JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 14 2012,19:11)
    Keep those foolish questions coming, because I will surely do my best to answer any such foolish questions!

    You mean like you did your best to answer the following two posts?

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 13 2012,11:31)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 12 2012,20:03)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 13 2012,11:54)

    Exodus 12:12
    ………and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD.

    Father Yahweh will judge and has already judged all of theses so-called and false “gods” as powerless and as “no gods at all”! They are LITERALLY non-existent as actual beings!


    Can you point out for me the term “so-called gods” or “false gods” in the scripture above?

    In fact, can you show me ANY scripture that has those terms in the actual Hebrew or Greek?  

    As for “powerless”, these gods of Egypt turned staffs into snakes, and water into blood.  They even commanded frogs to come up and cover the land.  Those acts seem pretty powerful to me, Frank.

    And as for your claim that they are “non-existent as actual beings”, how exactly does Jehovah PUNISH, or PASS JUDGMENT UPON a “non-existent being”, Frank?  ???

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 13 2012,11:19)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 12 2012,19:37)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 13 2012,11:58)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 12 2012,17:40)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 13 2012,09:51)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 12 2012,16:28)
    in the book of Philippians Shaul makes mention that Yahshua was in the “FORM of Yahweh WHEN HE WAS HERE IN THE WORLD.

    Hmmm…………  So Jesus already WAS a human being when he was “made in the likeness of a human being”?  ???


    Just LIKE the first Adam (of mankind, male and female) who were also created in Father Yahweh's image, likeness or form!

    So the first Adam was already existing as a human being when God made him in the likeness of a human being?   ???

    I don't think so, Frank.


    You know full well that I do not believe as you have perverted me to say!

    The words we wrote are right there in the quote boxes for all to see, Frank.  I've “perverted” nothing.

    I am, however, still awaiting an answer to my question:

    Frank, was Jesus already existing in the form of a human being when he was “made into the likeness of a human being”?  YES or NO?

    Those two posts contain at least four questions that I'm waiting for you to “do your best” to answer.  When do you think you'll get around to that?  (I had to go back 6 pages to find them.  Do you still need more time?)


    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 15 2012,19:02)

    By the holy scriptures, The first man, Adam and Eve has been created by God, from the clay.  Called a soul without life.  God breath the life into him and the man became a living soul.

    Where did you come up with this strange idea?

    The clay is the body of a man; it is not the soul.  In fact the soul is in the blood and when the earlier departs from the body; the living breath departs.  

    According to Jesus Abraham and Isaac were yet alive even though their body had returned to dust.  What part of them still remained  and was living; even though naked?

    Kerwin, it is not a strange idea.

    Why not read the Genesis, go to the creation of man by God

    There are three component in a man. Spirit, Soul and Body.

    I Thess. 5:23 NKJV

    Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    The clay or dust is the external body/personality (cover/clothe of a human being), the Soul is the internal body or inner personality and the Spirit is the life given by God, and shall return to God, when a man was died.



    The external personality, the body shall return to dust because the origin of man's body was from the dust/clay.



    Quote (jammin @ Sep. 16 2012,01:35)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 15 2012,18:47)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 15 2012,10:58)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 14 2012,04:09)
    In what essence Jesus Christ is equal with God, as we have aware, it could not be as another true God, because for being the Supreme Being He is alone and could not be duplicated


    Who is “the only true Lord”?  

    And who is “the only true mighty one”?


    There is so many true Lords can be read in the Bible. That's why apostle Paul reminded us, that among the many men called lords,.. for us alone, there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ. …also,

    we can read in the Bible that there are so many mighty, but the the Almighty God is only one and He is true. ref: Gen. 6:4 NKJV.

    There is no other true God, can be read in the Bible, except the Father and God of Jesus Christ. John 17:1-3 / 1 Cor. 8:6 / Mal. 2:10 NKJV.

    if im going to follow your argument, the father is not LORD to you boy??
    paul said there is ONE LORD, Christ.

    so is the father not LORD to you? yes or no?


    That's my original question to you, why you are now using it for me?

    I have already lay down my explanation about it (1 Cor. 8:6) and you are again failing to answer my questions.

    Did Apostle Paul said that the Father, for being specifically and categorically introduce the one and only true God, should not be called Lord, because of the next context that there is only one Lord Jesus Christ?


    You just want the passages be in harmony with your understanding that the meaning of the words “only one” is not saying alone but two?

    Oh come on Jammin.

