuming is one that removed God's name some 7000 times and replaced it with “lord.”)
    I should also mention that of course, the word “lord” simply means “master.”


    According to the Ancient Hebrew Research Center, Elohiym means Powers.


    David……….your getting all screwed , the way i explained it is exactely the way the Hebrew Childern understood it. LORD GOD, (HE EXISTS WITH POWERS) period no Jehovah nothing, Just (HE EXISTS WITH POWERS) ONLY. David you have got to get the JW'S out of your head brother.

    love and peace to you and yours………………………….gene


    the way i explained it is exactely the way the Hebrew Childern understood it. LORD GOD, (HE EXISTS WITH POWERS) period no Jehovah nothing,

    Fine, Yahweh if you prefer.

    But check the Hebrew Bible my friend. You won't find “Lord God” in there, but will find “Yahweh God” or “Jehovah God” about 80 times.
    Your Bible has taken God's name away.
    Further, you hold that the KJ is the correct translation and stick to it because of the way it translates Luke 17:21 for example. It's correct and others are wrong apparently.

    What of Ps 83:18 in the KJ? Is this correct as well. Yet, you say: period no Jehovah nothing
    Well, that's not what your Bible says:
    That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.
    You didn't know that was in there, did you?

    Gene, go check the Hebrew. “Lord God” isn't in there. “Jehovah God” is, some 80 times.

    David you have got to get the JW'S out of your head brother.

    And you have to start using a Bible, or looking into what it actually says. Often, you're just plain wrong.

    it is exactely the way the Hebrew Childern understood it. LORD GOD, (HE EXISTS WITH POWERS) period no Jehovah nothing

    This sort of made me laugh and feel sad for you at the same time. Go look at the Hebrew and find a Bible that hasn't removed God's name thousands of times. You really don't know what you're talking about.


    David……….Here is more for you to conceder , Good and Evil are Spirits (intellects) of GOD and they going to and fro through out the earth, remember there are seven spirits of God that go to and fro through out the earth and these seven Spirits are now (IN) Jesus and God uses them to effect his will on all creation, as He did on Job . The balance of these two (good and evil) is (WISDOM of GOD) at work in all the earth just like He used on Job. No Satan (BEING) going around jumping in and out of anyone. The evil in man causes him to comit the evil he does no one else does. Go and reread what Jodi wrote on this subject and come out of those false teaching of the JW”S.

    love and peace to you and yours…………………….gene


    Gen you are beginning to sound more and more like nick, always right, never wrong, super-human.
    Love Irene


    More Taoism?


    Quote (Tiffany @ Jan. 15 2009,04:32)
    Gen you are beginning to sound more and more like nick, always right, never wrong, super-human.
    Love Irene

    Two birds with one stone Irene?
    You can prove me wrong any time you like.
    But do it with scripture as I am very keen to learn truth.


    Nick………Really, more labeling > seems that all you can do lately.

    love and peace………………gene


    Your teachings are highly suspect.
    But we have no interest in labelling you.
    Though you do need the Spirit of God to guide your ideas


    Irene ……..Sorry you feel that way, i have been more defensive lately i will give you that. “The Spirit both defends us and accuses us”. It lets us know when were right and when were wrong.

    Love and peace to you and Georg…………………gene


    Nick……….What makes you think God's Spirit isn't guiding my (so-called) ideas, Has GOD made you some kind of Judge of that. If you have true scripture understanding then show what i have said is wrong then please post it, and stop labeling and accusing People of things.

    love and peace to you………………..gene


    You go way beyond scripture into your own ideas and seek support from scientists and famous greeks.
    We are not of the world and neither should our teachings be.
    Scripture is sacred and Jesus is our Teacher.


    Gene you are beginning to sound more and more like nick, always right, never wrong, super-human.
    Love Irene


    I dont mind when people sound right. It's when they don't use scriptures (ever) and when they're clearly shown to be wrong from scripture, they just ignore it, along with every question or scripture that doesn't suit them.


    According to the Ancient Hebrew Research Center, Elohiym means Powers.

    While the origin of the word might suggest “power” when used of Jehovah (who is an intelligent being) it certainly means “powerful one.”  In the Bible, that word is never really used for abstract things.

