JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #312930

    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 15 2012,03:23)

    Quote (jammin @ Sep. 15 2012,02:58)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 14 2012,21:09)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 14 2012,04:38)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 12 2012,22:58)
    …the essence of the word equal is two and could not be completed without the other one to be equaled.

    Exactly.  One cannot be “equal to” himself.  In order for one to be “equal to” another, there has to be that OTHER for him to be “equal to”.  “Equal to” definitely implies TWO – one of whom is “equal to” the OTHER.

    So even with jammin's doctored translations that say Jesus is “equal to God”, it still backfires on him.

    (FYI, there is no actual scripture that says Jesus is “equal to God” anyway.  There are, however, many scriptures that say he is the “servant of”, and “lessor to” his God and Creator.)

    In what essence Jesus Christ is equal with God, as we have aware, it could not be as another true God, because for being the Supreme Being He is alone and could not be duplicated

    Therefore, God could and would be equaled by Jesus Christ in the essence of God's attributes.

    The true God in the essence of qualities, is holy,… Jesus Christ is also holy (sinless). (God and Jesus Christ is equal in holiness)

    A sinless or a holy man could not be condemned to death.  The rules of the law is, “For the wages of sin is death….” ref. Romans 6:23 NKJV.

    Therefore, Jesus Christ even though he is a human is immortal (in the form/ nature/ attribute of God) for being holy/sinless and the power of death has nothing to do with him. But he did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,…” (Jesus Christ's nature/attributes is holy and immortal. Entitling him as equaled with God, and it is not robbery or to be hold) Ref: Philippians 2:6

    Here is the mystery of the kingdom of God…. for the salvation of all mankind.

    All mankind have sinned, except Jesus Christ. The nature/attributes of man is weak, violators or sinners, under the power of death and already condemned for the eternal punishment by God.

    The salvation has been made through Jesus Christ. God made him a redeemer and Lord to those people who will beleive with his good news (Christ's gospel).

    The good news is; Jesus Christ, have agreed with the will of God, that he must set aside his immortality and holiness by acting as a servant, acting has no reputation and willing to experiences a life of human full of sins, accepting the wages of death for the sinners; he must die for the sake of his believers/ followers even in the death of the cross.  ref: Philippians 2:7-8

    In the first place, Jesus Christ could enjoy the benefits for being holy/sinless. He can live forever and ever and no need for him to suffer as a sinner and no need for to experience the hardship in this world. But, instead he remove all of his attributes (immortality and holiness) with God, he took the normal form (sinners and mortal nature) of a human being, live among men, experiences the hardship in this world and died for us. The reward of his noble task and sacrifices,… God, exalted him, given him a name above every name and made him Lord and Savior for the Glory of his God and Father. ref: Philippians 29-11.

    That's it…the mystery of the kingdom of God, for the salvation of the followers of Christ Jesus.


    read in phil 2.6 that it refers only to holiness.

    ill wait.
    give me a single translation limjunus.

    i do not need opinion. i want you to read  your illusion in phil 2.6

    that is not the right meaning of the verse.
    you are not saying the whole truth. you are like your father satan

    Hi limjunus,

    “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you,
      and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
      Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:
      for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” (Matt 5:11-12)

    “Hear, and understand: Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man;
      but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” (Matt 15:10-11)

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    ED j..


    Jammin is just trying to write down the verses and gave his own unsafe conclusion with matching accusation to the other contributors.

    I have notice that's his style and improper attitudes and need to be corrected. :D


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 15 2012,08:35)




    1 Chronicles 13:9And when they came unto the threshingfloor of Chidon, Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark; for the oxen stumbled. 10And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzza, and he smote him, because he put his hand to the ark: and there he died before God.

    Who killed UZZA, simply because he, with good intentions prevented the ARK from being dropped??

    This was deu to the fact that God instructed not to touch the Ark, even with good intentions.

    In the OT intentions were never respected. If a person make a sin he dies, that was it.

    Peace and love in Jesus



    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 15 2012,06:42)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 13 2012,16:23)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 13 2012,13:03)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 13 2012,11:54)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 12 2012,17:26)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 13 2012,10:11)

    In Isaiah 44:8, Jehovah asks, “Is there an el besides me?”

    Well Frank?  Is there any other being who is ever called “el” or “elohim” in scripture?  YES or NO?


    Listen to Father Yahweh when he says:

    Exodus 12:12
    ………and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD.

    Frank, listen to what Father Yahweh says.

    The answer to the question is:  YES!  There are MANY elohim mentioned in the scriptures.

    And since that is the case, we know that Isaiah 44:8 is an EMPHATICAL statement, just like the statement about Payton Manning in my example.


    I do listen to Father Yahweh's inspired prophetic word and study and put it into practice on a daily basis as is instructed.