    To the true believers/ the chosen people of God. “There is only one true God, the Father. Is does to you Jammin, the real meaning of the word “Father” is the “Son”???

    Go and make your own Bible and your own dictionary.




    Did the Apostle Paul said that the one and only true God, is the Son with 1 Cor. 8:6? YEs or NO?



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 16 2012,01:50)

    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 14 2012,22:45)
    * God is the Elohim.
    * The Messengers are Elohim.
    * This does not mean that the uncreated Jehovah/Yawheh is the same kind as the Messengers, who are created.

    That is correct, Kerwin.

    But like Pierre just pointed out, these messengers of God, who serve Him loyaly and faithfully, cannot be called “false elohim”.

    We must learn to understand “only true God” for what it truly means.  If there was a scripture that called Jehovah “the only true Lord”, the statement would be accurate in an emphatical way, but would not make Lord Jesus a “false lord”, or a “so-called lord”.

    Using the example Pierre just gave, if I called Obama “the only true President”, it would be an EMPHATICAL statement, and would NOT mean that the President of Microsoft, or the President of Mexico were “false presidents”.  Instead, it would emphatically point out that Obama is the most powerful President in the world.

    I wish that people would start to understand these things.


    We must agree to the teaching of the true preachers of God, Jesus and his apostles.

    “That we must recognized only one true God, the Father. The other gods meaning there are not true God. That's a clear preaching from the genuine preachers of God.

    Why we should not accept it?


    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 16 2012,02:07)

    Quote (jammin @ Sep. 15 2012,08:35)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 14 2012,04:09)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 15 2012,10:58)

    Who is “the only true Lord”?  

    And who is “the only true mighty one”?


    There is so many true Lords can be read in the Bible. That's why apostle Paul reminded us, that among the many men called lords,.. for us alone, there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ. …also,

    we can read in the Bible that there are so many mighty, but the the Almighty God is only one and He is true. ref: Gen. 6:4 NKJV.

    There is no other true God, can be read in the Bible, except the Father and God of Jesus Christ. John 17:1-3 / 1 Cor. 8:6 / Mal. 2:10 NKJV.

    if im going to follow your argument, the father is not LORD to you boy??
    paul said there is ONE LORD, Christ.

    so is the father not LORD to you? yes or no?

    jammin has a good point here, limjunis.

    We must learn to understand “emphatical statements”.  If we take “only Lord, Jesus Christ” LITERALLY, then it means Jehovah is NOT our Lord.

    If we take “only true God” LITERALLY, then it means that Jesus, and the other servants of Jehovah who have been called “god” in the scriptures, are “false gods”.

    Read my last post about President Obama, limjunis.  Does calling Obama “the only true President” make the President of Mexico a “false President”?  Or is it a way of placing Obama ABOVE the other Presidents in the world?  Which one?

    Hi Mike,

    Where is Jesus ever been called “Theos” in Scripture?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1, John 1:18, John 20:28, possibly Titus 2:13………….. among others.


    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 15 2012,09:57)
    The other gods meaning there are not true God.

    So the faithful servants of Jehovah are “false gods”, limjunis?  YES or NO?

    Jehovah has had many faithful servants who have been called “gods” – Jesus is one of them.  Is Jesus then a “false god” because he is not “the only true god”?

    How about “Lord”?  Jesus is called “the ONLY Lord”.  Does that mean Jehovah is NOT your Lord, limjunis?

    Jehovah is called the only Savior.  Does that mean Jesus is a “false savior”?  YES or NO?

    I agree that we must adhere to the words of the scriptures – but we must do so in the context of the scriptures as a whole.

    In 1 Cor 8:6, Paul is laying out the hierarchy of those who rule over us.  He is listing the Father as the Head, and under Him the one He set up as our Lord.  But it is not meant to be taken LITERALLY, as if Jehovah is the only “mighty one” in existence, or that Jesus is the only “master” in existence.

    Here is an example:
    1 Corinthians 15:27
    For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ.

    Now imagine Paul didn't add the bolded disclaimer.  Would you take “everything” as a LITERAL statement, meaning that EVEN GOD was put under the feet of Jesus?  Or would your common sense kick in and cause you to understand that “everything” was not meant to be taken LITERALLY?

    In 15:27, we have Paul to state the disclaimer for us so that we know “everything” is NOT meant to be taken LITERALLY.  In many other scriptures, there is no disclaimer stated, and we must use our common sense to know that certain things cannot possibly be taken LITERALLY.

