JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    I never attacked a straw man argument. I correctly pointed out that the head of God is Christ and the head of the woman is the man. I made a comparison that just as Eve and Adam have the same nature, they are different beings. Likewise with God and his son. The son came from God and Eve came from Adam.

    My argument was to point out that you are confused between nature and identity.

    God is not God because of his nature, but because he is the Father of all, even the son. Yes God has divine nature, but so it seems the son and us too.

    …by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature.

    If divine nature makes you God, then the redeemed are God. But we are not God.


    Can you say with Thomas and all other true Christians to Jesus: My Lord and my God! (John 20:28)
    Yes or No?



    The words that Thomas’ spoke to Jesus literally mean ‘the Lord of me and the God of me’. This is simply an address to two identities. If Thomas wanted to say that Jesus was Lord and God too, he would have said: ‘the Lord and God of me’. It seems easy to accept that when addressing Jesus Christ, that you could address God too. Certainly when we give thanks we often thank Jesus and God and we are encouraged to do so in scripture too.

    Ephesians 5:20
    always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Now read up on the Granville Sharp’s rule and then read Thomas words again and you will see that both nouns, (1) Lord, and (2) God, are each preceded with the definite  article (‘the’). Both nouns, (1) and (2) are qualified by the words ‘of me’. Thomas could have said, “the Lord and God of me.” if he wanted to convey that Jesus was both.

    The pattern we see in scripture is that there is God and his son. Paul carefully distinguishes them throughout his letters and speaks about both in the same sentence or verse. For example:

    Timothy 5:21 says: “I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels”.
    Colossians 1:3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,
    But it is not just Paul who makes this distinction clear.

    1 Peter 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

    When I want to thank Jesus Christ, I personally do not like to leave out God the Father as I know full well, that Jesus is doing God’s will. Give thanks where thanks is due.

    Jesus is my Lord and God is my Father. You find that hard to believe? Read on.

    yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.


    one Lord, one faith, one baptism;  one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

    Notice it says “for us”. Are you ‘us’? I certainly fit as ‘us’ here. Whereas you are arguing against what ‘us’ believe.


    @ Proclaimer

    “God is not God because of his nature, but because he is the Father of all, even the son. Yes God has divine nature, but so it seems the son and us too.”

    but so it seems the son and us too.”



    You want to speak OF the” physical” divine nature OF God OR ” THE MIND”  of God(HIS DIVINE SPRITUAL CARACTER)….???

    OR THE TWO ?







    There is the nature of man and the nature of God.

    There are different bodies, the physical and the spiritual and God is spirit.

    Jesus has a glorified body and we will have a body like his. Paul teaches us this.

    As to the body and the mind, I personally believe that when we are born again we have a different spirit which affects our mind. What we lack is the body which makes us perfect. So the mind wrestles between the two.

    For now we wrestle with our flesh, but we have the Spirit to counter that.

    We will enter rest when we are given our resurrection bodies.


    Poclaimer, good post,  overall, but one thing is not right,  there is no such thing as a “Spirit body”,  there is a “physical”  body that is “Spiritual” driven.  It is a “Glorified body, which will be given at the resurection, to all the Saint’s of God. A physical  body “exactly as Jesus now has.  But we still now have sin these PRESENT physical  bodies, in which sin dwells  as Paul said,   it must be replaced with a body that has no sin in it. Jesus kept his original body because he never sinned, he didn’t need a new body,  God the Father resurected his original body by his Spirit and glorified it.  His body never saw corruption ever nor ever will.  

    Some time you suprise me Proclaimer.

    Peace and love to you and yours ………..gene






    Ed J

    Poclaimer, good post, overall, but one thing is not right, there is no such thing as a “Spirit body”

    Hi Gene,

    There’s only one problem, Proclaimer never mentions a “Spirit body”

    why must you make things up to argue against?

    What’s got your influenced will held captive by to make things up?


    Correct. I never mentioned that Gene.

    Why did you say that?