    Father Yahweh will judge and has already judged all of theses so-called and false “gods” as powerless and as “no gods at all”! They are LITERALLY non-existent as actual beings! :laugh:

    They sacrificed to demons that were no gods, to gods they had never known, to new gods that had come recently, whom your fathers had never dreaded (Deuteronomy 32:17).

    And you see and hear how this fellow Shaul has convinced and led astray large numbers of people here in Ephesus and in practically the whole province of Asia. He says that man-made gods are no gods at all (Acts 19:26).

    You still continue to be owned in the very forum that you co-moderate and continue to be powerless in swaying me to your perverted beliefs just as the very false and so-called “gods” that you recognize as actual beings that exist! :laugh:

    Isayah 9:6:

    Does Isayah 9:6 Proclaim Yahshua To Be Yahweh?
    Does Isaiah 9:6 Claim That “Jesus is God”?

    Yahchanan 1:1:

    John Chapter One

    Yahchanan 20:28:

    Did Thomas Call Yahshua “God”?

    Hebrews 1:8:

    Did Father Yahweh call His Son “God”?

    Exodus 32
    By Voy Wilks

    The Pre-existence
    Philippians 2:5-11
    By Voy Wilks

    Did Yahshua Create Or Pre-exist His Birth?

    “Jesus IS God!”?

    “gods” meaning not true God


    This is exactly what I have pointed out to Mike on a number of occasions, but he insist that there in no mention in Scripture that these “gods” are “false, so-called gods” or “meaning not true God” as you have put it, but instead insist that the “gods” are in fact actual beings that actually have some kind of power (authority), might and strength. I even pointed out to him the story in Scripture about the competition that was set up by Eliyah between Father Yahweh and Baal and in the end result it was clearly shown that Baal had no power whatsoever and mikebulls'64 still refused to see the truth in this example.

    As what the genuine doctrines of apostle Paul written in 1 Cor. 8:4-6). Do not give importance to the so called gods and lords.

    His teaching is, “For us alone, there is only one true God, the Father…. In line of the so called gods.

    and in line of the so called lords,.. even though they are so many lords in this earth, kings, Emperor, Teachers, husbands and so on ,.. “For us alone, there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ…. equivalent to only one head of the church, the only man made by God, Lord and Savior.

    The words “there is only one Lord Jesus Christ is not introducing or referring that the meaning the words “only one Lord” is equivalent to the meaning of there is only one God.

    Ref. Col 1:18


    Ed wrote:


    Father Yahweh's inspired prophetic word did not “[die] on the cross”!


    The word itself never died for sure,because it still lives through the GOSPEL.


    Explain yourself please!

    Peace and love in Jesus, THE WORD OF GOD BECAME FLESH.



    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 15 2012,07:29)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 14 2012,21:09)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 14 2012,04:38)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 12 2012,22:58)
    …the essence of the word equal is two and could not be completed without the other one to be equaled.

    Exactly.  One cannot be “equal to” himself.  In order for one to be “equal to” another, there has to be that OTHER for him to be “equal to”.  “Equal to” definitely implies TWO – one of whom is “equal to” the OTHER.

    So even with jammin's doctored translations that say Jesus is “equal to God”, it still backfires on him.

    (FYI, there is no actual scripture that says Jesus is “equal to God” anyway.  There are, however, many scriptures that say he is the “servant of”, and “lessor to” his God and Creator.)

    In what essence Jesus Christ is equal with God, as we have aware, it could not be as another true God, because for being the Supreme Being He is alone and could not be duplicated

    Therefore, God could and would be equaled by Jesus Christ in the essence of God's attributes.

    The true God in the essence of qualities, is holy,… Jesus Christ is also holy (sinless). (God and Jesus Christ is equal in holiness)

    A sinless or a holy man could not be condemned to death.  The rules of the law is, “For the wages of sin is death….” ref. Romans 6:23 NKJV.

    Therefore, Jesus Christ even though he is a human is immortal (in the form/ nature/ attribute of God) for being holy/sinless and the power of death has nothing to do with him. But he did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,…” (Jesus Christ's nature/attributes is holy and immortal. Entitling him as equaled with God, and it is not robbery or to be hold) Ref: Philippians 2:6

    Here is the mystery of the kingdom of God…. for the salvation of all mankind.

    All mankind have sinned, except Jesus Christ. The nature/attributes of man is weak, violators or sinners, under the power of death and already condemned for the eternal punishment by God.

    The salvation has been made through Jesus Christ. God made him a redeemer and Lord to those people who will beleive with his good news (Christ's gospel).

    The good news is; Jesus Christ, have agreed with the will of God, that he must set aside his immortality and holiness by acting as a servant, acting has no reputation and willing to experiences a life of human full of sins, accepting the wages of death for the sinners; he must die for the sake of his believers/ followers even in the death of the cross.  ref: Philippians 2:7-8

    In the first place, Jesus Christ could enjoy the benefits for being holy/sinless. He can live forever and ever and no need for him to suffer as a sinner and no need for to experience the hardship in this world. But, instead he remove all of his attributes (immortality and holiness) with God, he took the normal form (sinners and mortal nature) of a human being, live among men, experiences the hardship in this world and died for us. The reward of his noble task and sacrifices,… God, exalted him, given him a name above every name and made him Lord and Savior for the Glory of his God and Father. ref: Philippians 29-11.

