JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #803768

    Philippians 2:5-7 is another passage that some have a hard time understanding

    But isn’t that the problem? If there are too many hard verses for your view, then perhaps you need to consider that the view may be faulty.

    The amount of references in scripture regarding the ancient origins of whom we know as Jesus Christ today are numerous.

    You have the difficult job of having to provide an alternate explanation for each one, rather than accept the simple meaning in the text.

    Similarly, it would be difficult and confusing to try and prove that Jesus wasn’t the Christ too. There too would be many verses that you need to provide an alternate explanation rather than just believe the simple message that the text was conveying.


    Hi T8,

    Some angels are called sons of God.

    Jb 1.6, 2.1


    Ps 89.6

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Admin.

    Hi t8,
    As jn 17 shows God sends all His sons into the world.
    That does not mean they were not on earth before they were sent

    Not sure what sons you are talking about in that text, but God sent his son into the world, this much we do know. It also says that God made all things through the son of God. So God made all things through him, and then he sent him into the world to redeem it too.

    That is what is says. We have to deal with it and not ignore or contradict it.

    Hebrews 1:2
    but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.

    We know that God made all things through his Word, we know that the Word was with God, and we know that the Word became flesh. We also know the very same things of Jesus. God made all things through him, he was with the Father in the beginning in glory, and he came in the flesh. Perhaps it is all a coincidence, but we know that Jesus is called the Word of God too.

    He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.


    Some angels are called sons of God.

    Yes and angels are often sent into the world.

    What is the point you are making?

    That they existed before coming into the world?


    Hi KW,

    God gives of His Spirit as a gift. He pours out His Spirit.

    That Spirit is to unite us in Christ with Him.

    Rom 11.29

    “for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable”



    And every one of those interpretations came by way of the Trinitarians who preach that Jesus is the preexistent God. Without preexistence their claim that Jesus is God looses much of its power.

    Peter teaches that Jesus is a man in preaching at Pentecost (Acts 2:22). Not one word about him preexisting comes from his lips on that day as he evangelizes to the Jews and coverts to Judaism.

    Paul teaches us that the human that mediated between God and humanity is Jesus Christ. (1 Timothy 2:5)

    Hebrews makes the case that Jesus, like humanity in general, was made a little lower than the angels. (Hebrews 2:9) Then unlike the rest of humanity he was elevated above them and given the name of Christ, which is higher than the angels. It is even written that when he comes into the world the angels were instructed to give homage to him. (Hebrews 1:6) He did not come before he was conceived.



    That Spirit first untied Jesus with God and God with Jesus which is why Jesus claimed that the Father was/is in him and that he was/is in the Father.


    Hi KW,


    From that anointing at the Jordan.

    There were no manifestations of heavenly powers before then.


    T8……The words sent into the world is simply a mission statement, about JESUS BEING SENT from his present position out into the world to preach the Gospel of the kingdom of God. It started after he was baptized at the Jordan river. ALSO you are taking the words of PAUL SAYING HE EXISTED IN THE FORM OF GOD as meaning before he was born on this erth, is also false, the existing PAUL was talking about was when Jesus was existing on this earth, a time in his past, before his resurection and asention from this earth. That was the past Paul was speaking about, not before he was born on this earth. Try looking at it from Pauls stand point about JESUS when he was on this earth, that was in his (Jesus’) past, at the time Paul said it.

    peace and love to you and yours. ………..gene

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Admin.

    Repeat of post…….gene

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Admin.


    Scripture does not say there was no revealing of heavenly power before then. That is your conclusion. What evidence supports your case?



    Are you claiming that human beings can still do all that is right without living by the Spirit of God?


    Hi KW,

    Your denial that the man Jesus walked in the light of the scriptures and became clean is wrong.



    Your words imply that you fail to understand the words “The letter kills but the Spirit give life”.


    Hi KW,

    Are you claiming that God’s promises that those who seek Him will be helped by His Spirit are untrue?

    Prov 1-5

    He does.

    But that is not the same as being filled with the Spirit


    hi KW,

    Does scripture have to say the works of the Spirit were not revealed in the life of Jesus before the Jordan for you to believe it?

    Surely you can read?

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Admin.

    Hi KW,

    Peter manifested the Spirit’s inspiration when he made the declaration about Jesus.

    Likewise all of the disciple were given the Spirit when Jesus appeared to them after his resurrection. “Receive the Holy Spirit”

    But the Baptism of the Spirit happened for them at the time of Pentecost .

    They are different events.

    Ed J

    Hi AndrewAD,

    I have given three reasons so far, along with citing Scriptural references,
    why “The Word” cannot be Jesus Christ – but is utterances pertaining to God.

    Please read my posts in this thread to understand why.

    God bless
    Ed J



    Jesus baptised with the holy spirit , his disciples before the pentecost ,you don’t have to say what is not written, opinions are not scriptures ,

    the pentecost is in truth the beginning of the disciples mission to spread the gospel to the nation of Israel ,first in Jerusalem then to other places ,



    anyone that not believe that Jesus was in heaven the WORD of God and so pre existed his coming to earth has not come to know either God or his son ,

    for the father and the son and his disciples have clearly say so ,

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