JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Although I've already answered that same question from you about 15 times, I will happily answer it yet again – AS SOON AS YOU ACTUALLY ANSWER MINE.

    What does the word “God” mean in Phil 2:6?


    i told u God is his nature
    New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

    6 In his very nature he was God.

    paul is not talking about the father here. he was talking about the nature of Christ!
    this refers to the fullness of the attributes  which make GOD GOD
    Philippians 2:6

    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    6 Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God [possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God]p

    understand boy???

    now answer mine,
    your father is truly human,do you believe that?> yes or no?


    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 06 2012,20:01)
    i told God is his nature

    So the word “God” actually MEANS “his nature”?

    So Paul was teaching that Jesus was existing in the form of “his nature”?

    What does that even mean? I'll try to make it a little easier for you:

    jammin, I think that Paul was referring to the One who created the heavens and the earth when he said “God” in Phil 2:6.

    Do you agree with me about that?


    let the bible answer you
    New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

    6 In his very nature he was God.

    Philippians 2:6

    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    6 Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God [possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God]

    that's what the bible says mike.

    make your own bible LOL


    now answer mine,
    your father is truly human,do you believe that?> yes or no?


    Okay jammin. If you seriously think the Greek word “theos” means “his nature” in Phil 2:6, then there is no reason for us to discuss it any further.

    Also, you have just proved that my last post to Ed on this thread was the truth.


    the bible said that in his very nature he was GOD.

    accept the truth of the bible. do not be arrogant mike.

    btw, you are just saying those words bec you do not want to answer my question bec you know that you will be caught

    you may ask for help boy

    do you believe that your father is truly human? yes or no


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 07 2012,09:16)

    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 06 2012,04:59)
    ok I'll look at it with my trusted KJV!

    Why?  The info I just posted for you wasn't someone's “guess”, journey.  It is now a clear and undeniable FACT that the word “God” did not appear in any Greek ms of 1 Tim 3:16 until AFTER 200 AD.

    The earlier mss DO NOT have the word God in that verse.  When the KJV was translated, they translated from the oldest and best mss known to them AT THAT TIME.  We have since uncovered older and better ones – which is why the NASB, NIV, NRSV, and the other newer Bibles don't have the word “God” in that verse.  Neither do the ancient Syriac texts, nor the Latin Vulgate.

    Why would you even entertain jammin by using a translation that has been shown to be flawed in that particular verse?  ???

    An honest but mistaken man, once shown the truth, either ceases to be mistaken, or ceases to be honest.

    Hi Mike

    Because I am not threatened by the word “God” used in 1 Tim 3:16

    I understand what the word “manifest” means, and we all know that God was in Christ (his holy spirit)
    Christ kept telling us this over and over, that the Father was in him, and that the Father and Christ will dwell in us too if we submit.

    Whatever word was used instead of God in your bible, makes no difference, because I understand the verse and it's meaning.  Whether you want to call God Allah, or Elohim, or Jehovah, YHWH or Lord makes no difference, as there is only one creator, and I call him Father, or Heavenly Father as this is the most respectful title we could ever give him acknowledging that we are his children and trust in his guidance above anyone.

    But he's not everyones Father is he? Spiritually speaking, As the Devil is called the father of the sons of the disobedient. Christ called God his Father, and we are brethren of Christ, so we share the same Father and inherit all things from our Father.

    In the physical realm, If I were to call my dad Tom, this would be disrespectful.  He would slap me.  No other earthly male gets this endearing word “Dad” from me. This shows our close relationship.  Kindred, same bloodline.  And when I say my “Dad” everybody knows who I am talking about, for there can only be one.

    So with our “heavenly Father”, no one else gets to claim this endearing term.

    Man only wants to complicate the simple message, by information overload, by causing doubt? We are right, you are wrong?  This is the devil's work.  Create confusion, just like in Babel.  
    You will spend all your time researching men's opinions instead of trusting the Word of God.  Faith.  If God doesn't want you reading a certain version, he will wake us up and bring it to our attention.  We will then be in a situation of making a choice?  Some don't want to make that decision so they keep all versions, because they don't trust one single one.

    If the scriptures don't fit, and put a crack in the picture of God's plan, then the interpretation is corrupted.