    For me , Only God the Father AND the Son OF God possess “DIVINE NATURE”(PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY)




    Divine nature = to be GOD




    Ed J

    Divine nature = to be GOD

    Hi Berean,

    Are you suggesting we become GOD?

    “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises:
    that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having
    escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Peter 1:4)



    Proclaimer. ….I may have misunderstood what you meant,  I though you were saying there is a Spirit body,  as you, as I recall,  did say we become “SPIRIT” Beings, but I see you did use the words “spritual” bodies,  as meaning physical “Bodies”,  that are spiritually created, that I also believe.

    We now have the “earnest”  Spirit of God “in” us “now” ,  that is why it says “brethern “NOW” are we the sons of God”.  The only thing we need changes is the Body of sin.  So we now, as  Paul said , with our minds we serve the laws of God, (written on our hearts by God ) ,  but with our bodies the law (forced compliance) of sin and death which still works in us. So we like Paul say ” ‘O ‘ WRETCHED MAN THAT I AM , WHO CAN DELIVER ME FROM THIS “BODY” OF DEATH,  I thank “GOD” , through Jesus the anointed one.”   we will be delievered and recieve a new “spritually”  created “physical body”,  exactly like the one Jesus now has. 

    Sorry if I had mistaken what you were saying Proclaimer.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene





    Edj…….It’s not what I’m saying
    Participate in divine nature
    it is to receive the character, the thoughts, the Spirit of God in Jesus Christ.
    We don’t become God by doing this (partaker of divine nature)
    By his loving power he draws us to Him, and it becomes easy to obey him if we love him back.


    Berean…..Those  who have the Spirit of God dwelling in them now, have that devine Nature at work in them now. I believe,  AND IT DOES SAY , that they “might” be partakers of, that devine nature. 

    So it does show we can recieve it Berean.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………..gene


    Ed J

    Divine nature = to be GOD

    Hi Berean,

    “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises:
    that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having
    escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Peter 1:4)

    Are you suggesting we become GOD?

    Edj…….It’s not what I’m saying
    Participate in divine nature
    it is to receive the character, the thoughts, the Spirit of God in Jesus Christ.
    We don’t become God by doing this (partaker of divine nature)
    By his loving power he draws us to Him, and it becomes easy to obey him if we love him back.

    Then how come you’re saying Jesus sharing this nature makes him GOD,
    but when we share this nature that doesn’t make us GOD???

    Isn’t your view a bit inconstant at the very least?

    How come when it pertains to Jesus it makes him GOD
    but when it pertains to us it doesn’t make us GOD???

    Your view does not make sense,

    Would you care to try to explain why you believe that it does ?




    But we don’t become God who is omnipresent
    omnipotent, omniscient …. Ok?
    It is just our character which is transformed by obedience to the truth which is in Christ in God .Amen!




    Jésus(CALLED “THE WORD ” in the biginning WAS WITH THE GOD AND WAS GOD.






    Ed J

    No-where in Scripture is Jesus called “The Word” ???


    Ed J

    Then how come you’re saying Jesus sharing this nature makes him GOD,
    but when we share this nature that doesn’t make us GOD???

    Isn’t your view a bit inconstant at the very least?

    How come when it pertains to Jesus it makes him GOD
    but when it pertains to us it doesn’t make us GOD???

    Your view does not make sense,

    Would you care to try to explain why you believe that it does ?


    I see you offer no explanation – that is what people do that are in error




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    You do not BELEIVE


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    MAY God help You to BELEIVE the TRUTH about Jesus.

    Perhaps reread Revelation 19

    And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.





    Danny Dabbs


    2 Peter 1:4…The Geneva Study Bible commentary says:
    “By the divine nature he means not the substance of the Godhead, but the partaking of those qualities, by which the image of God is restored in us.”

    Only Jesus shares the exact same nature as His Father. Because Jesus is the ONLY begotten of the Father. John 1:14

    I hope that this clarifies the issue.

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