JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #342958

    Quote (jammin @ April 24 2013,22:28)
    no one has ever seen God at any time.

    but the God of OT has seen by men.

    Are you saying that John 1:18 and 1 John 4:12 are lies?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 26 2013,10:45)

    Quote (jammin @ April 24 2013,22:28)
    no one has ever seen God at any time.

    but the God of OT has seen by men.

    Are you saying that John 1:18 and 1 John 4:12 are lies?

    do you understand john 1.18?

    it says there that no one has ever seen God at anytime.

    do you understand that?

    but the God of OT has seen by men. now the question is who is that GOD in the OT?

    do you understand what im saying?> dont sniff mosquito coil boy.


    Quote (Ed J @ April 25 2013,18:54)

    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,15:28)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 25 2013,10:02)
    jammin, Kathi, and Charles,

    Is Jesus the Most High God?  Or the Son of the Most High God?  Which one?

    both are true boy BUT HE IS NOT THE FATHER.

    do you get it?

    Hi Jammin,

    Are you and your father the same human?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    of course. we have the same nature, HUMAN.

    do you believe that Christ and his father are both God by nature?


    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,20:44)
    but the God of OT has seen by men

    Wrong. No man can see the face of God and live. And no man ever did see the face of God.

    Please address my other post. Are you ready to admit that Jesus is an angel of Jehovah?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 26 2013,10:43)

    Quote (jammin @ April 24 2013,22:28)
    Paul said this Rock that went along with moses and to his people is Christ!

    Actually, Paul said they were all baptized into MOSES in the wilderness, and that the rock was “christ”.  He didn't specifically say it was JESUS christ.  (God has had MANY “christs” in the scriptures – including Moses.)

    Also, the writer of Hebrews (1:1-2) says that God spoke to us various ways in the past, and has spoken to us through His Son “in these last days”.  That COULD BE understood to mean that God hadn't ever spoken to us through Jesus UNTIL “these last days”.  It doesn't NECESSARILY exclude Jesus from being one of God's messengers in the past, but it sure sounds like it.

    Which brings us to the main point:  The one who was in the burning bush was called “the angel of Jehovah”.  (Ex 3:2, Acts 7:30)  And the one who went before the Israelites in the pillar of cloud and fire was “the angel of Jehovah”.  (Ex 14:19, 23:20)

    So if you want to believe it was Jesus in the bush, and Jesus going before the Israelites in the wilderness, then you also must believe that Jesus is an angel OF Jehovah.

    Are you willing to believe this scriptural truth?

    angel has many meaning.
    do you understand what im saying?

    are you really sure that you understand english mate?

    angel also means messenger.
    Exodus 3:2

    Common English Bible (CEB)

    2 The Lord’s messenger appeared to him in a flame of fire in the middle of a bush. Moses saw that the bush was in flames, but it didn’t burn up.

    Christ is a messenger of God.
    that Angel of God in ex 3 is the LORD himself.
    you should read the context of that ex 3

    you want proof that the angel of God in ex 3 is the LORD himself?
    Exodus 3:2

    The Message (MSG)

    3 1-2 Moses was shepherding the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. He led the flock to the west end of the wilderness and came to the mountain of God, Horeb. The angel of God appeared to him in flames of fire blazing out of the middle of a bush. He looked. The bush was blazing away but it didn’t burn up.

    ill give you bible verse and not just stories. im not like you boy. i give verse

    ex 3.2
    2 And here the Lord revealed himself through a flame that rose up from the midst of a bush; it seemed that the bush was alight, yet did not burn.

    Exodus 3:2

    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    2 The [a]Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, yet was not consumed.

    Exodus 3:2 In this report of Moses and the burning bush, “the Angel of the Lord” is identified as the Lord Himself. See especially Exod. 3:4, 6. See also the footnote on Gen. 16:7.

    study hard boy


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 26 2013,13:52)

    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,20:44)
    but the God of OT has seen by men

    Wrong.  No man can see the face of God and live.  And no man ever did see the face of God.

    Please address my other post.  Are you ready to admit that Jesus is an angel of Jehovah?

    what if i can read to you word for word that the face of God has seen by men and live,

    will you accept that you are a false teacher?

    btw i still home work for you boy.

    you said God is not omnipresent.
    what if i can read to you word for word that God is omnipresent, will you accept that you are a false teachers?

    you have two homeworks now.
    you may ask for help LOL


    Hey Katih and jammin,

    I've just thought of something:

    In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son……

    Who, EXACTLY, was the “God” who did all the speaking to those in the past? Surely it couldn't have been Jesus, because the God who spoke to the ancestors is the same ONE who spoke THROUGH Jesus in these last days, right?


    That makes me think that every time “God” spoke to anyone in the OT, it had to be the ONE that the Hebrews called “God”. And that shows that the ONE who did all that speaking is the ONE they considered as their “God”.

