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    So it seems Mikeboll cannot respond to my questions but hides away in his deep dark dank den of a hiding place seeking a way to sneak away …Mike cannot answer my questions and wants to muddy the thread by devising 'questions not answered' as a way of diverting the thread.Mike, everyone can see what you are doing – sonplease stop and just answer…[Read more]

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    God is everywhere.The Spirit is everywhere.There is no 'place' (singleness of physical position/location) in the Spirit realm.

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    Istari replied to the topic Where is God? in the forum View Points 13 years, 2 months ago

    God is everywhere.The Spirit is everywhere.There is no 'place' (singleness of physical position/location) in the Spirit realm.

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    So I ask Mikeboll again:If a Spirit has a Body… What then is the Spirit in that Body…By your definition, Any and Every way you try to cut it, Mike, you cannot get to SPIRIT without cutting away the BODY…So at some point you HAVE TO DEFINE 'SPIRIT'… Else you speaking coocoo language…!Terraricca – since you are so knowledgeable – and a…[Read more]

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    Quote (csaliba @ July 04 2011,17:06)Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 03 2011,13:39)I'm also curious to find out how everything exists INSIDE of the Being of God.  Ed?  Charles?ISTARI,All in Him,all for Him, and all through Him.Now Jesus spirit is in all universes.  BELIEVE IT OR NOTThere's nothing absolute nothing which exists and doesn't contain the ve…[Read more]

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    And I say again: the link does not show you are right – it does the opposite. That is why you you had to twist the text – this is EXACTLY what Paladin said you do…You see what APPEARS to be a supporting script and hack it to death until it SOUNDS like what you WANT it to say…If you think you are right then why not produce the proof instead of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    And I say again: the link does not show you are right – it does the opposite. That is why you you had to twist the text – this is EXACTLY what Paladin said you do…You see what APPEARS to be a supporting script and hack it to death until it SOUNDS like what you WANT it to say…If you think you are right then why not produce the proof instead of…[Read more]

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    Mike,You know you have lost the discussion so you drift into accusations.Why not just answer the question if you feel you are correct. Why are you afraid to answer a 'simple' question?If a Spirit has a Body then what is the SPIRIT in that BODY?See, Mike, no matter how you try to cut it you still do not answer – you simply redefine the question in…[Read more]

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    Mike,You have not proved anything except that your expertise is in deception.You refuse to address the Single question I posed to you because you cannot.So, you swish around making fatuous claims that don't hold water.Just answer the single question, Mike.Refusal to answer is an admittance that you Cannot because you Cannot…What is a Spirit if a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Until the SPIRIT stops having a BODY your definition of Spirit is an everlasting Recursive definition.You say:A Spirit is – A Spirit The SPIRIT in the BODY of the Spirit… Does it have a Body?Yes, mike says, for a Spirit has a Body…The SPIRIT in the BODY of the BODY of the Spirit… Does it have a Body?The SPIRIT in the BODY of the BODY…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Do you see the dilemma… At what point does the SPIRIT BODY stop?The Spirit has a Body… So what is the Spirit… The Spirit is … A body … Containing a Spirit… So what IS the SPIRIT… A spirit in a body … But that is what living Flesh is – Bodies with Spirit in them…So exactly what DID God create that was…[Read more]

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    Mikeboll,Swishing around is not helping to PROVE your case.Please PROVE your case: Does a Spirit have a Body?And if a Spirit HAS A BODY what is the SPIRIT in that Body?The link I gave DOES NOT PROVE YOUR CASE. You have merely done what Paladin accused you of: Selected bitty parts from what was said to cobble together your own version of what was…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hmm… Interesting summary of Mikeboll64.Seems to be a growing opinion!

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    Mike,You say you are a novice. Did you just say so to try and duck away from being exposed as ignorant?If you yourself say that you are a novice – and indeed that you 'don't know ANYTHING', then why do you INSIST for 341 pages that you are right?Why do you misinterpret the definition of 'Spiritual' by hanging on to the tenuous link to 'That which…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 03 2011,12:44)Quote (Gene Balthrop @ July 01 2011,08:43)Istari…………..He can't answer that question because it would contradict what he was saying. Mike is a Shall Gamer switching around and diverting attention away from sound truths.Says the person who thinks angels DO have bodies, but won't accept that angels ARE…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 26 2011,03:36)Quote (bodhitharta @ June 25 2011,09:52)There could be bodies within bodies.When I go swimming, I'm a body within a body of water.  :DMike,Of course there can be bodies within bodies…In the physical world… Why do you say it as if it is a revelation?What you should be asking is 'Is there a Body in a…[Read more]

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    Thanks EdJ and Shimmer….Could someone with editing rights delete my duplicate post.Thanks.

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    The problem with the 'Three King' is that they SEE GOD as like HUMAN BEINGS.They are tainted by pictures, paintings, drawings, descriptions, etc., of 'God' as sitting on a Throne, a man type figure with a White beard, very Kingly and austere, pointing a hand and finger out into the distance. 'Angels' and 'Men' surround HIM praising him and being…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic Fluff or Stuff in the forum View Points 13 years, 2 months ago

    T8,Sorry, but it is true what is being said. Take note from the parable of the Wheat and the Tares.Also, it is exactly by giving free reign to self expression and personal intelligence (Spirit) along with a flexible limiting 'Body' of rules, that attitudes, true beliefs, growth in true or false knowledge, the nature, character and desires of each…[Read more]

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    Gene,This is very true – The quote is 'Spiritual Body' but the three King's are arguing with 'SPIRIT BODY'.They DARE NOT define 'Spirit' because it would contradict their immature and irresponsible views.Mike tried to get out of his dimemma by claiming that he knew nothing… Nothing – therefore an excuse for bring WRONG FOR 340 pages… 'Oh, you…[Read more]

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