    That's it…the mystery of the kingdom of God, for the salvation of the followers of Christ Jesus.



    Yahshua was not initially an immortal being, but was in fact a mortal MAN just as you and I. An immortal being can not die. The fact is, Yahshua died and it was his and our Father Yahweh Who redeemed him from death (clearly showing that he was a mortal MAN subject to death) and resurrecting him to life as an immortal spirit being.

    So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body 1 Corinthians 15:42-44).

    For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53).

    Please see:


    Revised 3/12/12

    John Chapter One

    Exodus 32
    By Voy Wilks

    The Pre-existence
    Philippians 2:5-11
    By Voy Wilks

    Did Yahshua Create Or Pre-exist His Birth?

    “Jesus IS God!”?


    By the holy scriptures, The first man, Adam and Eve has been created by God, from the clay. Called a soul without life. God breath the life into him and the man became a living soul.

    God created the man, and woman and has been blessed.

    If the first man did not violate the first and only commandment of God, they shall not die meaning they shall live forever and ever in Paradise. The same essence of the power of the immortality. The power of immortality has been destroyed by their violation (sin) and the wage of the sin is death (Romans 6:23)

    Christ Jesus, even though he is a human being, his mortality has been override by his sinless status and became immortal and entitling him to be equal with the nature/quality of God.

    How the sinless person can died? ….the power of death is only applicable to the sinners. Therefore, Jesus Christ immortality could not be removed through and by the sin, because he is a sinless person/man.

    Jesus Christ has a bargaining power between God and him. I will lay down my immortality for the sake of the sinners, turns to be the believers or followers of Christ. I am willing to suffer, experiences the sinners life, removing my reputations as a sinless man and died for them on the cross. What is the reward? Jesus Christ shall be the heirs of everything belongs to God, power and authority in heaven and on earth shall be given to him, every rulers and all shall be under his feet, he shall be the only begotten Son of God, He shall be the head of the church and he shall be under by God, he is second in command for being the Lord and Savior of the chose
    n people of God. ref: 1 Cor. 15:27-28 / Acts. 2:22 and 36



    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 15 2012,08:35)

    Quote (carmel @ Sep. 15 2012,07:37)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 14 2012,21:09)

    Therefore, God could and would be equaled by Jesus Christ in the essence of God's attributes.







    Read hereunder!

    1 Chronicles 13:9And when they came unto the threshingfloor of Chidon, Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark; for the oxen stumbled. 10And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzza, and he smote him, because he put his hand to the ark: and there he died before God.

    Peace and love in Jesus



    Father Yahweh never “KILLED PEOPLE INSTANTLY,EVEN WITHOUT AN EVIL INTENTION!!” This is not “IN FACT”, but is IN FACT ERROR in opposition to Father Yahweh's righteous and loving way!

    The FACT is, the wages of disobedience to Father Yahweh (“sin”) is death!

    For the wages of *sin is death, but the gift of Yahweh is eternal life in the Messiah Yahshua our Master (Romans 6:23).

    *NOTE sin: What is the Scriptural definition of “sin”?

    Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law (1 Yahchanan [John] 3:4).

    Disobedience to Father Yahweh's righteous instruction (torah, law, commandment, statute, charge) is most certainly “EVIL”.

    In Numbers 4:15 Father Yahweh warned the Lewites that they were not to touch any of the set apart [“holy”] things they were to carry lest they die. This was in direct disobedience to Father Yahweh's clear instruction.

    Please see:

    Father Yahweh Instruction (Torah, Law, Commandment,  Statute, Charge, Teaching)

    John Chapter One

    Exodus 32
    By Voy Wilks

    The Pre-existence
    Philippians 2:5-11
    By Voy Wilks

    Did Yahshua Create Or Pre-exist His Birth?

    “Jesus IS God!”?

    God is holy from no beginning to no end.

    Jesus Christ is holy from the beginning to no end.

    The benefit of being holy man or sinless is immortality because the penalty of death could not be applied to sinless man/person unless there is a covenant between him and God.

    The new covenant between God and Jesus is, that he must set aside his immortality or equality with God, experiencing the normal human status, acting like a sinner, suffering and die even on the cross for the sake of the chosen people or the true believers. ref. Romans 3:24 II Cor. 5:21



    Romans 11:32 NKJV
    32. For God has committed them all to disobedience, that He might have mercy on all.

    Gal. 3:22 TEV
    22. But the scripture says that the whole world is under the power of sin; and so the gift which is promised on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ is given to those who believe.

    I John 4:9 NKJV
    9In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.

    I John 5:1 NKJV
    1.Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves him who is begotten of Him.

