JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #804746

    Hi Andrew,

    Do you not hear the voice of the Spirit in the mouth of Jesus and the apostles and prophets?

    back to the drawing board.


    Terra, just what is your point here?

    You say “Paul talks about the son god and the God and father of his son god ,you seem lost”

    It seems to me by this quote you are the one truly lost and you answer none of my simple questions. But what else should I expect from a know it all pope?

    So now you are saying the son is a God or just little god as in God Jr maybe? It’s all good to the Arian me. But I’m glad you acknowledge it.


    Hi Nick, yes I’m a god who made the earth just like Jesus so I’m really back at the drawing board. Thanks for the guidance my friend.


    AndrewAD. …..No clain by JOHN makes Jesus more then a human being ,who GOD THE FATHER worked through. JUST AS HE DID THROUGH MOSES. MOSES told us that God WOULD RAISE UP A PROPHET FROM AMONG THE ISRAELITES JUST LIKE HIM, he did not say God would raise up a God from among the ISRAELITES NOW DID HE? JESUS is compaired to other prophets that God spoke through, “for God who at different times and and different manors spoke to us throught the prophets (like moses) ,has spoken to us in these latter days through a son.” But none of that made Moses or Jesus a God of any kind. If youbelieve JESUS is a God then you arebreakibg the first commandment ,which says we are to have NO other God but LORD OUR GOD. We are not to make ANY “IMAGE” OF ANOTHER GOD IN HEAVEN OR ON EARTH.

    You and others chose to break the most important commandment the very first one. Jesus planly said that there is no other GOD THEN THE ONE GOD, saying IN PRAYER, “THOU ART THE “ONLY” TRUE GOD”, AND EVEN QUOTED THE GREATEST ISRAELITE CREED, “HEAR O ISREAL THE LORD “OUR GOD”, IS ONE LORD.

    BY chossinf tobelieve Jesus is not a fellow human being as you are you have seperated your self from him, rather you can see that or not, makes no difference. It clearly states in 2 Ths2 that God would send to then who lovednot ghe truth a strong delusion in order for them to believe a LIE AND THAT LIE IS ABOUT JESUS BEING A GOD BEING A GOD AND BEING DESPLAYED AS A GOD.

    AS FAR AS the big GOD, AND LITTLE god thing goes ,all scripture was originally written in upper case litters, it wasn’t untill the 900 hundreds that it was chainged to read as it does today. And when JESUS said know you not that you are GOD’S, he meant that in a “possessive sence”, anothers words he was saying they belonged to GOD, NOT THAT THEY WERE ACTUAL GOD’S.

    WHEN YOU VIEW Jesus as different than yourself you are moving away and “seperating” yourself from him. That is exactly what Satan wants all of us to do. So we WILL NOT have the confidence to be exactly as he is, and We will lose site of scriptures that compare us to him, like where it says that we are heirs and “joint heirs” with JESUS, AND where it says , “until we all come unto the measure and “FULL STATURE” OF CHRIST JESUS. YOU PRESENT STATE OF MIND WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO ACTRUALLY BELIEVE THAT, BECAUSE YOU HAVE MADE JESUS DIFFERENT THEN YOU ARE and moved your likeness of him away from you. You have bought into the “doctrine of seperation” , hook line and sinker.

    There is “only” ONLY ONE GOD , and “one mediator between that God and man, the “MAN” JESUS CHRIST. Jesus is a flesh son of God because it was GOD THAT SUPPLIED THE MALE DNA TO MARY’S WOMB, SO HE IS THE “ONLY” BEGOTTEN OR (FLESH BORN) son of God, but not the only son of GOD BY NO MEANS. Scripture tells us there are many sons of God, ADAM is also called a son of God to, as well as others. Jesus was the first (begotten) or human born, son of God through the flesh berth process, as a result he is called the only begotten son, because God has never begotten any one else directly through the flesh berthing process directly himself. So JESUS is unique in that sense and he also is the first into the Kingdom of God and to obtain eternal life, from all of mankind. So in that sense he is unique but he still is a human being and called himself over and over and over, a son of man.


    peace and love to you and yours. ………….gene

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Admin.

    Hi Andrew,

    Can you not yet say, as Paul did

    “It is no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me”?

    Look beyond the mere human vessels to the amazing treasure that does the godly works from within them.


