JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #199092
    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 22 2010,14:30)

    Quote (Ed J @ June 22 2010,06:10)
    Hi Mike,

    Rom.1:20 For the invisible things of him(YHVH=63) from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood
    by the things that are made, even his eternal power “and Godhead”=63; so that they are without excuse:

    Acts 17:29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God (John 15:26-27), we ought not to think that
    the “Godhead is like”=109 unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.

    Col.2:9 For in him(Christ=77) dwelleth all the fulness of “the Godhead”=77 bodily.

    Hi Ed,

    This is from Online Bible Study Tools.

    Romans 1:20
    Theiotes 3:123,322
    Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
    thi-ot'-ace    Noun Feminine  

    divinity, divine nature

    No “godhead” here.

    Acts 17:29
    Theios 3:122,322
    Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
    thi'-os    Adjective  

    a general name of deities or divinities as used by the Greeks

    Out of the three times the KJV translates this word, one is as “godhead” and the other two are as “divine”.

    Col 2:9
    Theotes 3:119,322
    Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
    theh-ot'-ace    Noun Feminine  

    the state of being God, Godhead  

    They all just basically apply to one who is divine.  I did notice than many translations render it as “godhead”, but that doesn't surprise me, for the trend is definitely trinitarian.
    And if this last one was to be rendered as “godhead”, which trinitarians think Jesus is a part of, then wouldn't it kind of be like saying, “All the fullness of Ed J dwells in Ed J”?

    Anyway, I learned something today.  Thanks RM, SF and Ed! :)

    peace and love,

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks Mike!

    Isaiah 60:14 The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee;
    and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and
    they shall call thee (Ed J), The [Holycity=117] of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.
                                   (Witness=109 Joshua 22:34)

                                          “Holy City”=117

    Rev.21:2-3 And I John saw the HOLY CITY=117, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven,
    prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the
    tabernacle of God is with men (Isaiah 60:14), and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people,
    AND GOD HIMSELF=117 shall be with them, and be “their God”=86 (YHVH=63).  
                                                                                           (86=[אלהים] ĔL-ō-Hêêm=63)“

    “Holy City” equaling 117 is the very reason the free e-book is called “HolyCityBilbeCode”.
    It’s EXCLUSIVELY about 117=“יהוה האלהים”(JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm
    A “HolyBibleCode”=117 about “God The Father”=117; because “YHVH is GOD”=117!
    “HolyCityBibleCode” offers the very proof of God’s existence!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 22 2010,05:46)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 21 2010,19:11)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 21 2010,16:47)
    Wait so your stating that Jesus believed that God other then himself is the True God,

    SF……….Who say that, Me or Jesus. You are evading my question Lets not believe you or Me OK, let believe what Jesus HIMSELF Said > “FOR THOU ART THE (ONLY) TRUE GOD”, these are not (MY) words . Your argument is with Jesus not Me. Skirting all around an avoiding absolute clear word of Jesus only adds to confusion. It is exactly what TRINITARIANS and PREEXISTENCES DO. (Forcing) the text to meet there dogmas.  

    I only ask you this (ONE) Question Can you answer it without diverting to other things? We can't even begin to advance together in understanding if we can even get this simply scripture straight and clear. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………gene

    You mean the same Jesus who says that the Father and him are one.

    Use more than one scripture for once in your life
    your full of speculation

    SF……..Still dodging the (ONE) question, Here it is again, did Jesus say “FOR THOU ART THE ONLY TRUE GOD”? A simple yes pr no will suffice.

    Lets star on first base before we jump to other (speculation). You poo poo the idea of ONE Scripture , but you see that is where all the confusion comes into play , If we can't get this one simple one right then what is the use of taking it somewhere else. We must start to agree somewhere, right, Let's start here first OK?

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 23 2010,01:52)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 22 2010,05:46)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 21 2010,19:11)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 21 2010,16:47)
    Wait so your stating that Jesus believed that God other then himself is the True God,

    SF……….Who say that, Me or Jesus. You are evading my question Lets not believe you or Me OK, let believe what Jesus HIMSELF Said > “FOR THOU ART THE (ONLY) TRUE GOD”, these are not (MY) words . Your argument is with Jesus not Me. Skirting all around an avoiding absolute clear word of Jesus only adds to confusion. It is exactly what TRINITARIANS and PREEXISTENCES DO. (Forcing) the text to meet there dogmas.  