    The one and only true God did not come down from heaven and died for us,..His only begotten Son has been sent and died for us.

    The one and only true God could not offer His life for us, because he is immortal. He could not able to kill himself just for us. He is not a fool, pretending and acting died but in fact he is not die at all. There must someone special, a fitted one, a sinless man.

    How about the righteousness, the true justice, that only the guilty one must be punished? Jesus Christ is not guilty, … he is a sinless man. What is the reason why the holy man must die for the sinners? It is a direct violation of justice and righteousness of God.

    The righteousness of God, is to make a new man. Eph. 2:15 NKJV
    15having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace (place of reconciliation between God and men),

    Eph.4:24 NKJV
    24. and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

    He commanded Jesus Christ to establish his church and consider it as his body. Matthew 16:18

    The church is the body of Christ and the covenants consider it as one new man. A head and the body. Christ is the head of the body (Col. 1:18) and the committed sins by the body must be paid by Christ blood/life Eph. 5:23 TEV
    23. For a husband has authority over his wife just as Christ has authority over the church; and Christ is himself the Savior of the church, his body.

    25. Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. 26. He did this to dedicate the church to God by his word, after making it clean by washing it in water.

    31. As the scripture says, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one.” 32. There is a deep secret truth revealed in this scripture, which I understand as applying to Christ and the church.

    The mystery of the kingdom of God, is to reveal the importance of the church built by Christ in our relation with Christ and his God.

    1 Cor. 12:27 NKJV
    27. Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.

    God, commanded His son to create a new man,.. compose of a holy man, as the head and many sinner men as his body. The head is responsible for his body's sin and should be paid by the head (Christ).

    Therefore, there is no violation of the rules of law, that the guilty one only be punished, because the church have sinned (composed of the sinners) and need to be redeemed from the power of eternal condemnation from the hand of God by the appointed Savior, Christ Jesus, a holy man



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 15 2012,10:58)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 14 2012,04:09)
    In what essence Jesus Christ is equal with God, as we have aware, it could not be as another true God, because for being the Supreme Being He is alone and could not be duplicated


    Who is “the only true Lord”?  

    And who is “the only true mighty one”?


    There is so many true Lords can be read in the Bible. That's why apostle Paul reminded us, that among the many men called lords,.. for us alone, there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ. …also,

    we can read in the Bible that there are so many mighty, but the the Almighty God is only one and He is true. ref: Gen. 6:4 NKJV.

    There is no other true God, can be read in the Bible, except the Father and God of Jesus Christ. John 17:1-3 / 1 Cor. 8:6 / Mal. 2:10 NKJV.



    By the holy scriptures, The first man, Adam and Eve has been created by God, from the clay. Called a soul without life. God breath the life into him and the man became a living soul.

    Where did you come up with this strange idea?

    The clay is the body of a man; it is not the soul. In fact the soul is in the blood and when the earlier departs from the body; the living breath departs.

    According to Jesus Abraham and Isaac were yet alive even though their body had returned to dust. What part of them still remained and was living; even though naked?

    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 15 2012,08:38)

    Quote (carmel @ Sep. 15 2012,08:05)

    It seems that you are under the impression that the GLORY mentioned in John 1: 14, is the same GLORY which is mentioned in Romans 8:18!!

    Am I right???

    Peace and love in Jesus

    Hi Charles: the same glory.

                    God's HolySpirit is “The Word“.  (Link)

    “(The) Ho Logos which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's” (John 14:24)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 15 2012,16:11)

    Quote (jammin @ Sep. 15 2012,02:58)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 14 2012,21:09)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 14 2012,04:38)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 12 2012,22:58)
    …the essence of the word equal is two and could not be completed without the other one to be equaled.

    Exactly.  One cannot be “equal to” himself.  In order for one to be “equal to” another, there has to be that OTHER for him to be “equal to”.  “Equal to” definitely implies TWO – one of whom is “equal to” the OTHER.

    So even with jammin's doctored translations that say Jesus is “equal to God”, it still backfires on him.

    (FYI, there is no actual scripture that says Jesus is “equal to God” anyway.  There are, however, many scriptures that say he is the “servant of”, and “lessor to” his God and Creator.)

    In what essence Jesus Christ is equal with God, as we have aware, it could not be as another true God, because for being the Supreme Being He is alone and could not be duplicated

    Therefore, God could and would be equaled by Jesus Christ in the essence of God's attributes.

    The true God in the essence of qualities, is holy,… Jesus Christ is also holy (sinless). (God and Jesus Christ is equal in holiness)

    A sinless or a holy man could not be condemned to death.  The rules of the law is, “For the wages of sin is death….” ref. Romans 6:23 NKJV.

    Therefore, Jesus Christ even though he is a human is immortal (in the form/ nature/ attribute of God) for being holy/sinless and the power of death has nothing to do with him. But he did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,…” (Jesus Christ's nature/attributes is holy and immortal. Entitling him as equaled with God, and it is not robbery or to be hold) Ref: Philippians 2:6

    Here is the mystery of the kingdom of God…. for the salvation of all mankind.

