JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #343620

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 02 2013,12:34)
    I just said that ANYONE can be worshiped, didn't I?

    But WE are told to worship and serve ONLY Jehovah, our God………. NOT any of His many angels.

    are you sure, anyone?

    let me post the bible

    rev 19.10
    At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”

    can you see that?

    try to go back to school boy


    Quote (jammin @ May 02 2013,10:26)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 02 2013,12:34)
    I just said that ANYONE can be worshiped, didn't I?

    But WE are told to worship and serve ONLY Jehovah, our God………. NOT any of His many angels.

    are you sure, anyone?

    let me post the bible

    rev 19.10
    At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”

    can you see that?

    try to go back to school boy


    Do you bow to those of equal rank?

    Do you think, as you inferred, John worshiped angels?

    You need to look deeper into your words because you are saying things that make you look full of the lack of understanding.


    Quote (kerwin @ May 02 2013,17:00)

    Quote (jammin @ May 02 2013,10:26)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 02 2013,12:34)
    I just said that ANYONE can be worshiped, didn't I?

    But WE are told to worship and serve ONLY Jehovah, our God………. NOT any of His many angels.

    are you sure, anyone?

    let me post the bible

    rev 19.10
    At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”

    can you see that?

    try to go back to school boy


    Do you bow to those of equal rank?

    Do you think, as you inferred, John worshiped angels?

    You need to look deeper into your words because you are saying things that make you look full of the lack of understanding.

    dont you see the whole post??

    mike said anyone can be worshipped.
    do you understand that?>
    maybe you should read all the infor here before making any comments,


    Mike………Look at Isaiah again ,  in verse 6, it say “for thus says the Lord (adonay) An “emphatic” (used as a “proper” name of God “ONLY”: (my) Lord.

    That “proper name” is is “YAHWEH” or in you case Jehoveh,  now loolk at verse 8, the word for Lord used there is (adon0 a completely different word, from an unused root (meaning to rule) ; sovereign, that is controller (human or devine) lord master, owner,  This word is a completely different word. A human Judge or magistrate can be a Lord (adon) but can tnot be a (adonay) that is GOD'S Personal Positions .

    Just as David said My LORD  (adonay)(YAHWEH) said unto my Lord  (adon)  a human lord or master (meaning the man Jesus) .

    They are not the same words nor do the have the same meanings at all MIKE. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………..gen


    Quote (jammin @ May 02 2013,12:49)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 02 2013,17:00)

    Quote (jammin @ May 02 2013,10:26)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 02 2013,12:34)
    I just said that ANYONE can be worshiped, didn't I?

    But WE are told to worship and serve ONLY Jehovah, our God………. NOT any of His many angels.

    are you sure, anyone?

    let me post the bible

    rev 19.10
    At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”

    can you see that?

    try to go back to school boy


    Do you bow to those of equal rank?

    Do you think, as you inferred, John worshiped angels?

    You need to look deeper into your words because you are saying things that make you look full of the lack of understanding.

    dont you see the whole post??

    mike said anyone can be worshipped.
    do you understand that?>
    maybe you should read all the infor here before making any comments,


    Anyone of rank can be worshiped, as in paid obeisance.

    Matthew 28:9
    Darby Translation (DARBY)

    9 And as they went to bring his disciples word, behold also, Jesus met them, saying, Hail! And they coming up took him by the feet, and did him homage.


    Matthew 28:9
    Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

    9 and as they were going to tell to his disciples, then lo, Jesus met them, saying, `Hail!' and they having come near, laid hold of his feet, and did bow to him.

