JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #808410

    Hi t8,

    You are mistaken as usual and quick to point fingers.

    Unable to discern prophecy you take it as actual and present.


    When was Jeremiah literally ordained the prophet unto the nations?

    Well from the quote it is hard to tell. It says he ordained him a prophet unto the nations and doesn’t say ‘before’ like the other verses. However, it matters not to me anyway. Scripture tells us that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, Jesus Christ’s was born a baby boy, and Jesus Christ was born as the messiah and lord. While Nick says the exact opposite and am to suppose that you agree with Nick on this?

    So it is wrong to condemn my view when it is merely repeating scripture and to condone a view that regardless of the small print, says the opposite of the text.

    There seems to be a few people here that always argue against the clear meaning in the text. And to take it as far as infringing on Jesus Christ coming in the flesh, then for me that has gone way over the line.


    Hi T8,

    Go with literal explanations of spiritual things if you must.

    Do not blame us for pointing it out.



    Hi t8,

    Man has different scriptural definitions

    Remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return.



    There is a human being that was made Christ.

    There is the word of God which comes out of God’s mouth and be which all things that have been created were created. It is the same word that was given to the children of Israel in the form of the Law and the Prophets and is not given in the form of the gospel of Christ.

    That Word was united with Jesus Christ by the Spirit of God, which is also known as the Spirit of Christ.

    Even angels worship the word that comes our of God’s mouth and it is the mediator between God and humanity. The Spirit of God is closely related to the word of God for the prophets spoke the word as they were carried along in the Spirit.

    The word that God utters from his mouth flows through Jesus and dwells in him by the Holy Spirit, which is God’s Spirit. Jesus’ role as the Christ is equivalent to the very word that comes out of the mouth of God. In other words he is the word that was made flesh.



    … before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee,
    and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

    It sounds like God ordained him in his mother’s womb.

    Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;…

    This part could be used to support the tenet of the pre-existent human soul.


    Hi t8,

    You are mistaken as usual and quick to point fingers.

    Unable to discern prophecy you take it as actual and present.


    • Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.
    • This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph,
    • When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
    • It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah.


    • Of course Jesus was made both Lord and Christ so was not conceived or born as such.
    • You are unable to discern prophecy you take it as actual and present.
    • Jesus became the Christ at baptism. Before that, he was a mere created man who was made both Lord and Christ at baptism.

    Some here want to change what is written to their own views. They use terms similar to ‘technically speaking they meant…’ or ‘it doesn’t mean what it says’.

    I mean really. When given the choice, is it better to listen to scripture, or what some self-proclaimed experts extrapolate.

    First I look for the sign of the spirit, that is love. Second the spirit of Truth does not conflict with scripture.


    Hi t8,

    Yes you cannot see prophecy and hear the Spirit.



    Not fine.

    Bible: Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.

    Nick: Of course Jesus was made both Lord and Christ so was not conceived or born as such.


    Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. 26 It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. 27 Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, 28 Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying:

    29 “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
        you may now dismiss your servant in peace.
    30 For my eyes have seen your salvation,
    31     which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
    32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
        and the glory of your people Israel.”



    So if technically to you there is no way to know, then why do you teach a definite position on this?

    I simply do not choose to take a definite position on this verse as it is prophecy which is symbolic by nature. It could either by the word of God concept or Jesus but as the word of God concept was made flesh in Jesus the difference is irrelevant. I said that in my post.

    My other point is that Revelations 19 and in fact anything that occurred after the word was made flesh is irrelevant to correctly interpreting John 1:1. John 1:1 is somewhat ambiguous because of the unwritten context but we have access to that context through First Century Jewish writings. We may have or get more access to the context of Revelations 19 but I am not aware of it.


    Hi t8,

    Of course the Lord and Christ was born.

    O. Do you think he had already been made Lord and Christ?



    Hi t8,

    Acts 2 says the Jesus was made both Lord and Christ.

    He was named after his birth but you think he was already Lord and Christ when he was born?



    T8….Saying JESUS WAS THE ONE WHO “IS” THE LORDS MESSIAH , does not do away with the fact he was speaking of JESUS’ FUTURE DESTINY, again you are trying to force the text to say what in fact it is not saying as you do with other texts. Why can’t you see Jesus as a fellow human being who came into “EXISTENCE”, JUST AS WE DID, why do you try so hard to make him different then we are, have you bought into SATAN’S “DOCTRINE OF SEPERATION”?

    peace and love to you and yours. ……gene



    You say this ,” It is the same word that was given to the children of Israel in the form of the Law and the Prophets and is not given in the form of the gospel of Christ.”  So the Logos is not the gospel of Christ but rather the law and prophets? It’s not given in the form of the gospel of christ? so just what is “the form” of the gospel of Christ then according to you? Is not the logos Jesus in the form of God? or is it God in the form of Jesus? yet you seem to say it was that Jewish law that is logos which is quite contrary to the gospel of St John for he says “the law came by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ”

    Do you worship that man Moses more than that man called Jesus? is Moses your logos?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Admin.

    Dear Gene,

    You say this to t8 ” why do you try so hard to make him different then we are, have you bought into SATAN’S “DOCTRINE OF SEPERATION”?  but it is your make believe doctrine that you blame on the devil trying to justify your own ideas.



    Moses was the mediator of the Law and Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant.

    Grace and truth would be the Spirit which can both be received and walked according to through faith in Jesus Christ.

    The Law instead is God’s word the hearer must live by employing their own human effort.

    That is why the old covenant is rendered obsolete by the new covenant. Both covenants were made with God.

    Both covenants are the word of God.


    AndrewAD. …ARE YOU AFRAID YOU ALSO HAVE BOUGHT INTO SATAN’S “DEOCTRINE OF SEPERATION” ALSO? Why do you try so hard to make, our lord (adoni) AND MORE IMPORTANT OUR BROTHER, so different then the rest of his human brothers and sisters, would be the true question here, it seems to me.

    peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene


    Hi T8:


    Is “th

    Hi Marty. All names are like that. Jesus renamed Cephas to Peter (rock). We all have a name written on a stone that only We and God know.

    He was also called Jesus.

    Is “The Word of God” a name like the name Jesus or John or does it mean something else?

    Love in Christ,



    Be careful as you may be straying into another topic and this one does not seem exhausted yet.

    I am going to stick with the idea that the rock that Jesus’ church is based on is faith that he is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I can see where the topic you are straying into is related to that last title he bears.

    Faith in Christ implies faith in God.

    Peter is called the rock because he demonstrates greater faith than the other Eleven.

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