JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #296821

    Hi MB,
    Yes Jesus CHRIST was crucified


    Quote (kerwin @ May 07 2012,09:14)

    Quote (jammin @ May 06 2012,21:36)

    Quote (kerwin @ May 04 2012,19:14)

    Quote (jammin @ May 04 2012,13:59)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 04 2012,15:22)
    Hi Jammin,
    Tell us of the Word that WAS with God and WAS God

    read the context
    john 1.1-4

    1 εν αρχη ην ο λογος και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον και θεος ην ο λογος

    2 ουτος ην εν αρχη προς τον θεον

    3 παντα δι αυτου εγενετο και χωρις αυτου εγενετο ουδε εν ο γεγονεν

    4 εν αυτω ζωη ην και η ζωη ην το φως των ανθρωπων

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    2 The same was in the beginning with God.

    3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

    14 και ο λογος σαρξ εγενετο και εσκηνωσεν εν ημιν και εθεασαμεθα την δοξαν αυτου δοξαν ως μονογενους παρα πατρος πληρης χαριτος και αληθειας

    15 ιωαννης μαρτυρει περι αυτου και κεκραγεν λεγων ουτος ην ον ειπον ο οπισω μου ερχομενος εμπροσθεν μου γεγονεν οτι πρωτος μου ην

    16 και εκ του πληρωματος αυτου ημεις παντες ελαβομεν και χαριν αντι χαριτος

    17 οτι ο νομος δια μωσεως εδοθη η χαρις και η αληθεια δια ιησου χριστου εγενετο

    18 θεον ουδεις εωρακεν πωποτε ο μονογενης υιος ο ων εις τον κολπον του πατρος εκεινος εξηγησατο

    in verse 3 and 4 it says “HIM”
    the word HIM (auto in greek) clearly explains that this “WORD” is not just a word that comes out from your mouth. it is a person!

    a person means an individual. verse 14 and 18 identified this WORD in john 1.1, HE is the SON OF GOD! begotten son! monogenes huios in greek!

    read well your bible and study hard nick.

    for those who believe that the WORD is the HS, you can not read your opinion and i am 100% sure for that!
    john did not say that the WORD is the HS but the son of GOD! monogenes huios!


    Why does Jesus call Wisdom her?

    Luke 7:35
    King James Version (KJV)

    35 But wisdom is justified of all her children.

    Since Wisdom has children is not the Word of God his Son?

    luke 7.35 is not the topic.

    stick to the topic.


    You make yourself look like a fool when you answer without thinking it through: which is why we are to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.

    I did answer what you declared by pointing out Wisdom is both a her and a mother and likewise the Word is both a him and a son.

    If you really do not have any answer but that foolishness you gushed forth then choose to remain silent; even as the proverb says; for then you will appear wise.

    what is the topic kerwin? about john 1.1 or luke 7.35?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 06 2012,19:25)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 06 2012,18:16)

    Who was existing in the form of God before being made into the likeness of a human being?  (Phil 2)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 06 2012,18:33)
    Hi MB,
    Christ Jesus.
    The Word that was with God, the anointing.

    And who died on a tree for us?

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 06 2012,19:37)
    Hi MB,
    Yes Jesus CHRIST was crucified

    And did the “spirit of the anointing” die on a tree?


    Hi MB,
    Of course the Spirit of life cannot die but abides with those reborn who do
    who give up their own spirit as he did on calvary.


    Hi MB,
    The unity between a man and the Spirit of God is designed to be permanent.
    Sons of God, like Jesus are led by the Spirit of God.
    God's Spirit will wake the adopted sons and take them to meet the Lord Jesus


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 07 2012,20:22)
    Hi MB,
    Of course the Spirit of life cannot die but abides with those reborn who do
    who give up their own spirit as he did on calvary.


    your key word is “spirit ” it seems everything with you is SPIRIT UPON SPIRIT DOWN TO SPIRIT and never understand what is meant by that , :D :D

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 07 2012,01:58)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 05 2012,14:40)

    Quote (Ed J @ May 06 2012,06:57)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 06 2012,01:34)
    John 1
    14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    15 John testifies concerning him. He cries out, saying, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’”

    The subject of verses 14 and 15 is “The Word”.  Knowing this, we can say:

    1.  The Word became flesh.

    2.  The Word made his dwelling among us.

    3.  The Word had the glory of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    4.  The Word is the one about whom John testified, saying, “This was he of whom I said,
        ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’”

    These are the grammatical facts of John 1:14-15.  Who here will now TWIST these facts by adding to or changing the words of the scripture to FORCE this passage to teach what they WANT it to teach?

