JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Now whether it's always been like that, or annointed is another debate.

    But I believe it's always been like that, in the sense that…they are not seperate beings.

    They are the same being…Jesus was just manifested INTO creation.

    I see it as, YHVH manifesting his infinite being INTO creation in the form of Jesus Christ.


    Hi RM,
    Is every LORD also a GOD to you?
    “..for there are many lords and many gods but for us there is ONE GOD the Father…..and ONE LORD Jesus Christ… “1Cor8


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,09:16)
    Hi RM,
    Is every LORD also a GOD to you?
    “..for there are many lords and many gods but for us there is ONE GOD the Father…..and ONE LORD Jesus Christ… “1Cor8

    No, There is only One God and One Lord. YHVH


    HI Nick Hassan,

    When Revelations says Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords what does that make YHVH?


    Hi RM,
    Yes God has appointed him King and Lord.
    All authority has been GIVEN TO him.[Mt28] by his God



    Hi RM,

    You said:

    THE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD dwelt in christ.

    This is not in scripture.  The word “godhead” is NEVER in scripture.  Also, that the “fullness of God dwelt in Jesus” makes it clear that they cannot be the same being.  Otherwise something OF one could not possibly be said to dwell in the other.  If they were the same being, then the fullness of one would simply be the fullness of one.  Get it?  THEREFORE….. IF they are not the same being, then you believe there is more than one God.  How many Gods do you think we have?

    You said:

    So even though you are saying YHVH is the Almighty…Jesus can do EVERYTHING YHVH can.

    Jesus can do NOTHING on his own.  He said so.

    You said:

    So that is the reasoning for my position.

    Jesus is just as powerful as YHVH.

    That is not scriptural either.  Show me where it says that.

    peace and love,


    Hi RM,
    As we see it offers nothing to truth.
    You are the Christ, the SON OF THE LIVING GOD.
    Peter was praised for these words but your disagree?


    Hi RM,
    Jesus said we would do greater things than he did.[Jn]
    If what he did makes him God what does that make us?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,09:37)
    Hi RM,
    Jesus said we would do greater things than he did.[Jn]
    If what he did makes him God what does that make us?

    Hi Nick,

    Or if he WAS already God, then it says we will do greater things than God did. ??? Is that ever possible?



    Hi MB,
    Yes those who are of the world might mistake him for his God but we surely know better.


    Quote (RokkaMan @ June 21 2010,09:25)
    HI Nick Hassan,

    When Revelations says Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords what does that make YHVH?

    Hi RM,

    He will still be the God of gods,

    Psalm 136:2 NIV
    Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever.



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 21 2010,09:56)

    Quote (RokkaMan @ June 21 2010,09:25)
    HI Nick Hassan,

    When Revelations says Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords what does that make YHVH?

    Hi RM,

    He will still be the God of gods,

    Psalm 136:2 NIV
    Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever.


    I've said countless times…Jesus is not YHVH, but he is God!


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 21 2010,09:30)
    Hi RM,

    You said:

    THE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD dwelt in christ.

    This is not in scripture.  The word “godhead” is NEVER in scripture.  Also, that the “fullness of God dwelt in Jesus” makes it clear that they cannot be the same being.  Otherwise something OF one could not possibly be said to dwell in the other.  If they were the same being, then the fullness of one would simply be the fullness of one.  Get it?  THEREFORE….. IF they are not the same being, then you believe there is more than one God.  How many Gods do you think we have?

    You said:

    So even though you are saying YHVH is the Almighty…Jesus can do EVERYTHING YHVH can.

    Jesus can do NOTHING on his own.  He said so.

    You said:

    So that is the reasoning for my position.

    Jesus is just as powerful as YHVH.

    That is not scriptural either.  Show me where it says that.

    peace and love,

    Water can dwell in water?

    So why can't God dwell in God?

    Is anything too great for God?

    Jesus said he couldn't do anything of his own when he was humbled as a MAN on EARTH.

    Prior and after his incarnation on earth, he was and is supreme ruler of all things. King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

    By his hands was everything made.
    Jesus can do everything YHVH can because they are one in the same. Jesus is YHVH manifested as a son subject to the Father.

    That in fact is scriptural.


    Hi RM,
    Working out from our own theories what God can do is no basis for sensible teaching.
    We should do greater things than Jesus did [Jn14.12]
    Would you become God?


    Hi RM,
    Does 1 Cor 8 apply to you yet?


    Quote (JustAskin @ June 20 2010,07:34)
    You have presented AN answer. Politicians are experts at providing answers that are not answers but only appear that way.

