JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #343743

    To All……….God was not speaking to his angles at all, they have no creative ability, but he was speaking to the SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD which are before the Throne of The LORD “YAHWEH” who is our God, he used those SEVEN SPIRITS to create all his creation. Jesus is not the us mentioned there nor are the Angles either. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 04 2013,07:18)
    To All……….God was not speaking to his angles at all, they have no creative ability, but he was speaking to the SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD which are before the Throne of The LORD “YAHWEH” who is our God, he used those SEVEN SPIRITS to create all his creation. Jesus is not the us mentioned there nor are the Angles either. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………………gene

    Hi Gene,


    Rev.4:5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

    When were these 7 Spirits created?

    Peace brother.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 04 2013,09:45)
    I enjoyed that read, Kerwin.  Among the many TRINITARIAN scholars who believe God was talking to His angels in Gen 1:26 was this quote from the NIV Study Bible:

    God speaks as the Creator-king, announcing His crowning work to the members of His heavenly court (see 3:22; 11:7; Isaiah 6:8; I Kings 22:19-23; Job 15:8; Jeremiah 23:18).

    The NIV was produced by over 100 TRINITARIAN scholars, each of whom had to sign off on being a Trinitarian before they were even allowed on the project.  So there are 100 more Trinitarian scholars to add to the 25 Trinitarian scholars I already quoted from NETNotes – who say the same thing.

    jammin, have you even bothered to read those comparison scriptures that the NIV and NET scholars listed as support for their conclusion?

    You should read them.  And while you're at it, read the link Kerwin posted.  It is a very short and to-the-point letter, which contains a few quotes of prominent TRINITARIANS who all believe God was speaking to His angels in 1:26.


    I believe Elohim was all the heavenly host, including Jehovah.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 04 2013,21:18)
    To All……….God was not speaking to his angles at all, they have no creative ability, but he was speaking to the SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD which are before the Throne of The LORD “YAHWEH” who is our God, he used those SEVEN SPIRITS to create all his creation. Jesus is not the us mentioned there nor are the Angles either. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………………gene


    Traditionally gods is though to be singular for the reasons you give but Yawheh is in his angels.  The angels are present after the heaven are finished being created.  So far Scripture states that man is “made” it does not state he was created.  I have not looked into the matter.


    Quote (kerwin @ May 04 2013,14:06)

    I believe Elohim was all the heavenly host, including Jehovah.

    So you believe it should go like this:

    And all the heavenly hosts said, “Let us make man in our image and our likeness.” And then all the heavenly hosts proceeded to make man in their image. ???


    Quote (abe @ May 04 2013,12:53)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 04 2013,07:18)
    To All……….God was not speaking to his angles at all, they have no creative ability, but he was speaking to the SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD which are before the Throne of The LORD “YAHWEH” who is our God, he used those SEVEN SPIRITS to create all his creation. Jesus is not the us mentioned there nor are the Angles either. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………………gene

    Hi Gene,


    Oh brother. ???

    Gene and Abe, are these 7 spirits of God PERSONS who have their own minds and thoughts? Are they spirit BEINGS?


    Quote (kerwin @ May 05 2013,02:21)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 04 2013,21:18)
    To All……….God was not speaking to his angles at all, they have no creative ability, but he was speaking to the SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD which are before the Throne of The LORD “YAHWEH” who is our God, he used those SEVEN SPIRITS to create all his creation. Jesus is not the us mentioned there nor are the Angles either. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………………gene


    Traditionally gods is though to be singular for the reasons you give but Yawheh is in his angels.  The angels are present after the heaven are finished being created.  So far Scripture states that man is “made” it does not state he was created.  I have not looked into the matter.


    It does say God created man in the next line.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 04 2013,16:45)
    Among the many TRINITARIAN scholars….

    The NIV was produced by over 100 TRINITARIAN scholars…


    So there are 100 more Trinitarian scholars to add to the 25 Trinitarian scholars..

    I already quoted from NETNotes – who say the same thing.

    NET scholars listed as support for their conclusion?

