JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #355789

    To all,

    My courses have started again and I will have less time to post. I will try to keep up. Sorry if I do not.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 20 2013,09:07)

    I've read your posts.  I'm done discussing your faulty belief that God only rules over men's spirits, but not their bodies.

    As for the other subject, I await your first scripture in which “word” means something other than a spoken or written word.

    Pointing out that God SPOKE A WORD and things came into existence proves MY point.  In that example, “word” simply refers to words that God spoke.

    You're supposed to be listing a scripture where “word” DOESN'T refer to a written or spoken word.


    Hebrews 11:3
    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

    The word that does these things is more than just spoken or written communications.


    To All……. A word is simply a word, the expression of ones intellect, nothing more or nothing less. A word without POWER to back it up means nothing. Jesus spoke to us, The ONLY TRUE GOD'S WORDS, and THE ONLY TRUE GOD IS THE ONE WHO BACKS UP HIS OWN WORDS, WITH HIS OWN POWER? Trying to make Jesus into a WORD is Pure GARBAGE, the only words that can be applied to Jesus is his OWN WORDS, NOT GODS WORDS, That applies to us also, Our WORDS ARE OUR OWN they come from our own minds, but if we quote someone else, as Jesus did GOD the FATHER, then we cannot lay claim to those words as being “OUR” Words, nor can we lay claim to be “A God” either just because we QUOTE GOD'S WORDS, Jesus never once said he was a GOD , he never took the position of a God , but of a severant.

    GOD AND HIS WORDS ARE ONE AND THE SAMETHING , JESUS IS NOT A GOD NEVER WAS AND NEVER WILL BE EITHER, he has a GOD and it is the same as OUR GOD. That God is the “ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD” in existence. Don't let these false wanta be preachers cause you to think otherwise, with their carnal worldly reasonings, whereby they corrupt the simple straight forward word of God.

    All you who are true believers have a unction with the HOLY ONE, and have no need of a teacher , because the Spirit itself teaches you the thing of God, so don't buy into these vain puffed up wanta be “interrupters”, of simple and clear scriptures who attach all kind of meanings to them. These blind guides have no idea what they are saying or how they corrupt straight forward written scriptures , they try desperately to attach some form of “MYSTERY RELIGION” to simple scriptures.

    He that has an ear let him hear.

    peace and love to the ISRAEL of God…………………………..gene


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 21 2013,08:40)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 20 2013,13:14)
    The “word of God” in Hebrews 11 appear to mean that the worlds were framed by the declaration of God's mind as he spoke the worlds into existence.

    So then “word” in that verse simply refers to a spoken word, or a set of spoken words, right?

    After all, a “declaration” is simply words that someone spoke, right?

    But the challenge to Kerwin was to find a scriptural example where “word” does NOT simply refer to spoken or written words, right?

    Give it another try if you want.

    Hi Mike:

    I thought that it was you who were trying to prove that “the word” is Jesus?

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 20 2013,22:01)

    Hebrews 11:3
    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

    The word that does these things is more than just spoken or written communications.

    Okay Kerwin. Now we're finally getting somewhere.

    WHAT exactly IS that word from Heb 11:3 – the one that is “more than just spoken or written communications” then?


    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 21 2013,11:41)
    Hi Mike:

    I thought that it was you who were trying to prove that “the word” is Jesus?

    Actually, I just did a fine job of that in my last post to you in the “Coptic” thread.

    I don't claim that every time the word “word” is used in scripture, it refers to Jesus. Only in John 1:1, 1:14, 1 John 1:1-2, and Revelation 19:13. There are some other “could be” verses, like Hebrews 11:3 – where it could also refer to Jesus.

    But my claim to Kerwin was that “word” in scripture usually just refers to a written or spoken word by anyone. And my challenge to him was to find a verse in which “word” DIDN'T refer to a spoken or written word(s).

    You are the one who butted into that challenge by posting Hebrews 11:3 – as if it was an answer to the challenge. But after a little examination, it was concluded that YOUR understanding of “word” in Heb 11:3 was nothing more than a word(s) that God spoke.

    Kerwin has now offered that “word” might mean something else in that verse, so we'll see where he goes with that thought.

    But in the meantime, you are welcome to find any other scriptures in which you think “word” DOESN'T refer to a spoken or written word(s).


    To all…….Here is a key to the proper understanding of was Jesus a God of any kind, or was God the FATHER truly (IN) HM abiding “WITH” him. As the presence of TWO BEINGS , the man Jesus and the Almighty GOD of all creation.