    All mankind have sinned, except Jesus Christ. The nature/attributes of man is weak, violators or sinners, under the power of death and already condemned for the eternal punishment by God.

    The salvation has been made through Jesus Christ. God made him a redeemer and Lord to those people who will beleive with his good news (Christ's gospel).

    The good news is; Jesus Christ, have agreed with the will of God, that he must set aside his immortality and holiness by acting as a servant, acting has no reputation and willing to experiences a life of human full of sins, accepting the wages of death for the sinners; he must die for the sake of his believers/ followers even in the death of the cross.  ref: Philippians 2:7-8

    In the first place, Jesus Christ could enjoy the benefits for being holy/sinless. He can live forever and ever and no need for him to suffer as a sinner and no need for to experience the hardship in this world. But, instead he remove all of his attributes (immortality and holiness) with God, he took the normal form (sinners and mortal nature) of a human being, live among men, experiences the hardship in this world and died for us. The reward of his noble task and sacrifices,… God, exalted him, given him a name above every name and made him Lord and Savior for the Glory of his God and Father. ref: Philippians 29-11.

    That's it…the mystery of the kingdom of God, for the salvation of the followers of Christ Jesus.


    read in phil 2.6 that it refers only to holiness.

    ill wait.
    give me a single translation limjunus.

    i do not need opinion. i want you to read  your illusion in phil 2.6

    that is not the right meaning of the verse.
    you are not saying the whole truth. you are like your father satan


    Now, you are requesting for a single translation?  You did not see it? There were references every end of the context.

    It is not my opinion, it is the new covenant or gospel of Christ Jesus.  That he must set aside his nature/attributes for being a holy man of God.  A holy man could not overcome by death or the power of death has nothing to do with a sinless man.

    In other words, the penalty of sin is death and eternal condemnation in the lake of fire (hell). ref: Romans 6:23 / Rev. 20:14 NKJV

    Jammin, answer me honestly. How the holy man or a sinless man could be put into death by God, where is the righteousness that only a guilty man must be punished by death?

    Do not insist your incorrect understanding with the Philippians 2:6 and just throw away the verses 7 to 11.

    Do not contradict the truth of the Bible by twisting it because of your own understanding.  

    Think it and learn it rightfully.  You must throw away your belief that the true God died for us.  

    Here is the truth of the kingdom of God. The one and only true God, is immortal and would never died.

    In fact you are in the stage of a very dangerous illusion.

    Jesus Christ, sacrifices his nature/attributes. For being sinless or a holy man, the power of the death has nothing to do with him (Romans 6:23 and Rev.20:14)

    The status of Jesus Christ was a sinless man entitling him for immortality. The same/equal quality of God, never died.

    But he did not hold into it, instead he set aside it (stripped the equality of God) and agreed to be the appointed redeemer, willing to change his status of being holy man/immortal and took the normal form a human being, acting like sinners, experiencing the pain of being a sinners and ready to die even on the cross.

    Because of completion of the noble and holy task given to him by God, he has been rewarded, exalted, receiving precious name above all name and made him Lord and Savior of the chosen people of God.

    You are in a perfect illusion of Satan, Jammin. Imagining your belief,…The true God rewarding another true God,… true God died on the cross because he is obeying the commandments of his another true God?

    The Holy Scriptures is full of mystery and it is not like an open or ordinary book. You can not get the rightful understanding on it except with the guidance the true preachers of God.



    therefore you cant read in phil 2.6-7 that it ONLY refers to holiness.

    make your own bible boy LOL

    the meaning of the verse is that HE IS GOD! it refers to possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God

    Philippians 2:6-7

    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    6 Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God [[a]possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God],
    did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped [c]or retained,

    7 But stripped Himself [of all privileges and [d]rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became like men and was born a human being.

    it talks about the ESSENCE!

    Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

    His already existing STATE OF EQUALITY with God, both the Father and the Son having the same ESSENCE.


    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 15 2012,18:47)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 15 2012,10:58)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 14 2012,04:09)
    In what essence Jesus Christ is equal with God, as we have aware, it could not be as another true God, because for being the Supreme Being He is alone and could not be duplicated


    Who is “the only true Lord”?  

    And who is “the only true mighty one”?


    There is so many true Lords can be read in the Bible. That's why apostle Paul reminded us, that among the many men called lords,.. for us alone, there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ. …also,

    we can read in the Bible that there are so many mighty, but the the Almighty God is only one and He is true. ref: Gen. 6:4 NKJV.

    There is no other true God, can be read in the Bible, except the Father and God of Jesus Christ. John 17:1-3 / 1 Cor. 8:6 / Mal. 2:10 NKJV.

    if im going to follow your argument, the father is not LORD to you boy??
    paul said there is ONE LORD, Christ.

    so is the father not LORD to you? yes or no?


