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    our though open so you can confirm or deny what you are saying dependent on how the discussion goes.This is deceit – Mikeboll – and shows you are DEBATING – not professing a thought or idea…Yes, Mikeboll the Master DEBATOR..Being OMNIPRESENT means being Present in ALL PLACES ALL THE TIME.Spirits in the Spirit realm are OMNIPRESENT the Spirit…[Read more]

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    Quote I believe it is the Spirit of God that is “omnipresent”, in that He can send out that “feeler” anywhere He wants in order to gather or send information, while the Being of God Himself remains in heaven – His dwelling place.Mike, how can someone/thing only be “Omnipresent”?This is slyness of writing: hedging… You leave you door on y

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    T8,This is the guy (Mikeboll) you call you MODERATOR…?Mike has totally lost it. An Evil Spirit has overtaken him…Please, Mike, take a break – run away – Oh, yes, you have – again… Good thing eh.That Galations 6:1 really shook you up…Killed off your argument: Stone Dead…Spiritual Body…. 'We will all be turned into BODIES OF SPIRITS'…[Read more]

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    And as for blowing up places being HILARIOUS – Mike, you ought to know that even forum posts are Universally monitored. Expect a call from the FBI any day soon.But don't worry: we will come visit you in prison good Christians!

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    Mikeboll64 and Terraricca are both held by a Spirit of delusion.Is there anyone who can perform one of them Rituals to remove their Evil Spirit of delusion?Or can thus type only be removed by prayer alone…?Mikeboll at one point says that the Holy spirit is EVERYWHERE – then realises he's copped himself and so starts backtracking… claiming he…[Read more]

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    Mikeboll and Terraricca,The Spirit of stupor has invaded you. You are both in the wilderness without water (Holy Spirit).You are in 'Arid Places'You have both lost it – bad luck…Mike, you think just looking for support and will snatch at anything… You know, falling man syndrome…!Where can you not go that you are NOT in the knowledge of…[Read more]

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    Terra,I have no idea what you ACTUALLY just said… But let me guess…You think I am stupid… Terra, it appears not only do you not understand what others write but you can't express your ideas properly…Terra, there is no need to TEACH ME about computer systems… That is my JOB…moreover, I WROTE the example ALREADY…This is what I said…[Read more]

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    Rena,Thanks for your response.I see that neither Mikeboll nor Terraricca have anything to say.I would have tought they would be happy to explain what the writer meant by 'You who are Spiritual' and WHO the reference was aimed at.You see, if, as they say, 'Spiritual Body' means 'Body of a Spirit' then 'You who are Spiritual' would mean 'You who are…[Read more]

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    Terra said '…8 light years away but still not even close to God'Ha ha – I'm in fits tonight – .. Terra, God is IN YOU by his Spirit – or Not…Even if God is not 'In you', God is near you… His Spirit always ready to imbibe you if you accept him.Terra, never use PHYSICAL EARTHLY measurements in regard to God – that is sure…[Read more]

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    From Mikeboll:Quote I believe that it is the SPIRIT OF GOD that is OMNIPRESENTSo, Mike, NOW you believe that a SPIRIT can be EVERYWHERE…Ha ha ha – he he he … I am so tickled … Good call, Mike.. So, start with the HOLY Spirit… Then ALL SPIRITS…Spirits are EVERYWHERE…See, Mike… What did I say about you?

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    1 Cor 15:53~What is the Perishable Body that must PUT ON the Impersishable?And the Mortal Body that must PUT ON Immortality?Is it the FLESH and BLOOD/BONE Body, or a (Hitherto unknown) SPIRIT BODY?Since the Spirit is ALREADY IMMORTAL and IMPERISHABLE I am confused by what Mikeboll64 alludes to…!!!Does this mean that the body with a spirit in it…[Read more]

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    Has anyone read Galations 6:1?Can someone explain specifically the part that says, '… You who are Spiritual…'

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    Kerwin,”Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God”So what CAN inherit the Kingdom of God?

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    TK,Pray tell what you are talking about?What are you claiming that I said against you?

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    EDJ,No need for quote – you cannot commandeer Truth. And what you said was indeed TRUTH concerning Mike, spoken of by others before INCLUDING MYSELF.He has run away from this thread with tears in his eyes and a lump in his throat after realising he hasn't got a leg to stand on.Further more, he tells of Gene yet is saying exactly the same as Gene…[Read more]

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    Didnt God say, Thou shalt have no other God before me – for I am a JEALOUS GOD!

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    BD,How do you say you agree (in part) with Mike, then go on to explain your belief that a body is a vessel that things dwell in.Mike is saying that the SPIRIT has that body already.Mike is saying that the SPIRIT ready dwells in a body – and that Body of the Spirit ITSELF dwells in a human body.And – we not talking HUMAN SPIRIT – but Angels…IN…[Read more]

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    EDJ,Mike has locked his mind into a certain BODY of thought instead of allowing himself to be a free Spirit.He makes a great mountain out of the simple concept that I pointed out to him. He picked ONE PART of what I said and then asks stupid questions against it, like saying 'Butterfly' and mike says 'Istari says Butter can fly'!What I said to…[Read more]

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    Why is the SPIRIT not described as a 'Body'?Mike, have you heard of the word: 'Oxy-Moron'!Mike, you say that Gene is completely out of line when he says that a Spirit is IN A BODY.Yet you say that a Spirit is IN A BODY…'Pot' and 'Kettle' and 'Black' springs to mind for some reason here!!

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    Mike, have you not heard the sayings:   'Pull yourself together'and   'Gather your thoughts'What do you think they pertain to: Body or Spirit?Also, Why would there be a SPIRIT if a Body is a Body WITH a Spirit in it?And why would there be a SPIRIT with a Body if there is already a thing called a Body that can be WITHOUT A SPIRIT?In other w…[Read more]

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