JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #357065

    Marty……..These people want to make Jesus different then us, and destory God's work in HUMANITY, The Perfection of a Human Being, the MAN JESUS, the anointed of God, and the Perfected BY that Same GOD, who anointed Him. Jesus said plainly all that overcome “EVEN” “AS” HE DID” The question is how did He overcome, was it because he was a disguised Preexisting Being who had some past “special powers”, or becasue He with the “ANOINTED SPIRIT”, of God, over came the world. He plainly tells us we must overcome “EVEN AS” or the SAME WAY He did., again he is relating with us on a purely human level. These false teachers only serve to preach a Doctrine of SEPARATION and will all be held accountable to God and Jesus for it to. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 08 2013,04:03)
    Marty……..These people want to make Jesus different then us, and destory God's  work in HUMANITY,  The Perfection of a Human Being, the MAN JESUS, the anointed of God, and the Perfected BY that Same GOD, who anointed Him. Jesus said plainly all that overcome “EVEN” “AS” HE DID” The question is how did He overcome, was it because he was a disguised Preexisting Being who had some past “special powers”, or becasue He with the “ANOINTED SPIRIT”, of God, over came the world. He plainly tells us we must overcome  “EVEN AS” or the   SAME WAY He did., again he is relating with us on a purely human level.  These false teachers only serve to preach a Doctrine of SEPARATION and will all be held accountable to God and Jesus for it to. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………………..gene

    Hi Gene:

    I am not sure why they cannot see that if Jesus was not a man, and like us in every way, although he was not born of the sperm of man, then he truly would not have overcome sin us.

    The scripture states:


    1Cr 15:21
    For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 08 2013,02:43)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 08 2013,04:03)
    Marty……..These people want to make Jesus different then us, and destory God's  work in HUMANITY,  The Perfection of a Human Being, the MAN JESUS, the anointed of God, and the Perfected BY that Same GOD, who anointed Him. Jesus said plainly all that overcome “EVEN” “AS” HE DID” The question is how did He overcome, was it because he was a disguised Preexisting Being who had some past “special powers”, or becasue He with the “ANOINTED SPIRIT”, of God, over came the world. He plainly tells us we must overcome  “EVEN AS” or the   SAME WAY He did., again he is relating with us on a purely human level.  These false teachers only serve to preach a Doctrine of SEPARATION and will all be held accountable to God and Jesus for it to. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………………..gene

    Hi Gene:

    I am not sure why they cannot see that if Jesus was not a man, and like us in every way, although he was not born of the sperm of man, then he truly would not have overcome sin us.

    The scripture states:


    1Cr 15:21
    For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.

    Love in Christ,


    Christ did not come to die for his own possible sins ;IT IS FOR OURS THAT GOD AS SEND HIM ,TO SAVE US ,NOT HIM,






    1Cr 15:21
    For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.

    Understanding this passage.

    Death comes by mankind and the representatives of mankind it comes by are Adam and Eve.  

    The Resurrection from death comes by mankind and the representative of mankind it comes by is Jesus Christ.

    You do not believe that as you do not believe Jesus is a representative of mankind.

    So it is you that lacks understanding on this issue.  You should consider the words “remove the beam from your own eye before attempting to take the speck from your brother's”.


    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 07 2013,14:43)
    … us in every way, although he was not born of the sperm of man……….

    Like us in every way – except that none of us were fathered directly by God Almighty?

    Marty, Jesus was always different than we are. He had to be made somewhat like us to complete God's purpose.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 08 2013,04:11)

    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 07 2013,14:43)
    … us in every way, although he was not born of the sperm of man……….

    Like us in every way – except that none of us were fathered directly by God Almighty?

    Marty, Jesus was always different than we are.  He had to be made somewhat like us to complete God's purpose.


    What do you mean when you claim Jesus was fathered “directly” by God?

    To me it means Jesus received the Spirit from God and the rest of the children, except for the angels, receive it from God through Jesus.


    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 08 2013,04:05)


    1Cr 15:21
    For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.

    Understanding this passage.

    Death comes by mankind and the representatives of mankind it comes by are Adam and Eve.  

    The Resurrection from death comes by mankind and the representative of mankind it comes by is Jesus Christ.

    You do not believe that as you do not believe Jesus is a representative of mankind.

    So it is you that lacks understanding on this issue.  You should consider the words “remove the beam from your own eye before attempting to take the speck from your brother's”.


    what is it that passage says ??? do you understand what is written or you try to make me see what you in your mind want me to see and read ???