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 14 2012,19:11)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 15 2012,11:12)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Sep. 14 2012,15:41)

    Father Yahweh's inspired prophetic word did not “[die] on the cross”!


    Did the Word of God from Rev 19:13 die on the cross?


    …….Yahshua's title is called “The Word of Yahweh” in Revelation 19:13 simply because he is the spokesman of his and our Father Yahweh's word in this last time period………..

    Very good.  So, did this spokesman ever die on a cross?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 15 2012,11:06)

    Quote (carmel @ Sep. 14 2012,14:42)


    Now tell me!!

    Who would judge the DEMONS, for the eternal punishment, THE FATHER, OR THE SON???

    Peace and love in Jesus


    Hi Charles,

    I agree with Frank on this one – that the demons have already been judged.  (That's why they already know their punishment is coming, and asked Jesus if he was there to punish them before the appointed time.)

    But I think I get the gist of what you're asking, and my answer is that Jesus' Father, Master, and God has GRANTED him authority to judge.  (In fact, Jesus in turn granted some of that authority to his Apostles, saying, if you forgive them on earth, they will be forgiven in heaven………….)

    Anyway, the Father is the ultimate Judge of all, and as such, He has granted the authority to judge mankind to His Son Jesus.

    agreed with Frank :D


    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 16 2012,01:46)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 15 2012,11:06)

    Quote (carmel @ Sep. 14 2012,14:42)


    Now tell me!!

    Who would judge the DEMONS, for the eternal punishment, THE FATHER, OR THE SON???

    Peace and love in Jesus


    Hi Charles,

    I agree with Frank on this one – that the demons have already been judged.  (That's why they already know their punishment is coming, and asked Jesus if he was there to punish them before the appointed time.)

    But I think I get the gist of what you're asking, and my answer is that Jesus' Father, Master, and God has GRANTED him authority to judge.  (In fact, Jesus in turn granted some of that authority to his Apostles, saying, if you forgive them on earth, they will be forgiven in heaven………….)

    Anyway, the Father is the ultimate Judge of all, and as such, He has granted the authority to judge mankind to His Son Jesus.

    agreed with Mike :D



    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 14 2012,22:45)
    * God is the Elohim.
    * The Messengers are Elohim.
    * This does not mean that the uncreated Jehovah/Yawheh is the same kind as the Messengers, who are created.

    That is correct, Kerwin.

    But like Pierre just pointed out, these messengers of God, who serve Him loyaly and faithfully, cannot be called “false elohim”.

    We must learn to understand “only true God” for what it truly means.  If there was a scripture that called Jehovah “the only true Lord”, the statement would be accurate in an emphatical way, but would not make Lord Jesus a “false lord”, or a “so-called lord”.

    Using the example Pierre just gave, if I called Obama “the only true President”, it would be an EMPHATICAL statement, and would NOT mean that the President of Microsoft, or the President of Mexico were “false presidents”.  Instead, it would emphatically point out that Obama is the most powerful President in the world.

    I wish that people would start to understand these things.


    Quote (jammin @ Sep. 16 2012,01:34)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 15 2012,16:11)

    Quote (jammin @ Sep. 15 2012,02:58)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 14 2012,21:09)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 14 2012,04:38)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 12 2012,22:58)
    …the essence of the word equal is two and could not be completed without the other one to be equaled.

    Exactly.  One cannot be “equal to” himself.  In order for one to be “equal to” another, there has to be that OTHER for him to be “equal to”.  “Equal to” definitely implies TWO – one of whom is “equal to” the OTHER.

    So even with jammin's doctored translations that say Jesus is “equal to God”, it still backfires on him.

    (FYI, there is no actual scripture that says Jesus is “equal to God” anyway.  There are, however, many scriptures that say he is the “servant of”, and “lessor to” his God and Creator.)

    In what essence Jesus Christ is equal with God, as we have aware, it could not be as another true God, because for being the Supreme Being He is alone and could not be duplicated

    Therefore, God could and would be equaled by Jesus Christ in the essence of God's attributes.

    The true God in the essence of qualities, is holy,… Jesus Christ is also holy (sinless). (God and Jesus Christ is equal in holiness)

    A sinless or a holy man could not be condemned to death.  The rules of the law is, “For the wages of sin is death….” ref. Romans 6:23 NKJV.

    Therefore, Jesus Christ even though he is a human is immortal (in the form/ nature/ attribute of God) for being holy/sinless and the power of death has nothing to do with him. But he did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,…” (Jesus Christ's nature/attributes is holy and immortal. Entitling him as equaled with God, and it is not robbery or to be hold) Ref: Philippians 2:6

    Here is the mystery of the kingdom of God…. for the salvation of all mankind.

    All mankind have sinned, except Jesus Christ. The nature/attributes of man is weak, violators or sinners, under the power of death and already condemned for the eternal punishment by God.