    If you looked closely into the some of the church groups that founded their new translation and say this is the only right one, then you would be shocked to find out their Free Masonry background…..  That alone should send warning bells….

    and I explained to Jammin what “manifest” means and showed him other examples, and he didn't address it but hit me with another question?

    I fully endorse the KJV and will not change reading it because this group or that group don't like it.  I have faith that it is the true Word of God that our Father intended for us because his speech is a certain lingo, and the Words he choses are detrimental in understanding his speech and coded phrases.  I cannot see his lingo “modernising” as he stays the same.

    What next, a hip hop bible, in modern day text spelling?
    anything goes  ???
    Don't tell me it's already out?


    your interpreatation in 1 tim 3.16 is not the same as the bible says

    read the context well boy.
    btw you just accepted that the word God refers to the son in 1 tim 3.16

    that is enought for me.




    Whatever word was used instead of God in your bible, makes no difference, because I understand the verse and it's meaning. Whether you want to call God Allah,

    are you sure here ???


    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 06 2012,20:26)
    I fully endorse the KJV and will not change reading it because this group or that group don't like it.

    And now YOU have just proved that my last post to Ed on this thread is true.  :)

    journey, whether you believe the factual evidence or not, it will still remain the factual evidence.

    I am truly saddened by your post, because I thought you were one of those like me – on this site to LEARN as well as teach.  But it seems you are just another one of those who has grown so comfortable with your original beliefs that you will turn a blind eye to the light when it is shined on you.

    Hold tight to your KJV if you want, but you won't be able to change the FACT that the word “God” was ADDED to 1 Tm 3:16 by a scribe sometime after the 2nd century.  Just like the words, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” were ADDED to 1 John 5 sometime after the 14th century.  (Yep, the KJV has those words too – even though they were NEVER a part of God's written word.)

    I guess the question is whether you care to know God's written word – or just the English TRANSLATION of it that you've grown the fondest of.

    Oh, and calling it “information overload” seems to me like you're saying, “I'm to lazy to actually research into the TRUTH of the matter, and so I will just accept what it is I've already come to accept”.   Sad indeed, journey.

    Btw, it has nothing to do with “being threatened” by the word “God”. It has to do with gaining an ACCURATE knowledge from the written word that God has left here for us to learn from.

    Ed J

    Hi Mike,

    God is in the “Textus Receptus”.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 07 2012,13:56)

    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 06 2012,20:26)
    I fully endorse the KJV and will not change reading it because this group or that group don't like it.

    And now YOU have just proved that my last post to Ed on this thread is true.  :)

    journey, whether you believe the factual evidence or not, it will still remain the factual evidence.

    I am truly saddened by your post, because I thought you were one of those like me – on this site to LEARN as well as teach.  But it seems you are just another one of those who has grown so comfortable with your original beliefs that you will turn a blind eye to the light when it is shined on you.

    Hold tight to your KJV if you want, but you won't be able to change the FACT that the word “God” was ADDED to 1 Tm 3:16 by a scribe sometime after the 2nd century.  Just like the words, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” were ADDED to 1 John 5 sometime after the 14th century.  (Yep, the KJV has those words too – even though they were NEVER a part of God's written word.)

    I guess the question is whether you care to know God's written word – or just the English TRANSLATION of it that you've grown the fondest of.

    Oh, and calling it “information overload” seems to me like you're saying, “I'm to lazy to actually research into the TRUTH of the matter, and so I will just accept what it is I've already come to accept”.   Sad indeed, journey.

    Btw, it has nothing to do with “being threatened” by the word “God”.  It has to do with gaining an ACCURATE knowledge from the written word that God has left here for us to learn from.

    Hi Mike

    Your words saddened me today.
    What version do you suggest I read?


    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 07 2012,13:29)
    your interpreatation in 1 tim 3.16 is not the same as the bible says

    read the context well boy.
    btw you just accepted that the word God refers to the son in 1 tim 3.16

    that is enought for me.



    I'm a girl


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 07 2012,13:56)

    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 06 2012,20:26)
    I fully endorse the KJV and will not change reading it because this group or that group don't like it.

    And now YOU have just proved that my last post to Ed on this thread is true.  :)

    journey, whether you believe the factual evidence or not, it will still remain the factual evidence.

    I am truly saddened by your post, because I thought you were one of those like me – on this site to LEARN as well as teach.  But it seems you are just another one of those who has grown so comfortable with your original beliefs that you will turn a blind eye to the light when it is shined on you.

