JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #805929

    Hi KW,

    “We shall be changed”

    Please quote Paul correctly.


    The new dwelling awaits them in heaven.

    But they will receive it on earth when they are raised.

    Prophetically we are new creatures



    So Jesus became the Word when he was baptised in the Spirit at the Jordan



    Paul said “we will be changed”. (1 Corinthians 15:52)

    Somme translations use the synonym “transformed”.

    I spoke loosely about the dead having a body in heaven as Paul only testified that those whose body has dissolved have a body in heaven.


    Hi KW,

    since you are quoting Paul where did he say that??



    1 Corinthians 15:52


    Hi KW,

    Whose body has dissolved?

    Paul said that?



    2 Corinthians 5:1 of the KJV. Other versions paraphrase the same words.


    Hi KW,

    So Paul’s earthly house of this tabernacle was dissolved.

    He died.



    I believe there is more than just dying if the KJV choice of translation is correct. His words apear to be an answer to the question what about when a bodied is turned to ashes?

    Paul is dead and that is enough to render the “if” true according to some translations.


    Nick……Your rendition about our bodies being done away with is completely wrong, as PAUL EXPLAIND ,”we are looking for the resurection, wnich will wittiness the REDEMPTION OF “OUR” BODIES”. What BODIES?, “OUR” BODIES, the our bodies are the bodies we now have. Nothing difficult about it, while bodies are not spirits, you still can not “spiritualize” them away. The LORD OUR GOD made us with bodies and it was good enough for him , so who are you to decide to throw them away? By your misappling what Paul said. Kerwin is right our same bodies will be changed to eternal living bodies just as Jesus’ body was.

    peace and love to you and yours. ………gene


    Hi GB,

    If you think flesh is forever then you will not be like the Lord.



    Hi KW,

    If your mortal body is your hoped for inheritance then your focus should be on maintenance.

    Designed to last only 70-80 years it will need a major refit to last for eternity.

    Martyrdom by beheading etc is out of the question.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Admin.

    Hi KW,

    Scripture says ‘we do not know what we will be like’

    But you say this is wrong and we do know.

    Just the same as we are now.


    Nick…..FLESH IS REGENERATIVE, SCRIPTURE CLEARLY SHOWS THAT. Fact is flesh has never died “out” sense it’s first creation. Jesus sure didn’t think his flesh was worthless when he cried out “MY GOD, MY GOD , HAS THOU FORSAKEN ME.”, AND HE WAS RESURECTED WITH HIS SAME FLESH BODY, now wasn’t he? Why should we look for anything any different? We look to JESUS AS OUR EXAMPLE of what to expect. You may want to drift around in arid places looking for rest, but we want to have a body as JESUS DOES, AND EVEN PROVED WHAT KIND OF BODY HE HAD AFTER HIS RESURECTION ALSO. He even was witnessed going up into heaven with that body also. Your speculations of us not recieving our bodies raised to life again is just that, “your speculation”, not ours. For we like PAUL, SAY WE LOOK FOR THE RESURECTION THAT WILL WITNESS THE REDEMPTION OF OUR “BODIES”. “OUR BODIES” NOT A DIFFERENT BODY, BUT “OUR” BODIES.

    IF IT WERE JUST MATTER of sirit only, there would not evenbe a need for a resurection, from the grave, because spirits don’t go to the grave They go to him that gave them in the first place, GOD.

    peace and love to you and yours. …………gene

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Admin.

    Nick…..ANOTHER POINT, Jesus told us not to fear those who can kill the body, and can do nothing else after that, but to fear him who can destory “BOTH” BODY AND SOUL, IN HELL. Why does he mention Body, if our bodies are not needed?

    Face it Nick you are as wrong as you could be on this.

    peace and love to you and yours. …………gene

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Admin.

    NICK…..As far as Adam and Eve go ,God said theycould have never died just the way they were had they eaten from the tree of life. And Methulsiam lived all most one thousand years with the body he had. We can be sustaind forever with these bodies if we partake of the tree of life because it will regenerate them for ever.IMO

    peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene



    Hi KW,

    If your mortal body is your hoped for inheritance then your focus should be on maintenance.

    Designed to last only 70-80 years it will need a major refit to last for eternity.

    Martyrdom by beheading etc is out of the question.

    All this tells me is that you do not yet believe Scripture for all things are possible by God.

    Why doubt that God could put a head back on a body as you should know he created Adam from the dust of the ground?

    Why do you doubt God is able to make what is mortal immortal?

    Why do you doubt God can free creation from decay?



    I do not know what it will be like to be in a immortal body since I am not in one. My body is still subject to decay.


    His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses.

    Jesus is the Word of God, just as he is the Truth, Way, Life, Bread of Heaven, Light of the World, and Last Adam. While he is all these things, he is specifically called, “The Word of God”.

    Some do not like the fact that he is the Word of God because of its implications.

    What good will it do to deny that he is the Word of God?



    Hi t8 ,

    Jesus Christ is now the Word of God.

    From the jordan.

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