    Ias 40:3….The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the (now all take notice) “LORD”, (Yehweh), make straight in the desert a highway for (now notice again) our “GOD”

    Now what did the Man Jesus say concerning GOD the FATHER? “the son of Man (Jesus) can do “NOTHING” of “HIMSELF” ,The Father who is “IN” me “HE” doth the works.  

    Our GOD was “IN” JESUS, but that never made the Man Jesus the God who was “IN” HIM…> God the Father came to his own people in Jerusalem Isa 40:1-2 > … The word is the CHRISTOS which is the SPIRIT of GOD and he was “IN” Jesus just as Jesus said he Was. HOW?, By way of the Anointing He (the man) Jesus recieved at the Jordan River.  

    It was not Jesus who said   destory this temple and in three days I (GOD) shall raise it up That was God the Father speaking through Jesus' very mouth. It was not Jesus who said   O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that Kill the prophets, and stones them which are sent unto you, how often would I, (GOD) , have gathered your childern together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings and you would not!
    Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I (GOD) say unto you, you shall not see me  (GOD) henceforth, till you shall say, Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord.

    That was God the Father Speaking directly through, the MAN JESUS. GOD the FATHER was TRULY “IN” the SON of MAN JESUS by the ANOINTING He recieved, and GOD, Spoke “directly” through him even as He did the Prophets of old.  God is a Spirit , Jesus is not a Spirit he is a Man, So the Word who is GOD the FATHER was “IN” the MAN JESUS and Spoke directly through the Man Jesus. That never made Jesus a GOD of any kind, as these deluded, false teachers here would have you believe.  IMO

    peace and love to the Israel of God…………………………………………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 22 2013,22:28)
    To all…….Here is a key to the proper understanding of was Jesus a God of any kind, or was God the FATHER truly (IN) HM abiding “WITH” him.  As the presence of TWO BEINGS , the man Jesus and the Almighty GOD of all creation.

    Ias 40:3….The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the (now all take notice) “LORD”, (Yehweh),  make straight in the desert a highway for (now notice again) our “GOD”

    Now what did the Man Jesus say concerning GOD the FATHER? “the son of Man (Jesus) can do “NOTHING” of “HIMSELF” ,The Father who is “IN” me “HE” doth the works.  

    Our GOD was “IN” JESUS, but that never made the Man Jesus the God who was “IN” HIM…> God the Father came to his own people in Jerusalem Isa 40:1-2 > … The word is the CHRISTOS which is the SPIRIT of GOD and he was “IN” Jesus just as Jesus said he Was. HOW?, By way of the Anointing He (the man) Jesus recieved at the Jordan River.  

    It was not Jesus who said   destory this temple and in three days I (GOD) shall raise it up That was God the Father speaking through Jesus' very mouth. It was not Jesus who said   O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that Kill the prophets, and stones them which are sent unto you, how often would I, (GOD) , have gathered your childern together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings and you would not!
    Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I (GOD) say unto you, you shall not see me  (GOD) henceforth, till you shall say, Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord.

    That was God the Father Speaking directly through, the MAN JESUS. GOD the FATHER was TRULY “IN” the SON of MAN JESUS by the ANOINTING He recieved, and GOD, Spoke “directly” through him even as He did the Prophets of old.  God is a Spirit , Jesus is not a Spirit he is a Man, So the Word who is GOD the FATHER was “IN” the MAN JESUS and Spoke directly through the Man Jesus. That never made Jesus a GOD of any kind, as these deluded, false teachers here would have you believe.  IMO

    peace and love to the Israel of God…………………………………………………gene


    all that as been addressed but it seems you did not understand it ,may be later it will come


    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 16 2013,07:22)

    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 15 2013,17:41)

    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 15 2013,12:39)

    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 15 2013,06:44)

    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 14 2013,04:57)

    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 13 2013,18:00)

    not yet done?
    cant you accept that the word in john 1.1 is the son>?

    pls make your own bible. why are you making this hard for you>


    Can't you believe the Word is the Logos of God?

    i believe the Word is the logos of God and that logos is the Christ.
    rev 19.13

    you believe not the whole truth


    So you believe “the word” in scripture should be translated the Christ.

    Isaiah 1:10
    Jammin's version?

    10 Hear the Christ of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom;
    give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah

    Your version sounds strange to my ears.

    we were talking about john 1.1

    are you ok boy??