    Matthew 28:9
    King James Version (KJV)

    9 And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.



    they worshipped jesus bec he is God. (not the father but the Son)

    john 20.28

    thomas said to jesus , my Lord and my God.

    what about commentary?
    let me post what commentary said

    mat 28.9

    Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

    …and worshipped him: with divine adoration, expressing their love to him; their faith and hope in him, owning him to be their Lord and God; he being, by his resurrection from the dead, declared to be the Son of God, with power; and so the proper object of religious worship.

    btw i still an assignment for you.
    where is your hebrew bible that says in gen 1.26 that God is talking to his angels?

    i can wait boy.
    ill give million yrs LOL


    Quote (jammin @ May 01 2013,22:26)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 02 2013,12:34)
    I just said that ANYONE can be worshiped, didn't I?

    But WE are told to worship and serve ONLY Jehovah, our God………. NOT any of His many angels.

    are you sure, anyone?

    let me post the bible

    rev 19.10
    At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”

    can you see that?

    try to go back to school boy

    I'm not sure how what you posted disagrees with what I said, jammin.  ???

    WE are to worship ONLY God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.

    But CAN a rock star be worshiped by someone who doesn't follow the commands of God and Jesus?  YES they CAN!  Because, like I keep telling you, ANYONE can be worshiped.  Satan can be worshiped – and is by some people.  Angels can be worshiped – and are by some people.  Stone idols can be worshiped – and are by some people.

    Are you starting to understand me now?   ???

    Anybody CAN BE worshiped, because it is PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE to worship ANYONE or ANYTHING.  But are we SUPPOSED TO worship those things and people?  NO.  For us, there is but ONE God, the Father.  He alone is the One we are to worship.  Not any of His angels, like Jesus, or the one John tried to worship in Revelation.

    Get it?  We CAN (are physically ABLE to) worship them, but we are not SUPPOSED TO.

    And since you've just acknowledged that Jesus is an angel OF Jehovah, you should know better than to worship him. Even HE told us that we are to worship and serve ONLY Jehovah, our God.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 03 2013,09:27)

    Quote (jammin @ May 01 2013,22:26)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 02 2013,12:34)
    I just said that ANYONE can be worshiped, didn't I?

    But WE are told to worship and serve ONLY Jehovah, our God………. NOT any of His many angels.

    are you sure, anyone?

    let me post the bible

    rev 19.10
    At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”

    can you see that?

    try to go back to school boy

    I'm not sure how what you posted disagrees with what I said, jammin.  ???

    WE are to worship ONLY God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.

    But CAN a rock star be worshiped by someone who doesn't follow the commands of God and Jesus?  YES they CAN!  Because, like I keep telling you, ANYONE can be worshiped.  Satan can be worshiped – and is by some people.  Angels can be worshiped – and are by some people.  Stone idols can be worshiped – and are by some people.

    Are you starting to understand me now?   ???

    Anybody CAN BE worshiped, because it is PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE to worship ANYONE or ANYTHING.  But are we SUPPOSED TO worship those things and people?  NO.  For us, there is but ONE God, the Father.  He alone is the One we are to worship.  Not any of His angels, like Jesus, or the one John tried to worship in Revelation.

    Get it?  We CAN (are physically ABLE to) worship them, but we are not SUPPOSED TO.

    And since you've just acknowledged that Jesus is an angel OF Jehovah, you should know better than to worship him.  Even HE told us that we are to worship and serve ONLY Jehovah, our God.

    that is your opinion boy.
    but in the bible not anyone can be worshipped.



    the bible said that Jesus is a messenger of God.
    the bible also said he is the son of God.
    the bible said he is the Word
    the bible said he is the Rock
    the bible said he is Lord


    this last part is the one that you cant accept boy.

    make your own bible


    Quote (jammin @ May 02 2013,16:16)
    Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

    …and worshipped him: with divine adoration, expressing their love to him; their faith and hope in him, owning him to be their Lord and God; he being, by his resurrection from the dead, declared to be the Son of God, with power; and so the proper object of religious worship.

    They figured that he was their “Lord and God” because they knew he was the Son of God?   ???

    What is Gill talking about, jammin?  How did the disciples (or ANY sensible person, for that matter) conclude that Jesus was the very God he was the Son of?