    See, there you go again. All in the one post.
    May I ask WHY you are continually quoting from “NETNOTES” and Trinitarian scholars? Everywhere I look are “NETNOTES” quotes.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 05 2013,10:30)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 04 2013,14:06)

    I believe Elohim was all the heavenly host, including Jehovah.

    So you believe it should go like this:

    And all the heavenly hosts said, “Let us make man in our image and our likeness.”  And then all the heavenly hosts proceeded to make man in their image.   ???


    The heavenly team created man, each member doing his part according to Yahweh's command.  


    The bench-warmer said we won the game.

    Perhaps an early reference to the unity of the Spirit as it was at that time?


    Quote (abe @ May 05 2013,07:53)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 04 2013,07:18)
    To All……….God was not speaking to his angles at all, they have no creative ability, but he was speaking to the SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD which are before the Throne of The LORD “YAHWEH” who is our God, he used those SEVEN SPIRITS to create all his creation. Jesus is not the us mentioned there nor are the Angles either. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………………gene

    Hi Gene,


    Rev.4:5   And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the  seven  Spirits of God.

    When were these 7 Spirits created?

    Peace brother.


    What are the seven spirits before God and where is the Holy Spirit in that? I would really like your opinion.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 04 2013,20:31)

    Quote (abe @ May 04 2013,12:53)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 04 2013,07:18)
    To All……….God was not speaking to his angles at all, they have no creative ability, but he was speaking to the SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD which are before the Throne of The LORD “YAHWEH” who is our God, he used those SEVEN SPIRITS to create all his creation. Jesus is not the us mentioned there nor are the Angles either. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………………gene

    Hi Gene,


    Oh brother.  ???

    Gene and Abe, are these 7 spirits of God PERSONS who have their own minds and thoughts?  Are they spirit BEINGS?

    Hi Mike,

    Is.11:1 Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, And a branch from his roots will bear fruit.
    2The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD.

    Rev.4:5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

    The Spirit of the Lord is ONE of Seven.

    Peace brother…



    The spirit of the Lord,
    The spirit of wisdom
    The spirit of understanding
    The spirit of counsel
    The spirit of strength
    The spirit of knowledge
    The spirit of fear of the Lord

    That is seven! Well done.


    Abe and 2bsee………..You both have it right brothers. These sven spirts are called also, the eyes of God, they imput to the mind of LORD our God there own destinct atributes, they drive the will of God , they are the composition of One God each a member of who he is. And to me this was who the Lord our God was speaking to when he said in Genesis “let us make man in “OUR” Image. These Spirits work in all the earth , Just as it says “they go forth into the world” proceeding from the throne of God.

    Jesus has the seven Spirits or eyes of God, with the seven horns (powers) and with these he will set up the Kingdom of God on this earth when he returns .  So it can be truthfully said it is the Kingdom of GOD even though Jesus the man is its “PHYSICAL” head untill the end of the thousand years are over , then it will be turned back to GOD the Father who gave it and established it through Jesus in the first place. So when it said ” sit on my right hand untill (I) make you enemies your foot stool” it is true, because it will Be The seven Spirits of God working through the man Jesus, brining all that about by those Sprit given him and guiding him from the LORD (Yahweh ) our God who is Spirit. IMO

    peace and love to you both…………………………………………………..gene


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 05 2013,15:31)

    Quote (abe @ May 04 2013,12:53)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 04 2013,07:18)
    To All……….God was not speaking to his angles at all, they have no creative ability, but he was speaking to the SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD which are before the Throne of The LORD “YAHWEH” who is our God, he used those SEVEN SPIRITS to create all his creation. Jesus is not the us mentioned there nor are the Angles either. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………………gene

    Hi Gene,


    Oh brother.  ???

    Gene and Abe, are these 7 spirits of God PERSONS who have their own minds and thoughts?  Are they spirit BEINGS?

    Mike………No they are Spirits, individual (intellects) or Atributes that compose the one mind of God. If you understood what a Sprit is you could easly undersand what i said. The problem is Mike you think one Sprit makes a whole Person when in fact it doesn't, it is just makes a Part of the whole person and gives its paticluar influence to that person.

