JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #344384

    Quote (abe @ May 13 2013,01:03)
    Do angels have souls?

    Absolutely. Their Father and God has a soul………. why wouldn't they?

    Some of us will become “like the angels”, Abe. Will those of us “lose their souls” when that happens?


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 13 2013,08:23)
    God could have been just as well, speaking to His Seven spirits that are before his Throne of God.

    But you don't think spirits are “beings”, Gene. So how does God go about talking to these non-being spirits as if they were persons?

    Also, don't you constantly insist that spirits are “what is IN someone”? Who exactly are the seven spirits before God's throne IN?

    On the other hand, if the word “spirit” is used in scripture to describe various spirit BEINGS (as it IS), then these seven spirits of God could possibly be seven spirit BEINGS – like the spirit beings who sing before His throne day and night.

    In that case, those seven spirit BEINGS could possibly be some of the ones to whom God was speaking in Gen 1:26.


    Mike….I think it would be good to describe what a “BEING” IS, at this point . I believe spirits are not beings themselves I believe spirits are what is “IN” beings, one could say they make the body they are in beings , if you consider the mind of a person is the being within the body. I view spirits as attributes that contribute to what makes up a being , the combination of them in a body constitutes a living soul to me. If a spirit has no body it is considered as naked , it need a body to rest in IMO. Even the spirit of God , it says earnestly desires us. I believe that God who is spirit lives vicariously in and through his creation. Mike that is why I truly believe GOD the Father was truly in Jesus, just as he said. I do believe when Thomas said “my Lord and my God” he truly meant both Jesus and God the Father was present, God the father was “IN” Jesus . Doesn't scripture say the fullness of God dwelt “in” him. You need to define you meaning of what a “being” is and consists of. IMO

    Mike here is something to consider, it may take seven spirits to constitute a complete person or being, perhaps God was referring to those seven spirits as a single entity , this is only speculation on my part, but it does seem plausible .

    Peace and love to you and yours…………………………….gene



    As I just explained to Abe in the other thread, a “being” is a person, who has their own mind, thoughts, will, power, etc. They are an individual, and can come and go.

    A lion is a living being. Jesus is a being. A man is a being. Angels are beings. Satan is a being. God is a being. The Holy Spirit is NOT a being, but an extension or part of God, who IS a being.

    The “spirit of friendship” is NOT a being. “Team spirit” is NOT a being.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 14 2013,11:31)

    Quote (jammin @ May 12 2013,21:09)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 13 2013,11:12)

    I'm asking you to find a Hebrew or Greek word that specifically MEANS “omnipresence”.

    I'm willing to admit I was wrong and learn from scripture, jammin.  But only if you are able to produce that scripture for me.

    here is your request boy

    ps 139.7
    אנה אלך מרוחך ואנה מפניך אברח׃

    That is a great scripture for learning that there is no place any of us can go to “hide” from God.  Anywhere we could possibly go, He can go there too.  However, that psalm doesn't say anything about God being “everywhere, all the time”.  And that is the meaning of “omnipresent”.

    Here's one for you to consider:

    Job 1 NIV
    6 One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them. 7 The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?”

    jammin, how can the angels COME to God?  If God is truly “everywhere, all the time”, then God already WAS wherever any of those angels were.

    How can you “COME” to someone who was already right there with you the whole time?

    And why would God ask Satan where he had come from?  Wouldn't God have been right there with Satan the whole time if He was truly “everywhere, all the time”?

    These are some things you need to consider.

    i gave you the verse boy.
    it said that God is everywhere.
    this is your problem. you cant understand english and you are asking for hebrew.
    i gave hebrew but you cant understand the verse. this is worst mate LOL

    you have a brain problem.

    job1.6 did not say that God is not everywhere. that is only in your imagination.
    you cant read that in job 1.6 even in other versions. that is 100% sure.

    mike make your own bible and put your imaginations so that you can have verse.

    the bible is really clear that GOD is everywhere and you cant ignore that truth.



    you dont understand job 1.6

    you dont understand the meaning of GOD is everywhere.

    you ask for hebrew, i gave it to you but you dont understand the verse.
    that is why im telling you that you should read english frist bec hebrew is not for you,
    you dont understand what you are saying boy. you need to study hard before talking.
    you talk non sense.

    ‘Am I a God near at hand,' says the Lord, ‘and not a God afar off? Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?' . . . ‘do I not fill heaven and earth?' says the Lord? (Jeremiah 23:23,24).

    do you understand that?


    Jammin……….you are right on this one brother, IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours boy……………………….gene


    Quote (terraricca @ May 13 2013,08:08)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 13 2013,07:55)


    All I am saying is translators are blind guides. I am not willing to follow them if God gives me means to test their work.  