    Surely if you read the NT, it is abundantly clear that all the disciples knew Jesus was the Son of God, and therefore someone OTHER THAN God Almighty.  

    Here, I'll post just one out of hundreds:

    Hebrews 7:25
    25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.

    How can we come to “God” THROUGH Jesus Christ?  If Jesus WAS “God”, then by the time we reached him, we'd already BE WITH “God”, right?  But instead, Jesus is the mediator BETWEEN us and God.  He is at God's right hand, INTERCEDING on our behalf, jammin. (Romans 8:34)

    Look up the word “intercede”, and find out exactly what Jesus does for us.


    Quote (jammin @ May 02 2013,16:40)

    the bible said that Jesus is a messenger of God.
    the bible also said he is the son of God.
    the bible said he is the Word
    the bible said he is the Rock
    the bible said he is Lord


    this last part is the one that you cant accept boy.

    make your own bible

    Correct.  I can't accept that last part, because there is no scripture that teaches such a thing.  But let's assume I DID accept that last part……… look at how it changes the other things you posted.  Since we both accept that there is but ONE Almighty God, your first sentence would say:

    the bible said that Jesus is a messenger of the very God he IS.

    Your second would say:

    the bible also said he is the son of the very God he IS.

    The third would say:

    the bible said he is the Word of the very God he IS.

    Can you REALLY not see how these statements are nonsensical?  REALLY?  ???


    i believe he is at God's right hand
    i believe he is the mediator between us and God

    but the question is who is that God you are referring to?

    that God is the father and not the SON!

    do you understand what you are saying boy?

    the father is God
    the son is God

    you are human
    your father is human.

    do you understand that?


    Do me and my father together have ONE spirit? Or two?

    Do we have ONE soul? Or two?

    Do we have ONE mind? Or two?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 03 2013,10:16)
    Do me and my father together have ONE spirit?  Or two?  

    Do we have ONE soul?  Or two?  

    Do we have ONE mind?  Or two?

    are we talking about spirit or nature/form?

    are we talking about soul and mind here or nature or form?

    do you know what you are saying?


    Quote (jammin @ May 02 2013,16:56)
    i believe he is at God's right hand
    i believe he is the mediator between us and God

    but the question is who is that God you are referring to?


    You can't say “Who is that God you are referring to”, if there is only ONE of them.

    I refer to God Almighty. I refer to HIM (not THEM).

    Your doctrine is nonsense, and the words you make yourself post to defend it are equally nonsense.

    You say there is only ONE Almighty God, but then ask me which ONE OF THEM I'm referring to. ??? Complete and utter NONSENSE!

    jammin, is Jesus the Son of a BEING/PERSON known as “God”? Or is he the Son of a NATURE known as “God”? Which one please?


    Quote (jammin @ May 03 2013,04:16)

    they worshipped jesus bec he is God. (not the father but the Son)

    john 20.28

    thomas said to jesus , my Lord and my God.

    what about commentary?
    let me post what commentary said

    mat 28.9

    Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

    …and worshipped him: with divine adoration, expressing their love to him; their faith and hope in him, owning him to be their Lord and God; he being, by his resurrection from the dead, declared to be the Son of God, with power; and so the proper object of religious worship.

    btw i still an assignment for you.
    where is your hebrew bible that says in gen 1.26 that God is talking to his angels?

    i can wait boy.
    ill give million yrs LOL


    And how does Gill get all that out of a few words that can mean they paid obeisance to the King of the Jews.

    Elohim, translated God, means angels in some contexts.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 03 2013,13:27)

    Quote (jammin @ May 02 2013,16:56)
    i believe he is at God's right hand
    i believe he is the mediator between us and God

    but the question is who is that God you are referring to?


    You can't say “Who is that God you are referring to”, if there is only ONE of them.

    I refer to God Almighty.  I refer to HIM (not THEM).

    Your doctrine is nonsense, and the words you make yourself post to defend it are equally nonsense.