    The “God” of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob couldn't have possibly been a COMBINATION of Father and Son, because that same God is the one who spoke THROUGH Jesus in these last days. Surely Jesus didn't speak THROUGH himself, right?

    Uh oh.


    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,20:54)
    what if i can read to you word for word that the face of God has seen by men and live,

    Show me which scripture you THINK says such a thing, and I'll show you your misunderstanding.

    And I already told you to go to the other thread if you want to discuss omnipresence.

    But why are you afraid to discuss all those other qualities you listed? Is it because I shot all of them down with SCRIPTURES? :D :laugh: :D

    It's like in the other thread right now. You totally avoid the points that kick your butt, and keep focusing on the ambiguous issues you can't ever prove. How pathetic.

    From now on, I'll just ask ONE simple question. That way you won't be able to “pick and choose”.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 26 2013,10:43)

    Quote (jammin @ April 24 2013,22:28)
    Paul said this Rock that went along with moses and to his people is Christ!

    Actually, Paul said they were all baptized into MOSES in the wilderness, and that the rock was “christ”.  He didn't specifically say it was JESUS christ.  (God has had MANY “christs” in the scriptures – including Moses.)

    Also, the writer of Hebrews (1:1-2) says that God spoke to us various ways in the past, and has spoken to us through His Son “in these last days”.  That COULD BE understood to mean that God hadn't ever spoken to us through Jesus UNTIL “these last days”.  It doesn't NECESSARILY exclude Jesus from being one of God's messengers in the past, but it sure sounds like it.

    Which brings us to the main point:  The one who was in the burning bush was called “the angel of Jehovah”.  (Ex 3:2, Acts 7:30)  And the one who went before the Israelites in the pillar of cloud and fire was “the angel of Jehovah”.  (Ex 14:19, 23:20)

    So if you want to believe it was Jesus in the bush, and Jesus going before the Israelites in the wilderness, then you also must believe that Jesus is an angel OF Jehovah.

    Are you willing to believe this scriptural truth?

    let the bible speak and not your opinion..

    who is the Rock in 1cor 10.4?

    the rock is messiah himself
    Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
    And they all drank of the one drink of The Spirit, for they were drinking from The Rock of The Spirit, which was with them, but that Rock was The Messiah.

    who is the messiah according to the bible?

    he is Jesus Christ.
    mat 16.16
    New International Version (©2011)
    Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

    what about the commentary? what did they say about 1 cor 10.4? do they agree that the Rock is Christ himself?

    let me post one
    Vincent's Word Studies

    Was Christ

    Showing that he does not believe the legend, but only uses it allegorically. The important point is that Christ the Word was with His people under the old covenant. “In each case we recognize the mystery of a 'real presence”' (Ellicott). “God was in Christ” here, as from the beginning. The mosaic and the christian economies are only different sides of one dispensation, which is a gospel dispensation throughout. The Jewish sacraments are not mere types of ours. They are identical.

    sorry boy


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 26 2013,14:04)

    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,20:54)
    what if i can read to you word for word that the face of God has seen by men and live,

    Show me which scripture you THINK says such a thing, and I'll show you your misunderstanding.

    And I already told you to go to the other thread if you want to discuss omnipresence.

    But why are you afraid to discuss all those other qualities you listed?  Is it because I shot all of them down with SCRIPTURES?   :D  :laugh:  :D

    It's like in the other thread right now.  You totally avoid the points that kick your butt, and keep focusing on the ambiguous issues you can't ever prove.  How pathetic.

    From now on, I'll just ask ONE simple question.  That way you won't be able to “pick and choose”.

    im not afraid boy. cant you see im laughing LOL

    answer my question and dont just talk.

    what if i can read to you that GOD is omnipresent. will you accept that you are a false teacher?

    im saying a word for word in the bible.

    yes or no?

    and what if i can read to you that GOD in the OT has seen by men, will you accpt that you are a FALSE TEACHER?


    Quote (jammin @ April 26 2013,13:44)

    but the God of OT has seen by men. now the question is who is that GOD in the OT?


    God of the world!

    Peace and love in Jesus


    Ed J

    Quote (jammin @ April 26 2013,13:45)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 25 2013,18:54)

    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,15:28)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 25 2013,10:02)
    jammin, Kathi, and Charles,

    Is Jesus the Most High God?  Or the Son of the Most High God?  Which one?

    both are true boy BUT HE IS NOT THE FATHER.

    do you get it?

    Hi Jammin,

    Are you and your father the same human?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    of course. we have the same nature, HUMAN.

    do you believe that Christ and his father are both God by nature?

    Hi Jammin,

    Since Jesus was a chip off the old block, I'd say sure.
    And He was also Human as his mother was human.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,20:53)
    angel has many meaning.

    angel also means messenger.

    So then “YES”? You agree that Jesus is an angel/messenger OF our one true God, Jehovah?

