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    <a href='#' style='text-decoration:none; color:red; display: inline-block;' onclick="var a=document.getElementsByTagName('span');for(var z=0;zHi ShimmerDid Jesus shake hands with the people who were adulterating the Temple in Jerusalem?

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    So then,Where did the father come from to be the father of the SON?Where did the PERSON who BECAME THE FATHER to the SON come from – what is his NAME or TITLE?See, Kathi, It does't work?Who is the Person who BECAME the FATHER to the SON?It wasn't GOD (According to the WJ's Creed) because GOD is just (according to the Creed) a epheral overarching…[Read more]

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    kathi, Kathi…this is heartfeltness…One cannot say that the SON existed because God thought of him before he created him.If so then you would have to agree with Gene.Before there was a Son – Before there was a Father – because you cannot have a Father without a Son – nor a Son without a Father.Therefore – before a Son, Before a Father – There…[Read more]

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    And Shimmer,Who is my Brother, and who is my sister.Does light shake hands with the dark?

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    So, Ladies, what's the latest noise in this thread?

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    kathi,Thank you for your thoughts.I thank God there are such like you in here – I am seeing Spiritualness come alive amongst a few here – but as some one said to me “If tehy didn't believe Jesus Christ, if they killed, nay, crucified Christ, should YOU expect an easier ride?”

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    Kathi,You see, when Constantine devised the trinity creed he had no idea that it would last. He thought it would just about do to quell the fighting between the two Christian beliefs. And that's all he wanted…Roman rulers hated uprisings because the Roman Senators would just send someone else to take over in the provinces.Constantine devised…[Read more]

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    So Kathi,The FATHER — IS —- God Almighty, not whatever it is that Keith says – some OverArching Covering Body….that includes Father , son and Holy Spirit.See Kathi, nothing that Trinity says can reconcile the scriptures to itself – because it isn't true.Who says what in Scriptures; Is it Jesus, is it GOD? is it the father – Who Who…[Read more]

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    Kathi,yet the creeds say that Jesus is “The Son”.- From where does a Son come but from a fatherand- From where does a father come but at the conception of a Son.So, before there was a Son, there was no father.And A father cannot be except by a Son.So, before the Father-and-the-Son there was Neither.There was only God ALMIGHTY and HIS Holy Spirit!

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 05 2011,03:43)Quote (Istari @ Jan. 04 2011,08:38)Ok, Worshipping Jesus,I apologise for my ADHOMINEM (What is that anyway?)Please can you just answer the following questions:Quote Worshipping Jesus, please indulge me one more time…If Jesus is the Son of god from Eternity…how did he become the Son…For there to be…[Read more]

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    ED J,t8 was challenging me on the understanding of “Spirit” and “Spiritual”.How is anyone reading the scriptures with discernment without understanding the difference…?What image do they draw up when they read about “Spiritual Wisdom”, or that “God is a Spirit”?Ed J, “The Mind of a Man has not conceived that which God has prepared for him “A…[Read more]

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    ED J,I said “I thought t8 would have been MORE on the Ball”This does not exclude him learning – but since this is his WEBSITE and Forum I would have imagined that such BASIC and FUNDAMENTAL aspects would have been clear to him.

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    Princess,Once again, i applaud you Spiritualness in this matter and this accord.

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    Irene,Quote Whats the matter did WJ run you off.,…How did you manage to dredge in “WJ” into what I said.Was it because you couldn't think of anything else to say. poor you…run out of pleasantries.WJ is running away trying to hide from answering my questions by claiming that I am being ADhominened ,…to him how sad – I'm sure he has had worse…[Read more]

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    Gene,The Spirit is a stumbling block to the Flesh. And the Flesh is a stumbling block to the Spirit.Yes, I thought t8 would have been more on the ball. But it shows that even he has much to learn?

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    That's why the DWARF in Lord of the Rings is called “Gimley” – it is a play on words – a PUN.He is an annoying little dwarf who makes HOLES in the ground although I'm not sure how a Dwarf with an AXE makes caves in the ground? Have you ever seen a dwarf in Lord of the rings with a shovel? and where do they put all the dirt they dig out of the…[Read more]

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    Terraricca,A Gimlet…. “A Small BORING object”

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    Some one, Kerwin, is ignoring explanation, in order to confuscubolulate their mind.The Scriptures clearly states that the ANGELS were MEN.This means that the ANGELS were in HUMAN FORM. They manifested bodies – those bodies needed sustenance and so they ate.just as JESUS asked for and ATE food in the presence of the Disciples in the room AND on the…[Read more]

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    Kerwin is trying to believe in PHANTASMS and 'GHOSTS'…He is incredibly naive and susceptible to his inane ideas of Spirits with bodies ('Ghosts') from reading about Saul and the Witch of Endor. It excites him to believe these things when EVERYONE ELSE knows it was bewitchment (ha ha – by a Witch!) that made Saul see and hear a demon Spirit…[Read more]

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