    Kerwin?  Ed?  Nick?  Frank?  Gene?  Marty?  Which of you will be the first to butcher the scriptures for your self-serving doctrines?

    Ready, set, GO!

    Hi Mike,

    1.  The Word(HolySpirit in Jesus) became flesh.

    2.  The Word(HolySpirit in Jesus) made his dwelling among us.

    3.  The Word(HolySpirit in Jesus) had the glory of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    4. The Word(HolySpirit in Jesus) is the one about whom John testified, saying,
        This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Yes ED.


    I am glad to learn that you no longer feel the need to invent a new subject into verses 14 and 15 like you used to do.  (I remember how you used to claim that part of the passage was about the Holy Spirit, and the other part was about Jesus.)

    So now that you have come to the correct understanding that the whole passage is about the same person/thing/subject, and Nick also agrees, let the unraveling begin:

    John 1
    1 In the beginning was the Word (Holy Spirit in Jesus), and the Word (Holy Spirit in Jesus) was with God………….

    Since you say the Word who became flesh was the Holy Spirit in Jesus, then it stands to reason that the Word had to have been the Holy Spirit in Jesus before the Holy Spirit in Jesus BECAME flesh, right?  Or will you now resort to adding the word “IN” into the verse to fulfill your doctrine?

    16 From the fullness of his grace (the grace of the Holy Spirit in Jesus) we have all received one blessing after another. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (the Holy Spirit in Jesus).

    Are these also true to your understanding, Ed?  Nick?

    (Btw, I appreciate Ed actually ADDRESSING my post, while Nick continues to post blather and Frank continues to “own me” by running away from the point altogether.  Kudos to you, Ed.)

    Hi Mike,

    John 1:1-14 is about the HolySpirit becoming flesh in Jesus.
    John 1:15- is about Jesus being the Christ because of this.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 07 2012,05:44)
    Then “the Holy Spirit in Jesus” cannot possibly be what/who BECAME flesh, right?

    For “the Holy Spirit in Jesus” to BECOME flesh, “the Holy Spirit in Jesus” must have been existing as something OTHER THAN flesh before it/he BECAME flesh.

    So, was “the Holy Spirit in Jesus existing as something else before it/he became flesh?

    Hi Mike,

    That is what John 1:14 is about.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi T,
    Yes the Spirit given to Jesus at the Jordan must also be given to us for us to share eternal life with him.
    Our own spirit leaves when we die just as his did.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 07 2012,21:03)
    Hi T,
    Yes the Spirit given to Jesus at the Jordan must also be given to us for us to share eternal life with him.
    Our own spirit leaves when we die just as his did.


    your mind and heart is still covered by the VAIL OF MOSES FACE


    Quote (Ed J @ May 07 2012,13:53)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 07 2012,01:58)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 05 2012,14:40)

    Quote (Ed J @ May 06 2012,06:57)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 06 2012,01:34)
    John 1
    14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    15 John testifies concerning him. He cries out, saying, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’”

    The subject of verses 14 and 15 is “The Word”.  Knowing this, we can say:

    1.  The Word became flesh.

    2.  The Word made his dwelling among us.

    3.  The Word had the glory of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    4.  The Word is the one about whom John testified, saying, “This was he of whom I said,
        ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’”

    These are the grammatical facts of John 1:14-15.  Who here will now TWIST these facts by adding to or changing the words of the scripture to FORCE this passage to teach what they WANT it to teach?

    Kerwin?  Ed?  Nick?  Frank?  Gene?  Marty?  Which of you will be the first to butcher the scriptures for your self-serving doctrines?

    Ready, set, GO!

    Hi Mike,

    1.  The Word(HolySpirit in Jesus) became flesh.

    2.  The Word(HolySpirit in Jesus) made his dwelling among us.

    3.  The Word(HolySpirit in Jesus) had the glory of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    4. The Word(HolySpirit in Jesus) is the one about whom John testified, saying,
        This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Yes ED.