    Why not any other passage that mentions “the word” as you have just as much evidence to support such a claim, which is to say none.

    read the context


    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 15 2013,23:39)
    Hi Jammin,

    John 1:1 does NOT say the word was Christ.
    John 1:1 instead says “The Word” was GOD!

    End of discussion.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    that is right. the Word was God.
    and that Word is Christ

    Christ was God.
    John 1:1
    New Life Version (NLV)
    Christ Lived Before the World Was Made

    1 The Word (Christ) was in the beginning. The Word was with God. The Word was God.

    John 1:1
    Contemporary English Version (CEV)
    The Word of Life

    1 In the beginning was the one
    who is called the Word.
    The Word was with God
    and was truly God.

    do you understand now?

    if you insist your explanation, you should give me version and not just talk


    Jammin…………..Was John so stupid , that if he wanted us to believe the WORD was JESUS , he couldn't just have written Jesus' name there? Why do you have to force the text to say what in fact it does not say, do you people know more then The Apostle John did, so you can freely just change the text to meet your dogmas. that is one of the reasons there is so much confusion in religion, people say all kind of things the scriptures are not saying. That is why we have so many different bible translations, Trinitarians and Preexistence preachers make their own translations of scripture to fit their false teachings. IMO

    Peace and love…………………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 24 2013,03:04)
    Jammin…………..Was John so stupid , that if he wanted us to believe the WORD was JESUS , he couldn't just have written Jesus' name there? Why do you have to force the text to say what in fact it does not say, do you people know more then The Apostle John did, so you can freely just change the text to meet your dogmas. that is one of the reasons there is so much confusion in religion, people say all kind of things the scriptures are not saying. That is why we have so many different bible translations, Trinitarians and Preexistence preachers make their own translations of scripture to fit their false teachings. IMO

    Peace and love…………………………gene

    John said that the Word was God. Then he said that the Word was made flesh (vs. 14). Then he called the enfleshed Word “the only begotten Son.”

    Line upon line and precept upon precept Gene.


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Aug. 24 2013,01:34)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 24 2013,03:04)
    Jammin…………..Was John so stupid , that if he wanted us to believe the WORD was JESUS , he couldn't just have written Jesus' name there? Why do you have to force the text to say what in fact it does not say, do you people know more then The Apostle John did, so you can freely just change the text to meet your dogmas. that is one of the reasons there is so much confusion in religion, people say all kind of things the scriptures are not saying. That is why we have so many different bible translations, Trinitarians and Preexistence preachers make their own translations of scripture to fit their false teachings. IMO

    Peace and love…………………………gene

    John said that the Word was God. Then he said that the Word was made flesh (vs. 14). Then he called the enfleshed Word “the only begotten Son.”

    Line upon line and precept upon precept Gene.


    Where did Yawheh call his Word the only begotten Son?


    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 23 2013,14:18)

    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 16 2013,07:22)

    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 15 2013,17:41)

    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 15 2013,12:39)

    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 15 2013,06:44)

    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 14 2013,04:57)

    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 13 2013,18:00)

    not yet done?
    cant you accept that the word in john 1.1 is the son>?

    pls make your own bible. why are you making this hard for you>


    Can't you believe the Word is the Logos of God?

    i believe the Word is the logos of God and that logos is the Christ.
    rev 19.13

    you believe not the whole truth


    So you believe “the word” in scripture should be translated the Christ.

    Isaiah 1:10
    Jammin's version?

    10 Hear the Christ of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom;
    give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah

    Your version sounds strange to my ears.

    we were talking about john 1.1

    are you ok boy??


    Why not any other passage that mentions “the word” as you have just as much evidence to support such a claim, which is to say none.

    read the context


    Here is context.

    Genesis 1:1
    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    Hebrews 11:3
    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

    John 1:3
    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 22 2013,05:01)

    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 20 2013,22:01)

    Hebrews 11:3
    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

    The word that does these things is more than just spoken or written communications.

    Okay Kerwin.  Now we're finally getting somewhere.

    WHAT exactly IS that word from Heb 11:3 – the one that is “more than just spoken or written communications” then?


    A man's word is spoken or written while God's Word creates as well as serves as communications. A man's word does not create.


