JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #343363

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 30 2013,00:53)
    Jammin……….Moses had the anointing on him also, as well as the 70 Elders of Israel and Josuah and Caleb also. Want scripture ?

    Num 11:25………> And the LORD came down in a cloud, and spoke unto him and took of the Spirit that was upon him, and gave “IT” unto the seventy elders; and it came to pass, that when the Spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease. (26) But there remained two of the men in the camp, the name of one was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad: and the Sprit rested unpon them; and they were of them that were written, but went not out unto the tabernacle: and they prophesied in the camp.

    Jammin, that Spirit that was upon Moses and the Elders was what they were anointed with and it was the Sprit from God. That was following and guiding the Childern of Israel in the wilderness. It was not the man Jesus the Christ , but the Christos or anointing Spirit itself going with them follwing them in the wilderness.

    Just that simple boy.

    peace and love to you and your ……………….gene

    Then read that in 1 cor 10.4. Dnt just pick verse in the ot and conclude that it was moses etc that paul was talkng in 1cor. I wnt you to read your imagination in 1cor. Give me version boy. Bec the bible said that was the messiah and the messiah is christ mat 16.16


    Jammin…….Messiah is Hebrew for the Anointed, Chrsitos is Greek for the same theing, Both Greek and Hebrew are talking about the same thing, the Anotinted of GOD. It was on all the leaders of Isreal in the wilderness. If you believe it was it was just the man Jesus, then why is ther not the word Jesus written there? instead of Christos or Anointing which is refferencing the Spirit of God . You have let the TRINITARIAN mind set destract you from the Truth boy, IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 30 2013,01:42)
    Jammin…….Messiah is Hebrew for the Anointed, Chrsitos is Greek for the same theing, Both Greek and Hebrew are talking about the same thing, the Anotinted of GOD. It was on all the leaders of Isreal in the wilderness. If you believe it was it was just the man Jesus, then why is ther not the word Jesus written there? instead of Christos or Anointing which is refferencing the Spirit of God .  You have let the TRINITARIAN mind set destract you from the Truth boy, IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………………………gene

    i want verse boy and not stories.

    anointed is not the same as Anointed. do you understand what i mean?

    do you believe that the Christ in 1 cor 10.4 is the messiah? and according to peter the messiah is jesus mat 16.16

    do you agree? yes or no?


    Quote (jammin @ April 29 2013,04:16)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 28 2013,06:09)

    Quote (jammin @ April 26 2013,18:28)

    ex 3.2

    2 And here the Lord revealed himself through a flame that rose up from the midst of a bush…….


    Would you have us all believe that God Almighty is an angel of Himself?  Would you really dare to go that far?

    The bible said that it was the Lord himself. I just showed it to you boy.

    So then “YES”, you WILL try to convince us that Jehovah is an angel of Himself? ???

    I'm not buying it. Anyone else here gonna buy it?


    Quote (jammin @ April 29 2013,15:50)
    anointed is not the same as Anointed.

    Let me get this straight………….  you accept that Jesus is the anointed one OF his and our God, but if we cap the “A” on “anointed”, it makes God's “Anointed One” BE the very God who anointed him?   ???

    I'm not buying that either.  Come on, jammin.  You're going to have to do much better than this.  Right now, we're rolling our eyes back in our heads – trying not to fall on the floor laughing.

    Is this REALLY the kind of stuff you're going to use to convince us that the servant of God IS the very God he is the servant OF?  ???   (Or will capping the “S” in “servant” make Jesus BE the very God he serves?  :) )


    BTW jammin,

    Kerwin, Gene and I were expecting a “Thank You!” for teaching you that God has had many messiahs – not just Jesus of Nazareth.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 30 2013,11:22)
    BTW jammin,

    Kerwin, Gene and I were expecting a “Thank You!” for teaching you that God has had many messiahs – not just Jesus of Nazareth.

    boy do you know what you are saying>

    we are talking about 1 cor 10.4

    i believe that it refers to Christ, our liberating King boy . study hard boy


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 30 2013,11:13)

    Quote (jammin @ April 29 2013,04:16)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 28 2013,06:09)

    Quote (jammin @ April 26 2013,18:28)

    ex 3.2

    2 And here the Lord revealed himself through a flame that rose up from the midst of a bush…….


    Would you have us all believe that God Almighty is an angel of Himself?  Would you really dare to go that far?

    The bible said that it was the Lord himself. I just showed it to you boy.

    So then “YES”, you WILL try to convince us that Jehovah is an angel of Himself?   ???