    I assume this is what you were trying to show me:

    and he said, I {am} Elohiym [Powers] {of} your father, Elohiym [Powers] {of} Avraham [Father lifted], Elohiym [Powers] {of} Yits'hhaq [He laughs] and Elohiym [Powers] {of} Ya'aqov [He restrains], and Mosheh [Plucked out] made his face hide, given that he feared from staring to{ward} the Elohiym [Powers],


    David……..I have used scripture and you still haven't excepted it. Elohiym simply means (POWERS) Nothing more, and when you add Yahwh or Lord or anything else it comes from the  (HE EXISTS) which is the same as the name He told Moses to say He was (I AM THAT I AM)  or HE EXISTS is the same thing. So when we say the LORD (we mean HE EXISTS) and when we add Elohim with it we are saying HE EXISTS WITH POWERS> Thats it nothing More  or less.



    Quote (Jodi @ Jan. 01 2009,02:44)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 31 2008,00:00)

    Quote (Jodi @ Dec. 28 2008,06:23)

    nick wrote:

    You should write your own bible if you do not like what God has given us.

    OOHHH, nice one! What a BURN, OUCH!

    Really, what kind of lame comment is that? Gene obviously holds what God has given us in the bible to be true, he just sees it different from you.

    Don't you have anything constructive to say?

    Hi Jodi

    Talk about pulling the beam out of your eye.

    You say to NH…

    Quote (Jodi @ Dec. 28 2008,06:23)
    Don't you have anything constructive to say? ???

    Yet you say to me…

    Quote (Jodi @ Dec. 27 2008,16:26)

    I know that this post won't get through your thick heathen skull, but I don't write it for you, but other's who might not cling to fearing (worshiping) Satan as you do.



    Hi Jodi

    Quote (Jodi @ Jan. 01 2009,02:44)
    That comment made me laugh  :)  :)

    I am glad that you are humored. :)

    Quote (Jodi @ Jan. 01 2009,02:44)

    Nick hardly ever explains anything, he usually says stuff like 'so you don't believe scripture then', “so you don't believe Jesus then” and leaves it at that.

    Seems that is exactly what you are saying about anyone who disagrees with your view.

    Quote (Jodi @ Jan. 01 2009,02:44)

    I had ample to say to YOU, that comment about my intending readers of my post, was within many scriptures and lots of IMO constructive points.  

    I see nothing constructive in your words. You accuse true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who disagree with your view of satan as worshippers of satan. Constructive? No! Arrogant, Yes.

    Quote (Jodi @ Jan. 01 2009,02:44)

    Sorry if my opinion hurt your feelings WJ, but I am on hear to be honest, and I was telling the truth.

    Don’t flatter yourself. Hurt my feelings?  :D  You think I lose sleep over your misguided opinions about me or the scriptures? You are not the judge of my heart. You know nothing about my relationship with God. You have only shown yourself to be “an accuser of the brethren” which is inspired by “satan” himself.

    Quote (Jodi @ Jan. 01 2009,02:44)

    I view you as having a thick skull and that you follow a Christian religion fully soaked in paganism.

    Why because I disagree with you? Is this how you measure a man by whether he agrees with your religion or not? So tell me how it is your skull is less thick than mine, when you refuse to change your mind or view?

    Quote (Jodi @ Jan. 01 2009,02:44)

    I might have never believed in the trinity, but since the time I was in school I have been taught about fallen angels. I use to believe most all of what Irene teaches for over 20 years. I am fully reading what people are writing for their case that Satan is a supernatural being, but I am not hearing anything knew, just the same old pagan ideas warped into the bible.

    Amazing! You know more than the thousands of Greek and Hebrew experts and commentators. According to the “Gospel of Jodi”, everyone that disagrees with her view is a worshipper of this “Being that does not exist”.

    Do you have any Greek or Hebrew language degrees or theological degrees? If not, what makes you so prideful that you can justify your opposition against those who have spent their lives studying Hebrew and Greek and totally disagree with you and your view? Such arrogance.

    Quote (Jodi @ Jan. 01 2009,02:44)

    I am not going to go back to being blind and superstitious, and most importantly fearing a creature who does not exist.

    Well with your view of satan being an “adversary”, and yet a friend of God that God uses to afllict “the upright and obedient” by killing their loved ones and destroying all that they have including inflicting them with sickness and boils unto death, then maybe every believer should fear him.

    However it may surprise you that “true believers” do not believe such foolishness about their God or fear satan, for they do not believe “satan” is a friend of God sent by God to bring evil on the righteous.

    So if you have ever feared him then maybe you were never saved.



    WJ………if the whole world lies in deception, what excludes you thousand of commentators and 600 Scholars from not being? Is there safety in numbers or what if the blind lead the blind and they (ALL) fall in the ditch.

    peace and love to you and yours…………………….gene

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