JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ July 26 2012,08:58)

    Quote (jammin @ July 25 2012,22:59)
    6     Although he was in the form of God and equal with God,
           he did not take advantage of this equality.

    make your own bible boy.

    Hi Jammin,

    How does one go about taking advantage of equality?  ???

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Look at your quote  –  and “PLEASE” answer my question.


    Quote (terraricca @ July 26 2012,07:49)

    Quote (carmel @ July 26 2012,14:28)

    “Equality” would required that we have to go through God to get to Jesus as well as going through Jesus to get to God.  But that is not the case, is it?


    If for example there is a HOUSE which is locked, and in this house there is a TREASURE, and in the same time no one has the KEY because it is lost, that treasure is USELESS.

    Now answer:

                                                  IS THE KEY  more powerful then the treasure.??
                                                  IS THE KEY  equally powerful to the treasure.??
                                                  IS THE KEY  less powerful then the treasure??

    Peace and love in Jesus



    I am a carpenter and can open all doorS in wood  :D

    I am a carpenter and can open all doorS in wood  :D


    I never asked something about a DOOR, but about a KEY!

    Now answer my QUESTION if you are capable enough,or have the courage to do so!!!

    Regarding wooden doors,

    I am also a carpenter, and I able to lock a door ,and  guarantee that only a dinamite would open it.

    Peace and love in Jesus



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 27 2012,11:57)

    Quote (carmel @ July 25 2012,14:28)

    “Equality” would required that we have to go through God to get to Jesus as well as going through Jesus to get to God.  But that is not the case, is it?


    If for example there is a HOUSE which is locked, and in this house there is a TREASURE, and in the same time no one has the KEY because it is lost, that treasure is USELESS.

    Now answer:

                                                  IS THE KEY  more powerful then the treasure.??
                                                  IS THE KEY  equally powerful to the treasure.??
                                                  IS THE KEY  less powerful then the treasure??

    Peace and love in Jesus


    Hi Charles,

    The treasure is the ultimate goal, the key is the means to an end.

    Let's use your analogy for God and Aaron.  Aaron was the key in the wilderness after Egypt, and God was the treasure.  Who was more powerful?  The God who could forgive the sins?  Or the priest through whom the sacrifices for forgivement were made?

    Charles, try to remember that Jesus is the High Priest of God, like Aaron was.  Surely God Almighty is not His own priest.

    The treasure is the ultimate goal, the key is the means to an end


    Is that an answer to MY QUESTION???

    Is that How good you are???

    Here they are again!

    In that moment in time to open the door and there's no KEY!!!

                                                  IS THE KEY  more powerful then the treasure.??
                                                  IS THE KEY  equally powerful to the treasure.??
                                                  IS THE KEY  less powerful then the treasure??

    You either select one of these or else simply QUIT. SINCE YOU DO NOT WANT TO LOSE THE ARGUMENT!

    Peace and love in Jesus



    Quote (limjunus @ July 26 2012,11:46)
    The verse 2:6 of Phil., is telling us that Jesus Christ has the quality and that quality is entitling him to be equal with God. So what quality it is? Why Jesus Christ need to be stripped that quality  so that he could be suited to a Savior and to be another true God?


    Did you word what you said wrong as it does not follow that even having a quality that is equal to God entitles him to be equal to God?

    For example Adam was created in the image of God and yet was not entitled to be equal to God.

    The angels are like God in that they do not sin but nerveless see equality to him as something not to be grasped, but instead make themselves nothing, taking on the likeness of servants.


    Quote (jammin @ July 27 2012,10:06)
    GOD became Flesh or was manifest in the flesh
    1 Timothy 3:16

    King James Version (KJV)

    16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world,

    the body died.

    i am not twisting the bible. that is a word for word in the bible.
    you just cant accept that truth boy.

    if your father is a MAN by nature, you are also a MAN and not an animal boy


    According to your reasoning believers are Jehovah because God lives in their flesh.  

    Ephesians 2:22
    King James Version (KJV)

    22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.

    1 Corinthians 3:16
    King James Version (KJV)

    16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

    If you arbitrarily apply different meaning to same words, just because one speaks of Jesus and the other of believers then you do twist Scripture.

    Test your teachings and your actions.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 27 2012,10:04)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ July 24 2012,18:50)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 25 2012,11:07)

    Your turn:

    1.  Where in scripture does it specifically say Jehovah pre-existed human beings?

    Please show the scriptures that EXPLICITELY state the things I asked about – if there are any.


    Since it was Father Yahweh Who caused we human beings to come into existence it only stands to simple reasoning that He existed before us.