    Great! Because that is the scriptural truth of the matter.


    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,20:53)
    Exodus 3:2 In this report of Moses and the burning bush, “the Angel of the Lord” is identified as the Lord Himself.

    Wrong. The angel is identified by the name “YHWH”, but it OBVIOUSLY doesn't mean one of God's angels is God Himself.

    Vice-regents were often identified by the name of the one they came to represent. And even Israel itself was “called by the name of their God, YHWH”.

    Besides, we are told in Ex 23:21 that the REAL YHWH “put His name IN” the angel He was sending.


    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,21:08)
    let the bible speak and not your opinion..

    who is the Rock in 1cor 10.4?

    the rock is messiah himself

    Agreed. Now WHICH messiah of God, exactly, was the one who was the rock in 1 Cor 10:4? Was it God's messiah Moses? Was it God's messiah Jesus? Was it perhaps a different messiah of God?

    The point is that the scriptures teach about MANY messiahs/christs. Those words mean “anointed one”.


    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,20:54)
    what if i can read to you word for word that the face of God has seen by men and live? will you accept that you are a false teacher?

    Nope. But I will admit I was wrong on this one point. (But only if you show me a HEBREW or GREEK ms that says it. Your twisted translations where men ADD whatever words they want INTO the scriptures don't count.)

    The same answer goes for the “omnipresent” thing, okay?


    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,21:08)
    what about the commentary? what did they say about 1 cor 10.4? do they agree that the Rock is Christ himself?

    BTW, I'm not even arguing that the rock WASN'T Jesus Christ. I was only pointing out the obvious fact that if you believe it WAS Jesus, then you must also believe Jesus is “an angel OF YHWH”.


    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,20:54)
    you have two homeworks now.

    Only TWO? :) You have about a hundred! :D

    Okay, I've just taken care of my “two homeworks”. How about you start with the 8th post on the previous page. We'll make that your first homework, okay?


    Quote (jammin @ April 26 2013,09:08)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 26 2013,10:43)

    Quote (jammin @ April 24 2013,22:28)
    Paul said this Rock that went along with moses and to his people is Christ!

    Actually, Paul said they were all baptized into MOSES in the wilderness, and that the rock was “christ”.  He didn't specifically say it was JESUS christ.  (God has had MANY “christs” in the scriptures – including Moses.)

    Also, the writer of Hebrews (1:1-2) says that God spoke to us various ways in the past, and has spoken to us through His Son “in these last days”.  That COULD BE understood to mean that God hadn't ever spoken to us through Jesus UNTIL “these last days”.  It doesn't NECESSARILY exclude Jesus from being one of God's messengers in the past, but it sure sounds like it.

    Which brings us to the main point:  The one who was in the burning bush was called “the angel of Jehovah”.  (Ex 3:2, Acts 7:30)  And the one who went before the Israelites in the pillar of cloud and fire was “the angel of Jehovah”.  (Ex 14:19, 23:20)

    So if you want to believe it was Jesus in the bush, and Jesus going before the Israelites in the wilderness, then you also must believe that Jesus is an angel OF Jehovah.

    Are you willing to believe this scriptural truth?

    let the bible speak and not your opinion..

    who is the Rock in 1cor 10.4?

    the rock is messiah himself
    Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
    And they all drank of the one drink of The Spirit, for they were drinking from The Rock of The Spirit, which was with them, but that Rock was The Messiah.

    who is the messiah according to the bible?

    he is Jesus Christ.
    mat 16.16
    New International Version (©2011)
    Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

    what about the commentary?  what did they say about 1 cor 10.4? do they agree that the Rock is Christ himself?

    let me post one
    Vincent's Word Studies

    Was Christ

    Showing that he does not believe the legend, but only uses it allegorically. The important point is that Christ the Word was with His people under the old covenant. “In each case we recognize the mystery of a 'real presence”' (Ellicott). “God was in Christ” here, as from the beginning. The mosaic and the christian economies are only different sides of one dispensation, which is a gospel dispensation throughout. The Jewish sacraments are not mere types of ours. They are identical.

    sorry boy


    King Saul was the Lord's christ as Scripture declares David called him such.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 27 2013,10:09)

    Quote (jammin @ April 25 2013,20:53)
    Exodus 3:2 In this report of Moses and the burning bush, “the Angel of the Lord” is identified as the Lord Himself.

    Wrong.  The angel is identified by the name “YHWH”, but it OBVIOUSLY doesn't mean one of God's angels is God Himself.  

    Vice-regents were often identified by the name of the one they came to represent.  And even Israel itself was “called by the name of their God, YHWH”.

    Besides, we are told in Ex 23:21 that the REAL YHWH “put His name IN” the angel He was sending.


    believe it or not but the bible said that.

    ex 3.2

    2 And here the Lord revealed himself through a flame that rose up from the midst of a bush; it seemed that the bush was alight, yet did not burn.

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