    Hold tight to your KJV if you want, but you won't be able to change the FACT that the word “God” was ADDED to 1 Tm 3:16 by a scribe sometime after the 2nd century.  Just like the words, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” were ADDED to 1 John 5 sometime after the 14th century.  (Yep, the KJV has those words too – even though they were NEVER a part of God's written word.)

    I guess the question is whether you care to know God's written word – or just the English TRANSLATION of it that you've grown the fondest of.

    Oh, and calling it “information overload” seems to me like you're saying, “I'm to lazy to actually research into the TRUTH of the matter, and so I will just accept what it is I've already come to accept”.   Sad indeed, journey.

    Btw, it has nothing to do with “being threatened” by the word “God”.  It has to do with gaining an ACCURATE knowledge from the written word that God has left here for us to learn from.


    If the word God wasn't used, then what word was?


    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 07 2012,15:11)

    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 07 2012,13:29)
    your interpreatation in 1 tim 3.16 is not the same as the bible says

    read the context well boy.
    btw you just accepted that the word God refers to the son in 1 tim 3.16

    that is enought for me.



    I'm a girl

    oh i see.

    sister…may God open your eyes.
    your teaching is like the teachings of the iglesia ni cristo of felix manalo.

    they believe that Christ is not God.

    believe what the bible says.
    God is a nature.
    according to phil 2.6

    Philippians 2:6

    New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

    6 In his very nature he was God.

    the son and the father have the same nature and that is their nature God.

    thomas said that Jesus is Lord and God.
    the apostles know that.

    an example is
    you and your father
    you are two in numbers but one in form or nature and that is your HUMAN NATURE


    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 07 2012,15:09)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 07 2012,13:56)

    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 06 2012,20:26)
    I fully endorse the KJV and will not change reading it because this group or that group don't like it.

    And now YOU have just proved that my last post to Ed on this thread is true.  :)

    journey, whether you believe the factual evidence or not, it will still remain the factual evidence.

    I am truly saddened by your post, because I thought you were one of those like me – on this site to LEARN as well as teach.  But it seems you are just another one of those who has grown so comfortable with your original beliefs that you will turn a blind eye to the light when it is shined on you.

    Hold tight to your KJV if you want, but you won't be able to change the FACT that the word “God” was ADDED to 1 Tm 3:16 by a scribe sometime after the 2nd century.  Just like the words, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” were ADDED to 1 John 5 sometime after the 14th century.  (Yep, the KJV has those words too – even though they were NEVER a part of God's written word.)

    I guess the question is whether you care to know God's written word – or just the English TRANSLATION of it that you've grown the fondest of.

    Oh, and calling it “information overload” seems to me like you're saying, “I'm to lazy to actually research into the TRUTH of the matter, and so I will just accept what it is I've already come to accept”.   Sad indeed, journey.

    Btw, it has nothing to do with “being threatened” by the word “God”.  It has to do with gaining an ACCURATE knowledge from the written word that God has left here for us to learn from.

    Hi Mike

    Your words saddened me today.
    What version do you suggest I read?

    of course his one and only NEW WORLD TRANSLATION




    This is a declaration “thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel”, John 1:49.

    “Rabbi” and “Rabboni”, John 1:49 and John 20:16 respectively, is calling an individual by their title.

    The lack of “thou art” or an equivilent reveals to us that Thomas was not declaring Jesus to be Lord and God.  

    On the other hand an argument can be made that he calls Jesus by those titles based on how Jesus is elsewhere called both “Rabbi” and “Rabboni”.


    that is just your opinion kerwin.

    do not put your own words to thomas words.

    let me post the bible
    John 20:28

    Common English Bible (CEB)

    28 Thomas responded to Jesus, “My Lord and my God!”

    see.. thomas said that to jesus


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 07 2012,10:15)

    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 06 2012,16:54)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 07 2012,03:51)

    It seems clear enough to me that if Thomas said TO JESUS, “My Lord and my God”, then he was calling these names TO JESUS.


    Your conclusion based on the fact that Thomas spoke in reply to Jesus is that he was not declaring him to be his Lord and his God……………….

    No Kerwin.

    My conclusion is that Thomas WAS declaring Jesus to be his lord and his god.

    My conclusion is that Thomas WAS declaring Jesus to be his lord and his god.



    Peace and love in Jesus the only true visible God.


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