    I am but a watchman,  I shout the warning but those that heed it look to the King and the God for salvation.


    you do not understand what I have said or mean;

    you have first to acknowledge that the scriptures are the written word of God ;and this can only be done by reading it as it is ,if you try to become an expert in testing what you do not understand or know then you have not come to accept the written words of God but have become a judge of it ,

    you show a lack of trust in God 's words as they are and so judge it and only accept what YOU HAVE DECLARE GOOD ,

    this is only a remark of what I come to notice


    The sum of the gospel is Jehovah promised those that hunger and thirst for righteousness that they would become like him in true righteousness and holiness.  He accomplished his promise for those whom persevering in believing it via faith that Jesus Anointed is the way.  

    Even with the blunderings and mischief of translators that message is still there for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.


    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,08:49)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 13 2013,12:43)

    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,04:33)

    God is not talking to his angels in gen 1.26
    stop making stories


    Genesis 3:22
    King James Version (KJV)

    22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

    He does the same thing here as humanity did not become Yawheh by gaining the knowledge of good and evil.

    make your own bible
    and put in gen 1.26 God is talking angels


    Do you believe “the man is become as one of us” means that Adam became one of “the persons” that have the Yawheh “nature”?


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 13 2013,20:23)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 13 2013,12:47)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 13 2013,00:09)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 10 2013,22:56)
    ……..Jehovah was speaking with the angels.

    Then we both agree that the ONE Jehovah was speaking to His angels.  Good.


    That is a given though it is clearer when Jehovah is called Jehovah Elohim in chapter 3.

    Kerwin……….Mike is trying desperately to get you to agree with him about those scriptures, saying the LORD (YAHWEH) our God,  was talking to Angels, and in fact the word “Angels” is not so much as even mention there. God could have been just as well, speaking to His Seven spirits that are before his Throne.

    It's all speculation when we add Words to what is actually written, and that is what causes all these false teachings IMO. Not saying it is wrong to speculate, but when we start saying it is Scripture then that is another thing. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………..gene


    Mike is trying to convince me that Jesus was one of the angels and it is merely speculation on his part.

    There is but one Spirit though it does have multiple aspects. I know of nowhere in Scripture that God actually speaks to his own Spirit. On the other hand he does speak to angels on a fairly consistent basis.

    In addition certain angels are said to have the outward appearance of humanity while neither God or his Spirit have it.


    Quote (kerwin @ May 15 2013,05:25)

    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,08:49)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 13 2013,12:43)

    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,04:33)

    God is not talking to his angels in gen 1.26
    stop making stories


    Genesis 3:22
    King James Version (KJV)

    22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

    He does the same thing here as humanity did not become Yawheh by gaining the knowledge of good and evil.

    make your own bible
    and put in gen 1.26 God is talking angels


    Do you believe “the man is become as one of us” means that Adam became one of “the persons” that have the Yawheh “nature”?

    you must solve your problem first regarding GOD is talking to his angels in gen 1.26 before making any question.

    give me a version and not stories



    Who WAS God talking to in Gen 1:26? Himself?

    (Guys, notice that I've asked this very question about 5 times already. Also notice that jammin hasn't yet answer it. I wonder why. Perhaps his answer IS that God was talking to HIMSELF – and he knows how absurd that sounds when it is said “out loud”.)


    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,23:23)
    i gave you the verse boy.
    it said that God is everywhere.
    this is your problem.

    Yes, you did give me a verse.  Unfortunately, that verse didn't come close to saying “God is everywhere all the time”.  It seems that you, Gene, and most people WANT it to say that…….. but that is just wishful thinking on your parts.  So the “problem” remains with YOU – not me.

    Gene and jammin, have you considered that there is nowhere any of us can go to hide from the vast array of cameras these days?  Every inch of our planet is under constant surveillance from cameras on satellites.  Most of it is also under surveillance from traffic cams, helicopter cams, personal business cams, etc. (Did you see how fast they figured out who the Boston bombers were – just from various cameras?)

    So if one man sat behind a desk, looking at the one hundred cameras that take pictures of YOU any given day of the week, would that man be “omnipresent” – just because there was no place you could go to hide from him?  YES or NO?

    Try not to read things into the scriptures that aren't really there.

    Okay, so that's your FIRST problem jammin – that your verse doesn't really say what you want it to say.

    The SECOND problem you have is how to answer the questions I asked you.  Job 1:6 says the angels CAME to present themselves before God.

    If God was truly “everywhere all the time”, would any of those angels have had to COME to present themselves before God?  Or would God have already BEEN everywhere that all the them were BEFORE they CAME to Him?

    Which one?


    Quote (jammin @ May 15 2013,04:31)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 15 2013,05:25)

    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,08:49)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 13 2013,12:43)

    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,04:33)

    God is not talking to his angels in gen 1.26
    stop making stories


    Genesis 3:22
    King James Version (KJV)

    22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

    He does the same thing here as humanity did not become Yawheh by gaining the knowledge of good and evil.

    make your own bible
    and put in gen 1.26 God is talking angels


    Do you believe “the man is become as one of us” means that Adam became one of “the persons” that have the Yawheh “nature”?

    you must solve your problem first regarding GOD is talking to his angels in gen 1.26 before making any question.

    give me a version and not stories


    The angels are on the same team as God and so they partook of his victory.

    It is written Yawheh Elohim is Elohim of the Elohim.