    “It is no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me”

    those who said that have gain true knowledge according to the written word of God and their understanding does never break a scripture


    Hi T,

    Do you ever see beyond man?


    hi N

    I only see man has souls ,and I don’t think of my self being a extraordinary man just a man of faith in the written word of God and believe every word the spirit give me to understand ,

    now if you have a gift that allows you to see what men can not see ,this is good for you ,but it seem I do not see that in your comments ,

    but I see that in the letters of Paul/Peter/John /James and so on but not of you why is that ?



    Jesus is God,an angel and a human,which makes him fit to be a mediator. All these interpretations come from scripture,so some deny one or the other to make another stick in their own thinking.

    Yes Jesus was/is a messenger and a man. But he was never God himself, rather his son. He is the image of the invisible God and a man, so that qualifies him as a perfect mediator, besides other qualities.

    Jesus said the following, yet many who follow him do not believe his words:

    Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the ONLY true God, AND Jesus Christ, whom YOU have sent. (John 17:3)



    Jesus Christ is the logos.



    This who have the Spirit of God were there at creation and created the world, at least the part that is the Spirit of God.

    Only Jesus is the means by why all other human beings receive and live by the Spirit.


    Hi KW,

    Some who have the Spirit of God are here now.

    They were not at creation.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Admin.

    T8…..ALL OF MANKIND IS MADE IN THE “IMAGE” OF GOD. WHY DO YOU TRY TO SEPERATE JESUS OUR BROTHER FROM US? Does it not say “in the “image”of God , created he them, male and female created he them”.

    peace and love to you and yours. ……………gene

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Admin.


    If you do not know the voice of the Spirit then you will not understand scripture.


    Many are searching,  this is good !

    Proverbs  1:24   Christ IS the wisdom and power of God

    John 1:1    In the beginning,,,,,,,,    this verse is true in its original form !

    Who created all things ? the father or the Word ?  well BOTH  but 1 !    Let me give you an example :  When an owner of a construction business  envisions a grand building, that owner speaks the Word through his Son   and the building is constructed.  I speak a mystery here as jesus did.

    There was no jesus in the OT

    Ed J

    Who created all things ? the father or the Word ? well BOTH but 1 ! Let me give you an example : When an owner of a construction business envisions a grand building, that owner speaks the Word through his Son and the building is constructed. I speak a mystery here as jesus did.

    There was no jesus in the OT

    Hi Shayne,

    The Prophet Isaiah said that God created the world alone, was the Prophet Isaiah wrong?

    I the Lord that maketh all things;
    that stretcheth forth the heavens alone;
    that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself
    ;” (Isaiah 44:24)

    That frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad;
    that turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish;
    ” (Isaiah 44:25)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” – JEHOVAH GOD

    Ed J

    Hi Shane,

    Who is the Father of Spirits?

    1. The HolySpirit
    2. the spirit of Christ


    Hi Ed,

    Yes God creates by The Spirit.

    ps 104.30

    You send forth Your Spirit. They are created.


    Of course the Spirit of God is in God but not confined to Him.

    The sons of God are led by The Spirit of God.


    Hi T8:

    This is how Strong’s concordance has the definition of “the Word was made flesh”.
    to become, i.e. to come into existence, begin to be, receive being
    to become, i.e. to come to pass, happen

    Marty, does that not simply mean that the Word existed in the flesh?

    If you draw Jesus lineage to the flesh, then you trust in man. Why not draw his linage from the Word? The flesh counts for nothing.

    Jesus came in the flesh and he did so for a specific purpose. Although he existed in the form of God, he emptied himself and came in the flesh fr our sakes.

    The Book of John is about Jesus Christ. It talks about his role and origin.

    My Comments:

    It means that what God had spoken pertaining to Jesus became a reality when he was born into this world as a human being.

    Jesus makes the statement “the flesh profiteth nothing” pertaining to his earlier statement about eating his flesh.  It is what was done in the body, the Word of God spoken to humanity through him and that he obeyed unto death on the cross that is spirit and is life.

    The Word did exist in the flesh inasmuch as “in these last days God has spoken to humanity through His Son” (Hebrews 1:1-3) and he obeyed God even unto death of the cross.  In John 14 Jesus states “he who has seen me has seen the Father” and then explains why by saying:

    10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

    The Word of God did not originate with him, therefore, he is not the Word from that standpoint.

    Love in Christ,


    Hi t8,

    Scripture does not say that Jesus came in the flesh.

    Jesus IS flesh like us.

    Jesus Christ came in the flesh. The Word was made flesh.

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