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    Gene,You may have noticed that I have not challenged nor refuted anything you have written for a long time now.To me, you are half right. Answer me two questions:1) How is the word 'Spirit' defined?2) what did Jesus say as his final words before he died regarding his Spirit, and also Steven before he died, too? (What was 'returned' to…

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hi Shimmer,The reason you see Godlyness in other people is that God does not restrict himself to the faithful alone. Remember the woman at the well. She was a Samaritan!Don't think of Samaritans as seen today. In those times, Samaritans were the cast offs from the Hebrew/Jewish family of God. A Jew would not be seen dead talking to a Samaritan.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Gene,The flesh restricts the Spirit.The Spirit is Free.The fifth dimension allows the Spirit to be wherever it wants to be but only in linear time according to the fourth dimension.The demon angels in the man could not make the man do more than his physical strength allowed him to do, albeit that they could make him hurt himself overdoing things…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Has anyone else noticed that Mikeboll64 (excellent middle portion to his name) does not answer questions posed by Istari but DEMANDS OTHERS ANSWERS HIS QUESTIONS!Mikeboll64 cannot refute a single claim by Istari so instead of conceding, he simply ignores the questions and finds what he thinks is a credible put down. Is this a Spirit of a mediator?…[Read more]

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    Error in my post above. I said five days instead of what it should have been: 21 days. Sorry!Numbers are significant in Scriptures.

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    Isn't it amazing, Mikeboll64,The 'anger' you seem to 'detect' is well founded … as it is you that planted it.That is an extremely stupid example of nothing which shows how ignorant a desparate individual can become.No matter how much you are shown the reality of dimensions you stand in your position of Abstanence from Truth and reality.You talk…[Read more]

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    T8,I gave you some JavaScript and HTML that would do the job admirably.The quote only shows the first line (or at least a fixed height the size of an EM).Clicking on the quote expands it or collapses it.This way, the posts are more compact and only readers interested in the quotes need read them!just add a 'height=1.1em' to every 'Quote' tag plus…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    And Mikeboll64, how did Jesus know that Thomas did not believe that Jesus was resurrected?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Gene,Jesus went to present himself to God Almighty. He did not want to be sullied by any kind of sinfulness.Check the words to Mary, 'Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father but go to my brethren and say to them “I am ascending to my Father and to your Father, and to my God and your God”'So, first he went to present himself to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll64,It is a wise man who avoids answering Bollsit questions that are senseless!It is. Foolish man who tries to answer senseless questions!How dare you claim that I avoid answering your ignorant nonsense because I'm running away!Answer me this question, and only this question as proof of your claim:Is a bigger bit smaller than smaller bigger…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Oh, and Marty, in case you didn't follow the debate and the fall out from it with WJ tearing round the forum afterwards trying to reclaim Trinity: 'In the Name of…' simply means, 'Power and Authority'.Jesus was given the Power of the Holy Spirit and the Authority of God, just as Joseph was given Power and Authority to rule IN THE NAME OF…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Marty,Take heart. I uphold everything you said in both posts above.Notice that Roo jnr left out the Comma in his quote. Ask him why he did this? If he were reading of writing a legal document he would know how important that missing Comma would be.Nonetheless, JustAskin has shown this small point of Scripture to be Trinity-false through his debate…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Terraricca,It is seldom worth responding to anything you post. But this last post got me seeing the light a little for you!You say why don't I just answer the question, yet I have written three or four times in depth, expanded, mathematically, how Dimensions work.Yet, here you are, both you and your insufferable leader, claiming I know…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    SF,T8,The problem most everyone seem to be having regarding 'elohim', 'God', is that there seems to be an attachment of the TITLE term 'God' to the Almighty God.While it is correct to say that Almighty God is God, it must also be acknowledged that the Title of God is a title than can be given to many others.As well as the title of God, there is…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll64,You blocked JustAskin from posting and then say JustAskin ran away from your questions?You really are a nasty piece of work!You know nothing about dimensions but yet yak on as if you are a master. You know nothing of value concerning the aspect of Spiritualness, yet you deny all the authority of one who does.How can you be a moderator?…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    T8,Can I call Mikeboll64 a lunatic.T8, is this person one whom you choose for a Moderator?T8, is this your representative in this forum, one whom you entrust your powers to?

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    Shimmer,There is always a chink in their armour of belief.At the end of the day, we all know truth. It is how much we seek to hold to it that defines us.Anyone who professes Jesus must also profess his Father.Anyone who professes the father must also profess the son.But no one can profess the father or the son in truth and righteousness unless…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Gentlemen,I don't believe that 'YHVH' means 'I will become'.Since God Almighty is immutable how can He 'Become' anything other than what He already is?Since God Almighty is 'the Complete and All Powerful God above all Gods' what more is there for Him to become?See here, try the phrase, 'I Am'.What does this convey to you, what essence does this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll64,Have you been sent to this forum to test the Spirit of truth?You say, 'Istari, you know nothing more about Dimensions than anyone else'Mikeboll64, not only is that a very stupid and ignorant statement but it is also dialogically incorrect:I did not say that I knew more about Dimensions than anyone else. You display amazing levels of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll64,Why do you seek the flesh end of understanding. And yes, thank you, God has blessed me abundantly, but that is a private matter!If you are truly seeking wisdom on this matter then listen up closely:Spirits are bodiless beings.Like radio waves, Spirits are Everywhere all at the same time.In the fifth dimension nothing physical can exist…[Read more]

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