JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Hi C,
    Man's teachings.






    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 06 2014,04:57)

    Quote (jammin @ April 04 2014,07:35)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 04 2014,11:52)

    It seems like you're trying to tell me that someone was both “limited” AND “unlimited” at the same time.

    But surely that must be a misunderstanding on my part, because no sensible person would ever make such a claim, right?

    1.  do you believe christ became human? yes or no?

    2.  do you believe that HUMAN nature has limitations? yes or no?

    3.  do you believe before Christ became human, he was in the form of God (not a god)? yes or no?

    1.  Yes.

    2.  Yes.

    3.  Yes and no.  Jesus was indeed a god who was existing in the form of his own God, Jehovah.  He wasn't the Most High God in whose form he was existing.

    You can't say a person was existing in THEIR OWN form, jammin.  For example, you can't say, “King David was existing in the form of King David”.  It would be a senseless and useless statement to make.

    On the other hand, you CAN say, “jammin was existing in the form of King David” – because jammin and King David are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES.

    So to say, “existing in the form OF“, you must be speaking about two different entities for it to make any sense.

    So if Jesus was existing in the form OF God, then Jesus couldn't possibly have BEEN the very God in whose form he was existing.  (Note that it doesn't say he was existing in the form of “the Father”, but in the form of “God”.  So you can't even use any of your Trinitarian Jedi mind tricks on this one.)

    Anyway, all of this is a diversion to the real point, jammin.  You say that Jesus on earth was both human AND God, right?  But that would mean Jesus was both limited AND unlimited at the same time.  And that simply cannot be.

    Your claim that Jesus had limitations while on earth was the correct and scriptural claim.  And your claim that one who has limitations is not God was also correct.

    Let's just stick with those correct things you stated, and leave all the Jedi mind tricks to the Star Wars fans, okay?

    where can you read in phil 2.6 that he was existing in the form of his OWN GOD? any version?



    i am existing in the form of MAN. i am MAN by nature.

    Christ was existing in the form of God. where can you read that he was existing in the form of his own God? where is that in phil 2.6?


    Quote (Ed J @ April 07 2014,14:56)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 07 2014,14:52)
    Hi ED,
    Seek an answer from God.

    I spoke with a couple about this some years ago and they did not agree it was necessary.

    The husband had to leave on a trip and his wife privately prayed that he would come back if God wanted them water baptised.
    A half hour later he drove back to the house and said he felt he had to come back but had no idea why.

    Hi Nick,

    Well then since you believe it is necessary, then please pray for me
    that God will provide a Church in my area to water baptize me, OK?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed j………I also believe you should be Baptized, and if possible have an Elder lay hands on your head and pray over you, I recall receiving the holy Spirit  when this was done to me. I was baptized ten years earlier and did not receive the Spirit, but my last baptism, after the prayer by the two Elders who had their hands on my head, I did receive it. We can pray for you here also or you may already have the holy spirit, but you still need to be Baptized if possible, it does appear you are willing brother, and that is what is most important. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours Ed j………………………….gene


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 06 2014,20:13)
    hi MB,
    No. Scriptures support each other.
    They say the SAME thing…………….

    Yes Nick,

    That's is why YOUR understanding is AT ODDS with Hebrews 1:8 and Isaiah 9:6 – while mine is not.

    YOU say Jesus was never “another god”. SCRIPTURES say he was.


    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 28 2014,11:36)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 28 2014,13:18)
    Hi ED,
    Quite so.

    Baptism is the new circumcision.
    col 2.9f

    Circumcision was very important to the jews but you think baptism is not relevant for followers of Jesus Christ?

    Hi Nick,

    Let me explain a little more clearly.

    Point  #1: “Water Baptism” symbolizes death to the law, which was
    required of all Israel (not just Jews) to follow Christ apart from the law.

    Point #2: Gentiles hearing the good news of the Gospel were
    “Baptized” with God's HolySpirit without being water baptized.

