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    Terraricca,You are absolutely correct and the parable should have been simple enough to understand.The rich should share what they have.Africa was made poor and America rich to demonstrate the parable.Your neighbour was made poor for you to nourish them with your riches.This parable has nothing to do with the physical rich person going to hell and…[Read more]

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    The outer membrane of a body is called….SKIN.Mikeboll64, what separates one angel from another?Well, since Angels/Spirits are 'Immaterial Beings' there is no need of a separating element.Mikeboll64, when you listen to a radio while on the move, when you use a mobilephone, are there separating elements between the channels, do the channels have…[Read more]

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    Gene,I don't believe there is anyone except Mikeboll64 and his blind students who believe that Spirits have bodies. To ninety-nine point nine percent of sane humanity Spirit means exactly what it says on the tin: Immaterial Being.Mikeboll64 just has to try and force his unscriptural thoughts onto the forum but when he gets found out he denies he…[Read more]

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    WJ,A man once said to me, 'I love kids (they're just a little salty if you don't cook them long enough…joking!) and I have many sons but by adoption becauuse my wife had a problem after our first.'Although this man has many sons, only one is his True Son by direct procreation.And, he declared to me with a little sadness, 'only one of them is…[Read more]

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    Kerwin,Yes, a body is physical and visible composed of material.Please keep reminding the posters … Better. Since REMINDING is not feasible having never known it, keep telling them.Spirit is immaterial and invisible,Body is material and visible.Mikeboll64 wants to invent a new entity called a Spirit Body which is invisible material,When…[Read more]

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    WJ,Does Scriptures not say that Satan is the God of this system of things.WJ, I am not Mikeboll64, and whatever you negotiated with him about what or who 'a God' is, you cannot use it as your definition with me.I gave you my definition of what 'God' means but you ignore it preferrIng the weak dismal rendering offered by Mikeboll64.Still, I see you…[Read more]

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    WJ,You are weird!!I said Jesus was not the God of anyone. How is that not an answer.Your discussion was with Mikeboll64, not with me.I responded out of courtesy and you insist on pursuing me, why?But….to answer you (again)!Satan was made God of this earth AFTER Jesus was raised from the dead and made King in his Father's kingdom.Only when Jesus…[Read more]

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    Istari wrote that Jesus was NOT the God of anyone…WJ immediately writes back saying 'So Satan is Greater than Jesus' and 'So who is Jesus the God of?'Please read that again and say what is wrong with what WJ says!And, to answer a long whispered question…Istari was created because JustAskin cannot post in the forum.Mad Mikeboll64 blocked his…[Read more]

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    Keith has found the perfect solution to any attack against him:Cry like a little girl and say that the poster is adhomineming him!Such a weak constitution goes against someone who implies that he is Spiritually Led!Keith has no backbone. Any wisp of a breeze of condemnation against him and he blows over and snaps.But then, he feels his strength(!)…[Read more]

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    Irene,There are THREE occasions of Jesus being Son of God.1) when he was created like all the other Angels2) when he came as Man in the Flesh3) when he was raised up and made High Priest to God (Romans 1:4)The third and last was the most important because this was when he became the Everlasting Son, the Eternal Son.This was when he was 'Begotten',…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    For there to be a Father, there must also be a Son.So, before there was a Son there was no Father.Be careful. There being no Father does not mean there was no person who would BECOME the Father.I have a Son. I am a Father.Before my Son was born, I was…but I was not yet a Father!God Almighty was not a Father until he created his Spirit Sons.God…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Too, apology for that.Yes, it is true that Jesus was not judged by God.He was judged by Man but was found guiltless but was still found among the sinful …for the sake of the Scriptures and for the sacrament.And, 'God' is a title. The title 'God' is MOSTLY used of the 'One True God' who gave us his name as 'YHVH'(Hebrew),'I AM'(English).The…[Read more]

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    Roo,Is this your response to Princess?Please can you show where you 'imply' that Jesus was judged.Referring to another poster's comments in this instance is not a response to Princess' question.I, too, am interested in your answer – your straight answer: Scripture verses where Jesus is judged.Please note that I am interested in your answer which…[Read more]

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    Mikeboll64,What is the definition of 'Spirit'?Is it not, 'An IMMATERIAL BEING'?Yet you say that an Angel as a body…and yet the very definition by EXPERTS and denied by NO ONE, except you and Irene (I have no idea what Terraricca believes as all he does is paste copied verses more often even completely unrelated to the discussion in hand).So,…[Read more]

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    Can I ask a few questions?Who was the Spiritual Leader of the Church?Who was the Spiritual Father of Onesimus (Philemon 1)?What does it mean to be Spiritually Inclined?

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    Shimmer, Gene,There is much delight in your posts to me. Thank you.Gene, point of order: there has only ever been ONE resurrection, that of Jesus Christ.The rest that you say is true, as much as I read.There are to be two more resurrections. Mass resurrections firstly for the elite ones, the 144,000, who will become like the Jesus, brothers with…[Read more]

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    Mikeboll64,I heard you were leaving this forum cos you can't get your own way. Too many people wiser up to your disreputable style of arguing. So you gonna try pastures new. Good tactic: the truth you learnt here you can take with you without exposing yourself to anyone here as havIng learnt it from them… Neat!Well, Mikeboll64, if you carrying…[Read more]

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    Ah mikeboll64,The man of limited interlect but who thinks he is God.Mikeboll64, has anyone taken anything from you lately? Oooh, like, ummm, moderator privileges?So, you not a God afterall!! Must have been a shock to your system!You should remove that sIgnature of yours now cos it ain't true anymore, eh?

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