    We can open up ourselves to these spirits, and they will come into us and effect us, All Spritis desire us,  it says that the Spirit of God,   “EARNESTLY” DESIRES US”.  God live varcariousely through his creation, IMO

    peace and lvoe to you and yours………………………….gene


    Quote (2besee @ May 04 2013,21:39)

    Quote (abe @ May 05 2013,07:53)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 04 2013,07:18)
    To All……….God was not speaking to his angles at all, they have no creative ability, but he was speaking to the SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD which are before the Throne of The LORD “YAHWEH” who is our God, he used those SEVEN SPIRITS to create all his creation. Jesus is not the us mentioned there nor are the Angles either. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………………gene

    Hi Gene,


    Rev.4:5   And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the  seven  Spirits of God.

    When were these 7 Spirits created?

    Peace brother.


    What are the seven spirits before God and where is the Holy Spirit in that? I would really like your opinion.

    Hi 2b,

    Rev.4:5   And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the  seven  Spirits of God.

    “before”     the throne,

    1799 enṓpion – literally, “in the eye (of God),” used for how all things happen under God's watch, i.e. in keeping with His plan built on His absolute knowledge.

    NASB Translation
    before (46), front (1), presence (20), sight (22).

    In the  Eye  of the Throne.    LITERALLY.

    I count 36 times used in Revelations.

    Peace brother.


    Quote (kerwin @ May 03 2013,19:47)

    Quote (jammin @ May 03 2013,10:57)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 03 2013,15:08)

    Quote (jammin @ May 03 2013,04:16)

    they worshipped jesus bec he is God. (not the father but the Son)

    john 20.28

    thomas said to jesus , my Lord and my God.

    what about commentary?
    let me post what commentary said

    mat 28.9

    Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

    …and worshipped him: with divine adoration, expressing their love to him; their faith and hope in him, owning him to be their Lord and God; he being, by his resurrection from the dead, declared to be the Son of God, with power; and so the proper object of religious worship.

    btw i still an assignment for you.
    where is your hebrew bible that says in gen 1.26 that God is talking to his angels?

    i can wait boy.
    ill give million yrs LOL


    And how does Gill get all that out of a few words that can mean they paid obeisance to the King of the Jews.

    Elohim, translated God, means angels in some contexts.

    then give me an english version that says in gen 1.26 that GOD is talking to his angels.
    dont waste my time mate.
    give me version and stop talking./


    So you wand me to quote the translations of the apostate church as evidence.  Elohim is plural because the context is plural.  That translation seems at odd with the fact God alone created the universe.


    This argument, however, is deeply flawed, and, accordingly, a great number of Trinitarian theologians have long rejected the notion that Genesis 1:26 implies a plurality of persons in the godhead. Rather, Christian scholars overwhelmingly agree that the plural pronoun in this verse is a reference to God’s ministering angels who were created previously, and the Almighty spoke majestically in the plural, consulting His heavenly court. Let’s read the comments of a number of preeminent Trinitarian Bible scholars on this subject.

    Note: My Source is Rabbi Singer

    Therefore you cnt give me a version but opinion.make your own lol


    Mike im still waiting for your answer. You said God is not everywhere.but what if i cn read that to you,will you accept that you are a false teacher?


    Abe and Gene, interesting thanks.


    Do the seven spirits combined make the Holy Spirit?


    “The Holy Spirit combines the 7 Spirits of God,  expressions of God's character, personality or nature.

    Seven Spiritual attributes or anointings that express the character of God

    – Spirit of Weeping and Sorrow, Holy Spirit Travail, Anointings,
    -Holiness the Spirit of Holiness
    -The Spirit of Mercy and Compassion,
    -Joy or Rejoicing
    -Spirit of Zeal
    -Spirit of Power
    -Spirit of Wisdom and Truth.



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 06 2013,03:02)
    And to me this was who the Lord our God was speaking to when he said in Genesis “let us make man in “OUR” Image.

    Gene, yes I agree.

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