    Your bolded words above make the very point I was going to make, but I thought I'd give you a chance to first produce any scriptures that specifically said the things in the three questions I asked you.

    It is clear that you CANNOT produce these scriptures, because they simply don't exist.

    My point is that it is useless for you to ask us where in scripture we are asked to believe that Jesus pre-existed, since we are never asked to believe that God pre-existed either.

    Does the fact that we are not SPECIFICALLY ASKED to believe these things mean these things are not clearly taught in scripture?  Judging from your bolded words above, the answer is “NO”.

    You are correct that we are clearly taught from scripture that God pre-existed humans, because it stands to reason He would exist BEFORE the beings He created.  So even though we are not SPECIFICALLY ASKED to believe such a thing, we believe it because of the OTHER scriptures that explain how God created man, etc.

    So, are we SPECIFICALLY ASKED to believe that Jesus pre-existed his time on earth?  No.  But it stands to reason that if he was existing in the form of God, emptied himself, and was made in the likeness of a human being, then he existed BEFORE being made in the likeness of a human being.

    It stands to reason that if Jesus had glory alongside his God before the world began, then he existed before the world began.

    It stands to reason that if all things in heaven and earth were created through Jesus, then he existed before those things were created through him.

    It stands to reason that if Jesus said he existed before Abraham, then he existed before he was born of Mary.

    Etc, etc, etc.

    Are you getting the point?  It is the same exact point you yourself made to me in the bolded words above.  The point is that your questions, even though answered DIRECTLY and HONESTLY by me, do NOTHING in the way of proving Jesus didn't pre-exist.  (Just like my questions did nothing in the way of proving God didn't exist before humans.)

    Perhaps you could come up with some questions that actually DO prove something one way or the other, huh?


    YOUR “Gods” do not exist and have no power whatsoever!  :D

    Did Yahshua Create Or Pre-exist His Birth?

    “Jesus IS God!”?


    Quote (kerwin @ July 26 2012,13:11)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ July 25 2012,00:03)

    Quote (kerwin @ July 24 2012,18:55)

    My browser is  overloaded by lengthy posts.  

    I have read some of what is linked to in the past but scrolling through a lot of typing slows down my browser and takes time away from reading what I choose to.

    What you post from others is equivalent to hearsay evidence unless you understand it enough to be able to show the work and defend it against cross examiners.


    And your just another bold-faced liar!


    Those words are not a lie though you choose to deny them.  I doubt that you have a fast enough connection that you also do not experience the same thing.  

    Those that are wise are considerate of others even as they speak the truth out of love.

    Seek wisdom!


    I still believe you to be a bold-faced liar. If your computer can not handle simple text, then it most certainly can not handle the simple images on this forum. Following is what your true problem is with what is that I have posted in your own telling words:

    What you post from others is equivalent to hearsay

    Another thing that is very telling in why it is that you are not being truthful is that you and Mike had no complaints about my posts until Pieear started his whining concerning my posts. If you will lie about Scripture you will certainly lie about anything else. You can direct your bold-faced lies to someone else, because I am not a stupid as you want make me out to be.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ July 28 2012,11:15)

    Quote (kerwin @ July 26 2012,13:11)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ July 25 2012,00:03)

    Quote (kerwin @ July 24 2012,18:55)

    My browser is  overloaded by lengthy posts.  

    I have read some of what is linked to in the past but scrolling through a lot of typing slows down my browser and takes time away from reading what I choose to.

    What you post from others is equivalent to hearsay evidence unless you understand it enough to be able to show the work and defend it against cross examiners.


    And your just another bold-faced liar!


    Those words are not a lie though you choose to deny them.  I doubt that you have a fast enough connection that you also do not experience the same thing.  

    Those that are wise are considerate of others even as they speak the truth out of love.

    Seek wisdom!


    I still believe you to be a bold-faced liar. If your computer can not handle simple text, then it most certainly can not handle the simple images on this forum. Following is what your true problem is with what is that I have posted in your own telling words:

    What you post from others is equivalent to hearsay

    Another thing that is very telling in why it is that you are not being truthful is that you and Mike had no complaints about my posts until Pieear started his whining concerning my posts. If you will lie about Scripture you will certainly lie about anything else. You can direct your bold-faced lies to someone else, because I am not a stupid as you want make me out to be.


    Another point I would like to make to you is concerning your remark as follows:

    unless you understand it enough to be able to show the work and defend it against cross examiners.

    If this were true that one must “… be able to show … and defend it against cross examiners.”, then Yahshua would not have instructed the following:

    “Do not give dogs what is set apart; do not throw your pearls to pigs. IF YOU DO, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.



    Just because people choose to remain quiet does not mean they have no grievances.