    The salvation has been made through Jesus Christ. God made him a redeemer and Lord to those people who will beleive with his good news (Christ's gospel).

    The good news is; Jesus Christ, have agreed with the will of God, that he must set aside his immortality and holiness by acting as a servant, acting has no reputation and willing to experiences a life of human full of sins, accepting the wages of death for the sinners; he must die for the sake of his believers/ followers even in the death of the cross.  ref: Philippians 2:7-8

    In the first place, Jesus Christ could enjoy the benefits for being holy/sinless. He can live forever and ever and no need for him to suffer as a sinner and no need for to experience the hardship in this world. But, instead he remove all of his attributes (immortality and holiness) with God, he took the normal form (sinners and mortal nature) of a human being, live among men, experiences the hardship in this world and died for us. The reward of his noble task and sacrifices,… God, exalted him, given him a name above every name and made him Lord and Savior for the Glory of his God and Father. ref: Philippians 29-11.

    That's it…the mystery of the kingdom of God, for the salvation of the followers of Christ Jesus.


    read in phil 2.6 that it refers only to holiness.

    ill wait.
    give me a single translation limjunus.

    i do not need opinion. i want you to read  your illusion in phil 2.6

    that is not the right meaning of the verse.
    you are not saying the whole truth. you are like your father satan


    Now, you are requesting for a single translation?  You did not see it? There were references every end of the context.

    It is not my opinion, it is the new covenant or gospel of Christ Jesus.  That he must set aside his nature/attributes for being a holy man of God.  A holy man could not overcome by death or the power of death has nothing to do with a sinless man.

    In other words, the penalty of sin is death and eternal condemnation in the lake of fire (hell). ref: Romans 6:23 / Rev. 20:14 NKJV

    Jammin, answer me honestly. How the holy man or a sinless man could be put into death by God, where is the righteousness that only a guilty man must be punished by death?

    Do not insist your incorrect understanding with the Philippians 2:6 and just throw away the verses 7 to 11.

    Do not contradict the truth of the Bible by twisting it because of your own understanding.  

    Think it and learn it rightfully.  You must throw away your belief that the true God died for us.  

    Here is the truth of the kingdom of God. The one and only true God, is immortal and would never died.

    In fact you are in the stage of a very dangerous illusion.

    Jesus Christ, sacrifices his nature/attributes. For being sinless or a holy man, the power of the death has nothing to do with him (Romans 6:23 and Rev.20:14)

    The status of Jesus Christ was a sinless man entitling him for immortality. The same/equal quality of God, never died.

    But he did not hold into it, instead he set aside it (stripped the equality of God) and agreed to be the appointed redeemer, willing to change his status of being holy man/immortal and took the normal form a human being, acting like sinners, experiencing the pain of being a sinners and ready to die even on the cross.

    Because of completion of the noble and holy task given to him by God, he has been rewarded, exalted, receiving precious name above all name and made him Lord and Savior of the chosen people of God.

    You are in a perfect illusion of Satan, Jammin. Imagining your belief,…The true God rewarding another true God,… true God died on the cross because he is obeying the commandments of his another true God?

    The Holy Scriptures is full of mystery and it is not like an open or ordinary book. You can not get the rightful understanding on it except with the guidance the true preachers of God.



    therefore you cant read in phil 2.6-7 that it ONLY refers to holiness.

    make your own bible boy LOL

    the meaning of the verse is that HE IS GOD! it refers to possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God

    hilippians 2:6-7

    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    6 Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God [[a]possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God], did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped [c]or retained,

    7 But stripped Himself [of all privileges and [d]rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became like men and was born a human being.

    it talks about the ESSENCE!

    Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

    His already existing STATE OF EQUALITY with God, both the Father and the Son having the same ESSENCE.


    You mean there are two true Gods in existing with the same essence? Now, you are introducing two Gods,.. a clear contradiction to the official pronouncement of the Son of God. “stating: ” That they may know you (Father) the only true God. Father is the only true God, and very vividly is not the Son.

    If the Bible said Father, meaning is not the Son. YEs or NO Jammin?



    Quote (jammin @ Sep. 15 2012,11:36)

    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 15 2012,03:23)

    Quote (jammin @ Sep. 15 2012,02:58)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 14 2012,21:09)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 14 2012,04:38)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 12 2012,22:58)
    …the essence of the word equal is two and could not be completed without the other one to be equaled.

    Exactly.  One cannot be “equal to” himself.  In order for one to be “equal to” another, there has to be that OTHER for him to be “equal to”.  “Equal to” definitely implies TWO – one of whom is “equal to” the OTHER.

    So even with jammin's doctored translations that say Jesus is “equal to God”, it still backfires on him.

    (FYI, there is no actual scripture that says Jesus is “equal to God” anyway.  There are, however, many scriptures that say he is the “servant of”, and “lessor to” his God and Creator.)

