JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    DT,  you said……Me: HE murdered his son for the “transgressions of others”, like a bull on an altar? On what plane does that make sense to you? There is so much wrong in what you said. Isn’t murder, murder and called a sin? Are you saying God can sin? Still waiting for when God changed and said the innocent can be responsible for the actions of the guilty.

    Me….GOD NEVER MURDERED HIS son Jesus,  that decision was always up to Jesus,  But God did want or “willed” for him to have enough “FAITH”  in him,  to offer his life as a sacrifice, for, (because of), the sins of the world.  Jesus said clearly himself he had the power to lay down his body and to restore it again,  he also said that he could call down 12 legions of angels to come to his aid if he wanted to.  What Jesus did was to “DEMONSTRATE ” to us all, his “FAITH” in God the father,  Just as Abraham demonstrated his “FAITH” IN God,  by willing to offer up his son in obedience to the command or “WILL” , of God.

    There was no murder ever committed by God, it was all a voluntary  sacrifice on Jesus’ part. That is why he is “exalted” above every creature in heaven and earth, because his “FAITH” in God the Father caused him to pored out his “SOUL” unto death.

    Jesus proved his commitment to the “Will” of God, by his “Faith”,  the same thing is required of all of GOD’S,  “faithful” children. We must all come to put God the Fathers “WILL” ahead of our “WILLS”. 

    Peace and love to you and yours DT………gene





    DT,  you said…”HE murdered his son for the “transgressions of others”, like a bull on an altar? On what plane does that make sense to you? There is so much wrong in what you said. Isn’t murder, murder and called a sin? Are you saying God can sin? Still waiting for when God changed and said the innocent can be responsible for the actions of the guilty”.

    Me….GOD NEVER MURDERED HIS son Jesus,  that decision was always up to Jesus,  But God did want or “willed” for him to have enough “FAITH”  in him,  to offer his life as a sacrifice, for, (because of), the sins of the world.  Jesus said clearly himself he had the power to lay down his body and to restore it again,  he also said that he could call down 12 legions of angels to come to his aid if he wanted to.  What Jesus did was to “DEMONSTRATE ” to us all, his “FAITH” in God the father,  Just as Abraham demonstrated his “FAITH” IN God,  by willing to offer up his son in obedience to the command or “WILL” , of God.

    There was no murder ever committed by God, it was all a voluntary  sacrifice on Jesus’ part. That is why he is “exalted” above every creature in heaven and earth, because his “FAITH” in God the Father caused him to pored out his “SOUL” unto death.

    Jesus proved his commitment to the “Will” of God, by his “Faith”,  the same thing is required of all of GOD’S,  “faithful” children. We must all come to put God the Fathers “WILL” ahead of our “WILLS”. 

    Peace and love to you and yours DT………gene






    Can I ask why you decided to jump to a question I asked Jodi verses answering the questions I asked you to clarify in our last discussion concerning the “millennial reign”? For your memory enjoyment:

    Why is God “testing” everyone who is already “saved”? The first “saving” wasn’t an actual “saving”; wasn’t it good enough?

    Aren’t those who are left on earth spared from the fiery pit because they turned to the Jesus?

    What about those who were “raptured away”, are they exempt from this testing and why?

    Was their “saving” more superior to those who came to the Jesus after the “rapture”?

    Why would people after a 1000 years of utopia with God suddenly begin rejecting HIM and start sinning again?

    So what happens to those who fail this “test”, will they also be cast into the Lake of Fire?

    Explain how this aligns with the Tanakh when God is the one who said HE doesn’t take pleasure in the death of anyone AND goes on to tell all how they can live.


    You: There was no murder ever committed by God, it was all a voluntary sacrifice on Jesus’ part.

    Me: But was it really the Jesus’ “voluntary” choice???

    1 Peter 1:19-20 19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,

    Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

    Peter and John seem to say this was foreordained before the foundation of the world. Since the Jesus’ death was predetermined from before creation, explain what “choice” did the Jesus messiah have?