    Point #3: The Apostle Paul declares: “I thank God that I baptized none of you…
    For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of
    words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.”  (1 Cor 1:14…17)

    Baptizing in Jesus' name is: Baptizing with God's HolySpirit; not water baptizing.
    When we are fully immersed in the water of God's word, we are able to
    kill 'ego eimi' – thus carrying our own crosses while following Jesus Christ.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    You did say such a thing as this post reveals. Did I misunderstand you? If so, what did you mean by point #2?


    Quote (Ed J @ April 06 2014,21:43)
    I have tried twice to get Churches in my area to water baptize me
    because I concern myself with other people's concerns. One Church
    wouldn't do it unless I put myself under their yoke, and the other wouldn't do it unless I believed as they do.

    My JW brother in law just turned me down, Ed. Apparently the JW's have all kinds of rules and questions and hoops a person must jump through before they are able to do what Jesus commanded them to do.

    I was sarcastically thinking to myself, “Hmmm….. you mean just like all the hoops the disciples made people jump through in the Bible before baptizing them?” :)

    I have the added problem of wanting to be baptized in the name of Jesus only – like the disciples did it.

    Maybe you could come to Arizona and we'll water baptize each other. :)


    Hi MB,
    Good decision


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 06 2014,22:24)
    Hi ED,
    It is important that you are baptised in the name of Jesus Christ and not a trinity.
    Best to go to someone who has been so baptised I would have thought

    And therein lies the problem, Nick. Perhaps you should venture to America and baptize both me and Ed.


    Hi MB,
    I have done so for a few here over the years.


    Quote (jammin @ April 07 2014,07:33)
    where can you read in phil 2.6 that he was existing in the form of his OWN GOD?

    Don't you believe the God in whose form Jesus was existing was “the Father”, jammin?

    I do.

    And isn't “the Father” Jesus' own God? Yep.

    1+1=2, right?



    where can you read in phil 2.6 that he was existing in the form of his OWN GOD? any version?

    So who do you think Jesus called his Father and our Father, his God and our God if not God?


    Good man, Nick. :)

    It was your recent posts that got me really thinking about getting baptized. I was baptized as a baby in a Catholic church – at a few days old. But I don't count that as anything at all.

    You are correct that it is something we all need to do. If Jesus himself did it, and then commanded it be done, I don't know what I've been waiting for.

    I need to get this done ASAP.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 08 2014,08:29)

    Quote (jammin @ April 07 2014,07:33)
    where can you read in phil 2.6 that he was existing in the form of his OWN GOD?

    Don't you believe the God in whose form Jesus was existing was “the Father”, jammin?

    I do.

    And isn't “the Father” Jesus' own God?  Yep.

    1+1=2, right?


    Trinitarian math does not work that way.


    Hi MB,
    I was too.
    But a friend went to a retreat and got baptised and when he came back he did the same for me-about 1982.

    Catholics believe it is a magic ceremony that saves babies before they can think for themselves-that is false
    It requires repentance and babies cannot do that.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 08 2014,08:35)
    Good man, Nick.  :)

    It was your recent posts that got me really thinking about getting baptized.  I was baptized as a baby in a Catholic church – at a few days old.  But I don't count that as anything at all.

    You are correct that it is something we all need to do.  If Jesus himself did it, and then commanded it be done, I don't know what I've been waiting for.

    I need to get this done ASAP.


    Make sure you believe all things are possible through God and that he will give you the Spirit that bears righteous fruit when you do.



    i am asking you a version.
    can you give me one or not?

    i am existing in the form of MAN. i am NOT EXISTING IN THE FORM OF MY OWN MAN. that is not the correct way to say it.

    do you understand>? now i am asking you what version can you read that he was existing in the form of HIS OWN GOD. any version?



    do you exist in the form of MAN? or do you exist in the form of your OWN MAN?


    Quote (jammin @ April 08 2014,19:40)

    do you exist in the form of MAN? or do you exist in the form of your OWN MAN?


    You forcing your opinion into Scripture as it clearly states Jesus was made in the likeness of mankind, Philippians 2:7 and yet you claim he was in the form of God-kind.

    The fact is that Jesus being the form of God “did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped” but chose instead to “but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant”. That is the mind of Christ that we are to follow.

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