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    Oh and WJ can only discuss the Trinity because to discuss anything else may make him accidentally have to say something unTrinitylike by accident, or by truth.WJ is running scared at the moment unable to defend Trinity.

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    Kathi,My conceding is not agreeing.It is saying the argument is moot. I do not wish to pursue it.But see, even as you try to justify yourself you again say, inside Mom. Kathi, God is not a woman AND Kathi, A Spirit does not Procreate. So you are wrong on both scores.But my point is that you take a human concept and BACKWARDS apply it to God.…[Read more]

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    Irene, Satan is your God.You are doomed by your own thoughts.And the worse part of it all, is that you know it.You ask who is it that has Spiritual Bodies when the answer is right in front of you.Scriptures tells you that it is the ones who follow Christ. Irene, do Angels change 'bodies'?Irene, any Angel who does not remain as Spirit in sight of…[Read more]

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    Irene,Since when were Angels said to be 'Seed'. Do Angels procreate?See, even as you plead for unity it is YOU who brings division, division from the very God and Scriptures that you claim you hold to.God does not Give A Body to Angels.The Angels were created at ONE Time as Spirits.Here we go again, Irene, what is the definition of Spirit?Are…[Read more]

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    Kathi,Sorry to you. Yes, we did have good dialogue and I encouraged you to put argument against me.What I said about you here, is none the less true.Please do not believe that casual tea party conversation with cocked fingers on tea cups, comfy sofa and rich tea biscuits, coupled with compromise discussions, will reveal truth.Kathi, what you did…[Read more]

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    Kerwin,It is patently clear that you need mental spectacles but are trying to read without.You say that you do not know why Paul came to Rome, yet it is in the previous verses that you refuse to read. Kerwin, it is not hard to find the truth in certain matters if you simply use your eyes and have an open discerning Spirit.The reason you cannot see…[Read more]

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    Kerwin,There is no such thing as a Ghost.'ghost' is simply another – incorrect – word for Spirit.Also, I am amazed at your childish understanding.You are no student. You are a demon, or have a demon Spirit in you. This is not a trivial report but avtruthful one.Your obsession with the Spirit shows you are attempting to bring worship of Angels into…[Read more]

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    Kerwin,God has provided an answer. You just chose to ignore it.The donkey, like Eve to Adam, was not responsible.See that Eve was the one who ate first, yet was not credited with bringing sin into the wod because if Adam had said 'No', the world would still not have encountered sin.Likewise, the donkey would have been blameless, being under the…[Read more]

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    Irene, Irene, irene,You take comfort in being INSULTED…no no my lady…NOT OF YOU DRAW THAT INSULT to yourself through your own wrongfulness…Irene, be of a Spiritual mind – that is not what is meant by “Happy”…You have to have been doing good works for it to work like that….Do you say that a Robber, a liar, a cheat, a damnater, a raper, a…[Read more]

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    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha….i just read one of WJ' s comments to me -ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !”You do understand that an infinite God cannot be explained by using graphs and charts don’t you?”ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha – has anyone seen the innumerable diagrams and charts of “TRINITY” proofs??? -ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

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    ED J,can you believe that BIG BLUE can't answer a simple straight question concerning the trinity?Yes, me too, I agree…Cos he can't – maerkat simples!He pallies some twaddlle at me and then immediately starts asking questions – he has no intention of a decent response – and then screws into claiming I#m adhomineming him – good defence – he then…[Read more]

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    Ed J, true dat, true dat…!

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    WJ,There is no such thing as an ETERNAL FATHER – you just made that up…God is ETERNAL, yes. but you FUSE 'Father' into God with no seam.A father cannot be unless he has a Son.The Son must come at the same time as the Father – BOTH come at the same time.Before the Man was a Father – he was NOT a father.Before the Son was – There was no Father.God…[Read more]

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    WJ,You ask me a question that you asked Mikeboll64 as if you had asked me before and I had not answered – what's up widja man?You BOLDING and BLUEing the question to me as If you had asked me before – this shows you don't know who it is you are asking – Mikeboll64 has got you blazing cos you can't answer even teh simplest of simple questions using…[Read more]

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    To All,Do people who believe in the TRINITY always need to play games and become demons in human form to defend their indefensible CREED?Well, DUH, YES!!!

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    Well done WJ,Just responding the way an untruthful person WOULD answer.Yopu made no attempt to answer what I asked but instead launched an unwarranted attack to try to cover for your NONEAnswer.You came back saying that you had answered but because I didn't fall for your trick, you claim you don't have to answer – this goes against your previous…[Read more]

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    SF concerning Istari:”Astari cannot even do basic mathematics. Astari says that 2+2 = 4…Where did he go to School.Everyone knows that 2+2=4.Astari should invest in a good calculator.”SF, despite what I said, claims I didn't say what I said and then goes on to TEACH me exactly what I just said to the forum…!Is this just a way of saying “I…[Read more]

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    Hi Princess,Thanks for the tip.t8, can I get editing rights. thanks.

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    Ed J, what browser are you using “Internet Explorer”, FIREFOX, OPERA, SAFARI,…?I use CHROME…

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Some one asked me before to SHAKE HANDS with my fellows (STUDENTS) — NO way – How can I SHAKE Hands with the one misleading himself into delusions.Yet you read the Scriptures and it says “If you try to bring the brother to realisation, three time, and he refuses, do not go to him a fourth time but put him away and not even be seen talking with…[Read more]

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