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Aug. 24 2013,06:34)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 24 2013,03:04)
    Jammin…………..Was John so stupid , that if he wanted us to believe the WORD was JESUS , he couldn't just have written Jesus' name there? Why do you have to force the text to say what in fact it does not say, do you people know more then The Apostle John did, so you can freely just change the text to meet your dogmas. that is one of the reasons there is so much confusion in religion, people say all kind of things the scriptures are not saying. That is why we have so many different bible translations, Trinitarians and Preexistence preachers make their own translations of scripture to fit their false teachings. IMO

    Peace and love…………………………gene

    John said that the Word was God. Then he said that the Word was made flesh (vs. 14). Then he called the enfleshed Word “the only begotten Son.”

    Line upon line and precept upon precept Gene.

    That is right, Jack, scripture must be line upon line, and precept upon precept. The Greek word that was translated “the Word” is Logos which means “the saying of God” and this saying embody and idea or plan, the Logos pertains to Jesus, and the Logos is God because through His giving us His Only Begotten Son, God has shown us His character. God is love, and John 3:16-18.

    Furthermore, Jesus is the last Adam. He is a man who through his obedience to God's Word is “the express image of God's person. Genesis 1 God made man in His own image. The 1st man Adam was made “a living soul”, the last Adam was made “a life giving spirit”.

    Is that line upon line, and precept upon precept?

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Aug. 24 2013,06:34)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 24 2013,03:04)
    Jammin…………..Was John so stupid , that if he wanted us to believe the WORD was JESUS , he couldn't just have written Jesus' name there? Why do you have to force the text to say what in fact it does not say, do you people know more then The Apostle John did, so you can freely just change the text to meet your dogmas. that is one of the reasons there is so much confusion in religion, people say all kind of things the scriptures are not saying. That is why we have so many different bible translations, Trinitarians and Preexistence preachers make their own translations of scripture to fit their false teachings. IMO

    Peace and love…………………………gene

    John said that the Word was God. Then he said that the Word was made flesh (vs. 14). Then he called the enfleshed Word “the only begotten Son.”

    Line upon line and precept upon precept Gene.

    KJ……. Hope everything is OK with you and your Family KJ.

    KJ Hears the way i see it brother, Jesus never said he was a GOD , but he did say GOD was “IN” HIM, over and over and said the Son of Man (Jesus) could do “NOTHING” of, or From “HIMSELF”, but the Father (GOD) who was “IN” HIM, HE Did the WORKS. He also said he had a God, the same God as we have. Now how could a GOD have a GOD?.

    God and his words are one and the same, and God is a Spirit so is his words and the Anointing Spirit or (Christos) was “IN” the MAN Jesus, and that is how, the Word who is the ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD, came to be “IN” The Flesh Man JESUS> When GOD, who is the WORD, which is SPIRIT, came to be FLESH, was when it came into the Flesh man Jesus and united with Him in union as ONE He can be in US also through the same process, by receiving of the HOLY SPIRIT into us, Then God is in us just as he was in Jesus, that is why Jesus said I in you and you IN Me and IN the Fathers , we all become one with God and Jesus through the same spirit that was in Jesus. This is the SEED that God plants into us, which causes us to become his childern. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 23 2013,10:04)
    Was John so stupid , that if he wanted us to believe the WORD was JESUS , he couldn't just have written Jesus

    Did John write “Jesus” in Revelation 19:13 Gene? YES or NO?


    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 23 2013,18:43)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 22 2013,05:01)

    Okay Kerwin.  Now we're finally getting somewhere.

    WHAT exactly IS that word from Heb 11:3 – the one that is “more than just spoken or written communications” then?


    A man's word is spoken or written while God's Word creates as well as serves as communications. A man's word does not create.

    So are you saying that the Word of God is an entity INDIVIDUAL FROM God Himself? And when God speaks, He is actually commanding this INDIVIDUAL ENTITY to go and create things?

    Or are you saying that God can speak a regular old word out of His mouth, and the things He spoke come to be?

    Which one?

    Because if it is the former, then God's Word as an individual entity would align with Jesus being that entity.

    And if the latter, then you've only shown that when God speaks a word, what He spoke comes to be. And in that case, “word” still only refers to a word that God spoke, and nothing more.


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Aug. 23 2013,13:34)
    John said that the Word was God. Then he said that the Word was made flesh (vs. 14). Then he called the enfleshed Word “the only begotten Son.”

    Line upon line and precept upon precept Gene.

    But that would mean that God Himself became flesh and dwelled on earth with the glory of His own only begotten Son.

    And we all know that God remained in heaven while His only begotten Son was on earth.

    Precept upon precept, Jack.

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