    I only ask you this (ONE) Question Can you answer it without diverting to other things? We can't even begin to advance together in understanding if we can even get this simply scripture straight and clear. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………gene

    You mean the same Jesus who says that the Father and him are one.

    Use more than one scripture for once in your life
    your full of speculation

    SF……..Still dodging the (ONE) question, Here it is again, did Jesus say “FOR THOU ART THE ONLY TRUE GOD”?  A simple yes pr no will suffice.

    Lets star on first base before we jump to other (speculation). You poo poo the idea of ONE Scripture , but you see that is where all the confusion comes into play , If we can't get this one simple one right then what is the use of taking it somewhere else. We must start to agree somewhere, right, Let's start here first OK?

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    Thank you for supplying the verse yoru talking about.*Above is a Sarcastic comment*
    Show me the verse with context and your interpretation,
    i am not dodging your questions, you just dont make any sense.
    Lets go verse by verse to interpret the scripture correctly.
    considering context.
    in other words present your
    Claim- what you think
    evidence- the scipture
    Interpretaion- what is being said.
    Impact- why this is important.

    And than i will respond.

    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 23 2010,08:05)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 23 2010,01:52)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 22 2010,05:46)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 21 2010,19:11)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 21 2010,16:47)
    Wait so your stating that Jesus believed that God other then himself is the True God,

    SF……….Who say that, Me or Jesus. You are evading my question Lets not believe you or Me OK, let believe what Jesus HIMSELF Said > “FOR THOU ART THE (ONLY) TRUE GOD”, these are not (MY) words . Your argument is with Jesus not Me. Skirting all around an avoiding absolute clear word of Jesus only adds to confusion. It is exactly what TRINITARIANS and PREEXISTENCES DO. (Forcing) the text to meet there dogmas.  

    I only ask you this (ONE) Question Can you answer it without diverting to other things? We can't even begin to advance together in understanding if we can even get this simply scripture straight and clear. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………gene

    You mean the same Jesus who says that the Father and him are one.

    Use more than one scripture for once in your life
    your full of speculation

    SF……..Still dodging the (ONE) question, Here it is again, did Jesus say “FOR THOU ART THE ONLY TRUE GOD”?  A simple yes pr no will suffice.

    Lets star on first base before we jump to other (speculation). You poo poo the idea of ONE Scripture , but you see that is where all the confusion comes into play , If we can't get this one simple one right then what is the use of taking it somewhere else. We must start to agree somewhere, right, Let's start here first OK?

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    Thank you for supplying the verse yoru talking about.*Above is a Sarcastic comment*
    Show me the verse with context and your interpretation,
    i am not dodging your questions, you just dont make any sense.
    Lets go verse by verse to interpret the scripture correctly.
    considering context.
    in other words present your
    Claim- what you think
    evidence- the scipture
    Interpretaion- what is being said.
    Impact- why this is important.

    And than i will respond.

    Hi SF,

    John 17:1: These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said,
    Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:
    2: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.
    3: And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
    4: I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
    5: And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
    6: I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world:
    thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.
    7: Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee.
    8: For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them,
    and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi All:

    The fulfillment of the Word of God is in Jesus God's Son and His Christ, and therefore, we have the scripture which states: “And the Word became flesh”. For example, Jesus said relative to the Law, that he did not come to change the law but to fulfill it.

    The whole of the OT prophetically speaks of the coming of the Messiah, and so this prophetic Word of God relative to the Messiah became flesh or a reality in the person of Jesus.

    Love in Christ,


    Hi 94,
    And the importance of the Christ's coming is the coming of the Spirit of Christ.
    That is reflected in that so little is written of the vessel Jesus till he was anointed by God.
    That is when the ministry of God among His people began and such a servant vessel we can follow .


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 23 2010,08:38)
    Hi 94,
    And the importance of the Christ's coming is the coming of the Spirit of Christ.
    That is reflected in that so little is written of the vessel Jesus till he was anointed by God.
    That is when the ministry of God among His people began and such a servant vessel we can follow .

    Hi Nick:

    The word “Christ” means “anointed or the anointed one”, and so when we speak of the “Spirit of Christ”. We are speaking of the “spirit of Jesus”, and he said, “the Words that I speak are “spirit and they are life”.

    And he said:

    2 John 1:9Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

    He was anointed as God's Christ at the Jordan and sent into the world in his ministry to humanity.

    John 17:16They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

    17Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

    18As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

    19And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.

    The importance of his coming into the world is that in him that plan of God for the whole of this creation is being fulfilled.