    You say there is only ONE Almighty God, but then ask me which ONE OF THEM I'm referring to.  ???  Complete and utter NONSENSE!

    jammin, is Jesus the Son of a BEING/PERSON known as “God”?  Or is he the Son of a NATURE known as “God”?  Which one please?

    he is God bec that is his nature.

    do you understand that?

    you are human bec that is your nature.


    Quote (kerwin @ May 03 2013,15:08)

    Quote (jammin @ May 03 2013,04:16)

    they worshipped jesus bec he is God. (not the father but the Son)

    john 20.28

    thomas said to jesus , my Lord and my God.

    what about commentary?
    let me post what commentary said

    mat 28.9

    Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

    …and worshipped him: with divine adoration, expressing their love to him; their faith and hope in him, owning him to be their Lord and God; he being, by his resurrection from the dead, declared to be the Son of God, with power; and so the proper object of religious worship.

    btw i still an assignment for you.
    where is your hebrew bible that says in gen 1.26 that God is talking to his angels?

    i can wait boy.
    ill give million yrs LOL


    And how does Gill get all that out of a few words that can mean they paid obeisance to the King of the Jews.

    Elohim, translated God, means angels in some contexts.

    then give me an english version that says in gen 1.26 that GOD is talking to his angels.
    dont waste my time mate.
    give me version and stop talking./


    Quote (jammin @ May 03 2013,10:57)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 03 2013,15:08)

    Quote (jammin @ May 03 2013,04:16)

    they worshipped jesus bec he is God. (not the father but the Son)

    john 20.28

    thomas said to jesus , my Lord and my God.

    what about commentary?
    let me post what commentary said

    mat 28.9

    Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

    …and worshipped him: with divine adoration, expressing their love to him; their faith and hope in him, owning him to be their Lord and God; he being, by his resurrection from the dead, declared to be the Son of God, with power; and so the proper object of religious worship.

    btw i still an assignment for you.
    where is your hebrew bible that says in gen 1.26 that God is talking to his angels?

    i can wait boy.
    ill give million yrs LOL


    And how does Gill get all that out of a few words that can mean they paid obeisance to the King of the Jews.

    Elohim, translated God, means angels in some contexts.

    then give me an english version that says in gen 1.26 that GOD is talking to his angels.
    dont waste my time mate.
    give me version and stop talking./


    So you wand me to quote the translations of the apostate church as evidence. Elohim is plural because the context is plural. That translation seems at odd with the fact God alone created the universe.

    This argument, however, is deeply flawed, and, accordingly, a great number of Trinitarian theologians have long rejected the notion that Genesis 1:26 implies a plurality of persons in the godhead. Rather, Christian scholars overwhelmingly agree that the plural pronoun in this verse is a reference to God’s ministering angels who were created previously, and the Almighty spoke majestically in the plural, consulting His heavenly court. Let’s read the comments of a number of preeminent Trinitarian Bible scholars on this subject.

    Note: My Source is Rabbi Singer


    I enjoyed that read, Kerwin. Among the many TRINITARIAN scholars who believe God was talking to His angels in Gen 1:26 was this quote from the NIV Study Bible:

    God speaks as the Creator-king, announcing His crowning work to the members of His heavenly court (see 3:22; 11:7; Isaiah 6:8; I Kings 22:19-23; Job 15:8; Jeremiah 23:18).

    The NIV was produced by over 100 TRINITARIAN scholars, each of whom had to sign off on being a Trinitarian before they were even allowed on the project. So there are 100 more Trinitarian scholars to add to the 25 Trinitarian scholars I already quoted from NETNotes – who say the same thing.

    jammin, have you even bothered to read those comparison scriptures that the NIV and NET scholars listed as support for their conclusion?

    You should read them. And while you're at it, read the link Kerwin posted. It is a very short and to-the-point letter, which contains a few quotes of prominent TRINITARIANS who all believe God was speaking to His angels in 1:26.

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