• Profile picture of DesireTruth


    The question was for you to expound and clarify what your opinion is, not for me to seek out the “truth” on how the Leviticus passage relates to the Isaiah. You made a statement, now clarify. My guess is you are unable to because you really don’t know why you believe what you believe. My guess is someone told you this and you belie…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    In what respect does the Leviticus 10:17 passage have anything to do with Isa 53? To say it relates with no explanation says nothing! How am I to know what you’re talking about when you never explain anything?

    Then refusing to answer who the “our” is only further proves how entrenched in religion and doctrines you are and how they take…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Your point? And does this have to do with the “our” in Isa 53 being the prophets?

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Yawn, I don’t need the Jesus according to God; are you not reading and verifying what I am writing? I keep being told I need to “repent”; but no one can tell me what to repent of. I reject the Jesus because he IS NOT the messiah prophesied in the Tanakh. Prove me wrong!! I have given passages speaking of who the true Messiah will be and w…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: You believe God does not want us to die, right?, then tell us who hasn’t died? … Trying to do it another way will only end up in your death.

    Me: In the first part you claim a physical death; then at the end you speak of a spiritual death. Why are you playing ignorant?

    Why do you believe God is looking for perfection as the liar P…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: his seed are those that believe in him to whom God had called.

    Me: Hasn’t God “called” all of mankind? Ezek 18:32 “I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Lord GOD; so turn, and live.”

    God says to turn from your wickedness (repent) and you will live. I didn’t read anything about God saying HE was only going to “p…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Can you provide a biblical passage to support that claim?

    And why at the end of Matthew does the Jesus say to baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; I count three…hmmmm. Actually, there’s only God and no other; HE said so.

    Also, if taking God and the Jesus’ name in vain is the “unforgivable sin”…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: Did not the punishment given to Adam and Eve for their sin pass to their children and their children’s children and so on and so forth to thus include all of mankind?

    Me: So you believe in the doctrine of “original sin”; the belief sin entered into the world and our “sin nature” is due to the “fall of Adam.” Please explain Gen 4:7 [Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You quote man’s thoughts and accept that as proof for what you believe?!?!? You make my point and settle my case of christians believing what they are told to believe!

    Let’s examine this commentary to see if Isaiah is really referring to himself and the other prophets or “possibly Isaiah’s own disciples” (did you notice the indecisiv…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Accusing me of not continuing our “conversation” because I “don’t like your format”, I’m “embarrassed”, or am “uncomfortable” with the discussion couldn’t be further from the truth. I have asked you multiple times to change your writing style because fragmented sentences are annoying to following, writing in all caps means your yelli…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Nowhere in anything you wrote did you say who the “our” is; our is a plural pronoun and would signify multiple people who are owning what they did to the “servant.” Who does the voice represent/speaking in verses 1-9?

    I do appreciate the response, but can you support with the Tanakh what you are claiming Isaiah is “antici…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Who’s the “our”? It’s the same “our” who begins speaking in verse one about a “report” no one will believe.

    What does chapter 52 say, the chapter that leads into 53 and puts what is written into context (specifically the last three verses)? Do you know what chapter 54 says?

    I’ll ask again, can you start in the middle of a novel and k…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    We WILL get to Isaiah 53, but in a new thread as time permits; so patience is required.

    Christendom believes it was sin that put the Jesus to death; which means the “sinless, guiltless, and innocent” Jesus took on the wickedness of the guilty and was put to death for the guilty. However in Ezek 18:20 we are told “The soul that sins, it sh…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Have you read have Ezek 18:19-32 yet? If not, why not? God is speaking to his creation, HE desires that all turn from their wickedness, follow HIS statutes, and return to HIM. Nothing in this passage speaks of a man one must believe in to come before our creator, the lie of christianity. You are not “filthy rags” before our Heavenly Fat…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Once again you’ve avoided answering what the purpose of the Jesus’ death served? God says no one can be punished/be responsible for others wickedness as the sin belongs to the offender; yet, you claim the wickedness of mankind put the Jesus on the cross. Explain what his death did for mankind and continuing to point out how the Jesus liv…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Apparently what I wrote went over your head. God said the wicked are responsible for their wickedness; which we agree upon. HOWEVER, you have yet to explain the purpose of the Jesus’ death and what it accomplished. If sin put the Jesus on the cross, his death had to do something otherwise it was for nothing.

    You obviously DIDN’T read the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: yes all our personal sins did cause Jesus to have to be crucified.

    Me: So all the sin from creation to the end of the world put the Jesus on the cross for the purpose of what? If we are responsible for our own sins and will judged for them, how do our sins put the innocent, perfect Jesus on the cross? What did his death accomplish?…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You know that isn’t what I was asking; did your “personal sin” nail the Jesus to the cross? Why do you refuse to answer this question?

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You still have not said you personally nailed the Jesus to the cross…fascinating! Let your yes be yes and your no be no!

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Have you noticed you haven’t answered whether or not you nailed the Jesus to the cross? Apparently it is a difficult question to answer.

    Did you notice you have deflected to another topic? I can only surmise this tactic is being used to push the conversation away from what you refuse to answer. Which I will not be baited into and will p…[Read more]

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