    Love in Christ,


    Hi 94,
    The Spirit of Christ filled him at the Jordan anointing.

    His own left at calvary[Mt27.50]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 23 2010,10:17)
    Hi 94,
    The Spirit of Christ filled him at the Jordan anointing.

    His own left at calvary[Mt27.50]

    Hi Nick:

    Luke 4:18
    The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,

    My understanding is that the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God the Father and the “spirit of Christ” is the works that are done in obedience to God, he was anointed(consecrated) “to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal he brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised”.

    Both the life of the Father and his life left him at calvary. He was dead or separated from God for three days and nights.

    Love in Christ,


    Hi ($,
    Does your understanding have any scriptural support?
    Is the SPIRIT Of CHRIST in ROMANS 8 not the Holy Spirit of God??


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 23 2010,11:01)
    Hi ($,
    Does your understanding have any scriptural support?
    Is the SPIRIT Of CHRIST in ROMANS 8 not the Holy Spirit of God??

    Hi Nick:

    I have already given you my scriptural support. Apparently you are not reading what I have stated, and no, I don't believe that the spirit of Christ in Romans 8 is the Holy Spirit,

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 23 2010,08:05)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 23 2010,01:52)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 22 2010,05:46)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 21 2010,19:11)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 21 2010,16:47)
    Wait so your stating that Jesus believed that God other then himself is the True God,

    SF……….Who say that, Me or Jesus. You are evading my question Lets not believe you or Me OK, let believe what Jesus HIMSELF Said > “FOR THOU ART THE (ONLY) TRUE GOD”, these are not (MY) words . Your argument is with Jesus not Me. Skirting all around an avoiding absolute clear word of Jesus only adds to confusion. It is exactly what TRINITARIANS and PREEXISTENCES DO. (Forcing) the text to meet there dogmas.  

    I only ask you this (ONE) Question Can you answer it without diverting to other things? We can't even begin to advance together in understanding if we can even get this simply scripture straight and clear. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………gene

    You mean the same Jesus who says that the Father and him are one.

    Use more than one scripture for once in your life
    your full of speculation

    SF……..Still dodging the (ONE) question, Here it is again, did Jesus say “FOR THOU ART THE ONLY TRUE GOD”?  A simple yes pr no will suffice.

    Lets star on first base before we jump to other (speculation). You poo poo the idea of ONE Scripture , but you see that is where all the confusion comes into play , If we can't get this one simple one right then what is the use of taking it somewhere else. We must start to agree somewhere, right, Let's start here first OK?

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    Thank you for supplying the verse yoru talking about.*Above is a Sarcastic comment*
    Show me the verse with context and your interpretation,
    i am not dodging your questions, you just dont make any sense.
    Lets go verse by verse to interpret the scripture correctly.
    considering context.
    in other words present your
    Claim- what you think
    evidence- the scipture
    Interpretaion- what is being said.
    Impact- why this is important.

    And than i will respond.

    SF………The whole idea Here is to get (your) contextual understand of this, not mine i Just believe it as it is stated.

    John 17:3….> “And this is eternal life that they might know you, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ whom tho hast sent.”

    You seen to have a different Ideas about it, so lets here them , Quit dodging the issue here. Just tell us what you think. Answer the question if you can. How many times do we have to go around and around to get your answer to the Quoted Scripture. Don't ask me my perceptions of it i just believe it as it is written, simple. Quite diverting from the real issue here. Answer my question if you can.

    I am not trying to be sarcastic it just gets frustrating when you ask for an opinion on some scripture and Get a dance, you definitely are not alone here doing that though. That is why the truth can not surface in these delusions. IMO

    peace and love……………………gene


    Hi Gene,

    He is most likely going to hit you with the “he was in a limited, fleshly state when he said that” stuff. But I am with you – just spit it out Dennison. How is it that you DON'T think this is clear evidence that there is only ONE God, and that ONE is the Father?

    I'll shut up now and let you two discuss. :)

    peace and love,


    Quote (942767 @ June 23 2010,11:07)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 23 2010,11:01)
    Hi ($,
    Does your understanding have any scriptural support?
    Is the SPIRIT Of CHRIST in ROMANS 8 not the Holy Spirit of God??

    Hi Nick:

    I have already given you my scriptural support.  Apparently you are not reading what I have stated, and no, I don't believe that the spirit of Christ in Romans 8 is the Holy Spirit,

    Love in Christ,

    Hi 94,
    Would you care to expound rom8 9-14 for us?