    DT……Jodi would have answered you the same way, why?, because she has the “SPIRIT” of God abiding “in” her.  You on the other hand don’t, and that why you flip flop around our responses by simply asking different questions every time we “answer” your questions. I Answered your question to Jodi, and instead of answering the scriptures I gave you, you simply ignore them and shift to something else, that I can show you doesn’t change a thing I have posted. You simply bait and switch every subject we answer of yours.
    You remind me of the old adage, “you can’t catch a rabbit in a bier patch”, But in your case it would be a snake.

    Every question you ask in your last post I and can and did answer in the posts,  “for those who have eyes to see”.   But in you case that doesn’t seem to apply, why is that? Is it because you have rejected the whole,  New Testament, and even much of what is written in the Old Testament   It appears ?, IMO,   There can never be an agreement  with you, you simply “bait and switch”,  and by that,  skirt around everything , dialoging with you is “futile”.  

    Peace and love to you and yours DT……….gene



    You: I Answered your question to Jodi, and instead of answering the scriptures I gave you, you simply ignore them and shift to something else

    Me: You provided zero scriptures in your response to the Jodi question. AND you will notice in my response to you I quoted exactly what you said and responded to YOUR statement the Jesus “voluntarily sacrificed” himself. I gave you two passages that say the Jesus couldn’t of done it of his freewill because it was “predestined” to happen from the creation. What did I shift?!?!? The reality is you have mastered the tactic of shifting away from the topic at hand. By the way you answered none of my questioned concerning the millennial reign as they are what we call “follow up” questions and are done to seek further clarification, which you avoided.


    You: Every question you ask in your last post I and can and did answer in the posts, “for those who have eyes to see”.

    Me: Sorry, but you haven’t provided a single scripture to support your millennial story. My eyes are open, are yours?


    You: you have rejected the whole, New Testament, and even much of what is written in the Old Testament It appears ?, IMO

    Me: Of course I’ve rejected the NT; it’s not the word of God. No matter how many times it repeated the NT is the “inspired word of God” doesn’t make it so. How can the NT be the “inspired word of God” when every religion argues about what it says? You falsely state I’ve rejected much of the Tanakh; let me clarify, I’ve rejected christianity’s interpretations of the Tanakh, I have rejected christianity’s twisting of the Tanakh, I have rejected christianity’s misquoting of the Tanakh, and I’ve rejected the corruption christianity has inserted into the Tanakh. The Tanakh IS God’s word…period!

    The reality Gene, you’re running from answering the questions…which actually make sense. Pastors did it too when I began asking the “wrong” questions, and they’re “educated” in religion; so I shouldn’t fault you because you’re only learning from them. But it does solidify you believe what you’ve been told to believe and are unwilling to challenge the doctrines of religious beliefs and verify whether or not what you’re told is truth or not.

    You claim the Jesus will return by 2032 (it did have a good laugh); many people throughout history have tried predicting the Jesus’ return and every single one has been wrong; what makes you believe you are right? I’m here until 11:59pm December 31, 2032 just so I can ask where is your Jesus?

    You really should stop closing with “Peace and love to you and yours”; because they’re empty words you don’t really mean. Since I have walked away from christianity you have shown me only contempt, not peace or love.


    DT……Your lack of knowledge of the New Testament as well as the old is obvious to me. So let me then quote the scriptures,  you say I didn’t quote, about Jesus sacrificing himself ok.

    JOHN 10: 17-18…..> “therefore does my Father love me, because, I LAY DOWN MY LIFE, that I might take it again”.

    verse 18…>.  “No man takes it from me, but I lay it down “OF MYSELF” , I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again, this commandment have I received “from my FATHER”. 

    NEED MORE, I can produce them if you wan’t, so tell us where did I or anyone here say God  “MURDERED” JESUS. To say that is simply “a LIE”.

    DT, I have not been a member of any church for over 60 years now, I have read and studied the scriptures myself and the Spirit I received from God the Father brings them into my mind the “spirit of truth” tells me when I hear the truth or when I hear a lie. That’s how I know you are not of the truth.
    But  just as I said,  you will simply ignore the truth or divert or just skirt around it. Face it DT you’re not interested in   “The truth” ,  but your own self made form of religion, just as the Jew’s of Jesus’ day were.   sad! Repent!

    peace and love to you and yours DT……….gene



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