  • Is Jehovah LITERALLY the ONLY savior?  NO.
  • Is Jehovah LITERALLY the ONLY god (mighty one) in existence?  NO.
  • Is Jesus LITERALLY the ONLY lord in existence?  NO.

    We must use our common sense, and understand scripture AS A WHOLE, not just from one scripture here, and another scripture there.


    We must also learn how to understand EMPHATICAL statements in the Bible.  If I say that Usain Bolt is “the only true runner” on the planet, it is NOT a LITERAL statement – but an EMPHATICAL statement intended to mean that Usain Bolt is the BEST runner on the planet.  Surely you can understand this, right?

Ed J

Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 16 2012,03:08)
(1)Isaiah 9:6, (2)John 1:1, (3)John 1:18, (4)John 20:28, possibly (5)Titus 2:13………….. among others.

Hi Mike,

1) I thought he was called 'a mighty one' there? (have you changed your mind?)
2) “The Word” is the HolySpirit, not Jesus.
3) There is no such thing as 'a begotten god' – that verse is fraudulent.
4) John was referring to God inside Jesus, not Jesus himself.
5) That verse mimics the meaning of “Immanuel” – God with us. (and what John said in John 20:28)

So none of those verses say 'Jesus is a god', but nice try.     …what others, because none here do?

God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 15 2012,10:29)

Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 16 2012,03:08)
(1)Isaiah 9:6

Hi Mike,

1) I thought he was called 'a mighty one' there?

How does your precious KJV translate it, Ed?  Does the version you swear by call Jesus a god in 9:6? YES or NO?

Ed J

Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 16 2012,03:37)

Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 15 2012,10:29)

Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 16 2012,03:08)
(1)Isaiah 9:6

Hi Mike,

1) I thought he was called 'a mighty one' there?

How does your precious KJV translate it, Ed?  Does the version you swear by call Jesus a god in 9:6?  YES or NO?

Hi Mike,

It is translated that way in the “AKJV Bible”,
but you and I know it means 'a mighty one'. (Ha Ha ha ha)

God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


So then, according to the AKJV, which you run around this site proclaiming as “the true word of God” or whatever, Jesus IS a god?

Is that what you're saying Ed?  :)

Ed J

Hi Mike,

Did you not read my last post?


Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 15 2012,21:58)

Hi Charles: the same glory.


No!! It's not the same glory

comment on my post

Ed J

Quote (carmel @ Sep. 16 2012,06:39)

Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 15 2012,21:58)

Hi Charles: the same glory.


No!! It's not the same glory

comment on my post


“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye
have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ;
if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy
to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:14-18)


Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 15 2012,14:39)

Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 15 2012,13:42)

Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 13 2012,16:23)

Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 13 2012,13:03)

Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 13 2012,11:54)

Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 12 2012,17:26)

Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 13 2012,10:11)

In Isaiah 44:8, Jehovah asks, “Is there an el besides me?”

Well Frank?  Is there any other being who is ever called “el” or “elohim” in scripture?  YES or NO?


Listen to Father Yahweh when he says:

Exodus 12:12
………and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD.

Frank, listen to what Father Yahweh says.

The answer to the question is:  YES!  There are MANY elohim mentioned in the scriptures.

And since that is the case, we know that Isaiah 44:8 is an EMPHATICAL statement, just like the statement about Payton Manning in my example.


I do listen to Father Yahweh's inspired prophetic word and study and put it into practice on a daily basis as is instructed.

Father Yahweh will judge and has already judged all of theses so-called and false “gods” as powerless and as “no gods at all”! They are LITERALLY non-existent as actual beings! :laugh:

They sacrificed to demons that were no gods, to gods they had never known, to new gods that had come recently, whom your fathers had never dreaded (Deuteronomy 32:17).

And you see and hear how this fellow Shaul has convinced and led astray large numbers of people here in Ephesus and in practically the whole province of Asia. He says that man-made gods are no gods at all (Acts 19:26).

You still continue to be owned in the very forum that you co-moderate and continue to be powerless in swaying me to your perverted beliefs just as the very false and so-called “gods” that you recognize as actual beings that exist! :laugh:

Isayah 9:6:

Does Isayah 9:6 Proclaim Yahshua To Be Yahweh?
Does Isaiah 9:6 Claim That “Jesus is God”?

Yahchanan 1:1:

John Chapter One

Yahchanan 20:28:

Did Thomas Call Yahshua “God”?

Hebrews 1:8:

Did Father Yahweh call His Son “God”?