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 23 2010,05:24)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 23 2010,08:05)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 23 2010,01:52)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 22 2010,05:46)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 21 2010,19:11)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 21 2010,16:47)
    Wait so your stating that Jesus believed that God other then himself is the True God,

    SF……….Who say that, Me or Jesus. You are evading my question Lets not believe you or Me OK, let believe what Jesus HIMSELF Said > “FOR THOU ART THE (ONLY) TRUE GOD”, these are not (MY) words . Your argument is with Jesus not Me. Skirting all around an avoiding absolute clear word of Jesus only adds to confusion. It is exactly what TRINITARIANS and PREEXISTENCES DO. (Forcing) the text to meet there dogmas.  

    I only ask you this (ONE) Question Can you answer it without diverting to other things? We can't even begin to advance together in understanding if we can even get this simply scripture straight and clear. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………gene

    You mean the same Jesus who says that the Father and him are one.

    Use more than one scripture for once in your life
    your full of speculation

    SF……..Still dodging the (ONE) question, Here it is again, did Jesus say “FOR THOU ART THE ONLY TRUE GOD”?  A simple yes pr no will suffice.

    Lets star on first base before we jump to other (speculation). You poo poo the idea of ONE Scripture , but you see that is where all the confusion comes into play , If we can't get this one simple one right then what is the use of taking it somewhere else. We must start to agree somewhere, right, Let's start here first OK?

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    Thank you for supplying the verse yoru talking about.*Above is a Sarcastic comment*
    Show me the verse with context and your interpretation,
    i am not dodging your questions, you just dont make any sense.
    Lets go verse by verse to interpret the scripture correctly.
    considering context.
    in other words present your
    Claim- what you think
    evidence- the scipture
    Interpretaion- what is being said.
    Impact- why this is important.

    And than i will respond.

    SF………The whole idea Here is to get (your) contextual understand of this, not mine i Just believe it as it is stated.

    John 17:3….> “And this is eternal life that they might know you, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ whom tho hast sent.”

    You seen to have a different Ideas about it, so lets here them , Quit dodging the issue here. Just tell us what you think. Answer the question if you can. How many times do we have to go around and around to get your answer to the Quoted Scripture. Don't ask me my perceptions of it i just believe it as it is written, simple. Quite diverting from the real issue here. Answer my question  if you can.

    I am not trying to be sarcastic it just gets frustrating when you ask for an opinion on some scripture and Get a dance, you definitely are not alone here doing that though. That is why the truth can not surface in these delusions.  IMO

    peace and love……………………gene


    Its getting frustrating when all you do is talk and talk and usually provide no scripture.

    for once you have, yet only stick to half of it.

    If you believe what it says, than you believe that Enteral life is achieved by KNOWING The only True God, AND JESUS christ that God has sent.

    Here is your problem
    You first responded by responding to my first question:
    I said

    Wait so your stating that Jesus believed that God other then himself is the True God,

    BUT I ALSO SAID THIS!!!! which you ignored.

    yet scripture states the eternal life is found in Jesus Christ and no one other than himself.

    Yet the very same scripture you used! is referring to what is said.  You ignored this.

    To rewind.
    look at the orginal post and look what i said.  

    you state that you believe that scripture,

    than simply you believe that eternal life is by knowing the True God and Jesus christ.
    My orginal question: Yet God is Life, as i said before, the God of the living.
    I also stated that Jesus is Life, and that he is the way THE TRUTH and the LIGHT.

    I asked you, to explain to ME.
    how are both true if they are seperate entities.

    17:Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. 21:That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

    John 1:1

    Orginally im asking you,

    I dont play games,

    Make sense for once.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 23 2010,07:11)
    Hi Gene,

    He is most likely going to hit you with the “he was in a limited, fleshly state when he said that” stuff.  But I am with you – just spit it out Dennison.  How is it that you DON'T think this is clear evidence that there is only ONE God, and that ONE is the Father?

    I'll shut up now and let you two discuss.   :)

    peace and love,

    Actually i didnt argue that.
    My orginal question was not that. as i jumped in as you just have jumped in, when i was referring to genes post to RM,
    who out of no where accuses me of dancing and avoiding?

    Im not KJ, and i am not whom ever you want to refer to as to avoid comments or posts.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 22 2010,08:01)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 21 2010,15:13)
    1st Colossians 1:19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

    Only one God.
    If Jesus did nothing of his own, Than what is his distinct personality if all his choices were his Fathers will.

    If you did all my will, that every choice you made was based on my will, could you not say it was me?