    I am glad to learn that you no longer feel the need to invent a new subject into verses 14 and 15 like you used to do.  (I remember how you used to claim that part of the passage was about the Holy Spirit, and the other part was about Jesus.)

    So now that you have come to the correct understanding that the whole passage is about the same person/thing/subject, and Nick also agrees, let the unraveling begin:

    John 1
    1 In the beginning was the Word (Holy Spirit in Jesus), and the Word (Holy Spirit in Jesus) was with God………….

    Since you say the Word who became flesh was the Holy Spirit in Jesus, then it stands to reason that the Word had to have been the Holy Spirit in Jesus before the Holy Spirit in Jesus BECAME flesh, right?  Or will you now resort to adding the word “IN” into the verse to fulfill your doctrine?

    16 From the fullness of his grace (the grace of the Holy Spirit in Jesus) we have all received one blessing after another. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (the Holy Spirit in Jesus).

    Are these also true to your understanding, Ed?  Nick?

    (Btw, I appreciate Ed actually ADDRESSING my post, while Nick continues to post blather and Frank continues to “own me” by running away from the point altogether.  Kudos to you, Ed.)

    Hi Mike,

    John 1:1-14 is about the HolySpirit becoming flesh in Jesus.
    John 1:15- is about Jesus being the Christ because of this.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    john did not say HS in verse 1-14

    this person is still lost LOL

    he wants the bible to ride his own opinion. LOL
    sorry edj but your doctrine is not in the bible .. it is just your imagination LOL

    take some vitamins boy LOL


    Hi T,
    Again you accuse.
    Could you explain?


    Quote (kerwin @ May 07 2012,09:01)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ May 07 2012,01:13)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 07 2012,06:05)
    Hi MB,

    The Word was with God.
    The Word was made flesh.

    No relationship between Jesus and the Word till the Jordan and now Jesus Christ is the Word.


    Yahshua did not have any relationship with Father Yahweh's inspired prophetic word until he was immersed by Yahchanan in the Jordan? Not in accordance with Scripture clearly teaches!


    The Word of God is more than just his inspired prophetic word as prophecy is but one gift of the Spirit and John teaches us all things were created by it.


    The word “prophetic” is used in Scripture in connection with Father Yahweh's word as a whole. Your not under the erroneous impression that that word 'prophecy' only has to do with future events are you? When I say “Father Yahweh's inspired prophetic word”, I am speaking of Father Yahweh's word as a whole and not specifically giving reference to Scriptures that foretell of future events.

    Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of Yahweh your Mighty One that I give you (Deuteronomy 4:2).

    I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, Yahweh will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, Yahweh will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the set apart city, which are described in this book (Revelation (Revelation 22:18-19).



    Thank you for letting me know what you meant.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 07 2012,09:03)
    Hi T,
    Yes the Spirit given to Jesus at the Jordan must also be given to us for us to share eternal life with him.
    Our own spirit leaves when we die just as his did.


    I agree that Jesus was given the spiritual gifts of prophecy and wondrous powers when he became a priest at the Jordon.

    Despite that I believe had previously been given the gift of the new man that is created like God in true righteousness and holiness previous to that.

    One Spirit; many gifts.


    Hi KW,
    Does obedience to the law cause him to receive the gift of a new man?
    The new man is BY transformation of the Spirit.
    That happened at the jordan


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 07 2012,09:03)
    Hi T,
    Yes the Spirit given to Jesus at the Jordan must also be given to us for us to share eternal life with him.
    Our own spirit leaves when we die just as his did.


    We are given the gift of the new man by the Spirit when baptized into Jesus. The evidence shows that Jesus had the new man previously to the Jordan River.

    Jesus was made a priest at the Jordon; which is necessary for righteousness to be fulfilled.


    Hi KW,
    Was Jesus anointed as a priest at the Jordan?
    Unsure if Hebrews 2-9 says that but possibly.

    He entered the holy of holies through the veil of his flesh.


    Hi KW,
    Do we not follow him TO the Jordan?

    Certainly he did not need to be washed because he was already an overcomer.


    Hi KW,
    God showed that even Jesus had to be water baptised.
    If he did why are men so shy to follow?

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