    In what essence Jesus Christ is equal with God, as we have aware, it could not be as another true God, because for being the Supreme Being He is alone and could not be duplicated

    Therefore, God could and would be equaled by Jesus Christ in the essence of God's attributes.

    The true God in the essence of qualities, is holy,… Jesus Christ is also holy (sinless). (God and Jesus Christ is equal in holiness)

    A sinless or a holy man could not be condemned to death.  The rules of the law is, “For the wages of sin is death….” ref. Romans 6:23 NKJV.

    Therefore, Jesus Christ even though he is a human is immortal (in the form/ nature/ attribute of God) for being holy/sinless and the power of death has nothing to do with him. But he did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,…” (Jesus Christ's nature/attributes is holy and immortal. Entitling him as equaled with God, and it is not robbery or to be hold) Ref: Philippians 2:6

    Here is the mystery of the kingdom of God…. for the salvation of all mankind.

    All mankind have sinned, except Jesus Christ. The nature/attributes of man is weak, violators or sinners, under the power of death and already condemned for the eternal punishment by God.

    The salvation has been made through Jesus Christ. God made him a redeemer and Lord to those people who will beleive with his good news (Christ's gospel).

    The good news is; Jesus Christ, have agreed with the will of God, that he must set aside his immortality and holiness by acting as a servant, acting has no reputation and willing to experiences a life of human full of sins, accepting the wages of death for the sinners; he must die for the sake of his believers/ followers even in the death of the cross.  ref: Philippians 2:7-8

    In the first place, Jesus Christ could enjoy the benefits for being holy/sinless. He can live forever and ever and no need for him to suffer as a sinner and no need for to experience the hardship in this world. But, instead he remove all of his attributes (immortality and holiness) with God, he took the normal form (sinners and mortal nature) of a human being, live among men, experiences the hardship in this world and died for us. The reward of his noble task and sacrifices,… God, exalted him, given him a name above every name and made him Lord and Savior for the Glory of his God and Father. ref: Philippians 29-11.

    That's it…the mystery of the kingdom of God, for the salvation of the followers of Christ Jesus.


    read in phil 2.6 that it refers only to holiness.

    ill wait.
    give me a single translation limjunus.

    i do not need opinion. i want you to read  your illusion in phil 2.6

    that is not the right meaning of the verse.
    you are not saying the whole truth. you are like your father satan

    Hi limjunus,

    “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you,
      and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
      Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:
      for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” (Matt 5:11-12)

    “Hear, and understand: Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man;
      but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” (Matt 15:10-11)

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    that verse is not referring to the both of you.
    it refers to the TRUE believers.

    you and limjunus are false prophets

    until now you cant read your imagination that the WORD in john 1.1 is the HS

    why dont you make your own bible to support your imagination in john 1.1 LOL




    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 15 2012,11:48)

    Quote (jammin @ Sep. 14 2012,18:29)
    therefore you believe that there are 2 persons

    I believe there are MANY persons, jammin.  The Father God and His Son are but two of them.  But which one of those two is called “the Most High God”?  Also, I'm still waiting for the scripture(s) that teach us about God being two or more persons in one being.

    Also, Phil 2 doesn't say “equal with God” in the Greek text.  These words are a travesty to holy scripture, as they were added in by mere men trying to make support for a flawed man-made doctrine where no support truly exists.

    And, even if the scriptures did say Jesus is equal to God Most High, the words “equal to” would prohibit Jesus from being God Most High.  A being cannot be “equal to” itself.

    jammin, who is the “Most High God” – according to scripture?  And who is His Son?

    Jammin will not answer you



    Quote (jammin @ Sep. 15 2012,08:35)

    Quote (limjunus @ Sep. 14 2012,04:09)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 15 2012,10:58)

    Who is “the only true Lord”?  

    And who is “the only true mighty one”?


    There is so many true Lords can be read in the Bible. That's why apostle Paul reminded us, that among the many men called lords,.. for us alone, there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ. …also,

    we can read in the Bible that there are so many mighty, but the the Almighty God is only one and He is true. ref: Gen. 6:4 NKJV.

    There is no other true God, can be read in the Bible, except the Father and God of Jesus Christ. John 17:1-3 / 1 Cor. 8:6 / Mal. 2:10 NKJV.

    if im going to follow your argument, the father is not LORD to you boy??
    paul said there is ONE LORD, Christ.

    so is the father not LORD to you? yes or no?

    jammin has a good point here, limjunis.

    We must learn to understand “emphatical statements”.  If we take “only Lord, Jesus Christ” LITERALLY, then it means Jehovah is NOT our Lord.

    If we take “only true God” LITERALLY, then it means that Jesus, and the other servants of Jehovah who have been called “god” in the scriptures, are “false gods”.

    Read my last post about President Obama, limjunis.  Does calling Obama “the only true President” make the President of Mexico a “false President”?  Or is it a way of placing Obama ABOVE the other Presidents in the world?  Which one?

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