    If i raised my right hand, and also did you,
    and spoke the very same words at the very same time,
    and did many things at the very same time, as if you were perfectly copying everything i did, like a mirror,
    could you not say we are the same personality?

    What was distinct about Jesus choices?

    Hi Dennison,

    You said:

    1st Colossians 1:19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

    And….?  If Jesus and God were one being, then it could not be said that the fullness of one dwelt in the other.  The fullness of one would already be the fullness of the other, for the other was already one with the one.  Make sense?

    You said:

    If Jesus did nothing of his own, Than what is his distinct personality if all his choices were his Fathers will.

    If you did all my will, that every choice you made was based on my will, could you not say it was me?

    No offense, but that doesn't even make sense.  Jesus CHOSE to do his Father's will.  He CHOSE to because he had the choice.  He said he always does what pleases his Father.  If Jesus didn't have free will, then the temptations of Satan would be a non-issue.  When he asked the Father to remove the cup from him, why even ask?  That showed that Jesus' will at that point was to find another way for God to accomplish His purpose.  But over and above all, his wish was – no matter how bad he wanted it to be different – that his Father's will be done, not his.  If he had no will of his own, why did he say, “not what I will, but what you will”?



    And….? If Jesus and God were one being, then it could not be said that the fullness of one dwelt in the other. The fullness of one would already be the fullness of the other, for the other was already one with the one. Make sense?

    God fullness dwelt in Christ, how is that possible? yet it pleased him, yet it also pleased God to crush him.

    let me post a question to you here mike, are you sure it stating the fullness of the father? or is it the fullness of all?
    What is this fullness? because the scripture does not state its the fathers fullness. but that in him should ALL fullness dwell.

    What is that?

    No offense, but that doesn't even make sense. Jesus CHOSE to do his Father's will. He CHOSE to because he had the choice. He said he always does what pleases his Father. If Jesus didn't have free will, then the temptations of Satan would be a non-issue. When he asked the Father to remove the cup from him, why even ask? That showed that Jesus' will at that point was to find another way for God to accomplish His purpose. But over and above all, his wish was – no matter how bad he wanted it to be different – that his Father's will be done, not his. If he had no will of his own, why did he say, “not what I will, but what you will”?

    Ill give you that one. Its True Jesus did choose to do Gods will. But than again if Gene is right, than Jesus didnt have freewill but influenced will. haha let me stop here.

    But it would hypocritical for me to argue that point since i so strongly debated gene about that.

    That showed that Jesus' will at that point was to find another way for God to accomplish His purpose.

    First of all there was no other way, this is Gods perfect choice.
    Jesus was a Man, than it would be in human nature not to want to die. Jesus again we know he was human yet was born out of the holy spirit.

    Therefore he is fully human, yet fully something else, holy spirit or what not.

    If time wasnt an issue for us now….
    and we were some what supreme,

    when we were a child was that not part of who we are today?

    When we were children, isnt our past have to do with our personality today?

    So those a limited state not contribute to the totalitity of who we are.

    Just some thoughts.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 23 2010,13:28)

    Quote (942767 @ June 23 2010,11:07)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 23 2010,11:01)
    Hi ($,
    Does your understanding have any scriptural support?
    Is the SPIRIT Of CHRIST in ROMANS 8 not the Holy Spirit of God??

    Hi Nick:

    I have already given you my scriptural support.  Apparently you are not reading what I have stated, and no, I don't believe that the spirit of Christ in Romans 8 is the Holy Spirit,

    Love in Christ,

    Hi 94,
    Would you care to expound rom8 9-14 for us?

    Hi Nick:

    You can read it for your self. The scriptures there speak of the Spirit of God which is the Holy Spirit and the spirit of Christ. If the spirit of Christ is the same thing, then why doesn't the scripture just say the Spirit of God.

    Love in Christ,


    You might want to read the phrase “word of the Lord” more carefully.  Note that it does not say, “person who is the Lord”  it says word.   What am I trying to say?  What was the word of the Lord?   God chose to communicate with the man of God using words.  Words were exchanged..  God communicated words to the man of God that the man of God needed to hear.


    Quote (barley @ June 23 2010,08:07)
    You might want to read the phrase “word of the Lord” more carefully.  Note that it does not say, “person who is the Lord”  it says word.   What am I trying to say?  What was the word of the Lord?   God chose to communicate with the man of God using words.  Words were exchanged..  God communicated words to the man of God that the man of God needed to hear.

    Who are you responding to?

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