    You are not the only one that makes long posts; as some of those that judged you did must check their own works.

    Yeshua chose to use symbolic language to confuse those that are not seeking Yahweh's righteousness and kingdom.  I doubt you are doing that.

    The wisdom he shares is:

    Proverbs 23:9
    King James Version (KJV)

    9 Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.


    To Colter: His post no. 694.

    The only passages post from the holy scripture is, “”If you have seen me you have seen the Father.”

    The meaning of his messages could be, “being sent by him and as his official representative before you and because God is invisible but through me as his official ambassador you could seen him.

    All of your next explanations just had come from your own concept/ mindset and not from the Bible.

    Just try to read again what I had post and tackle the main issue.

    Bottom line:
    Jesus Christ and his apostles already introduced to us who is the one and only true God. Ref: John 17:1-3 John 20:17 / 1 Cor. 8:4-6. Mal. 2:10

    What we are trying to talk to,.. if Jesus Christ is truly God?

    We must understand first what qualities (attributes) the true God has? then we can come into a safe conclusion if Jesus Christ is truly God.

    God qualities:

    Spirit, Immortal, Invisible,A holy Father, Creator of all things, Only One, No beginning, No ending, Could not be changed and so on.




    Quote (carmel @ July 25 2012,14:28)
    “Equality” would required that we have to go through God to get to Jesus as well as going through Jesus to get to God. But that is not the case, is it?


    If for example there is a HOUSE which is locked, and in this house there is a TREASURE, and in the same time no one has the KEY because it is lost, that treasure is USELESS.

    Now answer:

    IS THE KEY more powerful then the treasure.??
    IS THE KEY equally powerful to the treasure.??
    IS THE KEY less powerful then the treasure??

    Peace and love in Jesus


    “Equality” would required that we have to go through God to get to Jesus as well as going through Jesus to get to God. But that is not the case, is it?NO

    the answer would depend on the person that wants the treasure is it not ???

    but I do not see the relevance to your example and God with Christ ,it seems some thing is missing or faulty

    in a way the treasure remain MORE powerful at all times ,if you talk about possessing it ,and not accessing it ,but if accessing is the want then the key becomes a factor of power to have it .

    so the key can be equally powerful depending on your wants .


    Plans: Foreknowledge (foreknown). A Messiah, the begotten Son would be,.. is the first of all creations in the mind of God. Everything has been created for him as and for being the heirs of everything.

    Before the foundation of the world and everything with it, God is alone God in heaven with celestial beings, the Que'rubins and other angels.

    God plan is to have another creation to be with them in heaven, a form of human being but a perfect one.

    The ordained human being should be a tested obedient to the will of God, so that he shall be promoted as the right hand of God and everything in heaven, earth and under the earth should be under by him., excluding God, who shall make everything under him.

    The processing of the plans is in according with the design ways of God, all could be read in the holy scriptures.

    Bottom Line: God with the appointed heirs (Jesus Christ) as the right hand, as the begotten Son of God and to be the leader, together with his true believers and all of the angels living in paradise forever and ever with eternal life.

    Ref. 1 Peter 1:20 KJV
    Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,

    Heb. 1:2 KJV
    Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

    1 Cor. 15:26-28 KJV
    26The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 27. For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. 28And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

    Philippians 2:8-11 KJV
    And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 9Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


    Quote (kerwin @ July 28 2012,10:23)

    Quote (jammin @ July 27 2012,10:06)
    GOD became Flesh or was manifest in the flesh
    1 Timothy 3:16

    King James Version (KJV)

    16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world,

    the body died.

    i am not twisting the bible. that is a word for word in the bible.
    you just cant accept that truth boy.

    if your father is a MAN by nature, you are also a MAN and not an animal boy


    According to your reasoning believers are Jehovah because God lives in their flesh.  

    Ephesians 2:22
    King James Version (KJV)

    22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.

    1 Corinthians 3:16
    King James Version (KJV)

    16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

    If you arbitrarily apply different meaning to same words, just because one speaks of Jesus and the other of believers then you do twist Scripture.

    Test your teachings and your actions.

    eph 2.22 and 1 cor 3.16 are not the same as 1 tim 3.16

    that is just your opinion boy.

    1 tim 3.16 is talking about Christ who became flesh. Christ is GOD by nature according to paul (phil 2.6)

    1 tim 3.16 says that he is GOD who was manifest in the flesh.
    that GOD is Christ, the son and not the father!

    1 Timothy 3:16

    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    16 And great and important and weighty, we confess, is the hidden truth (the mystic secret) of godliness. He [[a]God] was made visible in human flesh

    1 Timothy 3:16

    Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

    16 Without a doubt, the secret of our life of worship is great:

    Christ [a] was shown to us in human form


    Quote (limjunus @ July 28 2012,17:53)
    To Colter: His post no. 694.