    I am not a mind reader ,so tell me exactly what tha t verse says in your mind ,

    ho,i just reread there I see something ;

    You do not believe that as you do not believe Jesus is a representative of mankind.

    well show me some scriptures to that effect ,this is new to me ,

    So it is you that lacks understanding on this issue.  You should consider the words “remove the beam from your own eye before attempting to take the speck from your brother's”.

    whow; take it easy man,you have proven anything yet ; lets see if you are not the the deceiver here by doing what you tell others they do,so answer me ??


    Kerwin……..I tell you they just don't get it, DNA is DNA, the same process was used by GOD for the first Adam, that was used by God for the Second “Adam”, Jesus the Anointed one of God a 100% pure human being, except the first Adam was completely from scratch and the Second Adam came from Adam with a DNA that was altered by God to fit the Scriptures that describe how he would look, Jesus was not “MORPHED” from another Existence as these decieved Teachers teach. There would be no reason for God to even do it that way, it would not fit the prophecies about him. from the seed of the women would come, the one who would bruise the head of the serpent, and from the seed of Abraham through the LOINS of KING DAVID and the root of Jesse.

    Kerwin haven't you noticed these false teachers have never given ONE REASON THAT GOD WOULD EVEN DO IT THE WAY THEY SAY. It was not a Past perfect being or past angel God was perfecting it was MANKIND, he was dealing with and it was a PURE HUMAN BEING GOD perfected to become his Son, through that perfecting Process of his Spirit, Which is the exact way we must be perfected also. Not one shred of difference , Jesus is Just the First from mankind to attain to that perfected state.

    We are told we can come to the Full measure and stature of Christ Jesus by that same way, and that is why Jesus said “I AM THE WAY”. Mankind is the CROWN JEWEL of GOD created works , there is “NOTHING THAT IS NOT UNDER HIS FOOT” just as it says , “all thing are “UNDER THE FOOT OF NAN These false teachers want you and others to believe mankind is some inferior creation , which is far from the truth of God, Jesus is Just the FIRST from MANKIND to ACHIEVE the ULTIMATE GOAL , GOD HAS IN MIND FOR US ALL.

    He is the “FIRST” of “MANY” brothers that will achieve that Goal God has set for us all. These false teachers can't even relate with Jesus on any human Level at all. They remind me of people who swat at gnats and swallow a camel.They are simple blind Guides trying to bring more into their blinded state they exist in. Be careful not to be sucked in brother. IMO

    peace and love to you and your brother……………………………………..gene


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 08 2013,09:11)

    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 07 2013,14:43)
    … us in every way, although he was not born of the sperm of man……….

    Like us in every way – except that none of us were fathered directly by God Almighty?

    Marty, Jesus was always different than we are.  He had to be made somewhat like us to complete God's purpose.

    Hi Mike:

    Does the scripture say that he was a man?

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 08 2013,21:36)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 08 2013,09:11)

    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 07 2013,14:43)
    … us in every way, although he was not born of the sperm of man……….

    Like us in every way – except that none of us were fathered directly by God Almighty?

    Marty, Jesus was always different than we are.  He had to be made somewhat like us to complete God's purpose.

    Hi Mike:

    Does the scripture say that he was a man?

    Love in Christ,


    were in scriptures does it says that Jesus his a man ,is it GOD??, is it himself ???

    or is it ignorant people talking about what they do not know ,???

    I know JESUS always says He his “SON OF GOD AND SON OF MAN ” WHAT SAY HE HIS ???


    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 07 2013,17:36)
    What do you mean when you claim Jesus was fathered “directly” by God?

    I mean that Jesus wasn't made BY God and THROUGH a human father as well.

    We all have a heavenly Father and a human father. Jesus was fathered directly by Jehovah Himself.


    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 08 2013,09:36)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 08 2013,09:11)

    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 07 2013,14:43)
    … us in every way, although he was not born of the sperm of man……….

    Like us in every way – except that none of us were fathered directly by God Almighty?

    Marty, Jesus was always different than we are.  He had to be made somewhat like us to complete God's purpose.

    Hi Mike:

    Does the scripture say that he was a man?

    Love in Christ,

    Yes Marty, that is PART of what the scriptures say.

    Scripture also says that since we are of flesh, he too had to partake in flesh.

    Scripture also says he was existing in the form of God before being made in the likeness of a human being.

    Scripture also says he came down from heaven to do the will of He who sent him.

    But you only believe the portion of the scriptures that align with your doctrine.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 09 2013,00:22)

    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 07 2013,17:36)
    What do you mean when you claim Jesus was fathered “directly” by God?