    I'm not buying it.  Anyone else here gonna buy it?

    the bible said that. if you dont want to believe the bible, it is up to you


    Quote (jammin @ April 29 2013,18:39)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 30 2013,11:22)
    BTW jammin,

    Kerwin, Gene and I were expecting a “Thank You!” for teaching you that God has had many messiahs – not just Jesus of Nazareth.

    boy do you know what you are saying>

    we are talking about 1 cor 10.4

    i believe that it refers to Christ, our liberating King boy . study hard boy

    No………….. Actually, I believe you made the claim that Jesus is the only “messiah/christ”.

    But as long as you now know the Biblical truth of the matter – that Jesus was one of many – it's all good. No “Thank You!” needed.


    you do not know what you are saying boy.
    anointed is not the same as Anointed.

    do you understand what im saying?>


    Quote (jammin @ April 29 2013,18:58)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 30 2013,11:13)

    So then “YES”, you WILL try to convince us that Jehovah is an angel of Himself?

    the bible said that. if you dont want to believe the bible, it is up to you

    Do you believe “Jehovah is an angel OF Jehovah” is the ONLY WAY those words can be understood, jammin? Or could it be that the vice-regents OF YHWH were sometimes referred to as “YHWH”?

    Shall we go through some scriptures, and see if there are other instances of this?


    Quote (jammin @ April 29 2013,20:57)
    you do not know what you are saying boy.
    anointed is not the same as Anointed.

    do you understand what im saying?>

    Oh I understand alright. I understand that you think by capping the “A”, the anointed one OF God becomes the very God who anointed him.

    It's not that I don't understand WHAT you're saying. It's just that what you're saying is nonsensical gibberish that even a 5 year old kid wouldn't buy.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 30 2013,14:00)

    Quote (jammin @ April 29 2013,20:57)
    you do not know what you are saying boy.
    anointed is not the same as Anointed.

    do you understand what im saying?>

    Oh I understand alright.  I understand that you think by capping the “A”, the anointed one OF God becomes the very God who anointed him.

    It's not that I don't understand WHAT you're saying.  It's just that what you're saying is nonsensical gibberish that even a 5 year old kid wouldn't buy.


    you dont understand boy what you are syaing. to make this short, give me version in 1 cor 10.4 that it is not Jesus Christ and ill give you proof that it talks about Jesus our liberated king. the Anointed One.

    ill wait mike. give me version


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 30 2013,13:58)

    Quote (jammin @ April 29 2013,18:58)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 30 2013,11:13)

    So then “YES”, you WILL try to convince us that Jehovah is an angel of Himself?

    the bible said that. if you dont want to believe the bible, it is up to you

    Do you believe “Jehovah is an angel OF Jehovah” is the ONLY WAY those words can be understood, jammin?  Or could it be that the vice-regents OF YHWH were sometimes referred to as “YHWH”?

    Shall we go through some scriptures, and see if there are other instances of this?

    well i just read to you that ex 3.2 (angel of God) is the Lord himself. that is what the bible said but if you cant accept that then make your own bible LOL

    commentaries agree to me boy


    Quote (jammin @ April 30 2013,08:57)
    you do not know what you are saying boy.
    anointed is not the same as Anointed.

    do you understand what im saying?>


    Koine Greek has no capitals.


    Quote (kerwin @ April 30 2013,15:11)

    Quote (jammin @ April 30 2013,08:57)
    you do not know what you are saying boy.
    anointed is not the same as Anointed.

    do you understand what im saying?>


    Koine Greek has no capitals.

    translators know what they are doing.,

    that argument is a thrash.

    do you understand what i mean?

    that is why translators use big and small letters to make the words in the bible clear and easy to understand.

    do you know what i mean?

    you are not even a translator to discuss these things.

    make your own bible and make it all small letters. LOL


    Quote (jammin @ April 29 2013,16:23)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 27 2013,18:52)

    Quote (jammin @ April 27 2013,07:02)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 27 2013,10:44)

    Quote (jammin @ April 26 2013,09:08)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 26 2013,10:43)

    Quote (jammin @ April 24 2013,22:28)
    Paul said this Rock that went along with moses and to his people is Christ!

    Actually, Paul said they were all baptized into MOSES in the wilderness, and that the rock was “christ”.  He didn't specifically say it was JESUS christ.  (God has had MANY “christs” in the scriptures – including Moses.)

    Also, the writer of Hebrews (1:1-2) says that God spoke to us various ways in the past, and has spoken to us through His Son “in these last days”.  That COULD BE understood to mean that God hadn't ever spoken to us through Jesus UNTIL “these last days”.  It doesn't NECESSARILY exclude Jesus from being one of God's messengers in the past, but it sure sounds like it.

