• Profile picture of Istari

    This is a 'fares and wheat' question.While they are in competition in only the two persons involved can know if the question has been answered: only the fares and wheat know which they are!It is only when they reach fullness can they be known by others.Whether a question is answered or not often depends on the ANSWER EXPECTED by the poser of the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hi T8,No. No thanks… I forgot what the point was – the body of the question seems to have been spirited away.Whatever it was it will resurface again a new body of questions.But thanks for asking…

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kar,Thank you.The forum seems to have a visible split of members: Spiritual Lovers and the diehard debaters.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hi Wispring,Echo KarMarie… Thanks for sharing your testimony with us.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll64,WJ, Roo and maybe SF have a new strategy of attributing questions to unsuspecting posters claiming they never answered and ran away.Like the guy who comes round claiming he washed your windows (UK thing) while you were out and now wants payment. The fact that it was mid winter and there were tracks in the freshly fallen snow doesn't…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    The Holy Spirit does not have a name. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God SAlmighty. God almighty has a name. That name is WRITTEN in Hebrew as YHVH (note: I don't say his to SAY IT, only WRITE IT. God's name is written: YHVH and in DEnglish it is written,'I AM'.Since the Holy Spirit is of God, then …as I said, by PROXIE, it could be said it is…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Error…Paraclete is 'Advocate', 'Intercessor'.Nonetheless, the point is that 'Paraclete' is not a 'Personal Name'.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    WJ,I know all this is simple amusement to you. But if you can be so dishonest with such simple things that you will be in greater things too.Equal? Jesus is GIVEN the power of the Holy Spirit. God Gives HIS Power, which is the Holy Spirit, to Jesus.The Holy Spirit is GIVEN. given FROM God to Jesus. How is that displaying EQUALITY of the three?And…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll64,I cannot continue with you because you are the nastiest shit I have I ever crossed swords with.I answered your question twice already yet you still say I have not answered you.I don't (I do) know what's wrong with you but you have a fatal ability to be thicker than the thickest thing I've ever encountered (note, I didn't say Person, but…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    WJ,So you believe that Barabas was rightly released instead of Jesus? That Jesus was persecuted because he didn't speak truth? Because what he did was against God?Hmmm… 'Happy are they who are persecuted for my sake', said Jesus!You and Jack seem to have worked out a formula between you to accuse others when you get stuck. Hit and run, as it…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Jack, it is irrelevant in the context of that the lawyer is a civilian and a representative of the law and of the accused. How many more things are you going to throw into the mix?And what is this 'the lawyer need to be a civilian as the burglar and an officer of the law'An officer of the law is a policeman isn't he? Is a policeman a lawyer or a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    And what of the prosecution lawyer?So there are two legitimises and two prosecutors and a judge. Jack, I think things have got ablittle muddled here.This stems from you trying cover for the fact that you just claimed that Jesus was is not God but REPRESENTS GOD, only! God gave him authority to rule as King in His, God's, Kingdom.If Jesus is God,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    But Jack,The lawyer isn't judging. He is presenting a petition.You are saying that a lawyer cannot represent a crooked criminal (even a crooked criminal can be wrongfully accused) unless he himself is a crooked criminal.You did a Mikeboll64 there and changed the definition of your claim!

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Jack,So a lawyer needs to be a burglar to represent a burglar?A woman cannot mediate for a man, nor a man mediate for a woman?A child cannot mediate to try and stop his pet dog from being put out into the garden when it pee'ed on the carpet? Only a dog can mediate for a dog?Note that the mediation is between an authority (God Almighty) and a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Wizards like pretty colored things!

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hey, look at my pretty colored blocks, great looking, eh!JustAskin had some just like that but more. What happened to them?How do you get them and what do they do?Who gives them to you?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Yes Terra,Mikeboll64 is the most ungodly person in this forum.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    T,That is the wisest thing you have ever said.It least you agree that Mikeboll64 is a Dumb ass. Hallelujah!Why can't he just acknowledge truth?He's like a frosby flop high jumper:When jumping de fenceDe feet comes before de headAnd mike sure gets defeated a lot because he can't use his head and has to make all sorts of defensive faux…

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Sad mikeboll64 has understood and in that he then walks down the path of stupidity because of his shameful ignorance and dangling himself for all to see.He is trying to make light of being in the dark for so long!Mike, it's all logged for people to read in years to come.Straighten yourself out now so it doesn't get worse.Right now you are looking…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    T8,Please remove this silly man called Mikeboll64!At least, then, give him a block for pointless, deliberate, frivolous, childish, ignorant postings that are designed to cause weariness in Godly folk, but not for my sake but for yours and your forum!

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