    I mean that Jesus wasn't made BY God and THROUGH a human father as well.

    We all have a heavenly Father and a human father.  Jesus was fathered directly by Jehovah Himself.


    Are you claiming Jesus was born of natural descent, a husband’s will?

    If not then please explain?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 09 2013,00:26)

    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 08 2013,09:36)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 08 2013,09:11)

    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 07 2013,14:43)
    … us in every way, although he was not born of the sperm of man……….

    Like us in every way – except that none of us were fathered directly by God Almighty?

    Marty, Jesus was always different than we are.  He had to be made somewhat like us to complete God's purpose.

    Hi Mike:

    Does the scripture say that he was a man?

    Love in Christ,

    Yes Marty, that is PART of what the scriptures say.

    Scripture also says that since we are of flesh, he too had to partake in flesh.

    Scripture also says he was existing in the form of God before being made in the likeness of a human being.

    Scripture also says he came down from heaven to do the will of He who sent him.

    But you only believe the portion of the scriptures that align with your doctrine.


    Scripture also says he was existing in the form of God before being made in the likeness of a human being.

    A passage in Philippians 2 seems to hint at that possibility but it also seems to hint that he was not a servant and then became one. Only Jehovah is not a servant. Is it wise to base a teaching on hints?



    Jesus is the only man that has been given authority over everything that is in heaven. To mankind it is enough that we will will become equal with the angels.

    Otherwise what you say sounds right to my ears.



    1Cr 15:21
    For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.

    According to this translation the words are “by man” and not “by a man”, the former means “by mankind” and the later means “by a specific man”. Either option will work as both statements are true in that death came by humanity at the proxy of a human and the resurrection from death came by humanity at the proxy of one human.

    Only the self sacrifice of a truly righteous human could condemn the world for its unjust state that would bring death to one who had not earned the wages of sin. Only the resurrection of a human would offer hope to his brother humans that they would escape the oppressions of this world of sin if they chose to follow all of Jesus’ teachings.

    So, like every other human being Jesus shares in our humanity.

    You lack knowledge and so are deceived and deceive. That is the way things are when you require education. The question is whether you choose to acknowledge your lack and choose to learn.


    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 09 2013,02:07)

    1Cr 15:21
    For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.

    According to this translation the words are “by man” and not “by a man”, the former means “by mankind” and the later means “by a specific man”.  Either option will work as both statements are true in that death came by humanity at the proxy of a human and the resurrection from death came by humanity at the proxy of one human.

    Only the self sacrifice of a truly righteous human could condemn the world for its unjust state that would bring death to one who had not earned the wages of sin.  Only the resurrection of a human would offer hope to his brother humans that they would escape the oppressions of this world of sin if they chose to follow all of Jesus’ teachings.

    So, like every other human being Jesus shares in our humanity.

    You lack knowledge and so are deceived and deceive.   That is the way things are when you require education.  The question is whether you choose to acknowledge your lack and choose to learn.


    According to this translation the words are “by man” and not “by a man”, the former means “by mankind” and the later means “by a specific man”.






    The passage states mankind but we know death came though Adam and Eve so what do you conclude the answer is.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 09 2013,05:26)

    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 08 2013,09:36)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 08 2013,09:11)

    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 07 2013,14:43)
    … us in every way, although he was not born of the sperm of man……….

    Like us in every way – except that none of us were fathered directly by God Almighty?

    Marty, Jesus was always different than we are.  He had to be made somewhat like us to complete God's purpose.

    Hi Mike:

    Does the scripture say that he was a man?

    Love in Christ,

    Yes Marty, that is PART of what the scriptures say.

    Scripture also says that since we are of flesh, he too had to partake in flesh.

    Scripture also says he was existing in the form of God before being made in the likeness of a human being.

    Scripture also says he came down from heaven to do the will of He who sent him.

    But you only believe the portion of the scriptures that align with your doctrine.

    Mike B.

    T8,gave a very good analogy regarding the one torch
    lighting up the second torch, and the second torch lighting up all the torches.
    Except for one thing; the oil is in the first torch,and pipes connecting all torches.



    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 09 2013,04:56)

    The passage states mankind but we know death came though Adam and Eve so what do you conclude the answer is.


    Ge 3:7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
    Ge 3:8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
    Ge 3:9 But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”
    Ge 3:10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”
    Ge 3:11 And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from? ”
    Ge 3:12 The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
    Ge 3:13 Then the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”

    why you ask me ?? here read it in the scriptures ,and tell me who ???

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