Exodus 32
By Voy Wilks

The Pre-existence
Philippians 2:5-11
By Voy Wilks

Did Yahshua Create Or Pre-exist His Birth?

“Jesus IS God!”?

“gods” meaning not true God


This is exactly what I have pointed out to Mike on a number of occasions, but he insist that there in no mention in Scripture that these “gods” are “false, so-called gods” or “meaning not true God” as you have put it, but instead insist that the “gods” are in fact actual beings that actually have some kind of power (authority), might and strength. I even pointed out to him the story in Scripture about the competition that was set up by Eliyah between Father Yahweh and Baal and in the end result it was clearly shown that Baal had no power whatsoever and mikebulls'64 still refused to see the truth in this example.




Pieear and all of his cohorts,

And where in Scripture does it point out or give evidence that these “gods” that you recognize as *”true gods” actually have power (authority), strength, or might? It is clearly pointed out in Scripture that these so-called and false “gods” that you recognize as having power, (authority), strength or might “ARE NO MIGHTY ONES AT ALL”. This simple Scriptural fact tells me without a doubt that they are FALSE or SO-CALLED mighty ones that have no power (authority), strength or might whatsoever.

*NOTE: Now this is eternal life: that they may know You [Yahweh], the ONLY [meaning ONE and NO OTHER] TRUE Mighty ONE, and Yahshua the Messiah, whom You [Yahweh] have sent (Yahchanan [John] 17:3).

Note that Yahshua here does not refer to himself as “God” or “a god” and also nowhere else in the so-called “New Testament” is he recorded as proclaiming such foolishness. Note that Shaul echoes what Yahshua has proclaimed:

So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols [gods]: We know that an idol [god] is NOTHING AT ALL in the world and that there is NO Mighty One BUT ONE. For even IF there are SO-CALLED gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many [that are called] “gods” and “lords”), yet FOR US there is ONLY [meaning ONE and NO OTHER] but ONE Mighty ONE, THE FATHER, from whom
all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Master, Yahshua the Messiah, because of whom all things came and because of whom we live (1 Corinthians 4:8-6).

After hearing the truth of what Scripture (Father Yahweh's inspired prophetic word) clearly teaches, how long are you and your cohorts going to hold on to such a foolish, false, deceptive, and demonic swine/dog doctrine of pagan/idol/god/devil worship origin as “Jesus IS God!” or “a god” and how long do you and your cohorts plan to feed such filthy pig/dog dung to others?  :laugh:


To all,

As Jehovah/Yawheh is the first and last of his kind;  the only kind that deserves worship; the only kind that is the source of all good and perfect things, then those elohim, whether on earth or in heaven, who are worshiped as his kind are false Jehovah's/Yahweh's; which is to say false Gods.  These false Gods are also the lies told by demons.


Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 16 2012,03:28)
So the faithful servants of Jehovah are “false gods”, limjunis?  YES or NO?

mikebull s'64,

So, you believe that you and your servants of YOUR “God” are also each “a god”?  :laugh:

In accordance with your translation of Scripture you can only be a SON or CHILD of “God” just as YOUR “Jesus” that you so erroneously worship.  

I will use Ed J's Scriptural reference to prove this point as follows:

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye
have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ;
if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy
to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:14-18)

John Chapter One

Exodus 32
By Voy Wilks

The Pre-existence
Philippians 2:5-11
By Voy Wilks

Did Yahshua Create Or Pre-exist His Birth?

“Jesus IS God!”?


Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 15 2012,21:23)

Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 15 2012,19:02)

By the holy scriptures, The first man, Adam and Eve has been created by God, from the clay.  Called a soul without life.  God breath the life into him and the man became a living soul.

Where did you come up with this strange idea?

The clay is the body of a man; it is not the soul.  In fact the soul is in the blood and when the earlier departs from the body; the living breath departs.  

According to Jesus Abraham and Isaac were yet alive even though their body had returned to dust.  What part of them still remained  and was living; even though naked?

Kerwin, it is not a strange idea.

Why not read the Genesis, go to the creation of man by God

There are three component in a man. Spirit, Soul and Body.

I Thess. 5:23 NKJV

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The clay or dust is the external body/personality (cover/clothe of a human being), the Soul is the internal body or inner personality and the Spirit is the life given by God, and shall return to God, when a man was died.



You might not have intended to but you were calling the body the soul.  This is what I called a strange teaching.

You are correct that the soul is the inner man. The spirit is what that man lives by.

There is a body, soul, and spirit but both the soul and spirit are immaterial in nature; while the body is material.

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