    Quote (jammin @ May 15 2013,04:31)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 15 2013,05:25)

    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,08:49)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 13 2013,12:43)

    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,04:33)

    God is not talking to his angels in gen 1.26
    stop making stories


    Genesis 3:22
    King James Version (KJV)

    22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

    He does the same thing here as humanity did not become Yawheh by gaining the knowledge of good and evil.

    make your own bible
    and put in gen 1.26 God is talking angels


    Do you believe “the man is become as one of us” means that Adam became one of “the persons” that have the Yawheh “nature”?

    you must solve your problem first regarding GOD is talking to his angels in gen 1.26 before making any question.

    give me a version and not stories


    You are evading an uncomfortable point. I assume you don't know how to hold to your chosen teaching and yet answer my question.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 15 2013,10:28)

    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,23:23)
    i gave you the verse boy.
    it said that God is everywhere.
    this is your problem.

    Yes, you did give me a verse.  Unfortunately, that verse didn't come close to saying “God is everywhere all the time”.  It seems that you, Gene, and most people WANT it to say that…….. but that is just wishful thinking on your parts.  So the “problem” remains with YOU – not me.

    Gene and jammin, have you considered that there is nowhere any of us can go to hide from the vast array of cameras these days?  Every inch of our planet is under constant surveillance from cameras on satellites.  Most of it is also under surveillance from traffic cams, helicopter cams, personal business cams, etc.  (Did you see how fast they figured out who the Boston bombers were – just from various cameras?)

    So if one man sat behind a desk, looking at the one hundred cameras that take pictures of YOU any given day of the week, would that man be “omnipresent” – just because there was no place you could go to hide from him?  YES or NO?

    Try not to read things into the scriptures that aren't really there.

    Okay, so that's your FIRST problem jammin – that your verse doesn't really say what you want it to say.

    The SECOND problem you have is how to answer the questions I asked you.  Job 1:6 says the angels CAME to present themselves before God.

    If God was truly “everywhere all the time”, would any of those angels have had to COME to present themselves before God?  Or would God have already BEEN everywhere that all the them were BEFORE they CAME to Him?

    Which one?

    the verse said GOD is everywhere but you cant understand it boy.
    that is why i told you, you should study english bible first before asking me hebrew bec you dont understand the bible well.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 15 2013,10:11)

    Who WAS God talking to in Gen 1:26?  Himself?

    (Guys, notice that I've asked this very question about 5 times already.  Also notice that jammin hasn't yet answer it.  I wonder why.  Perhaps his answer IS that God was talking to HIMSELF – and he knows how absurd that sounds when it is said “out loud”.)

    not to his angels.

    but to the son,hs

    GOD (father,son,hs)

    do you understand what im saying?


    Quote (kerwin @ May 15 2013,10:35)

    Quote (jammin @ May 15 2013,04:31)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 15 2013,05:25)

    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,08:49)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 13 2013,12:43)

    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,04:33)

    God is not talking to his angels in gen 1.26
    stop making stories


    Genesis 3:22
    King James Version (KJV)

    22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

    He does the same thing here as humanity did not become Yawheh by gaining the knowledge of good and evil.

    make your own bible
    and put in gen 1.26 God is talking angels


    Do you believe “the man is become as one of us” means that Adam became one of “the persons” that have the Yawheh “nature”?

    you must solve your problem first regarding GOD is talking to his angels in gen 1.26 before making any question.

    give me a version and not stories


    You are evading an uncomfortable point.  I assume you don't know how to hold to your chosen teaching and yet answer my question.

    i do not need your awful opinion.

    i need version

    can you give me one or not?

    until now im still waiting for you and mike to give a single version that says in gen 1.26 that GOD is talking to his angels.

    i do not want footnote.,
    i need version


    Quote (jammin @ May 15 2013,08:32)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 15 2013,10:35)

    Quote (jammin @ May 15 2013,04:31)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 15 2013,05:25)

    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,08:49)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 13 2013,12:43)

    Quote (jammin @ May 13 2013,04:33)

    God is not talking to his angels in gen 1.26
    stop making stories


    Genesis 3:22
    King James Version (KJV)

    22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

    He does the same thing here as humanity did not become Yawheh by gaining the knowledge of good and evil.

    make your own bible
    and put in gen 1.26 God is talking angels


    Do you believe “the man is become as one of us” means that Adam became one of “the persons” that have the Yawheh “nature”?

    you must solve your problem first regarding GOD is talking to his angels in gen 1.26 before making any question.

    give me a version and not stories


    You are evading an uncomfortable point.  I assume you don't know how to hold to your chosen teaching and yet answer my question.

    i do not need your awful opinion.

    i need version

    can you give me one or not?

    until now im still waiting for you and mike to give a single version that says in gen 1.26 that GOD is talking to his angels.

    i do not want footnote.,
    i need version


    The verse itself teaches that if you know the relationship between Yawheh and his angels. I used another scripture that speaks of that relationship so that you have no excuse.



    im asking you for a version. do not explain.

    in a court, you cant prove your case if you dont have evidence.

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