    Which brings us to the main point:  The one who was in the burning bush was called “the angel of Jehovah”.  (Ex 3:2, Acts 7:30)  And the one who went before the Israelites in the pillar of cloud and fire was “the angel of Jehovah”.  (Ex 14:19, 23:20)

    So if you want to believe it was Jesus in the bush, and Jesus going before the Israelites in the wilderness, then you also must believe that Jesus is an angel OF Jehovah.

    Are you willing to believe this scriptural truth?

    let the bible speak and not your opinion..

    who is the Rock in 1cor 10.4?

    the rock is messiah himself
    Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
    And they all drank of the one drink of The Spirit, for they were drinking from The Rock of The Spirit, which was with them, but that Rock was The Messiah.

    who is the messiah according to the bible?

    he is Jesus Christ.
    mat 16.16
    New International Version (©2011)
    Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

    what about the commentary?  what did they say about 1 cor 10.4? do they agree that the Rock is Christ himself?

    let me post one
    Vincent's Word Studies

    Was Christ

    Showing that he does not believe the legend, but only uses it allegorically. The important point is that Christ the Word was with His people under the old covenant. “In each case we recognize the mystery of a 'real presence”' (Ellicott). “God was in Christ” here, as from the beginning. The mosaic and the christian economies are only different sides of one dispensation, which is a gospel dispensation throughout. The Jewish sacraments are not mere types of ours. They are identical.

    sorry boy


    King Saul was the Lord's christ as Scripture declares David called him such.

    what are you talking about boy


    1 Samuel 26:9
    King James Version (KJV)

    9 And David said to Abishai, Destroy him not: for who can stretch forth his hand against the Lord's anointed, and be guiltless?

    You tak too much. Who is the rock in 1cor 10.4?


    why does anyone have to be the spiritual rock? I have seen many rocks that no one was.


    Quote (kerwin @ April 30 2013,15:21)

    Quote (jammin @ April 29 2013,16:23)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 27 2013,18:52)

    Quote (jammin @ April 27 2013,07:02)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 27 2013,10:44)

    Quote (jammin @ April 26 2013,09:08)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 26 2013,10:43)

    Quote (jammin @ April 24 2013,22:28)
    Paul said this Rock that went along with moses and to his people is Christ!

    Actually, Paul said they were all baptized into MOSES in the wilderness, and that the rock was “christ”.  He didn't specifically say it was JESUS christ.  (God has had MANY “christs” in the scriptures – including Moses.)

    Also, the writer of Hebrews (1:1-2) says that God spoke to us various ways in the past, and has spoken to us through His Son “in these last days”.  That COULD BE understood to mean that God hadn't ever spoken to us through Jesus UNTIL “these last days”.  It doesn't NECESSARILY exclude Jesus from being one of God's messengers in the past, but it sure sounds like it.

    Which brings us to the main point:  The one who was in the burning bush was called “the angel of Jehovah”.  (Ex 3:2, Acts 7:30)  And the one who went before the Israelites in the pillar of cloud and fire was “the angel of Jehovah”.  (Ex 14:19, 23:20)

    So if you want to believe it was Jesus in the bush, and Jesus going before the Israelites in the wilderness, then you also must believe that Jesus is an angel OF Jehovah.

    Are you willing to believe this scriptural truth?

    let the bible speak and not your opinion..

    who is the Rock in 1cor 10.4?

    the rock is messiah himself
    Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
    And they all drank of the one drink of The Spirit, for they were drinking from The Rock of The Spirit, which was with them, but that Rock was The Messiah.

    who is the messiah according to the bible?

    he is Jesus Christ.
    mat 16.16
    New International Version (©2011)
    Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

    what about the commentary?  what did they say about 1 cor 10.4? do they agree that the Rock is Christ himself?

    let me post one
    Vincent's Word Studies

    Was Christ

    Showing that he does not believe the legend, but only uses it allegorically. The important point is that Christ the Word was with His people under the old covenant. “In each case we recognize the mystery of a 'real presence”' (Ellicott). “God was in Christ” here, as from the beginning. The mosaic and the christian economies are only different sides of one dispensation, which is a gospel dispensation throughout. The Jewish sacraments are not mere types of ours. They are identical.

    sorry boy


    King Saul was the Lord's christ as Scripture declares David called him such.

    what are you talking about boy


    1 Samuel 26:9
    King James Version (KJV)

    9 And David said to Abishai, Destroy him not: for who can stretch forth his hand against the Lord's anointed, and be guiltless?

    You tak too much. Who is the rock in 1cor 10.4?


    why does anyone have to be the spiritual rock?  I have seen many rocks that no one was.

    im asking you
    who is the rock in 1 cor 10.4




    translators know what they are doing.,

    I doubt they are any more immune to error than any other human. Can't you come up with a better argument?



    you dont agree bec you just want words that are pleasing to your ears.

    why dont you make your own version and make it all small letters LOL

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