    The only passages post from the holy scripture is, “”If you have seen me you have seen the Father.”

    The meaning of his messages could be, “being sent by him and as his official representative before you and because God is invisible but through me as his official ambassador you could seen him.

    All of your next explanations just had come from your own concept/ mindset and not from the Bible.

    Just try to read again what I had post and tackle the main issue.

    Bottom line:
    Jesus Christ and his apostles already introduced to us who is the one and only true God. Ref: John 17:1-3 John 20:17 / 1 Cor. 8:4-6. Mal. 2:10

    What we are trying to talk to,.. if Jesus Christ is truly God?

    We must understand first what qualities (attributes) the true God has? then we can come into a safe conclusion if Jesus Christ is truly God.

    God qualities:

    Spirit, Immortal, Invisible,A holy Father, Creator of all things, Only One, No beginning, No ending, Could not be changed and so on.

    believe in the bible

    Philippians 2:6

    New Living Translation (NLT)

    6 Though he was God,[a]
    he did not think of equality with God
    as something to cling to.

    Christ is truly GOD


    Quote (Ed J @ July 28 2012,00:31)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 26 2012,08:58)

    Quote (jammin @ July 25 2012,22:59)
    6     Although he was in the form of God and equal with God,
           he did not take advantage of this equality.

    make your own bible boy.

    Hi Jammin,

    How does one go about taking advantage of equality?  ???

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Look at your quote  –  and “PLEASE” answer my question.

    the bible said that.
    what is wrong with that??/
    i cant see wrong.

    pls elaborate your question


    so the key can be equally powerful depending on your wants .


    IN THAT MOMENT IN TIME,THE KEY IS EQUAL TO THE TREASURE,for the simple reason that the treasure is useless
    without any access to it. IT DOESN'T EXIST.
    Also, the key is equal in its value  so long  THERE IS A TREASURE!


    but I do not see the relevance to your example and God with Christ ,it seems some thing is missing or faulty

    Now answer this since you cannot see it!!

    What is the treasure represents???

    Peace and love in Jesus



    The treasure is the ultimate goal, the key is the means to an end.


    please just answer accordingly.

    The key is not the means to an end.


    Peace and love in Jesus



    Quote (carmel @ July 29 2012,07:24)

    so the key can be equally powerful depending on your wants .


    IN THAT MOMENT IN TIME,THE KEY IS EQUAL TO THE TREASURE,for the simple reason that the treasure is useless
    without any access to it. IT DOESN'T EXIST.
    Also, the key is equal in its value  so long  THERE IS A TREASURE!


    but I do not see the relevance to your example and God with Christ ,it seems some thing is missing or faulty

    Now answer this since you cannot see it!!

    What is the treasure represents???

    Peace and love in Jesus



    the treasure ,if it is the word of God ,then the key is within the treasure ,

    and so the treasure does not depend on a key from a separated place ,

    because the word of God has been made for man in a certain condition to find it ,

    it is more like a can of sardines with the key attached to it ,if I may use that expression.

    and unless you want sardines you will never look for the can or the key to open it ,

    the way of God are truthful ,He give us the key ,but also how to use the key to access his treasure ,but not many are interested in that kind of treasure,

    to my understanding ,gold and diamonds and wisdom of truth do not require the same digging .and it is not the same people that digs for those things .


    Quote (jammin @ July 26 2012,21:01)

    you should go to school mike and study the nature of GOD


    My question still awaits an answer from you. Here it is again:

    When Paul wrote of Jesus existing in the “form of God”, what did he mean by the word “God”?

    A. A species of beings?

    B. A particular being?


    Quote (carmel @ July 27 2012,10:24)

    Is that an answer to MY QUESTION???

    Is that How good you are???

    Here they are again!

    In that moment in time to open the door and there's no KEY!!!

    IS THE KEY more powerful then the treasure.??
    IS THE KEY equally powerful to the treasure.??
    IS THE KEY less powerful then the treasure??

    You either select one of these or else simply QUIT. SINCE YOU DO NOT WANT TO LOSE THE ARGUMENT!


    If “the treasure” in your analogy is God Almighty, then the answer is: Nothing can be as powerful as the Almighty God, so the key is definitely LESS POWERFUL than the treasure.

    But I do hope you'll remember that Aaron was once “the key”, just as Jesus is now. If you don't think Aaron was as powerful as “the treasure” he unlocked, then why would you think Jesus is?

    Always remember that God has given us a great PRIEST who intecedes on our behalf. That PRIEST of God is Jesus.

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