    Additionally, You cannot decide that you have answered me.
    What you should say us, 'Have I answered you, to your satisfaction?'

    Then I say, 'yeh', or ,'neh'.

    As what did Jesus  die, God or Man?

    Was Jesus Man or was he God?

    There is no such thing as a God-Man.

    Not a single word of Scriptures alludes to such a being. Or else show me what the delusional spirit put into your mind to show that…

    Besides, what does the Scriptures say about concerning God and His [Manifestation], 'For us there is ONE GOD, the Father, and ONE Lord, the MAN Jesus Christ'
    And also, among many others, (Ephesians 4:13), “till we come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a Perfect Man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”

    And also, if Jesus did not die, except his flesh died, then what need was there for God raising up his flesh body. After all, even angels can create flesh and bone bodies!

    Corinthians 15:45~49, …the last Adam (man created sinless) … The 'heavenly MAN', not 'God'…

    And your ocean analogy doesn't hold water…

    If Jesus is the cup then and the cup is his physical body…that would mean that his 'cup'/Physical body holds the full ocean seeing that God 'Scooped' up the Holy Spirit into Jesus…'without measure'.
    Besides, the whole analogy was jibberish to start with. Which muddy stream did you dredge that up from?

    1 John 4: 1~… Read it…
    You say that Jesus is God…come in the flesh…??
    Nowhere in Scriptures does it say that God came in the flesh but yet You say so.

    GOD came in the flesh (False)
    Jesus came in the flesh (True)
    Therefore Jesus is God…(False and True = False)


    Can we make up our minds.

    im confused, in one place they believe that God begot God, and in others that Jesus is only man. Which is it?

    and you mentioned Ephesians 4:13… the fullness of christ, you mean the same fullness that Philipians mentions that it pleased the Father for HIS fullness to dwell in Christ.

    Jesus Body had to be raised up forever. IT is the exact evidence of our redemption, and the first out of the ressurected.

    1st Corinthians 15:45-49. second adam quickening spirit.
    the Lord from Heaven.

    Beloved believe not every spirit, for there are many false prophets in the world.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 21 2010,09:30)
    Hi RM,

    You said:

    THE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD dwelt in christ.

    This is not in scripture.  The word “godhead” is NEVER in scripture.  Also, that the “fullness of God dwelt in Jesus” makes it clear that they cannot be the same being.  Otherwise something OF one could not possibly be said to dwell in the other.  If they were the same being, then the fullness of one would simply be the fullness of one.  Get it?  THEREFORE….. IF they are not the same being, then you believe there is more than one God.  How many Gods do you think we have?

    You said:

    So even though you are saying YHVH is the Almighty…Jesus can do EVERYTHING YHVH can.

    Jesus can do NOTHING on his own.  He said so.

    You said:

    So that is the reasoning for my position.

    Jesus is just as powerful as YHVH.

    That is not scriptural either.  Show me where it says that.

    peace and love,

    1st Colossians 1:19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

    Only one God.
    If Jesus did nothing of his own, Than what is his distinct personality if all his choices were his Fathers will.

    If you did all my will, that every choice you made was based on my will, could you not say it was me?

    If i raised my right hand, and also did you,
    and spoke the very same words at the very same time,
    and did many things at the very same time, as if you were perfectly copying everything i did, like a mirror,
    could you not say we are the same personality?

    What was distinct about Jesus choices?


    Hi SF,
    He submitted daily.
    Just as the Our Father shows us to in Mt6


    Quote (RokkaMan @ June 21 2010,02:54)
    So Gene, don't be quick to jump onto someone's side until you at least hear a rebuttle, because then you make the person your defending, and yourself look like fools.


    All i ask is that we stay on topic…if you have questions, ask them and they will be addressed.

    Don't go off condemning and pointing fingers when you yourself may actually be wrong.

    Ask questions, so that answers may be provided.

    RM……Sorry if you took what i said as a put down . I try to be more carefull brother. But You still have not addresse this statement by Jesus……”FOR (THOU) (someone other then the one talking ARE THE (ONLY) that is to say no other, TRUE GOD.

    So if Jesus said someone other then him was the (ONLY) True GOD, should we believe this or not. I”ll not go into any of the other scripture that say the same thing even where GOD Himself said He could find (NO) other GOD then himself.

    Please address this RM , was Jesus mistaking when he said that or what?

    peace and love……………………………gene


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,15:36)
    Hi SF,
    He submitted daily.
    Just as the Our Father shows us to in Mt6

    Hi Nick,
    2 Corinthians 13:5 -Examine yourself

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